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1.Why did you argue ______ him?
  • A. to
  • B. with
  • C. on
  • D. by
2.With no ______ in the room, he couldn't see anything. He was very afraid.
  • A. air
  • B. wind
  • C. light
  • D. cloud
3.—Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or on QQ?
—______. I enjoy talking face to face.
  • A. None
  • B. All
  • C. Both
  • D. Neither
4.The girl is ______ to catch a spider (蜘蛛).
  • A. bravely enough
  • B. enough brave
  • C. brave enough
  • D. enough bravely
5.I can't hear the teacher ______ with so much noise outside.
  • A. clearly
  • B. slowly
  • C. warmly
  • D. bravely
6.We shouldn't allow the children ______ with fire.
  • A. play
  • B. to play
  • C. playing
  • D. played
7.My mom always ______ at 6:00 in the morning.
  • A. woke up me
  • B. woke me up
  • C. wakes up me
  • D. wakes me up
8.Jenny ______ in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
  • A. is cooking
  • B. was cooking
  • C. cooks
  • D. cooked
9.Mr. Wang did his best to make money ______ have a better life.
  • A. in order to
  • B. in order that
  • C. so that
  • D. such that
10.—Could I hang out with my friends?
—______. You have to prepare for your math test.
  • A. Yes, sure
  • B. No, you can't
  • C. That's OK
  • D. You're right
11. Pandas are one of China's national treasures. They are so lovely that many foreign tourists come to China to see them every year.
  Some of the foreigners even choose to (1)       pandas. Abe Nobuko, from Japan, is one of them. She came to Sichuan many years ago to work (2)       a panda keeper.
  When Abe was three years old, her grandmother bought (3)       a panda doll (玩偶). The little girl (4)       it very much. She would go everywhere with it. (5)       Abe grew up, she learned a lot about pandas.
  One day, her mother (6)       to her, "You like pandas so much. Why don't you find a (7)       that has something to do with pandas?" Abe thought it was a great idea.
  In order to work as a panda keeper, Abe learned (8)       in college. After graduation, she came to China to study about animal protection (保护). Three years later, she started working at a panda base in Sichuan.
  Abe does her best to (9)       the pandas at the base are healthy and happy. The job is (10)      , but Abe never complains (抱怨). "I love pandas and I love this job," she says.
  Do you like pandas? Do you want to work as a panda keeper? If you do, then try to learn as much about pandas as you can!
12. There was a car accident at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Some policemen arrived there. They found four witnesses (目击者) in the street when the accident happened. The policemen asked them some questions. Here are their answers.
Witnesses Description (描述) 
Mr. Green I was walking along the street when the car accident happened. The white car hit the black car and the white car ran away quickly. 
Mrs. James When the car accident happened, I was shopping in the store. I remembered the car number of the white car. 
Alice I was calling my parents when the car accident happened. I was so nervous and I forgot to write down the car number. 
George I was walking my dog along the street. When I saw it, I called the police at once. There were lots of people on the spot. 
13.  In some Western counties, many children do chores to get pocket money. They usually start to do this when they are ten years old.
  School students have to do homework and study for tests. They don't have much free time on weekdays. They often do chores on weekends.
  Young kids only do easy chores. So they don't get much money. But that's enough. Many of them only want to buy candy. And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog.
  When they get older, they want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. So they have to work harder! They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals.
  Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower (割草机) or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first.
  Ben works in a factory. His house is about four kilometers away from the factory. He often goes to work by bike. (1)       He enjoys watching football matches. When a big match is on, he always watches it at home.
  One day, he watched a football match on TV while having lunch. When it was over, he found it was ten to two. He was afraid to be late for work so he rode fast. (2)       The police saw him and told him to get off, but Ben didn't listen and rode away.
  The police caught up with him and gave him a fine (罚款) of twenty dollars. Of course, he didn't reach the workplace on time.
  (3)       He watched the match and even forgot his lunch. When he headed for his factory, he rode so fast that he hit a man on the road. He had to take the man to hospital. At the crossing, the police stopped him again and said angrily, (4)"      "
  "I have to," said the young man. "I hit him just now."
A. The young man has a hobby.
B. You're carrying a man on your bike today!
C. He didn't even stop at the red lights.
D. Every time he watches it, he always buys some popcorn.
E. The next day the football match on TV was more exciting. 
(1)       We need a computer typist (打字员). Your job is to receive emails from and send them to our customers.
(2)       Do you like children? Can you tell jokes, sing and dance? Here are five kids of 3—5 years old for you to look after.
(3)       Our tourist company wants two girls to answer telephones. You must be between 18 and 25 years old. And you must speak Chinese well.
(4)       Do you play basketball well? Are you free on weekends? Our club needs a coach (教练) to teach kids to play basketball.
(5)       We want a driver. You must be a man of 25—35 years old. You don't have any records of traffic accidents. 
A. Sally is 22 and graduated from a tourist university. She likes talking to people and speaks Chinese well.
B. Mr. Hand is 32. He has a ten-year history of driving and has never had any accident. He always drives carefully.
C. Danny is looking for a job. He studied computer science in college. And he can type both in English and Chinese very fast.
D. David is a college student and good at ball games like baseball, basketball and tennis. He is free on weekends.
E. Nancy is good at singing and dancing. She can also tell funny stories. She likes kids. 
long, take, age, feel, short, make, fall, learn, do, spend, dream, uniform 

  Angela Clayton is a 20-year-old costume designer (时装设计师). She is from Long Island, New York. At the (1)             of 14, she became interested in (2)             things. She watched some movies and shows. She (3)             in love with the beautiful dresses in them. Then she tried to (4)             sewing (缝纫).
  The first thing Angela sewed was a school uniform. It (5)             her about two months to finish sewing it. One day, she put on her new school (6)             and went to school. All her classmates liked it.
  Then she started to make new dresses. She liked the cartoon characters, Elsa and Merida. She (7)             about 250 hours finishing the new dresses. What a (8)             time! But Angela didn't (9)             tired. She said, "I love making costumes and I spend hours sewing every day. If I'm not sewing, I'm probably thinking about sewing."
  Angela Clayton has a big (10)            . She dreams of using her own dresses to have a fashion show.
17.  Tang Lin often smoked cigarettes (香烟) in his school's washroom. He started smoking (1)             the age of 14. One day he learnt that the NBA star Yao Ming, an ambassador (大使) to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control (中国控烟协会), asked people not to smoke. Yao Ming was Tang's favorite star, and his words meant a lot to him. He decided to give up (2)             (smoke).
  According to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control, about 350 million Chinese smoke. Among (3)            , 50 million are teenagers. Sun Jiangping of Beijing University said, "Teenagers can get cigarettes (4)             (easy), especially when their parents smoke or shops sell cigarettes to them. It's very important for parents to help their children (5)             (stop) smoking."
  A 15-year-old boy (6)             (name) Li Kun from Beijing said his parents didn't smoke. Because they thought smoking could make people feel (7)             (bad) ill, they only allowed him to play with friends without smoking. (8)             (live) in such a good family helped Li say (9)             to cigarettes. Some of his smoking classmates once told Li that smoking made boys look cool, but Li disagreed. He said, "Smoking is (10)             (health) and it's not cool at all. Please stop smoking now!"
18.  I'm Tony. Last month, I went to Los Angeles to visit my friend, Gavin. It was late in the evening when the train arrived in Los Angeles. When I walked out of the station, I saw some taxis waiting outside. But I decided to take a bus because buses were cheaper. I walked to the bus stop. There was a map of the bus routes (路线), but I couldn't read it very well. I got on a bus and hoped it would take me in the right way, but after about fifteen minutes, I found I was going the wrong way. I got off the bus and took another one back to the train station. By then it was very late. I decided to take a taxi. I looked for a taxi, but I couldn't find one anywhere. Finally, I called Gavin and said, "I'm still at the train station. Please come and pick me up!" Gavin took me to his house in his car.
Don't       . We will get off the bus now.
He played the whole afternoon        doing homework.
She doesn't like talk shows.        I.
1. 条理清楚,语义连贯,句式规范。
2. 词数100词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。
  As a middle school student, I think doing housework is good for me.
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