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1. We often watch movies about the future. What will the future and our life be like in 20 years? Our world (1)        much more beautiful than now. There will be less (2)       . There will be more robots in our life. They can help us (3)        the housework and do some simple jobs. Fewer people will do such jobs because these jobs are (4)       . The robots even can talk with humans and have their own feeling such as sadness and happiness. Some will look like humans and (5)        may look like animals.
How about me? Maybe in 20 years, I think I will be a pilot. As a pilot. I can (6)        all over the world and meet many interesting people. I will keep a dog as a pet in my home. And I also have (7)        robot helper. (8)        I leave my city because of work, the robot can help me to look after it. During the holiday, my robot will make different plans for me and tell me (9)        money each plan needs. Then I can choose the (10)        plan.
No one knows what will happen in the future? So Let's wait!
2. Liu Rui, a 15﹣year﹣old boy from Guangdong, began to wear glasses at the age of five. Most students in Liu's class wear glasses. In fact, half of Chinese teenagers are near﹣sighted(近视). But young people aren't the only ones with eyesight(视力)(1)        in China. This is(2)        because of the long﹣time use of the eyes when people are studying or working. Many people spend a lot of time(3)        books and electronic devices (电子设备). It makes eyes tired. Also, many people know that reading under dark light is (4)        for their eyes.
Many people wonder why eating too much sugar is another reason. Scientists (5)        that eating too much sugar can do bad to your eyes too. That's because too much sugar in the body brings a shortage(缺乏)of vitamin B1. It is very bad for your eyes. How to protect your eyes? Many scientists give (6)        on how to better protect your eyes:
Follow the 20﹣20﹣20 (7)        : Every 20 minutes, take away any electronic devices you are using. Then, watch 20﹣meter﹣away trees for (8)        20 seconds.
A study shows that kids spending more time outside are not easy to (9)        near﹣sighted. When you're outside, your eyes have(10)        time to watch greens.
At the same time, your eyes can get more sunlight. It can help your eves grow and stay healthy as well.
3.It is important to sort(分类)your rubbish. If you sort your rubbish, you are helping to protect the environment and save our earth. If you don't do this, the rubbish will be everywhere and we can't plant things on them. Some kinds of rubbish will pollute the soil(泥土)and the water. For example, the bad things in phones can run out and pollute the ground. Other rubbish, like some parts of pens, can be used to make other things.
Here are four kinds of rubbish:
Recyclable(可循环的):Things that can be reused, such as paper, metal (金属), glass and old clothes. 
Wet: It is also called "household waste" "You don't want these things but pigs can eat, " Guangzhou Daily said 
Harmful(有害的): such as medicine, batteries(电池)and phones. If you throw them away, they may pollute the soil and water. 
Others: It is also called "Dry". Any waste that doesn't belong to (属于). Wet, Recyclable or Harmful. 
4. Many Chinese basketball fans were sad on Sept 8, China lost an important World Cup game against Nigeria on the day. Because of it, China was out of the 2019 International Basketball Federation (FIBA) World Cup. It also lost a chance(机会)to take part in next year's Tokyo Olympic Games.
Yi Jianlian is the leader(队长)of the Chinese men's national basketball team. He said. "The chance is rare for all of us, because it will be a long time for us to have such a big game in China again. " he told China Daily. "You can feel excited and special when you win for my country. It's very meaningful for the national team and for me to play in the World Cup in front of the Chinese. "
With this patriotism(爱国精神)in mind, Yi carried the team on his shoulders, though his ankle(膝盖)was hurt. He did everything he could against Nigeria and got 27 points all on his own during the game.
But just a few minutes before the game ended, Yi's ball was stopped and the team was sure to lose. He hit the ground and shouted with anger. Later, Yi said it was hard to accept the loss. "But we can not give up because of the loss tonight. We still need to work hard and hold our heads up high in future matches, " Yi said.
5.左栏是五人的情况介绍, 右栏是七本书的简介, 请为每一个人选择最合适的书.
(1)        Lily is a music teacher. Her students like her lesson because they can learn many latest popular songs in her class. She wants to buy a new book about new songs.
(2)       Dora has a lot of problems with her spoken English. So she wants to buy a book to make her spoken English better.
(3)       John is a student. He likes drawing very much. This winter, he will take part in a drawing competition(比赛). He wants to buy a book to learn more.
(4)      Anna likes reading long novels(小说), especially the Four Famous Novels in China. She thinks they can also help her to write good compositions(作文)in the exams.
(5)       Wilson is interested in taking photos. But he isn't good at it. He wants to buy a book to help him. 
A. Travel to the West
It's one of the Four Famous Novels in China. It tells us a story which the Monkey King gets over many difficulties and protects Tang Sanzang to go for Zhenjing in the west.
B. Skills of Drawing
Do you like drawing? Do you want to be a good artist? This book may help you. You can find many useful drawing skills in this book.
C. How to Write a Good Composition
This book will help you to get good grades in your composition in the exams. It will tell you what to write and how to write it well. It's worth reading and buying.
D. Improve Your Listening Day by Day
Do you find it hard to improve your listening in English? This book will tell you some ways to make progress. Take one home and listen to it every day, you are sure to improve.
E. A Way to Succeed in Spoken English
It's not easy to improve your spoken English. We have no real English environment to practice. But this book can give you a good way to improve it.
F. How to Be a Good Photographer
Are you interested in taking photos? This book is about how to take a good photo. It's written by a famous photographer from America. I am sure it can give you many new ideas.
G. Latest 200 Songs
We collect 200 latest songs in this book. Most of them are sung by famous singers. They are very popular during the last few weeks. 
6. Staying with a friend or family member is a great way to save some money when you travel. But how can you be a great guest(客人)?
Be clear about who is going with you. Don't say, "I'd like to come for a visit" if you mean, you'd better say, "I'd like to visit with my husband and two kids. " Keep an eye on your things. Don't make your friend's home like staying in a hotel. When you're not in your room, you should make it clean and tidy as usual. Watch you children. Before traveling, talk to your kids about their manners(礼仪). Let them know what they should do and should not do. Don't wish your hostess(女主人)to do all the work. She may not want you to buy things or give some help at dinner time, but it's important to help her do some housework, like washing a few dishes or cleaning the table after dinner. Bring or send a thank﹣you. pngt and follow up with a note. The pngt needn't to be expensive. If you don't have time to shop, take the family to dinner to show thanks. When you get home, send a quick note to let them know how much you enjoy your stay.
7. A man came home from work late. He felt tired. But he was surprised to find his 5-year-old son waiting (1)             him at the door.
"Daddy, how much money do you (2)             each hour?"
"If you must know, I make﹩20 each hour. "
"Oh," the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said, "Daddy, (3)              you lend me﹩10?"
The father was angry and said, "(4)             you ask for the money to buy a toy, then go back to your room and think about why you are always thinks of playing!"
The little boy (5)              back to his room. After a short time, the father calmed down (冷静), and started to think, "Maybe he really needs to buy something and he doesn't really (6)             for money very often. " So he went to the little boy's room.
"Sorry!My dear son. " said the man, "Here's﹩10."
"Oh, thank you, Daddy!" the little boy said (7)             with a smile on his face.
Then the boy took out some coins(硬币). When the father found that the boy already had money, he got (8)             again.
"(9)              do you want more money when you already have some?" the father shouted angrily.
"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do. " the little boy answered, "Daddy, I have﹩20 now. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home (10)             tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you. "
8.请谈论你最喜欢的一次假期旅行经历, 请你根据以下提示完成作文.
1. 描述你最喜欢的一次假期旅行经历, 包括时间、地点、人物、活动.
2. 谈论你对这次旅行经历的感受.
3. 下次旅行你想去的地方是哪里?简要说明原因.
要求:文章内不得出现真实姓名, . 学校名等;作文长度不少于70词
I'd like to share one of my traveling experiences with you       .
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