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  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • A. It's on July 18th.
  • B. It's on June 8th.
  • C. It's on June 18th.
  • A. In the schoolbag.
  • B. Under the chair.
  • C. On the chair.
  • A. Playing basketball.
  • B. Playing football.
  • C. Playing volleyball.
  • A. Chicken.
  • B. A hamburger.
  • C. Some tomatoes.
  • A. Five yuan.
  • B. Ten yuan.
  • C. Twenty yuan.
12.—What's this hero's (英雄的) name?
—______ name is Du Fuguo.
  • A. Your
  • B. My
  • C. His
13.We are very happy _______ we can play basketball in the park this afternoon.
  • A. or
  • B. because
  • C. but
14.I like reading very much. So my father ____ a nice book for my birthday.
  • A. buys
  • B. sells
  • C. takes
15.It's very ____to learn English in our English classes, so many students like English.
  • A. interesting
  • B. difficult
  • C. boring
16.— ______ do you like math?
— Because it's fun.
  • A. When
  • B. How
  • C. Where
  • D. Why
17.We have some interesting things for our country's 70th ____on October 1st.
  • A. birthday
  • B. festival
  • C. subject
18.一______ is this coat?
—It's 50 yuan.
  • A. How much
  • B. How old
  • C. How many
19.The Hongkong Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (港珠澳大桥) is ____Hong Kong ____ Zhu Hai.
  • A. from; from
  • B. from; to
  • C. to; to
20.We meet new words, and we can ____ a dictionary ____ help.
  • A. ask; for
  • B. thank; for
  • C. buy; for
21.—I want to have a trip to Beijing Expo (北京园博会).
  • A. See you.
  • B. Have a good time.
  • C. You're welcome.
Nice clothes for you 
Tom Excuse me, are you online (在线)? 
Mary Yes.         
Tom Yes, do you have any sweaters? I want to buy one for my daughter Kate. 
Mary Yes.         
Mary It looks nice, Mom.         
Mary It's only 35 dollars.         
Mary I'll pack (打包) for you. 
Tom Thank you! 

A. What about this red one?
B. We sell all our clothes at very good prices.
C. I'll take it.
D. You're welcome.
E. Can I help you?F. And red is my favorite color.
G. How much is it? 
23. Peter is a good father. He likes his daughter. But he is very (1)       everyday. He can't come home early and he can't have (2)       with his daughter. He (3)       to make much money (多赚钱). In the evening, he doesn't want to say anything (4)       work. His six-year-old daughter is waiting for (等候) him.
"Daddy, can I (5)       you a question?"
"Yes, what's it?"
"How much money do you make a(n)(6)       ? "
"Why do you ask me that?" Peter looks unhappy (不高兴的).
"But I want to know. Please tell me," the little girl says.
"If you must know, let me tell you. I make 20 dollars an hour," Peter answers.
"Great, Daddy!(7)       I buy an hour from you?"
"Why?" Peter is very angry (生气的).
"I just want you to (8)       home an hour earlier (更早的) tomorrow. I want to have dinner with you."
24.Good news! For the coming New Year, some films are at very good prices. You can watch them from Wednesday, January 1st to Tuesday, January 7th. These films are interesting. You can come here with your friends and your parents.
Ip Man 4 

Star Wars 


Mr. Miao 
Price ¥70 ¥80 ¥50 ¥70 
Date January 1st
January 2nd
January 3rd 
January 1st
January 3rd
January 5th 
January 4th
January 5th
January 7th 
January 4th
January 6th
January 7th 
Time 9:00 a. m.
4:30 p. m.
8:20 p. m. 
10:00 a. m.
7:10 p. m.
9:30 p. m. 
9:20 a. m.
3:10 p. m.
5:30 p. m. 
7:50 a. m.
9:50 a. m.
11:50 a. m 
Tips 1. 50% o off (半价) on Friday for all.
2. Free (免费的) for children under 6 years old.
3. A free bottle of sort drink for Students with student ID cards during New Year's holiday.
4. For knowing more, please call us at 9073567. 

25. Most Chinese people didn't know of Kristian Kostov before a few months. But now people like him very much. He sings well in a singing show on Hunan TV.
Kostov is 19 years old in 2019. He is a Bulgarian-Russian (保加利亚俄罗斯双国籍的) singer. He has big eyes and looks handsome. He has a happy family. His parents and grandparents like him very much. Kostov's favorite subject is music. He thinks it is very interesting. He likes singing, playing the piano and soon. So his mother send (送) him to singing classes when he is 6. He thinks singing is interesting and relaxing. Now he is very popular because of his singing.
26. Hi! I'm Bill. (1)       My parents are John and MariA. I am thirteen years old. My birthday is on July, 16th. I have a little brother. (2)       He is five years old. I love him very much.
Now I am in Beijing, a big city in China. (3)       There are 15 girls and 18 boys in my class. Mr. Zhang is my new Chinese teacher. (4)      
My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite color is blue. I like making friends. (5)       Do you like sports? What color do you like? Can I be your friend? My e-mail address is bill read yahoo. com. Please write to me.
A. I am in Class One, Grade Seven in our school.
B. What about you?
C. I am an English boy.
D. His name is Tony.
E. What's your favorite subject?
F. He is from Beijing. 
27. My name is GinA. I am in Grade 7 now. My school is No. 7 Middle school. I have two good friends, Mike and Jack. They always help me with my math. I thank them for helping me. Now I find math very interesting. Today is Sunday. We are free and go shopping. I want to buy a T-shirt. Mike and Jack want to buy sports shoes. We go to a store. Mike buys a pair of sports shoes. They are 258 yuan. I don't have so much money, so we go to another (另一个) store. Clothes in this store are at very good prices. My favorite color is green, so I buy a green T-shirt and Jack buys a pair of sports shoes. They are 150 yuan. Then we go home happily.
Gina is a (1)             school student. 
Study Two good friends help Gina with her math, and Gina has (2)             learning (学习)math. 
Shopping They go shopping (3)             Sunday. 
Mike buys a pair of shoes from the (4)            store. 
The second store is on (5)             Jack and Gina buy T-shirt and shoes from it. 
28. Hello, everyone. I'm Bill. I'm a middle school student. It's nice to meet you here. First, let me tell you something about my family. There are five people in my family. They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and me.
My father is a worker. My mother is an English teacher. My sister is sixteen and my brother is fifteen. I'm twelve. We three go to the same school. All my family like watching soccer games best.
My home is on West Street. There is a big tree (树) and some small trees around my house. The big one is a pear tree and the small ones are apple trees. But there aren't any pears or apples on them now. 这是我房子的照片。 In the photo, you can see three cats in my house. They are all black and white. We like them very much.
1. Please translate (翻译) the underlined sentence into Chinese.
2. How many children are there in Bill's family?
3. What do Bill's family like doing best?
4. Where is Bill's home?
5. Please translate the underlined sentence into English.
6. What can we see in the photo?
have food dumpling can interesting you for well three want because favorite 

My name is David. It is December            (1) today. I'm twelve years old today. I can eat a lot of delicious (美味的)             (2). My mom prepare (准备)tomato noodles, chicken, salad and a birthday cake for me.
I like             (3) noodles with tomatoes for breakfast. I drink some milk and eat              (4) for lunch. For dinner, I only have fruit with some vegetables,            (5) I am a little fat. My mom says that eating a lot of vegetables is good             (6) me. And she             (7) me to play sports every day. My            (8) sport is volleyball. I think it's very             (9). What about you? What do you have for             (10) birthday? Can you tell me?
30.介绍, 是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段.同时, 也是认识自我的方式.学校近期将举行一场以"介绍自己, 展示自我"为主题的演讲比赛.假如你是Mary, 请根据表格内容, 写一篇演讲稿来介绍自己.
Name Mary Smith 
Birthday October 10th 
Age(年龄) twelve 
Family members(成员) parents, a brother, I 
Telephone number 010﹣5589723 
Favorite subject English 
Favorite sport basketball 
Favorite food hamburgers 

1. 词数60左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
2. 包含所有要点, 可适当发挥;
3. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;
4. 文中不能出现真实的姓名和所在学校的名字.
Hello, boys and girls!
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