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1.Tony is always ready to help others. He always does me ________ favor.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.________my opinion, this animated cartoon is this director's greatest work.
  • A. By
  • B. In
  • C. On
  • D. To
3.—Which smart watch do you like better, the red one or the black one?
—________. The red one is too big while the black one is too expensive.
  • A. Both
  • B. neither
  • C. All
  • D. None
4.There was a little dog waiting at the comer of the street and it seemed so ________.
  • A. sadly
  • B. angrily
  • C. quietly
  • D. lonely
5.Nowadays people wish to have ________food than before as their life improves.
  • A. healthy
  • B. healthier
  • C. healthiest
  • D. the healthiest
6.A detective's job is ________ the innocent as well as find the guilty.
  • A. protect
  • B. protects
  • C. protected
  • D. to protect
7.—________ I return the comic strip to you this afternoon?
—No, you needn't. You may keep it until Wednesday.
  • A. Must
  • B. Can
  • C. May
  • D. Would
8.Emma's father promised that they ________a cruise trip to Europe the next summer.
  • A. will take
  • B. take
  • C. would take
  • D. are taking
9.You will lose marks in the exam if you ________your handwriting.
  • A. don't improve
  • B. didn't improve
  • C. won't improve
  • D. isn't improving
10.The small self﹣service book store on campus has been open ________.
  • A. in five years' time
  • B. for the time being
  • C. by the end of last year
  • D. for five years
11.John was sent to prison ________he stole a precious painting from the gallery.
  • A. until
  • B. because
  • C. though
  • D. if
12.On our farm, the tea leaves ________by hand when they are ready.
  • A. pick
  • B. picked
  • C. are picked
  • D. were picked
13.Alice spends about one hour ________the piano after she finishes her homework every day.
  • A. practise
  • B. to practise
  • C. practising
  • D. practised
14.The self-driving plane proves to be useful in many ways. ________smart invention it is!
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. What an
  • D. How
15.—________are you driving, Tony?You are speeding up!
—Oh, sorry. It's about 120 kilometers an hour.
  • A. How far
  • B. How soon
  • C. How long
  • D. How fast
A. accident. B. seriously. C. harm. D. actually. E. cycle 

Forest fires happen in summer when it hasn't rained for a long time and everything is very dry. For many years, people have thought of fires as disasters that(1)      the forest. The science of fire ecology (生态学. studies the connection between fire, plants, and animals in forest fires. Scientists say that the fire is also an important part of the life (2)      of a forest. With every fire, the forest is born again.
Forest fires often start when lightning strikes a tree, but people can also cause forest fires. Sometimes they don't know what they did, and it happens by(3)      . But other times it's done on purpose. Once a fire starts, it (4)      burns away the dry leaves and branches. The fire also gets rid of overgrown plants, fallen leaves, and bacteria in the soil that cause diseases. Plants on the forest floor receive more space and sunlight to grow, so they can grow and make seeds quickly.
A. survive B. native C. expected D. wonders E. escape 

When a fire starts in a forest, every creature (动物)tries to(1)      . Birds fly away and mammals usually run away. Small creatures (such as frogs, mice, and insects)hide underground or under rocks.
Some of the weaker animals die, but many(2)      . The animals that don't die in the fire are the strongest. After a fire, some animals that may not be (3)       to the forest come to feed on the bodies of dead animals. There are lots of things for animals to eat in a burned forest Animals soon go back to their homes in the forest and plants start growing again.
Now, according to fire ecology studies, it's possible for people to see forest fires as natural (4)      . Hundreds of species of plants and animals live together in forests.
18.The astronauts sent us many precious       when they worked in space. (photo)
19.FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was the       World Cup held in Asia. (two)
20.Last Saturday, Tom learned to make a birthday cake for       grandmother. (he)
21.When people get older, their short﹣term memory becomes       . (bad)
22.Wendy was so angry that she made a call to complain about her       neighbour. (noise)
23.The policeman told us that some accidents were       caused by engine failures. (main)
24.In our STEM class, we are delighted to       our own experiment. (designer)
25.Mike was so       that he broke the new vase in the living room. (careful)
26.Laura brought us some handmade zongzi to the party yesterday. (改为否定句)
Laura       us any handmade zongzi to the party yesterday.
27.Uncle Tom has        orange trees on his farm. (对划线部分提问)
       orange trees does Uncle Tom have on his farm?
28.There will be a local food festival in our neighborhood. (改为反意疑问句)
There will be a local food festival in our neighborhood,       ?
29.Our teacher warned us not to touch the chemicals in the lab. (改为被动语态)
We       not to touch the chemicals in the lab by our teacher.
30.Tim's father is in charge of the sports section of the local newspaper. (保持句意不变)
Tim's father is       the sports section of the local newspaper.
31.Bob asked the old man, "Why do you hang a light in front of the raft?"(改为间接引语)
Bob asked the old man why       a light in front of the raft.
32.the staffs, the secretary, the meetings, always, to attend, on time, reminds (连词成句)
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Event details
The Invention Competition, one of the biggest events for students organized by the science club, is now waiting for you to attend!
All works will be displayed in the Students' Center. You can go there and vote for your favorites between March 1st and March 5th. We will announce the results on March 15th, the last day of the Science Week.

Prizes will be awarded to inventions that:
• are the most creative
• are the most helpful
• are the best use of waste materials

How to enter
Interested students should fill out an entry form (报名表). You can either put it in the box outside the school office or send it to inventiooomDetitioo@wss. edu. cn before January 15th.

Please include the following information:
• Your full name
• Your class number
• A brief introduction of your invention
• Your ID number
Please submit (提交)your invention on or before February 28th.
Original inventions only. You should make sure that you don't copy inventions that already exist.
• You should only be allowed to submit one invention. Select the best idea.
• You may enter for the competition as an individual or as a team of no more than four students.
• You can make changes before the voting period starts. Once the inventions are displayed for voting, you cannot make any changes. 

34.One Sunday night, I was sitting in my kitchen half﹣listening as my 15﹣year﹣old son Tommy quarreled with his younger brother Kevin. 1 didn't pay attention when Kevin went upstairs with a look of (1)       on his face.
About 30 minutes later, I heard Kevin crying in his room. I knocked on the door immediately and asked, "Kevin, what's the matter?Why are you crying?"
No answer. I tried again. Still (2)       happened.
So, I took a piece of paper from a notebook and wrote, "If you don't want to talk, we can write down to each other" and slipped (塞). it under the door.
An hour later I was still sitting on the floor outside his door with a stack of (一摞). notes in my hands. As I read one of Kevin's notes, I couldn't help crying. It said, "Nobody in this family loves me. I am not the youngest nor the oldest, and I am not the (3)       to get good marks. Tommy thinks I am too weak. Dad thought I should be taller. (4)      , he always wants me to be a basketball player. And you never listen to me even notice me. "
He was right about my part. Feeling sorry for him, I wrote back, "Kevin, I do love you, and you are loved in this family?"
He didn't reply for a while, but 1 could hear him crying (5)       . Kevin ran out of paper, so he wrote "Thanks" on a paper cup. I wrote back "For what?" It was returned to me with the reply" (6)      " written on it.
Since then, I have tried my best to care for my family members. When one of us notices that the other is unhappy, we'll smile and say, "Write it on a paper cup. "

35.Do you like to try something new?Do you always try hard when you meet with problems?Here are four reasons for young people to try hard.
® It helps us to do well.
We often look at people who are successful and wish we could be like them. Perhaps we think these people do well because they have a special talent or are clever or rich or even just (1)l       .
Having money, fortune or talent is almost never the main or only reason that people do well. Trying hard is sometimes even more important than any of those. People who rely only on their talent and do not work hard (2)r       succeed.
® It helps us to try new things.
Sometimes we can be a bit scared of trying new things. We are afraid we will (3)l        silly if we can't do it properly. This can prevent us from giving new things a chance or pushing (4)o        forward in something we already do. If we make up our minds to try hard at the new activity and give it our best shot, we could discover that it's something we are getting to loving doing.
® It teaches us how to solve problems.
Trying hard is not something we have to do (5)a        . We can always ask for help and if we have a big problem, the best thing is to ask a parent or a teacher. Of course, we can solve problems on our own if we try hard.
Trying hard means putting an (6)e        in even if we don't get things right the first time. But remember, we learn from our failures. We learn we can try doing it another way.
® It makes us feel proud.
Trying hard gives us a feeling of achievement. When we try hard and we succeed, it makes us feel confident about our (7)a       . It teaches us that we can get better at things. It helps us behave well because we learn that we are capable(有能力的)of achieving things.

36."Hey, Dan, you look like the unhappiest guy in the world!" said Ella, as they volunteered as ushers (引座员)at the theater.
"Yeah, " Dan replied, trying to smile. "Remember the role you helped me practise last week?Well, I failed again. " "Oh, Dan, keep practicing!You'll be on the other side of the curtain one day, " said Ella.
Dan kept practicing. He sang day and night. He sang everywhere he went!He wanted to be an opera singer more than anything else in the world. He volunteered at the theater on Saturdays, but he needed to start earning money to pay for singing and Italian lessons.
One day Dan saw an ad asking for bicycle delivery men. Then he began his new job delivering food to customers all over the city. Dan thought it was very rewarding making hungry people happy, but he had a problem. He wasn't getting enough time to practicing singing. Then one day , he had a great idea.
Dan arrived at 52nd Street. "I have your burgers and your fries, " he sang. I have your soda and your lemonade. .. " The customers were very surprised!When he finished, they clapped and gave him a nice big tip.
One night, there was an order for lobster soup to a beautiful, big house on the river. Dan rang the bell, took a deep breath and sang, "I have your lovely lobster soup. It smells delicious to me﹣e﹣e. .. "
The door opened slowly and a well﹣dressed woman appeared. She took the soup, then closed the door, with no tips at all.
A few days later, Dan received a text inviting him to the Opera House.
At the Opera House, a woman greeted Dan. It was the lady who Dan delivered lobster soup to last week. She said, "I am Antonia Allegro, the director here. I'd like to invite you to our next opera. This is your first rehearsal(排练). You'll practice today. At my house last week, you had one of the most beautiful voices in the world!You're so talented!Congratulations. Welcome to the show!"
Dan's first opera performance was in front of thousands of people, and he didn't sing about burgers or fries or lemonade!

37.Write at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据以下情境写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:邮件中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。照抄语篇不得分)
Training of living skills•last week of June•stay on a farm for a week•live with team members and local people•cook meals by yourself,feed animals... Exploration of museums•first Saturday every month from March to June•visit different museums in the city•guided by professional researchers•explore history,science,.. 

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