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—I ______ very well.
  • A. are;are
  • B. are;is
  • C. is;am
  • D. are;am
2.—Can you spell the word "box", please?
  • A. Box
  • B. BOX
  • C. Yes, box.
  • D. Yes, B﹣O﹣X.
3.The Chinese flag is ______.
  • A. red
  • B. yellow
  • C. red and yellow
  • D. white
4.—Is this pencil box______?
—No, it isn't. It is ______ pencil box.
  • A. his, hers
  • B. yours , his
  • C. your , my
  • D. her ,mine
5.Some ______ on the table. Ask the teacher ______ them.
  • A. key is; for
  • B. keys; are
  • C. keys are; for
  • D. key are; of
6.This is a nice room. It's ______.
  • A. Bob's and Frank's
  • B. Bob and Frank's
  • C. Bob and Frank
  • D. Bob's and Frank
7.______ , boys! You can win.
  • A. Come on
  • B. Come in
  • C. Come back
  • D. Come to
8.There is ______ MP4 and ______ ID card in the box.
  • A. a; an
  • B. an; a
  • C. a; a
  • D. an; an
9.Mike is ______ the first family photo and the photo is ______ the wall.
  • A. in; in
  • B. in; on
  • C. on; on
  • D. on; in
10.Let's______ baseball.______.
  • A. play; That's sounds good
  • B. to play; That sounds good
  • C. play. That sounds good.
  • D. playing , That's sound good.
11.— Is his name Andy?
—______. His name is John.
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. No, it isn't
  • C. Yes, he is
  • D. No, he isn't
12.Three girls are in the photo and Lucy is in the______ of the photo.
  • A. first
  • B. middle
  • C. next
  • D. last.
13.—Are these Lily and Lucy?
  • A. Yes, they aren't
  • B. No, these aren't
  • C. Yes, these are
  • D. No, they aren't
14.My father's brother is my ______.
  • A. uncle
  • B. aunt
  • C. cousin
  • D. grandfather
15.A bed, a desk and a bookcase are in my ______.
  • A. pencil box
  • B. room
  • C. classroom
  • D. library
16.He ______ in No.6 Middle School,______ his sister______.
  • A. is; but; aren't
  • B. is; but; isn't
  • C. are; and; isn't
  • D. are; but; isn't
17.Anna isn't ______. Look! Her CDs are everywhere.
  • A. kind
  • B. tidy
  • C. fine
  • D. welcome
18.—Does Mike have a computer?
  • A. Yes, he has.
  • B. No, he don't.
  • C. No, he doesn't
  • D. Yes, he have
19.I think playing tennis is very easy ______ me.
  • A. to
  • B. of
  • C. with
  • D. for
20.—Good morning, Alice.
  • A. Morning
  • B. Yes
  • C. Fine
  • D. Thanks
21.What does UN______?
  • A. stand for
  • B. turn out
  • C. look for
  • D. even though
22.He could______himself at the age of 5.
  • A. looked after
  • B. take care
  • C. care about
  • D. take care of
23..I just can't ______getting up early.
  • A. get use to
  • B. get used to
  • C. used to
  • D. is used to
24.It's a______to eat noodles on our birthday in China.
  • A. tradition
  • B. imagine
  • C. human
  • D. stress
25.I prefer milk ______ coffee. I don't like coffee.
  • A. with
  • B. to
  • C. at
  • D. of
26. Hi, I'm Tom Green. Here is a photo of my (1)       . It's blue. I like it very much, but I (2)        it on the playground this morning. A pencil box, (3)        English book, a dictionary and a computer game(4)        in it. My (5)        is blue, too. I have three pencils, two erasers and a ruler(6)        it. On the English book you can see my (7)        Tom. The computer game is not (8) B . It's my good friend Jack's. I must find (9)       . If you find my schoolbag, please call me(10)        352-6698

A bag.
My name is Peter.Please call me at 529﹣6403. 

A dog. It's brown and white.Please call Mrs. Greenat 685﹣6034. 

A ping-pong bat. My name is Mike.Please call 235﹣0285. 

A Math book. Is this your math(数学) book?Please call Alice at 495﹣3456. 


A camera. It's blue. My name is Tom. Please call 495﹣3539. 
28. I have a pen pal. Her name is Carrie. She is a 16﹣year﹣old girl from the UK, but now she lives in China. She is a middle school student in Dongguan. She likes going to school, but there are some things she doesn't like, such as P. E. She enjoys playing sports. She thinks sports are interesting and exciting. But she doesn't like doing physical exercises in P. E. classes, She feels that they are boring!Her favorite subject is Science. It seems that the amazing and useful Science attracts her. She is really interested in Science so she always says she is on the way to be a scientist. She wishes to invent things to make the world more and more beautiful. In her spare time, she often goes to the beach. She loves just sitting around and talking to friends there. She's getting better at getting along with boys, but she doesn't like listening to hours of talking about football. '"s not interesting at all"'she once said to me.
       What's your number?
       What's that in English?
       Do you have a tennis ball?
       How are you?
       Is this your ruler? 
A.Fine, thanks.
B.It's a map.
C.No, I don't.
D.Yes, it is.
E.Yes. they are
F.Yes, he does.
G.It's 85012359 
30.Here are some        (字典)without names.
31.Each of us        (知道) the actor Fan Bingbing was fined over 800 million yuan.
32.Let's ask        (他们) for help.
33.My brother John wants a        ['sɒkə] ball.
34.I think tennis is very        [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] for me.
35.It's a        [piːs] of cake.
36.When you are listening to lighter music, chocolate may        [teɪst] sweeter than ever.
37.What's the        [ˌpapjuˈleɪʃn] of Japan?
38.You are        ['prɪtɪ] good..
39.It's easy to        [hɜːt]your feet while playing football.
—不, 它不是.
45. Hello, my name is Lin Haixing. My              name is Lin. My favorite              is purple. I              a good friend.              name is Peter. He is ten years old. We are in the              class, so we are classmates. Peter likes              sports very much. He plays ping-pong              his father in              morning. In the afternoon, he often plays soccer after school, and he has three soccer             . In the evening, he often              sports games on TV.
46. I'm Jim. I have three good friends. We like sports very much. My favorite (最喜欢的) sport is ping-pong. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. I think playing ping-pong is fun. But Linda thinks it is boring. Her favorite sport is baseball. She plays baseball every afternoon. She has four baseballs. Gina is Linda's sister. She likes playing tennis. She thinks it's interesting and she has four tennis balls and four tennis bats. My friend Frank likes playing soccer. He plays it very well. It's relaxing for him to play soccer. But he has only one soccer ball.
What's Jim's favorite sport?                
How many ping-pong bats does Jim have?                
Linda and Gina are                
Gina thinks tennis is                
How many soccer balls does Frank have?                
47.Susan 的书包在班里是最整齐的,课堂上老师让Susan将她的书包展示给同学们看,请根据下面的内容要点写一篇短文,简单介绍一下Susan 并描绘一下她的书包.
Age 12 
Favorite sport  网球 (容易的) 
The color of the schoolbag 蓝色 
Something in it  两个笔记本, 一个铅笔盒,一个橙色的钢笔 

  Susan is ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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