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1.Summer came to ________ end when the golden leaves fell to the ground.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Success in life doesn't happen ________ accident, but with effort and practice.
  • A. with
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. by
3.—Did you notice ________ enter the building just now?
—No, I didn't.
  • A. none
  • B. someone
  • C. anyone
  • D. everyone
4.Teach the boy a skill, and he will be able to feed ________for a lifetime.
  • A. he
  • B. his
  • C. him
  • D. himself
5.When you choose fruits, remember that________the colour is, the better the taste is.
  • A. bright
  • B. brighter
  • C. the brighter
  • D. the brightest
6.Looking into my eyes, my father said _________ to me, "Now everything is back to normal again. "
  • A. kindly
  • B. likely
  • C. lovely
  • D. friendly
7.A:Must I wear the seat belt throughout the journey?
B:No, you ________.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. wouldn't
  • D. needn't
8.The man will do anything ________ his son even if he runs into real trouble.
  • A. save
  • B. saving
  • C. to save
  • D. to saving
9.During the 1970s, the Internet ________ to share information between different research teams.
  • A. is developed
  • B. was developed
  • C. will be developed
  • D. has been developed
10.The man with brain damage was angry with his wife ________ he thought she never visited him.
  • A. because
  • B. if
  • C. until
  • D. although
11.When Sam tennis with his brother, he heard a strange noise from the bush.
  • A. play
  • B. was playing
  • C. is reading
  • D. has played
12.Jack tried to start the engine several times, nothing happened.
  • A. but
  • B. for
  • C. so
  • D. or
13.Would you mind________me alone for a few minutes?
  • A. leave
  • B. to leave
  • C. leaving
  • D. to leaving
14.It is reported that the bush fire ________ in serious economic losses in that country.
  • A. result
  • B. is resulting
  • C. would result
  • D. has resulted
15.Look!________ mess you have made in here!
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. What a
  • D. How a
A. wide B. lasted C. took up D. share E. focused on 

Populations of humpback whales(座头鲸)that live in different places can learn long songs from one another, according to new research. Scientists at the University of Queensland, in Australia, (1)       two populations of humpback whales, one by Australia's east coast and the other off New Caledonia—a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean about 900 miles away. These populations may (2)       feeding grounds or come across one another while traveling. Only male whales sing. Their songs are known to be made up of a (3)       variety of different sounds and can last for hours. The researchers listened to samples of male humpback songs from 2009 to 2015. They determined the number of sounds and how long the songs(4)      .
A. warn B. true C. influence D. affected E. different 

The team found that the whales from New Caledonia were able to sing the same songs as the Australian whales "without leaving anything out, " said lead researcher Jenny Allen. This was (1)       no matter how long the songs were. The whales also sang a (2)       song each year. "It means humpback whales can learn an entire song pattern from another population very quickly, " Allen said. It is not known for sure why male whales sing, but two possible reasons are to attract a mate or to (3)       other males to stay out of their places. In addition to humpbacks, only a few other kinds of whales(blue, fin, bowhead and minke whales)sing. Humpback whale numbers have been badly(4)       by commercial hunting. Today there are about 40, 000 humpbacks swimming in Australia's waters.
18.Giant pandas live on bamboo shoots and       , and most of them live in China. (leaf)
19.Maria, a lady in her late       , looks young for her age. (thirty)
20.My brother was completely        of the trouble he had made. (aware)
21.When you surf on line, be careful not to give away your        information. (person)
22.I was full of joy at the        of meeting my old friend in an hour. (think)
23.Generally, male birds are more        than the females. (colour)
24.The word "wow" is        used in speech, instead of in writing. (main)
25.Our        in the government grows because people are living a better life. (confident)
26.That big mistake almost cost his life. (改为一般疑问句)
       that big mistake almost        his life?
27.Dogs need large open spaces so that they can run free. (对划线部分提问)
      dogs need large open spaces?
28.Plant the seeds in the soil,and they will grow. (保持句意基本不变)
      plant the seeds in the soil,they will grow.
29.People created sound effects to add excitement to the film. (改为被动语态)
Sound effects        to add excitement to the film.
30."How can you make your memory more efficient?" Mary asked her son. (改为间接引语)
Mary asked her son how        make his memory more efficient.
31.The young man is independent of his parents now. (保持句意基本不变)
The young man doesn't        his parents any longer.
32.watching me, seems, play the violin, my mother, to enjoy (连词成句)
Have conversations with relativesName:Sophia "I like talking to older relatives about what happened when they were younger and the times they lived through. We can learn a lot. Popa(my granda) told me that his great aunt, Mary Whitmore, was the first female Mayor of Ipswich, which was exciting to know. " 
What should I ask questions about?Do the relatives and older people you speak to remember when the astronaut Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon in 1969? Any interviewing tips?When talking to people about the history they have lived through, try to ask interesting questions, and listen carefully to their answers. Write notes and questions down before you chat so that you will remember what to say. 
Oral HistoryDo you talk to older people about what life was like when they were young?Perhaps you enjoy finding out what major events, such as the Second World War, were actually like for the people who lived through them?Oral history means listening to these stories and asking questions of the people who remember them. It is a good idea to make recordings of oral history conversations so that they can be kept and listened to in the future. This can be done with a sound recording device or an app on a smartphone. As well as historical events that affect a whole country, local events are also important. Examples could include flooding, the construction of new buildings, or a person making a big change or having strong influence on a particular area. Neal Foster, who creates the popular Horrible Histories Live stage shows, thinks oral history is vital. "Nothing competes with hearing history from people who went through the experience. What makes history fascinating is hearing the same event recalled by different people. That knowledge is priceless, " he says. Learn more. .. —Visit the Oral History Society at ohs. org. uk where you'll find lots of helpful information, news and magazine. —Listen to podcast called Stories of War on BBC Sounds, in which stories from the Second World War have been passed down through families. 

34.Get set for returning to school
Prepare yourself for the year ahead with these simple steps.
You may be heading back to school or have already started. It's normal to feel both excited for a new school year and sad that the summer break is ending. You may also feel a little (1)       about having new classrooms and teachers to meet. If so, you are not (2)      !Here are some ways to prepare for the year ahead.
Look on the bright side
There are many good things to going back to school. You may get to see friends more frequently, (3)      . If you didn't see your classmates much this summer, now you will. If you developed a new interest in comic strips or chess over the summer, you could (4)       whether there is a club you could join at school. If not, perhaps you could start one. Maybe you want to try out for the school musical or compete in an after﹣school sport. Try making a list of the ideas you come up with in a notebook so you can review them and feel inspired by them.
Gather supplies
If you receive your school supplies in advance, start looking around your house for (5)       you may already have and don't need to buy. Ask a parent if unused school supplies are stored somewhere at home. (6)       your desk or room for pencils, pens, sticky notes and folders from last year that you could use again. Then put these items in your backpack so it's ready for your first day.
35.Have you seen pieces of litter around where you live?Dropping litter doesn't look nice;it can harm the environment and it is actually a(1)      the law. Litter means all sorts of things that have been dropped in a public space, including bottles, cans, cigarette ends, crisp packets and sweet wrappers. Litter collects on streets and paths, in bushes, parks, rivers and trees. It can take hundreds of years to decompose(slowly break down and disappear)and can d(2)      the soil.
Wildlife s(3)      because of litter. Animals can get injured by sharp cans or glass, or they might even accidentally eat bits of plastic. Litter is blown by the wind and w(4)      into rivers and drains. Eventually these things end up in the sea, where they can be a d(5)      to sea creatures.
If you're doing a clean﹣up operation, one very useful thing is a litter picker. It has a handle at one end and grabber at the other. Using a litter picker allows you to collect rubbish easily and s(6)      . You should always wear protective gloves when out collecting rubbish. Wearing a bright﹣colour vest is also a good idea, but n(7)      go picking up litter near a busy road without an adult with you.
36.Philip is 55 and blind. He has been blind since birth. He says he does not feel like he is missing anything, because he cannot imagine what sight is like. He can smell a rose, but he cannot tell if it is red, or blue. It does not matter to him;he enjoys the beauty of the scent(pleasant smell)itself.
People sometimes take pity on him, but he never complains;he does not feel cheated by Mother Nature. But his life is not always a bed of roses. It is difficult for him to travel. He cannot drive, of course;he travels by bus. At home, he cannot just look out of the window to see what the weather is like, and then dress appropriately. He can't look at the clock on the wall to see what time it is. He uses his Braille watch or a special radio for that.
Philip can look for and look at, but he cannot see. He says strangers often correct themselves when talking to him. They'll say, "I see, "meaning "I understand. "But then they think they've been rude, so they'll correct themselves and say, "I mean, I understand. "
Philip has never seen a good movie or a bad TV show. He doesn't know what a sunset or a full moon looks like. He is a musician. He plays the saxophone, but not in a band. Four times a week, he travels to Old Town in Pasadena on the bus in the afternoon. He gets off at the bus stop and then finds his way across the street to The Cap, a hat store. On the side walk in front of The Cap is his "spot. " There, he puts a hat, upside down with change in it. He sits down and starts playing his saxophone. He usually spends about four hours there and earns from $10 to $30.
37.Write at least 60 words according to the given situation. (根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短 文, 标点符号不占格.)
About Greenland Town 
 Location About 15 km south of the Shanghai City 
Transport Metro(Underground) Line 9 Bus 87, 91, 92 
Area 2 square kilometers 

你和你的家人刚搬到了上海郊区的一个城镇, 你打算给你的朋友Jane寄一张小镇风景的明信片.
In your postcard to your friend, you should
• introduce the town briefly
• explain why you have moved
• say what you like and dislike about living there.
注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分.
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