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1.—People in Shizhu, Chongqing had ______ unforgettable time because President Xi Jinping visited them this spring.
—You are right. How I wish I could have ______ chance to meet him one day!
  • A. a; the
  • B. an; a
  • C. the; the
2.—Tina, what do you often have for breakfast?
—I usually eat ______ and drink some milk.
  • A. two breads
  • B. two piece of breads
  • C. two pieces of bread
3.—All the students are very important to their parents.
—Sure. So as a teacher, we can never ______.
  • A. give them up
  • B. give him up
  • C. give up them
4.—Doctor Lee, can you help that man in danger first? I'm afraid he is getting ______.
—I will do it immediately.
  • A. more and more badly
  • B. worse and worse
  • C. more and more bad
5.My parents often ______ a flower in the green house, but I think I'm a flower in the open air, beautiful and strong.
  • A. compare me and
  • B. compare me with
  • C. compare me to
6.—Where is your father, David? I need his help.
—He ______ work.
  • A. has been to
  • B. has gone to
  • C. has been in
7.All the foreign kids don't feel lonely ______ they are alone in China.
  • A. even though
  • B. since
  • C. unless
8.My brother with other nine firefighters ______ hard every day in order to help people in need at any time.
  • A. practices
  • B. practice
  • C. practiced
9.—Dad, must I have the homework finished at once? I want to play outside with my friends now.
—No, you ______. You can finish it tomorrow.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
10.—______ amazing movie the Wandering Earth is!
—I think so. And that's the most fantastic one of all the movies.
  • A. How
  • B. What an
  • C. What
11.—Tony, do you think our city is becoming more and more beautiful?
—Yes, especially after so many trees ______ ast year.
  • A. are planted
  • B. have been planted
  • C. were planted
12.—Zhang Fuqing, once a soldier, often thinks more about others than himself.
  • A. So he does
  • B. So does he
  • C. So he is
13.—I never see Linda take a taxi to work.
—To live a low-carbon life, she always goes to work ______her bike instead of ______ taxi.
  • A. by; by
  • B. on; by
  • C. on; in
  • D. /, /
14.—Chris, the West Lake is so attractive!
—Yeah, the West Lake is the most beautiful place ______ I have ever visited.
  • A. what
  • B. who
  • C. that
15.—I'm so sorry for coming late again, Mr. Lee. But I don't do it on purpose.
—______. But I advise you to be on time from now on.
  • A. You are so awful to do that.
  • B. I don't want to listen to you.
  • C. Never mind.
16.  There was an old man who lived in a poor village. He was 80 years old, so he couldn't work (1)_______. His son worked in a local factory. (2)______ time went by, the son thought to himself, "My father doesn't do anything and just waste my time. Why not send him to the old people's home?" One day, he (3)______ at his father, "You are of no use!" To the son's (4) ________, his father didn't get angry and just kept silent.
  Soon, the New Year was coming. But the whole family had no money to buy (5)______. This made the son very (6)______, so he decided to talk with his father. On that cold evening, before the son could say a word, the old father quickly said, "I will agree (7)_______ you let me do." Then he said sorry to his son, "Dear son, it's all my fault (过错), because I have no (8)______ to buy you a house in the city or give everything you need." The tears (9)_______ from the father's face. He didn't expect his son to forgive him. Hearing what his father had said, the son (10)_______ ashamed (羞愧的) suddenly. (11)______ the son calmed down; he recalled his happy childhood which his father had given him. But as his father grew old and (12)_______, it was hard to believe that the son himself had planned to send his father to the old people's home. The son (13)________ that he should spend more time taking care of his old father. And as a son, he must (14)_______ responsibility.
  Since then, the son had worked harder and never complained to his father. Years (15)_______, the son had his own business and lived a happy life with his father.
Beijing opened its first bicycle-only road at 7 a. m. on May 31, which is expected to reduce traffic in the area between Huilongguan and Shangdi. According to Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, the 6. 5-kilometer-long road has a highest speed of no more than 15 kilometers per hour and pedestrians, electric bicycles and other vehicles are not allowed to enter the road. Besides, there are three lanes (车道) on the six-meter-wide road. 
On Thursday, May 30, Peng Liyuan said that China is ready to work with the international community to create a good environment for women's development and provide equal (平等的) and high quality education chances. She communicated with foreign students at the Great Hall of the People. Peng said women's development is very important and China would like to work with different countries in the world in this field. 
The 37th China Sport Show opened at the National Exhibition in Shanghai on May 23, 2019. Thousands of buyers and visitors came to the event. The expo lasted four days and it closed on May 26. So far, the show has become the largest sporting products exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region (亚太地区). 
18.  For more than 300, 000 years, human beings have paid much attention to developing technology to make our life easier, faster and more comfortable with the help of machines and tools.
  Thanks to the modern technology, humans live longer and more healthily, and are able to get better food, medicine and shelter. We can be proud of this progress. In the past, many poor people died from hunger and diseases. But now many diseases can be cured successfully.
  We need "more", more food, more shelters, more medicines, etc.. And up to now, technology has been used in various fields in the city, including intelligent (智能的) education, intelligent medical treatment, intelligent tourism, smart transportation and especially the field of 5G. Recently, Central China's Hubei province has built more than 300 5G base stations (基站) and achieved full 5G signal coverage (信号覆盖) in some of its cities. A dozen 5G experience centers have been completed in cities including Xiaogan, Yichang and Jingmen.
  With the development of the high technology, our living conditions have already been improved a lot. But we still have a long way to go. So, we ought to face all the challenges positively to make it serve us better.
19.  I saw a lady in the subway station today.
  She was fighting with the security guard (安检员), because       .
  "It's expensive!" she said angrily, "The machine's going to make it dirty!"
  I noticed the logo on that handbag when I passed by. Yeah, it was of luxury brand (奢侈品牌) and looked quite new. But if you check out the lady's other items and her behavior, it's not so difficult to see that       . So it's possible that the handbag really cost her too much, maybe the money she saved from every meal. And clearly it was also costing her valuable time and at the same time her good mood.
  "Sad." I thought. My mother once told me, "never buy anything if you can't really afford to use."
  It's not only about money. It's about everything that you give up for it.
  I'm very happy with my handbag that I bought online. It's not expensive. It's not of any luxury brand, but it's of great quality and designed in just the way I like it. That's enough.
  When you buy things to use, you own the things.
  When you buy things to admire, they own you.
20.仔细阅读下面五个句子, 然后用方框中所给的单词或短语填空, 使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确. (提示:选项中有一个是多余的. )
another in case of warn get in touch with offer is close to 

1. We can't              each other by WeChat in the rainforest.
2. Humans are looking forward to discovering              suitable place to live in.
3.              the rain, we'd better take an umbrella when we go out.
4. Whether our parents would like to              things we want depends on our attitudes.
5. Taiwan, which lies in the southeast of China,              Fujian.
1. 这场篮球决赛相当精彩. 结果, 千千万万的人熬夜观看. (result)
The final basketball match was rather exciting.             , thousands and thousands of people stayed up for watching it.
2. 住院一个月之后, 他终于苏醒了. (life)
He finally              after one month's stay in hospital.
3. 怀特夫人下班后匆匆离开了办公室, 因为那天是她女儿九岁的生日. (hurry)
Mrs. White left the office              after work, for it was her daughter's ninth birthday that day.
4. 为了学习新的种植技术, 一些农民正在和袁隆平聊天. (chat)
There are              Yuan Longping to learn some new planting skills.
5. "少年强, 则国强. "因此, 我们应该努力学习以便能为社会作出贡献. (contribution)
"The stronger we youth are, the more powerful our country will be. " Therefore, we students should try our best to study so that we can              the society.
22.  Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education, was 1.b             in the year 551 B. C. . When he was 3 years old, his father died. But Confucius still 2.r             a good education when he was young. And when he was 17, his mother died. In his thirties, he began to teach and spent the rest of his life teaching. At the age of 55, Confucius began to travel 3.a             China. He tried to search for good rules of behavior. When he was 68 years old, Confucius returned to his 4.h            . Five years later, he passed away. He was a great thinker and philosopher who had many 5.w             ideas about human nature and behavior. His main ideas are about kindness and good manners. He is really a great man from whom we can learn a lot.
23."Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you are going to get next. "
  —Forrest Gump 中文译名:《阿甘正传》
  "Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies. "
  —The Shawshank Kedemption 中文译名:《肖申克的救赎》
  "We are all running very hard. We are all dream chasers(追梦人). "
  —President Xi Jingping
  以上材料告诉我们:生活是丰富多彩的, 有快乐幸福也有伤心失落. 但既然选择了远方, 便只顾风雨兼程. 所以在学习和生活中, 我们要满怀希望、努力奔跑、追逐梦想. 请以Dream Chaser为题, 谈谈你自己的观点.
  1. 有自己的目标, 并努力让它成为现实;
  2. 勤奋学习, 使自己不断强大;
  3. 正确面对困难, 积极参加社会活动;
  4. 补充自己的观点.
  1. 文中必须包含所有提示要点, 可适当发挥使行文连贯;
  2. 条理清晰, 字迹工整, 词数不少于80;
  3. 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
  4. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息.
Dream Chaser
  As we know, life is not always smooth. Sometimes we may feel satisfied and sometimes we may feel upset. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
中考试卷 最新试卷 湖北试卷 恩施土家族苗族自治州试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 九年级试卷 英语试卷
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