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1.—What did you buy for ______ last Double Eleven Day (双十一节)?
—Nothing. I only bought something for my parents.
  • A. yourself
  • B. myself
  • C. himself
2.—Mr. Zhao still works in the office ______ it's very late in the evening.
—Yes, he works really hard every day.
  • A. or
  • B. because
  • C. although
3.A smile (微笑) needs ______, but it gives a lot.
  • A. something
  • B. everything
  • C. nothing
4.—Did you know any soldiers (士兵) in Anti-Japanese (抗日战争)?
—Yes, their stories ______ many people's hearts.
  • A. touched
  • B. lost
  • C. expected
5.Can you write more carefully? I can't see the words ______.
  • A. loudly
  • B. quietly
  • C. clearly
6.—The film My people, My country (《我和我的祖国》) is one of ______ films in 2019.
—I agree with you, and I am so proud (骄傲) of my country.
  • A. the most educational
  • B. the most meaningless
  • C. the most boring
7.—Do you like Sam?
—No, I don't. He only thinks about himself and never ______ others.
  • A. looks like
  • B. cares about
  • C. puts up
8.—The computer is cheap but it works well.
—Yes, that's the ______ why I bought it.
  • A. reason
  • B. mind
  • C. end
9.—Thanks for helping me with my housework.
  • A. No problem
  • B. Good idea
  • C. Oh, great
10.—Hi, boys and girls! I wonder ______?
—I just stayed at home and watched the national military parade (国庆阅兵).
  • A. what you are going to do on National Day
  • B. when you went to Beijing
  • C. how you spent National Day
11.A: Excuse me. May I ask you some questions?
B: (1)      
A: How often do you play computer games?
B: (2)      
A: Great. (3)      
B: Yes, I like them very much. But my mother says I shouldn't watch TV too much.
A: She is right. (4)      
B: The Reader and Happy Camp.
A: Sounds interesting. (5)      
B: At ten o'clock. I sleep 8 hours every night.
A: It's a good habit. Thanks.
B: You're welcome.
A. I play them once a week.
B. When do you go to bed every night?
C. Watching TV is good for you.
D. Of course.
E. Do you go to bed early every night?
F. What TV programs do you often watch?
G. Do you like watching TV programs? 
12.  Tim is a 17-year-old high school student. He has lots of (1)       habits. He likes to use the Internet for fun at night, and he usually (2)       late. When he feels sleepy (瞌睡的), he drinks some coffee. (3)       he goes to bed late, he usually gets up late the next morning and arrives at school late. (4)       breakfast, he always eats junk food like hamburgers. And he (5)       exercises. He doesn't like to exercise at all. These of his habits are not good for his body or his mind. He often feels (6)       and sometimes he can't think quickly. He is worried about his health and decides to do (7)      . "I'll try not to spend too much time on the (8)       ," he says, "I'll get up (9)       and exercise in the park at least three times a week. And I'll (10)       to eat healthy food. I believe that by doing so I can become a healthy person."
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Website www.iqiyi.com www.xunlei.com www.douban.com www.sina.com 
Founding time April, 2010 January, 2003 March, 2005 December, 1998 
Gong Yu Zou Shenlong
& Cheng Hao 
Yang Bo Wang Zhidong 
Idea Let the whole
(全部的) world watch us. 
No one is faster
than me. 
Join us more,
and you'll get more. 
All start with you. 
Feature (特征)  Share movies. Download (下载) what you need.  Make friends with others. Find everything
you like - news, sports, stories and so on. 
14.  A lot of people like taking a trip with no plans (计划). They think it is very relaxing and has more fun. But in fact, it is not good. Making vacation plans is very important.
  First, a vacation plan can make sure (确保) that everything goes well. If you visit a place but you don't book a hotel, you may have no place to stay at night.
  Second, you have lots of things to take with you for a vacation. You need to plan what things you have to buy and what things you need to put in bags. For example, you want to visit one place, but when you arrive at the airport, you forget to bring your plane ticket! You may be late for the plane.
  Third, making a vacation plan can help you save a lot of money. No one wants to spend more money than they want to. If you surf the Internet before you go on a vacation, you may find some cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms.
  Next time when you go on a vacation, try to write down some plans. They can help you have more fun during your vacation.
15.  Do you think that you are not outgoing enough? Are you too shy to make friends? (1)       They will help you.
  Feel comfortable.
  Always be clean. Take a shower, brush your teeth, and try to look nice. Dress in clean clothes. (2)       Then your friends will like you very much.
  Try to smile more often at people. It will make them think that you are friendly. Then people want to talk to you more even if they don't know you.
  Just talk.
  Some people worry about talking because they think, "What am I going to talk about with that person?" (4)       They just go up to people and say what they think.
  Listen to people.
  You can't just talk all the time. You have to listen to others and give your ideas. Let them know you care about them.
  Read the news.
  (5)       Surf the Internet for news and information, and talk about them when you are with your friends.

A. Your friends will like you very much.
B. They must make you feel good and comfortable.
C. Don't just stay at home and do nothing.
D. Smile more often.
E. Read the following rules.
F. Outgoing people don't even (甚至) think about it. 

16.  Mr. Green has a son. He is twelve years old. He's tall and strong, but Mr. Green isn't happy with his only son. He doesn't think his son is smart.
  One morning, the father gave his son a coin (硬币). And he said to him, "Go to buy one thing. That must be something to eat, something to drink, and something to grow."
  "What can I buy with one coin? It is too hard! " the boy thought. Then a girl found the boy was not happy and came up to him. "Can I help you?" The boy told her that hard task (任务). "I know what you can do," she said. "Go and buy a watermelon with this coin. It will give you everything your father wants." The boy thanked the girl and then ran to buy a watermelon.
  When the father saw the watermelon, he was very happy. "Good job!" "In fact, that was not my idea. A girl helped me." said the boy. The father then said,
  "Honesty (诚实) is more important than cleverness (聪明)."

(1)How old is Mr. Green's son?
(2)Why isn't Mr. Green happy?
(3)What did the boy buy with one coin?
(4)Who helped the boy finish the hard task?
(5)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (请将画线句子翻译成汉语)
game; for; excite; song; different; one; talent; get; serious; he; play; good 

  Yuki Bhambri is one of the (1)             tennis players in India. He was born in New Delhi in July, 1992. Yuki has a sporty family. (2)             two sisters and a cousin are all good tennis players. Maybe because of that, Yuki started playing tennis at the age of six. It was soon clear that Yuki was more (3)             than many other players of his age.
  In 2008, Yuki played in the four Junior Grand Slam Tournaments (青少年大满贯锦标赛). They are quite important tennis games (4)              teenagers. He didn't win any of those (5)            . But the world got to know the young tennis player. In the same year, Yuki won the Orange Bowl, another important tennis game in the world. He was the (6)             Indian player to win that game. In 2009, Yuki won the Junior Australian Open. Then in 2010 he played in the first Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and (7)             the silver medal (银牌).
  There are not always happy and (8)             moments (时光) in the tennis star's life. Once Yuki had to stop (9)             an important game because of an injury (受伤). He felt sad. However, his love for tennis never stopped. He takes every game (10)             and shows the world that he is a really good tennis player.
18.下面是三名同学的暑假旅行经历。请根据内容提示, 以 “Great trips” 为题写一篇70词左右的英语短文,介绍他们的旅行情况,可适当发挥。
Who Jeff Huang Lei Mary 
Where they went 


What they did visited the Oriental Pearl TV Tower (东方明珠) and did some shopping surfed and dived (潜水) visited the Great Wall and ate Beijing Duck 
How they felt happy relaxed excited 

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