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1.—Does Ann like playing ___________ guitar?
—Yes, but his sister likes playing_______chess.
  • A. the;/
  • B. /;the
  • C. the;the
  • D. /;/
2.He usually goes to school ______bike, but sometimes he goes to school ______foot.
  • A. with;on
  • B. on;by
  • C. on;with
  • D. by;on
3.— ______ do you want to join the art club?
— Because I like drawing very much.
  • A. Where
  • B. What
  • C. How
  • D. Why
4.—_____arrive late for school, Mike.
  • A. Not
  • B. Don't
  • C. No
  • D. Can't
5.It's difficult for some students _____the river.
  • A. cross
  • B. to cross
  • C. crossing
  • D. crosses
6.I have a friend named Tom. He is _____boy.
  • A. a 8-years-old
  • B. a 8-year-old
  • C. an 8 years old
  • D. an 8-year-old
7.—_____does the bus ride take you?
—About twenty minutes.
  • A. How long
  • B. How much
  • C. How far
  • D. How
8.There are many ______ animals in the zoo. But some animal are _______ scary.
  • A. kinds of, kind of
  • B. kinds of, kinds of
  • C. kind of, kind of
  • D. kind of, kinds of
9.Tom often _____ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _____ stories.
  • A. watches; reading
  • B. watching; reads
  • C. looks; reading
  • D. watches; looking
10.It usually takes me half an hour ______ to school on the school bus.
  • A. get
  • B. getting
  • C. gets
  • D. to get
11.My brother doesn't like bananas, my sister doesn't, ______.
  • A. too
  • B. also
  • C. either
  • D. and
12.—Tom, please walk _________. You're late.
—OK, I will.
  • A. really
  • B. quickly
  • C. easily
  • D. quietly
13.Mary often _______ her son interesting stories before he goes to bed.
  • A. says
  • B. tells
  • C. speaks
  • D. talks
14.—You work so hard. I think your dream will ______ soon.
—Thank you.
  • A. go out
  • B. get up
  • C. come true
  • D. cut down
15.Which picture means"KEEP QUIET"?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
16.  Pandas are cute animals. They are black and white. Pandas (1)       live in some places of China, so people think they are the (2)      of China.
  Pandas in the wild(野生的)like living in cold places, (3)      now there aren't many pandas in the wild. We often see pandas in the (4)      . They are really cute and people like (5)      . They like going up to trees and playing with each other. Bamboos(竹子)are very (6)       to pandas. They like to eat bamboos (7)      . They spend over 12 hours a day eating their favorite (8)      .
  Pandas are lucky animals. We Chinese like them very much. Now there are pandas in many other countries, like Japan, (9)      and the UK. China gives(10)       to these countries to show the friendliness(友好). They are one of the symbols of friendship.
Guitar Player Wanted
Do you like music?Can you play the guitar?Do you like singing or dancing?Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487﹣6598 or email at sunshine@yahoo. com.
Chess Club
Do you like to play chess?Do you want to play it well?Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. Telephone:8665﹣7868Address:Room15, Lantian Hotel
Can you dance?Do you like kids?Can you teach them to dance on Sundays?Come and join us. Call Joe at 8472﹣9999.
Summer Job
Do you like to talk with people?Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a newspaper?Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561﹣8825.
Dale  Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. 
Get up 6:50 a. m. 6:50 a. m. 6:50 a. m. 6:50 a. m. 6:50 a. m. 
Have lessons  8:00﹣11:30 8:00﹣11:30 8:00﹣11:30 8:00﹣11:30 8:00﹣11:30 
Have lunch at school Jiaozi Rice Noodles  Rice Noodles 
After school  Basketball Volleyball Ping﹣pong  Soccer  Volleyball 
In the evening Do homework Do homework Do homework Do homework Watch TV 
Go to bed 9:40 p. m. 9:40 p. m. 9:40 p. m. 9:40 p. m. 10:15 p. m. 
19.  All students need to have good habits(好习惯): When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.
  Do you like to study in the living room?This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.
  Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You'll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.
20.Dear Tim,
  Today is Saturday. It's 8:00 in the evening here. I'm writing to tell you something about my life. My father is watching a talk show on CCTV. That's his favorite show. My brother is playing computer games. My dog Dick is taking the hat to me. He wants me to put it on and go out for a walk with him. What a clever dog! My little sister is practicing playing the piano. It sounds beautiful today. Outside, I can hear cars and buses coming and going quickly. Also there are some boys playing ball games.
   It's really a noisy but happy evening. What are your family doing?I know that time here is thirteen hours ahead(提前)of hat in New York. Are you getting up?Please write to me soon.
  Best wishes!
21.A: Hi, Mary. (1)      
B: I think it's great. There are lots of nice clothes in the store. I like to go there to buy clothes.
B: It's about three kilometers from our school.
B: Yes, I can.
A: (4)      
B: We can ride our bikes there.
A: Oh, sorry, my bike is not at school.
B: Don't worry. (5)      
A: That's good. What time do you want to go there?
B: I want to go there at 5 o'clock.
A: OK. See you later.

A. How can we get there?
B. How far is it from our school?
C. Let's take the bus.
D. How long does it take to get there?
E. Do you have a bike?
F. What do you think of Mr. Cool's Clothes Store?
G. Can you go there with me this afternoon? 
22.  Are you free on Saturdays and Sundays? Are you good at (1)      (swim)? Our club needs a teacher to teach (2)      (child) from 8 to 10 years old. It is interesting (3)      (study) with them. Please call Leo at 5968-4437.
  Are you busy after school? No? Can you (4)      (speak) English? Yes? Then we need you to help some (5)      (America) students. Now they (6)      (learn) Chinese in Beijing. But their Chinese is not good. They are (7)      (friend) and you can make friends with them. Please email Mr. Liu at helping us@gmail. com.
  Can you play the guitar or the drums? Do you have time this Wednesday? (8)      (we) music club will have a party that day and we want you (9)      (join) us. I'm sure you will have a great time (10)      (play) with us. Please call me at 3253-1143.
23.When he gets home, he always      (do) his homework first.
24.We Chinese people eat rice       (粽子 ) on Dragon Boat Festival.
26.目前, 许多动物正处于极大危险之中.(in danger)
27.他们每天早上七点穿戴完毕.(get dressed)
28.  Molly is 10 years old. She likes to help others.
  Today Christmas Day(圣诞节), Molly's mother takes her to a store in the morning. She says to her. "Father Christmas(圣诞老人)always helps people, but he never lets them know that. I will give you twenty dollars. Take the money and buy some things for others. After that, see me in the car. "
  Molly thinks of lots of people she knows:her family, teachers and classmates. She thinks of Bill. Bill sits next to her in the classroom. His home is far from school. It's about eight kilometers from his home to school. This boy doesn't have money to take the bus. And he doesn't have a bike. Every day it takes Bill a long time to walk to school. His shoes are always old and dirty. Molly sees holes(洞)in them. So Molly buys a pair of sports shoes for Bill with the money.
  In the afternoon, Molly rides her bike to the post office and sends the shoes to Bill. She also writes a note(纸条). It reads, "To Bill, from Father Christmas. "
29.很如你是Lucy, 你是向阳中学的一名初中生.最近, 某网站正在向学生征集有关校园规则的英语文章, 请你以School Rules为题, 写一篇英语作文进行损稿.
1. 介绍至少5条校园规则.
2. 谈谈你对这些规则的看法.
1. 要点要全, 可适当发挥.
2. 书写规范, 思路连贯.
3. 字数80词左右, 不能出现自己的真实信息.
School Rules
I am a student from Xiangyang Middle School.
期中试卷 最新试卷 山东试卷 滨州市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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