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1.—What a nice model ship!
—Thank you. It____________ me three days to make it.
  • A. paid
  • B. spent
  • C. took
  • D. cost
2.—Where is Tony?
—He________ the classroom with other classmates at the moment.
  • A. has cleaned
  • B. cleans
  • C. cleaned
  • D. is cleaning
3.Our teacher asked us to stop __________. So we stopped _________ to him.
  • A. talking, listening
  • B. to talk; listening
  • C. talking; to listen
  • D. to talk; to listen
4.—Have you finished ______ your composition?
—Not yet.
  • A. write
  • B. writes
  • C. was writing
  • D. writing
5.All of us found _______ important to keep our body healthy.
  • A. it
  • B. that
  • C. this
  • D. one
6.Tony didn't answer the phone, because he ___a movie with his friends at that time.
  • A. is watching
  • B. watches
  • C. was watching
  • D. has watched
7.The teacher told the students _______ any food into the computer room.
  • A. not to bring
  • B. not bring
  • C. don't bring
  • D. bring not
8.Please answer the question in a loud enough voice _______ all the class may hear.
  • A. and
  • B. or
  • C. in order to
  • D. so that
9.There_______ life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.
  • A. is
  • B. are
  • C. has been
  • D. have been
10.The camera is ________ expensive ________ I can't afford it.
  • A. so; as to
  • B. so; that
  • C. such; that
  • D. enough; that
11.My new friend is a ______ boy.
  • A. sixteen year olds
  • B. sixteen-years-old
  • C. sixteen-year-old
  • D. sixteen years old
12.The Moon _________ around the Earth.
  • A. go
  • B. went
  • C. goes
  • D. going
13.Not long ago, he_________a birthday present for his mother.
  • A. has bought
  • B. bought
  • C. buys
  • D. will buy
14.Soon scientists_________up spaceships with astronauts to Mars.
  • A. will send
  • B. have sent
  • C. sent
  • D. were sending
15.Jane had the _______ experience among the four interviewers(采访者), but she got the job.
  • A. smallest
  • B. least
  • C. fewest
  • D. most
16.阅读下列短文, 然后从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案.
  My best friend and I are in the same school. Her name is Marcela. We first met each other two years ago. We were both new in the school then. She is very pretty. She has long black hair, black eyes and a small nose. She is not fat. She is not very tall, but not very short, either. She doesn't like to dress up, so I usually see her wear jeans and a T﹣shirt or sweater.
  Marcela and I are always talking. She is very nice and has a wonderful sense of humour. When I'm not happy, I like talking to her. And she always tries her best to make me happy.
  We have the same interests. We both enjoy playing basketball and singing. We like going to the movies. Sometimes in summer, I go with her and her family to their summer house by the lake. We usually spend most of the afternoon swimming. It's always fun to play with her.
  I know I can believe her. I'm better at maths and science and she is better at English, so we often help each other with our homework. I'm lucky to have a friend like her.
17.  Why do you remember Hello Kitty, Snoopy and all the other cute cartoon animals?What makes you love them?Well, maybe it is because they're like the people around you. Think about it!You may just find a friend or classmate who is like them. Is he or she:
  As sweet as Hello Kitty:She likes to eat cakes. She loves to make new friends. She invites friends to her tea parties. She is warm and sunny and will always help you.
  As clever as Snoop:He once went to a school for dogs. He learned to use a typewriter to write!He thinks a lot. He is so clever that you like to be with him.
  As sarcastic as Garfield:He sits happily in the seat and says mean words to you. Sometimes he is not nice. Doesn't he really like you?Does he think you're a fool?No, in his heart, he loves you. He is a friend with mean words but a warm heart.
  As naughty as Mashimaro:He doesn't look like a good boy. He has sleepy eyes and looks naughty. He always plays tricks on people. So you get angry with him and don't like him very much. His mind is active and full of ideas. He tries to be big and catch your eye. But he's still a child.
Health and diseases
Nowadays many people have very stressful lives. Doctors say that the stress and lack of sleep can cause many diseases. Read what some teenagers say about their health and diseases. 
Kate, 15 I always think I am a healthy person. I have headaches sometimes. If I'm very stressed or tired, I go to bed and take a good rest. Getting enough sleep always makes me feel better. 
Maysa, 17  I have colds quite often because I don't eat enough fruit or vegetables. If my colds get too bad, I go to the doctor and get what he gives me﹣﹣cough medicine and antibiotics(抗生素). 
Mitch, 14  I can't say I'm healthy, but I'm a sports person. I play basketball, football and volleyball. I think I have more energy when I play sports. At the moment, I've got a broken arm. So far I have had two operations(手术), but it didn't have any effect on my studies. 
Rita, 16  When I don't fel well, traditional Chinese medicine can help me. It can help me with psychological and physical problems. I usually feel better after being treated with acupuncture(针刺学法). 
19.  Do you want to become an astronaut? If you want to be one of the few people to experience the thrill of lift﹣off(发射) and see the Earth from the space and float(漂浮) in a spacecraft, and then how do you go about it?
  First, you must really want to become an astronaut as it takes many years of study and work before you even begin your astronaut training. Most astronauts begin when they are between 27 and 37.
  Second, you need to be clever enough to attend a university to study engineering, medicine or one of sciences. Many astronauts also learn to be pilots in their country's air force(空军).
  Third, astronauts come from many different countries, so they need to speak English. Then they can all talk to one another.
  Fourth, you must be healthy as astronaut training can be very tiring.
  Lastly, on a spacecraft, astronauts live and work in very small space, so you need to get on well with people.
  Are you still interested? If so, maybe you will become one of the men or women that orbit(环绕. .. 运行) the Earth in a spacecraft, walk in space or visit Mars. See you in space!
20.阅读短文, 从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中, 使短文通顺完整、衔接自然.
  The summer vacation is coming. What would you like to do?
  (1)       Some people travel in tour groups because they think it is safe and cheap. A tour guide takes care of the group and makes sure the group can see a lot of interesting and beautiful sights. (2)       If you travel by yourself, you are free to see what you want to see.
  People travel for many reasons. Some people travel to learn more about other countries' people, cultures, food and languages. (3)      They want to do some different things, such as skiing, bungee jumping and mountain climbing. Other people like to shop when they travel. (4)      .
  (5)      Some people take trains, boats or buses, some fly and others drive cars. Some people like to travel slowly and spend a long time in each place, while others like to take quick tours and visit more places in a short time.
A. Some people travel for adventures(冒险).
B. Why do people like to travel?
C. Other people like travelling alone or with friends.
D. They look for new things or cheap ones.
E. Many people like to travel during their vacations.
F. There are different ways to travel. 
21.Lucy always spends two hours      (read) magazines in English every week.
22.He      (write) more than 40 songs so far.
23.He       (die) since five years ago.
24.Little Jimmy felt      (sleep) after he took the medicine.
25.Today Tom couldn't go to school because of his       (ill).
26.It's good      (hear)from you.
27.You needn't worry about the cost of this dress. I can afford      (buy) it.
28.The company sent my father       (work) in France last year.
29.The boy dreams of       (travel) around the world.
30.Mike got full marks in the last exam. His parents were      (satisfy) with his marks.
31.It's       (possible) for me to finish the project alone. I need three helpers, Mr Green.
32.Yesterday he       (fight) with a boy called Mike.
33.He lives      (far) than me, so he takes the subway to get to school.
34.Do you like the novel      (call) The Old Man and the Sea?
35.Everyone thinks he is a       (luck)dog.
36.That music       (听起来)very beautiful. I like it a lot.
37.You'd better not talk to      (陌生人)when you walk alone.
38.Our school      ( 邀请) several heroes to the graduation ceremony last year.
39.The girl wants to lose weight, but she doesn't know what to do. I advise her to take more      (锻炼).
40.What do you think is the most useful      (invent)?
41.阅读下面的短文, 根据短文内容, 从下面方框内所给11个词中选择 10 个意义相符的词, 必要时进行词形变化, 填入空白处.
visit communicate proud part friend to take good have activity excited 

Dear mom,
  I'm (1)       a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai. Still, it's a great place(2)      and I'm lucky to be here for my six﹣month English course.
  My accommodation(住宿)is with an English family. They are(3)       to me. We are getting on (4)       with each other. By the way, my host family (5)       me to an Indian film festival next weekend.
  There are so many things to see and to do here. Every day I take (6)      in many interesting and exciting (7)       with other classmates after class. I can take trips (8)       the beaches, Disneyland and soon I can also go to many various shopping centres, sports centres, cinemas and concerts.
  Recently, I(9)       with many foreign friends during my stay in Hong Kong. As a result, I have improved my listening and speaking skills. My host family feel(10)       of me.
  In a word, I'm enjoying myself, but I miss you very much.
Li Feng
42.阅读短文, 根据题目要求完成各小题.
  People usually hate mice, but one mouse wins the hearts of the people over the world — the famous Mickey Mouse. Fifty years ago, most films had no sound. A man named Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse that could talk in these films. He① his mouse Mickey Mouse. Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friend of ② young old people. Children like to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.
  Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning. Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse. In his early life, Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said they didn't want Mickey to do wrong things. Because there were many things that Mickey could not do, Disney made a new animal called Donald Duck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes. Now our Mickey Mouse is not only clean, but more interesting. He came out as a star of beauty and wisdom. He has his friends in almost every country.
根据短文内容, 完成下列各题.
43.假定你是Lily, 今天收到好朋友Mary发来的e﹣mail, 在邮件中Mary说她最近总是感冒, 嗓子疼, 而且还时常感到疲劳. 请你写一封e﹣mail回复她, 针对她的身体状况给出几点建议:
1. 多喝水, 多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果, 饮食均衡;
2. 要有充足的睡眠;
3. 尽可能多锻炼;
4. 看医生
1. 描述要有条理.
2. 书写工整, 卷面整洁.
3. 80词左右. (开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)
4. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称.
参考词汇:饮食均衡 keep a balanced diet, 嗓子疼 have a sore throat Dear Mary,
Dear Mary,
I'm so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well these days. _____
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