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1.Book fairs (展览会) are usually organised (组织) by publishers (出版商) or bookshops to help sell books. Here is the information about the 21st book fair. The money from the book fair will be used to help build libraries in poor areas.
he 21st Book Fair in 2021Date:July 3rd — July 23rd
Time: 9 a. m. — 8 p. m. Place:Zhongshan Square
Organiser: Xinhua BookshopSelling List (清单):
● Books for all subjects;
● Notebooks and CDs;
● Newspapers, magazines and maps.
● You will be able to meet at least eight writers between 2 pm and 5 pm;
● The first 500 books are signed (签名的);
● 15% discount (折扣) on all books;
● There is no need to buy any ticket to this book fair. 
Dear Bob,
  My roommate (室友) Jerry tries to talk to me too much. I don't really like him, so I don't like to talk to him. But whenever he notices that I'm free, he will come over to bother me. I want him to leave me alone, but I don't want to hurt him. What should I do?
Dear Peter,
  I'm a pretty quiet person like you. I don't really like to talk too much either — even with people I like. I can understand how you feel. And I might be able to give you some advice.
Do you have other friends at school?Maybe you can just try to leave your dormitory (宿舍) and spend more time with your friends. You can also find a new hobby that takes up more of your time. If Jerry sees that you're busy working on something, he might not bother you. However, you'd better just tell Jerry that you would like to stay alone. You don't have to tell him that you don't like him ﹣ just tell him that you're a little shy. He will probably understand. ﹣﹣﹣﹣Bob 
3.  There were far fewer cars and people on the streets in Wuhan on the Eve of the Chinese New Year.
  The situation in Wuhan this year was quite different from that in the past few years because of COVID﹣19. According to the National Health Commission,        had caused many deaths (死亡) in China and the world.
  For most people, they were lonely during the Spring Festival because they had to stay at home. But there were also lots of people fighting against the epidemic (传染病).
  Chen Li was a doctor in Wuhan. Her husband was also at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. "We haven't seen each other for over a week, " said Chen. "I can't leave because there's still a lot of work for me to do, " she said.
   "This was an unforgettable Spring Festival, " said Chen Ying, a writer. "I feel that at this moment, there are so many people making wishes for other people they don't know. "
  Because of COVID﹣19, people started to care about their health. It was a lesson for all of us to learn.

4.  It is reported that children need to read at least 20 minutes every day. It has many advantages.
   (1)       When you read the words in a passage, your brain (大脑) will connect them with what you have already known about the story. A scientist says that reading provides one of the most complex (复杂的) brain activities in life.
  (2)       Through reading, they can know how to read words in a right way. And there is much reading homework at school. (3)       In order to get good marks in tests, some children take after﹣school lessons to improve their reading skills.
  Reading also improves the relations (关系) in a family. (4)       If we can spend 20 minutes reading together each day, we will have time to stay together and enjoy wonderful books. And we can share our ideas about those books.
根据短文内容, 从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项, 选项中一项为多余选项.
A. But they don't have time to practise their reading.
B. A study shows that reading can improve many areas of the brain.
C. So children's marks mostly depend on their abilities (能力) to read.
D. The experience of reading can help children develop themselves a lot.
E. Now people are too busy to have good communication with their family members. 
5.  My mother has Alzheimer's (老年痴呆). Not long ago, she didn't feel well so we sent her to the (1)      for some tests.
  My dad went with her from home and I joined them in the hospital. My poor mother didn't know what was going on at that time. She was confused (困惑的) and maybe even a little (2)      .
  The nurse taking care of my mum wasn't very kind. She hardly tried to calm my mum or (3)      with her. So, my mum's (4)      got even worse. Soon, she (5)      even more confused.
  Then, a new nurse came to take care of my mum. She communicated with my mum;she touched her and calmed her far more than my dad or I.
  When my mum got better, I went to that nurse and thanked her for helping a poor and confused woman feel (6)      and safe. Later, my sister, who's also a (7)       , told me that people now hardly say thank you. Nurses (8)       do a very hard job. They (9)       most of their time working with people who are ill. They're not perfect, (10)       most of them do an excellent job. Please don't forget to say thank you to them.
6.根据短文内容, 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空, 必要时可以使用助动词.
  My dad is over 60 years old. He has a strong love for (1)       (cartoon). I always tell him some good cartoons or the(2)      ( late) cartoons to help him catch up with the modern world.
  I often visit my dad on Mondays after work. One day I decided to show him the first episode (集) of Avatar:The Last Airbender. It (3)       (tell) about the story of a young boy. He lives in a world with four elemental nations (元素国家):The Northern and Southern Water Nations, the Earth Nation, The Fire Nation and the Air Nation. He needs (4)      (fight) evil forces (邪恶势力) and tries to bring peace to the world. My dad was very interested in it and I thought it might take him at least a week to finish watching all the episodes.
  But things were different from what I expected. Two days later, I got a message from (5)      (he). It read, "I hate (讨厌) you!I have many important things to do, but I (6)       (not finish) any of them so far. I can't help watching Avatar!It is fantastic!"
  I couldn't believe he had finished(7)       (watch) all 61 episodes in two days. I thought he (8)      (real) liked it. Perhaps next time, I should tell him some cartoons with more episodes.
7.  My father used to work in the city and didn't stay at home very often. But he would come back to help harvest (收割) rice every year.
  One autumn, he promised to help our neighbour, who lost his arms in a traffic accident in 1999, to harvest his rice. After my father harvested our own, his little rice picker (收割机) was broken. What was worse, he had to return to work the next day because his friend was ill in hospital. (2)It meant that my father wouldn't be back in a feu days.
  My father told us that he wouldn't let the neighbour's rice rot (腐烂) in the field. He decided to harvest it by hand without a machine. "If the weather is (A)_______ tonight, I think I can do it, " said my father. In fact, he was rather tired after a day's harvest work.
  After dinner, my father had a short rest and made his way to the field. A full moon was rising and the weather was cold but clear. My father was cutting rice in the light of the moon. Behind him, row after row (成排的)of rice stood at attention, showing respect (尊重) for a man who kept his words.

8.假如你是李平, 今天在校园里, 你遇见了外教艾瑞克(Eric), 你们都喜欢旅游并就此话题聊了起来.请根据以下提示和要求, 向Eric描述你的旅行经历.

1. 父母寒暑假会带你去不同的地方旅游……
2. 你已经去过10个不同的城市……
3. 等长大了, 你要带父母去国外旅游……
1. 短文应包括所给内容要点, 可适当发挥, 使文章连贯;
2. 80词左右.
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