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1.The scarves are made in______.
  • A. Shanghai
  • B. Hangzhou
  • C. Suzhou
2.This is a (an)______ school.
  • A. new
  • B. girls'
  • C. old
3.Who invited John to New York?______
  • A. His father.
  • B. His cousins.
  • C. His uncle.
4.The woman will go to the concert.______
  • A. by subway
  • B. by car
  • C. by bike
5.Why does the boy like chemistry?______
  • A. Because it is easy.
  • B. Because the teacher is interesting.
  • C. Because it is important.
8.I am Jenny Smith, and I was born sixty﹣eight years ...When we        from village to village, we used to walk or        horses. Shopping was not an easy job, either. ...We used to grow most of our own food:        and vegetables. We kept things fresh in a        underground room. ...We used to listen to our        music and enjoy it very much...feeling good about life is the key to happiness.
9. When I was about four or five, my grandmother was living in London. We children (1)       spent weekends at her apartment (公寓). We loved going there(2)       my grandmother often cooked special meals for us and took us for lovely walks in Regent's Park. One summer holiday, I was invited to stay with her on my own, (3)       my brothers and sisters.
On the first day, after lunch, my grandmother told me that she would take a break, and that I should take one too. I tried to (4)       but I couldn't, so after a while I got up and decided to explore (探索) the apartment. Everything was (5)       so I thought that my grandmother was sleeping. The (6)       I most wanted to explore was my grandfather's study (书房). That's because I was told not to go in there. I opened the door and went in. A large old desk caught my (7)       . I climbed onto the chair and saw a green pen on the desk. I had asked my parents for a real pen for a long time, but they (8)       . I picked up the pen and looked at it carefully. At that time, I heard my grandmother's voice saying "Christina? Where are you? What are you doing?" Then I (9)       that my grandmother was coming towards the study. I will never forget the feeling of (10)       that she caught me doing something that she had forbidden (禁止) me to do . ..
10. Kwanzaa is a celebration of African American history and culture. It begins on December 26th and continues until New Year's Day, January 1st.
During the festival, a family member, usually the youngest child, lights candles in a special candleholder. Each night a candle is lit. Traditionally there are three green candles, three red candles and a central black candle. They represent the seven Kwanzaa principles (原则). The principles are believed to play a big role in building strong, successful families, neighborhoods, et C. In the evenings, adults share stories and explain how to follow the seven principles in daily life. On the sixth day, which falls on New Year's Eve, family and friends get together to enjoy a large meal.
Kyle, a third grader, wrote this about Kwanzaa, "When we celebrate Kwanzaa, we have many people at home, light the candles, and have a nice dinner. We learn the meaning of Kwanzaa and remember family members. We say something good about them. Last year, we remembered my grandmother."
In 1966, Dr. Karenga created KwanzaA. He was studying the history of Africa at that time. Dr. Karenga wanted to create a holiday to bring African Americans together and celebrate their history and culture. He called the holiday "Kwanzaa". In fact, the name comes from an African language, and it means "first fruits of the harvest (收获季节)"
11. The Boston Marathon (波士顿马拉松) is one of the world's oldest and most famous races. Nearly half the competitors in the 26. 2-mile race are women. But for most of the race's 119-year history, only men were allowed to compete.
A woman named Gibb helped change that in 1966. That year she took part in the Boston Marathon and finished ahead of (在. . . 前面) most of the men.
Gibb first saw and got to know the Boston Marathon in 1964. And she wanted to run the race herself. For nearly two years, Gibb trained hard to prepare for the race. But when she sent in an application (申请) for the 1966 race, she was refused.
At the time, the longest official races for women were only 1. 5 miles. Many people didn't think women were able to run longer than that. But the 23-year-old Gibb refused to give up her dream. She came up with a plan to run the race anyway. On April 19, she showed up at the marathon. She wore her brother's shorts and a sweatshirt to disguise that she was a woman.
Gibb hid near the starting line. When the race began, she jumped into the crowD. Shortly into the race, Gibb took off her sweatshirt. To her surprise, the crowd cheered when they realized she was a woman. Gibb finished the race in 3 hours and 21 minutes-faster than two thirds of the men.
In the years that followed, she and other women ran in the Boston Marathon, even though the rules still stopped women from running in the race. Finally, in 1972, the marathon was officially opened to women.
12. Failure isn't the end, unless you let it be. If you don't believe it, just have a look at the following people.
Walt Disney
Walt Disney once worked for a newspaper. But people said he was not creative enough. Later, some people said his Mickey Mouse cartoons were "too scary for women". However, we have the Disney Company today because Walt chose not to give up and worked hard to achieve his dreams.
Stephen King
King is a best-selling writer whose work has been made into several films. However, his first work was turned down 30 times, and that made King throw it in the trash (垃圾). Luckily, his wife encouraged him to keep working at it, and finally, his famous first novel, Carrie, was born.
Milton Hershey
Before starting his own candy business, Hershey had worked for a candy factory. But when he decided to go out on his own, he failed many times. Then he returned to the family farm and perfected (使完善) the art of making delicious milk chocolate candy. So we can enjoy the Hershey chocolate today.
Theodor Giesel
Giesel kept on writing a novel that was "rubbish" according to some people. He just wouldn't give up, though. One night, a friend who was an editor (编辑) agreed to publish (出版) Giesel's work. Better known today as Dr. Seuss, nobody considers Giesel a failure after his first book achieved great success.
13.  I didn't like the English class when I started 1.             (learn) English. Every class was 2.             a bad dream. The teacher spoke so 3.             (quick) that I didn't understand her most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor 4.             (pronounce). But one day I watched an English 5.             . I fell in love with the movie. It was so 6.             (excite) and funny. Later, I began to watch other English movies. The characters' body language 7.             the expressions on their faces helped me understand what they saiD. I also 8.             (realize) I could get the meaning by 9.             (listen)for just the key words. My English also improved soon. I 10.             (discover) that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. Now I really enjoy my English class.
14. If you live far from school, you may have to use lunch boxes to take lunch to school. Do you want to know what the early lunch boxes looked like? (1)       From the 19h century, people used baskets to take meals. A nice wooden box would be used by the rich people. (2)       The tins were large enough for a piece of meat, some bread and some cheese, Walt Disney made the
First "character" lunch box in 1935 by putting Mickey Mouse on the box. (3)       In 1950, TV cowboy, Hopalong Cassidy, agreed to put his picture on the outside of the blue and red lunch boxes. Over the next 30 years, different popular characters controlled the market, such as Aladdin, Miss America, and the Flying Nun. The Florida government said that the metal boxes could be used as weapons (武器) and they were dangerous for children. (4)      
In 1986, people began to use lunch boxes which were made of plastic. (5)       Now we can see many plastic lunch boxes with beautiful pictures on them.

A. By the 1860s, people started making tins to take meals.
B. The plastic lunch boxes weren't used by people.
C. Let's see the history of lunch boxes.
D. Children liked this kind of lunch box very much.
E. Let's see their shapes and sizes.
F. The plastic lunch boxes have been using since then.
G. The last metal lunch box was made in 1985. 

conversation, treat, polite, deal, everyday 

He is eighteen years olD. Don't              him like a chilD.
Do you know how              with this problem?
Computers are a part of              life for most people
“Help yourselves, please,” said the waiter              .
Did you have a phone              with him?
Tea plants                                                     China.
Nobody                           Linda                           speaking skills.
                                                    its fine food and wine.
                                                    when the next train to Shanghai leaves?
I                                                     that lake when I was little.
Invention When Who Advantages(优点) Disadvantages (缺点) 
the mobile phone In 1973 Martin Cooper 1. communicate2. surf the Internet3. play games, listen to music......... 1. spend too much time on it2. affect(影响) face to face communication...... 

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