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1.—What's matter with your sister?
—She has a sore back. She should see a doctor and get _______ X-ray.
  • A. a; an
  • B. the; an
  • C. the; a
2.—Our parents are kind to us. They often provide us _______ help when we are in trouble.
—Yeah, we can't depend _______them all the time.
  • A. for , to
  • B. with , on
  • C. with , for
3.Sally wants to _______ her plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. She's too busy with her studies this year.
  • A. get off
  • B. go off
  • C. put off
4.We are _______ about the _______ news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022.
  • A. excited; exciting
  • B. exciting; excited
  • C. excited; excite
5.On April 22nd, the Earth Day, many people in our city go to the People's Park to _______.
  • A. clean up it
  • B. clean them up
  • C. clean it up
6.—Are you talking about the photos of the planet Mars (火星) taken by Tian Wen-1?
—Yes. It's _______ wonderful _______ all of us feel very proud of our country.
  • A. too; to
  • B. such; that
  • C. so; that
7.—Cindy, where were you at ten yesterday?
—I _______ the fire station with my classmates. I learned a lot.
  • A. was visiting
  • B. am visiting
  • C. visited
8.—I miss my brother in Shanghai very much.
—Why don't you _______ a letter to him?
  • A. write
  • B. to write
  • C. writing
9.—How does Jack usually go to work?
—He ________ drive a car, but now he ________ there to lose weight.
  • A. used to; is used to walk
  • B. used to; is used to walking
  • C. was used to; is used to walk
10.—Could you please clean the living room?
—__________ I have to do my homework.
  • A. No problem.
  • B. Yes, sure.
  • C. You are right.
  • D. Sorry, I can't.
11.根据短文内容, 从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空, 使语意通顺完整.
A. worried B. playing C.try out D. to my surprise E. if F.look through 

Dear Dave,
  Last Sunday, while my father was out, I decided to(1)      a new computer game. I was(2)      because I should ask my dad before I use his computer. He uses it for his work and I can only use it for my homework. I copied the game to the computer. After I finished(3)      I took it off the computer. But(4)      , yesterday, my father told me that there was something wrong with the computer and some of his documents were lost. They were very important.
  What should I do?I'm not sure(5)      a computer shop can get the document back.
  Should I tell my father about the computer game?Should I pay to repair it?
12.A. be angry with B. enough C. to give up D. without E. thank F.worse
Dear Steve,
  Oh, dear!You have made two mistakes. It's bad(1)      that you used your dad's computer to play games(2)      his permission. And it is even(3)      that you did not tell him about it.
  If you tell him the truth now, he will(4)      you, but at least you will show that you are honest(诚实的) . You should say sorry to your father and pay to repair the computer. If you offer(5)      your pocket money, he will know that you're very sorry.
Best wishes,
13.  Most children don't enjoy doing housework. They like playing computer games rather than cleaning the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Robert's mother, Ms. Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do housework.
  Here is an example.
  "Mom, have you worked out next weeks housework?Let Jim and me choose the cars. I can't wait. It's fun!"
  When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their big table. On the cards, there are some words like these, "sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help mom cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the wood, clean the bathroom"and many others. Jim and Robert chose two cards for each day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the weekday task board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card"clean the bathroom". Robert loves to make the bed so he picked up his favorite card. Jim again picked up"wash vegetables"and Robert chose"feed the fish". Soon the two boys were happy to takeaway all the cards.
  To help the children do housework, their mother thought hard and came up with this idea.
  Of course, the parents did the housework on the weekends and left Jim and Robert two days free.
根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正误.正确的用"A"表示, 不正确的用"B"表示.
14.  Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They taste good and you can have them without washing. However, some scientists say that the fruit may die out by 2050.
  One reason for this is climate change. Scientists in London collected data(数据) from about 86%of the world's bananas in different countries. They found that climate change made people get more bananas.
  However, if temperatures keep going higher, this advantage will disappear. Some countries, like India, the world's biggest producer of bananas, will produce(生产) fewer bananas. By 2050, the fruit may die out.
  Shouldn't bananas grow more easily if it's hotter outside?In fact, the perfect temperature for growing bananas is between 24℃and 32 C. If temperatures get too high, they will stop growing.
  Diseases (疾病) are another danger to bananas. Unlike other crops, all banana plants have the same genotype(基因型). In other words, if a disease is able to kill one plant, it could kill them all.
  One serious disease is called Panama. It spreads easily. It has spread across South Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Australia. If one banana plantation(种植园) develops the disease, it will take 30 years until it is able log row bananas again. Scientists haven't found a good way to deal with this disease till now.
B根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
15.  How do you feel about nature?After spending hours indoors, do you feel better when you visit your local park?Most people think that nature is good for our bodies and brains. However, humans are spending more time inside and less time outside. For example, the number of visitors to Canada's national parks is getting lower every year. And in countries such as the USA, only 10% teenagers can spend time outside everyday. Many doctors feel this is a problem nowadays.
  As a result, some doctors are studying the connection(关联) between nature and health:one example of this is the work of Dr. Matilda in Sweden. The doctor gave people a maths test. During the test, their heart rates(心率) were fast. After the test, one group of people satin a 3 D﹣virtual﹣reality(虚拟现实) room for fifteen minutes with pictures and sounds of nature. Their heart rates were slower than people's in the other group.
  The virtual touch with nature helped them feel more relaxed. Another good example of how nature is good for health comes from Canada. In Toronto, doctors studied 31, 000 people living in the city. In general, they found that healthier people lived near parks.
  Because of studies like these, some countries and cities want nature to be part of people's everyday life. In Dubai, for example, there are plans for a new shopping mall with a large garden so shoppers can relax outside with trees, plants and water. In Switzerland, "forest schools"are popular. Many children study their subjects in the forests and do lots of exercise outside.
  And South Korea is another good example:it has new forests near its cities and around 13 million people visit these forests every year. So after building cities for so long, perhaps it's now time to start rebuilding(重建) nature.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
16.  How to communicate with others is important. Here are a few tips for you:
  (1)      Show an interest in hearing about a person's family, ideas, or goals. If a person appears uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject.
  Give feedback(反馈) on what the person is talking about. Wait patiently for your turn to talk. (2)      Before expressing your opinion, repeat what you heard. (3)      This shows that you were listening.
  Saying"Tell me more. "is a great skill because it invites the other person to say more. If someone tells you that he's thinking of looking for a new job, simply reply by saying, "Tell me more"(4)      Asking for advice shows that you are serious about someone else's opinion. Make sure that you listen to others' point of view carefully(5)      Asking for advice can make others feel important.
A.Try to express (表达) what you heard in your own words.
B. Invite people to talk about their lives.
C. It shows people you are truly interested in what they are going to say.
D.You can ask your friend how you should solve a problem.
E. Show that you want to listen to what others are saying.
F. Invite him to meet your family.
根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容通顺完整.
17.In Western countries, people eat with forks and       (knife).
18.The super storm Lekima in 2020 made many people      (home) .
19.I had to walk to school because my bike was      (break).
20.You can improve your      (communicate) skills through practice.
21.Thanks to Miss Li's      (kind)and help, Ben could live a happy life with the dog, Lucky.
22.Mr. Green was waiting for a bus when it rained      (heavy).
23.My father was so tired that he fell       (sleep) quickly.
24.Sad and Thirteen thinks it is      (fair)for him to be refused to watch his favorite TV show.
25.根据短文内容, 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空, 必要时可加助动词或情态动词.
  When I was young, one day, while I(1)      (walk) along the street, I noticed a piece a wood. Under the wood was a small black cat. I(2)      (pick) him up and found he was badly hurt. Then I took him home as quickly as possible.
  After a few days, the cat got well. He was so small that I(3)      (put) him into my pocket(衣袋) . I named him Little Bit. He was very smart. If I said"Little Bit, it's time(4)      (have) dinner!"It would run to the kitchen at once. And he never minded(5)      (help) me with housework such as getting newspapers. At that time, I loved him so much.
  Wherever I went, I always took him. I often ran home after school (6)      (play) with him outside.
  However, I grew up. I spent most of time with my friends and not make time for Little Bit at all. Until one day, when I got home, my mother told me that Little Bit was dead because of a car accident. His death made me(7)      (realize) how much he meant to me and I feel really sorry. I will always remember the special memories we had.
26.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
  My name is Belinda. I am thirteen years old, and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia. I have two sisters一Jennifer is eleven and Lisa is seven. We are all pupils at the School of the Air.
  The School of the Air is a school for children who live far from the cities, and who are in a place which does not have a local school. So we have"air"lessons over the radio or on the computer. Our teachers are at Port Augusta, a city which is about 160 kilometers away.
  In the morning, we go to our classroom at 9:00. It is really just a small building.When we get there, we turn on the radio or computer and listen to what we should do. From then until twelve, we just do our usual lessons. In the afternoon, our mom makes us do some housework.
  We send our exercise"books"to our teachers bye-mail on Friday night. They mark them on Monday and Tuesday, and then send them back. We get them on Wednesday.
  The Internet and the telephone help us get in touch with our teachers quickly and easily. We talk to our teachers once a week for about ten minutes. They tell us if we are making progress. Thanks to the great school, it gives us a chance to get an education.
27.根据对话内容, 在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子, 使对话完整, 合乎情
Jimmy and Helen are classmates. They are talking in the classroom after school.
Jimmy: Hello, Helen!I called you at seven last night and you didn't pick up. (1)      
Helen: I was in the kitchen helping my mom.
Jimmy: I see. I called you again at eight and you didn't answer, either.
Helen: (2)      Why did you call me?
Jimmy: I need help with my math homework . (3)      
Helen: OK. I'm good at math. By the way, this Sunday is the City Clean-up Day. What should we do?
Jimmy: (4)      
Helen: Cleaning the city park is a good idea. But I don't have a bike to go there. Could I get a ride?
Jimmy: (5)      I will take you there.
Helen: You are so kind. Thank you.
28.假如你是Mary, 五一前夕收到了一封你的朋友Nancy的电子邮件, 请你根据下面电子邮件的内容写一封回信, 谈谈你的看法.不少于80词.
Dear Mary,
  We are going to have a five﹣day holiday in May. I plan to go on a trip, but my parents want me to take after﹣school classes and do house work at home. I don't think it is fair.
  What can I do?

注意:短文中不得出现任何与考生本人有关的真实人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分.
Dear Nancy,
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