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1.David is honest boy and he is most popular in our class. We all like him.
  • A. a;an
  • B. an;the
  • C. an;a
  • D. a;the
2.—Now lots of teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer games.
—Yes. Parents should do something them from playing too much.
  • A. stop
  • B. stopping
  • C. stops
  • D. to stop
3.—Could I_______ your English dictionary?
—Sure, but you can't it to others.
  • A. borrow;lend
  • B. lend;borrow
  • C. borrow;keep
  • D. keep;borrow
4.Our government has tried many ways to the smog (雾霾) problem. Maybe we'll have a clear sky in the near future.
  • A. put away
  • B. work out
  • C. come up
  • D. clean up
5.—Remember the first time we met, Grace?
—Yes, of course. You for a bus at that time.
  • A. are waiting
  • B. were waiting
  • C. have waited
  • D. will wait
6.— Our teachers always ask us to do more sports.
— They are right you exercise you will be.
  • A. Much;healthy
  • B. The more;the healthier
  • C. The most;the healthiest
  • D. More;healthier
7.—Why do you often go to this restaurant?
—I like that restaurant because it ____________ both delicious food and good service for us.
  • A. uses
  • B. gives
  • C. shares
  • D. provides
8.Mr Smith is a ______ old man. He lost his left leg when he was young.
  • A. disabled
  • B. healthy
  • C. clever
  • D. fair
9.—Could you tell me who the man is?
— Certainly. He is PE teacher. He teaches to play basketball.
  • A. us;our
  • B. ours;us
  • C. our, us
  • D. us;we
10.—May I have a glass of beer, please?
—Beer?Sorry, there's left, but would you like some juice instead?
  • A. anything
  • B. something
  • C. no one
  • D. nothing
11.My mother was cooking ______ my father was reading at eight o'clock last nigh.
  • A. since
  • B. while
  • C. where
  • D. because
12.—____my surprise, Linda didn't pass the English exam.
—____my opinion, she didn't study well for the exam.
  • A. In;At
  • B. In;In
  • C. To;At
  • D. To;In
13.—What a big storm last night!
—Yes, it was. I was reading when the light _____ went out. I could see nothing.
  • A. quickly
  • B. suddenly
  • C. luckily
  • D. quietly
14.—Could I watch the football game after dinner?
—_______You have to study for your English exam.
  • A. Sorry, you can't.
  • B. Sounds interesting.
  • C. Sure, you can.
  • D. Not much.
15.  A 14﹣year﹣old Chinese boy experienced a terrible accident﹣getting stuck (被困) in an elevator (电梯). However, he used a special way to face the coming(1)       —doing his homework in the elevator.
  Last Tuesday evening, when Wei Ming was on his way up, the elevator suddenly(2)      moving. He was alone there. Wei Ming was afraid at first, but he became(3)      soon and decided to find a way out. He tried to open the door, but he finally(4)      . He then wished the elevator could work again, but(5)       happened. Luckily, the elevator always stayed there.
  Without a mobile phone, Wei Ming tried shouting in order to get the attention of the people outside. But no one replied as time passed by. Then the young boy wrote a note and made it out through the(6)       . He hoped someone would pick it up and help him.
  After doing these, the boy didn't know(7)       it would take before someone could find. So he (8)      to do something else. He took out his books and started doing his homework carefully. Soon after he finished his homework, Wei Ming(9)       loud voices coming from outside, "There were a lot of people outside﹣﹣my parents, teachers and other parents who looked quite(10)      . " he said.
  When he got out of the elevator, five hours had passed. On the Internet, many people said the boy was brave and clever when he met the danger.
16.  Everyone worries. But how do you deal with your worries?Whether(是否) your worries are big or small, you can take these three ways to deal with your worries.
  (1)Try to find out what you' re worried about
  Sometimes, you will know what you're worried about. Other times, you might not. Try to find it out first. If you can't, you can ask for help.
  (2)Think of ways to make it better
  There is always something you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it cannot help you.
  Grades at school are often top worries for kids. If you're worried about grades, ask yourself these questions:
  Why are grades important?What do grades mean to me?
  How do I get ready for class?Do I go over(复习my notes even when there isn't test?
  Do I have a good place to do my homework?
  Have I tried different ways of studying?
  If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do;write a note to him or her, invite him or her o a basketball game, say sorry to him or her. etc. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.
  (3)Ask for help
  When you're worried, n can help to find someone o talk to. You can ask your parents, friends or teachers for help.
17.  If you think doing scientific research(科学研究) is only for great scientists like Newton or Einstein, you might be wrong.
  In fact, if you like to play with insects or take pictures of wild animals, you might be able to help scientists do research yourself.
  The Shanghai Natural History Museum recently made an app called "Find Nature(听见万物)". The app's users can upload (上传) photos sounds and locations of fog, binds and other animals        see around them. Scientists can use these date(数据) to study biodiversity(生物多样性)and better protect animals that live in cities.
  The concept of having people take pan in science research, no matter what their background is, is call "citizen sieve (公民科学)". The tasks are often easy and fun. But at the same time, you can become a big part of scientific studies.
  Of course, citizen science is not only about frogs or birds. There are also projects about watching stars and clouds, counting penguins, or listening to laughs. Citizen science shows us that science can be fun and is for everyone!
18.  In the future, we could all work and live in buildings with their own ecosystems (生态系统). They are made to produce more energy than they use.
  Toby is an engineer from Europe. He has now made wonderful models, showing what this new building could look like. He said he was suggested by a kind of tree to create the towers. The Hyperion, found in Northern California, is the tallest tree in the world, reaching 115 m. The buildings will be 120 m high and have 1, 000 homes, offices and working spaces, gyms, restaurants and swimming pools.
  Because of the ecosystems, the buildings will also make fewer diseases. The buildings will have city farms and small animal farms producing eggs and milk. "Farming can bring methane(甲烷) that produces energy, and then the energy is supplied to homes, " said Toby.
  Toby has had many excellent designs. At the end of last year, he also showed designs for eco﹣friendly (环保的) ocean buildings. The eco﹣friendly buildings don't need coal or oil as they produce their own energy and heat.
19.  Can you imagine astronauts' everyday life in space?They also need to cat, sleep, exercise and relax. They do the same things as us, but they do them differently.
  On the earth, we put food on a plate. Gravity (重力) holds the food down and keeps it on a place. But there is almost no gravity in space, so food can float (漂浮) away, and astronauts must eat carefully.
  Sleeping is very different in space. Some astronauts like to float in the air, but most like to be in a sleeping bag. They tiethe bag to a wall so that they won't float away at night.
  Exercise is very important in space. On the earth, your legs carry your body. But in space, astronauts float, so they do not use their legs often. This is very bad for their legs, so they must exercise for thirty minutes every day.
  After a day's work, astronauts relax. They may listen to music, read, watch films, play games, or talk to their friends and families on the radio. Sometimes they just enjoy floating in the air.
20.A:Hello. Could I speak to Linda?
B:This is Linda speaking. (1)      
A:Yes, it's John here, Linda. We had a good time at the school party last night. But it's a pity that you didn't come. (2)      
B:I had a headache. My parents went on business, so I took some medicine and went to bed early.
A: (3)      . How are you feeling now?
B:I'm still feeling terrible now. I feel cold and cough a lot.
A:I'm afraid you've had a bad cold. Don't worry. (4)      
B:All right. (5)      
A:Let's meet at the gate of your neighborhood. I'll call you as soon as I get there.
B:OK. See you later.
A:See you!

A. Where will we meet?
B. Is that John speaking?
C. That's probably why.
D. What's the matter?
E. You need to take breaks.
F. I'm sorry to hear that.
G. Let me take you to Center Hospital. 
21.  A short video recently got popular online. It shows a young man stopping traffic(1)      (let) an old woman cross a busy road.
  It to place in Hezhou, Guangxi. While the old woman (2)       (cross) the road with the help of her walking stick, the green light for pedestrians (行人) was on. She walked so(3)      ( slow) that the traffic light turned red when she was in the middle of the road. She looked (4)      (help) in the video.
  Although some cars stopped for her, others continued(5)      (move) on the wide road. At that time, a young man saw her and(6)      (stop) his bike. He quickly ran towards the old man. And with his hands waving(摆手), he stopped all the cars from (7)      (pass). Finally, he helped the old man cross the road safely.
  So far, millions of people have watched this video. More than 50 million people took part in the (8)       (discuss). The young man' s quick action won wide praise on the Interest. "We should find out the man and praise (9)      (he) in some way, " one person said. " That was very heart﹣warming. One day we all (10)      (be) old, and it will be good to meet such a kind man, " another one said.
22.Doing chores helps to develop children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. (英译汉)
23.She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read. (英译汉)
24.孩子们学会独立越早, 对他们的将来越好. (汉译英)
26.当暴风雨来的时候, 他正在图书馆看书.(汉译英)
27.  Yang Fei, 35, works in Lijiang Yunnan. He has drawn over 30 different cartoons to tell anti-poverty (扶贫) stories happening in a small village named Jinjiang in the city.
  Yang first went to the poor village in 2017. He stayed there for about a month to explain anti-poverty policies (政策) to the villages. He was sorry for people's poor lives there and tried his best to do his work well. In August, 2020, Yang came to the village again to monitor (检查) the anti-poverty work.
  "After staying for more than 20 days in the village, I was quite shocked by the changes in the village because of the anti-poverty work. I came up with the idea of drawing cartoons to tell others their wonderful stories," Yang said.
  As soon as he left the village, he started working on the cartoons in the evenings after work. About two weeks later, he finally finished his creations. Then he put them online. And the cartoons soon became popular.
  Drawing cartoons is a way Yang tries to keep and remember his experiences as an anti-poverty official (官员), and he plans to draw more such cartoons in the future. He wants to let more people know how hard the anti-poverty work is, and to show people more exciting true stories. "Although the anti﹣poverty work is hard, I will keep going." Yang said. "To see people getting out of poverty is the happiest thing to me."
28.太阳杂志社英文专刊没有一个求助信箱.请根据一份"学生学习现状及理想学生生活"调查中列出的信息, 以八年级学生David的名义给报社写一封80词左右的英文信, 表达自己对学习现状的观点和看法.并描述自己的理想学生生活是怎样的.根据表格内容至少再添加1﹣2点内容, 信的开头和结尾不算入总字数.
学生学习现状 理想学生生活 
study too muchhave a lot of homeworkdon't get enough sleeptake too many after﹣school classes…………………… have free time to do things they likerelax on weekendshang out with friendssleep a lotdo more sports with friends……………… 

Dear Dr. Helper,
I am a junior middle school student. I am now in great need of your help because I have to many problems.

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