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1.—Peter is new here so he has few friends in our school. What can we do for him?
—Let's invite him to play football with us.
  • A. a lot of
  • B. some
  • C. almost no
2.—The English teacher, Mr Lin, is very popular with the students.
—Yes. Look! Some students are following him into the office.
  • A. going after
  • B. understanding
  • C. doing after
3.—Tom, I have waited for you in the playground for ages.
—Sorry, but I asked Miss Chen some maths questions.
  • A. for a short time
  • B. for a long time
  • C. for a few years
4.—Did you take part in the Futian Model United Nation conference (模联大会) last month?
—Yes. It was fantastic! I really enjoyed it.
  • A. have a look at
  • B. have interest in
  • C. join in
5.—You would like to go to the cinema with your parents, right?
—No. I will see the film with my classmate.
  • A. want to
  • B. are interested in
  • C. are able to
6.—Did you have a good time with your friends at your birthday party?
—Yes, we sang, danced and played some games.
  • A. help yourself
  • B. enjoy yourself
  • C. love playing
7.—Congratulations! Both of you won prizes in the English Speaking Competition.
—Thanks. We were nervous, but we worked hard all the way.
  • A. on the way
  • B. in the way
  • C. from the beginning to the end
8.—Every time I got on the school bus, I felt sick — I got butterflies in my stomach (胃).
—That's bad. You'd better go to school by underground.
  • A. felt happy
  • B. felt sick
  • C. caught butterflies
9.—What did you do on Sunday afternoon?
—I ____ a piano lesson and then did some shopping with my mum.
  • A. attended
  • B. joined
  • C. interviewed
10.—Do you want to ____ students from London?
—Why not? I hope we will walk along the Thames River one day.
  • A. look up
  • B. make friends with
  • C. throw away
11.—Do you know the answers to all the questions in the ____?
—Yes, I can ____the paper in five minutes.
  • A. grammar; finish
  • B. sentence; work
  • C. quiz; complete
12.—What's your favourite ____?
—I like sports and I ____playing table tennis.
  • A. habit; have to
  • B. hobby; am good at
  • C. subject; am bad for
13.—______ do you go to the cinema?
—Never. I ______ watch movies at home.
  • A. How often; usually
  • B. How long; never
  • C. How much; sometimes
14.—Did you feel ____when you received the present from Mary?
—Yes. But the present was a ____ book. I don't like it at all.
  • A. amazing; interesting
  • B. excited; traditional
  • C. surprised; boring
15.—People like to go ____ around the Bund when they visit Shanghai.
—Yes. Every day, thousands of people come to visit it in every ____.
  • A. sightseeing; direction
  • B. shopping; footprint
  • C. travelling; mountain
16. I work in a company in China. Modern technology has greatly changed my life.
At 6:30 a. m., my Smart Voice system wakes me up. I ask for the (1)       report-today will be sunny and cold. At 7 a. m., I go for a run and wear my sport (2)       to record my heartbeat and running distance.
I leave my apartment and go to work at 7:30 a. m. I scan the shared bike QR code with my mobile phone to (3)       to my company. At 11:30 a. m. , I have (4)       with my friends. We meet at a (5)       nearby. We order and pay for lunch with our mobile phones.
At 5:30 p. m., I go back home (6)       work. When I open the door, a friendly voice (7)       me home. My Intelligent Home system turns the lights and the air conditioner on automatically and my robot vacuum cleaner has already cleaned the (8)      . At 8:30 p. m., I take my online English course on my (9)      . The class ends at 9:30 p. m. Then I get into bed and use my e-book reader to read for thirty minutes. My Smart Voice system (10)       the lights at 10 p. m.
I'm travelling in China and I have tasted many Chinese dishes. I want to share my favourites with you! The cold vegetable dish is a healthy dish. There is lettuce, beans (豆), cabbages and other kinds of vegetables. You can choose what to add to your plate.  
BBQ meat is one of the most famous Chinese dishes. You can buy it from both restaurants and street carts. Many kinds of meat can be cooked in this way and the meat is heavily seasoned. I tried chicken BBQ and I think it's great.   
Rou Jia Mo is the Chinese hamburger. It's a homemade bread with seasoned meat inside. To make the meat delicious, people usually cook it for the whole night. Also, it's very cheap.  
Stinky (臭的) tofu smells bad, but tastes good! I asked my friend to try the special dish with me once. She said it was the worst dish she had ever tasted. But I liked it.  
18. Marcus Deans is a student from Ontario, Canada. He won the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes this year. The prize goes to young people who have a good influence (影响) on people, animals or environment all across North America. Why is Marcus Deans one of them? Because he invented a kind of water filter (过滤器) called NOGOS for developing countries.
When Marcus was 12, he saw a photo of a child in Africa drinking dirty water. "I was shocked that it still happens in the world," Marcus said. Since then, he has been working on a filter for people to get clean water easily. After many tries, Marcus succeeded and he gave the filter a name, NOGOS. It is easy to make the filter because it is mainly made of three materials: sugar, sand, and seashell. What's more, these things are easy to get.
Now Marcus is 17 years old. He is still perfecting NOGOS. "Getting to this point has not been easy but what keeps me going is that I want all people from every corner of the world to drink clean water," he said.
19. Every day, Tubbat gets up early and goes to plant trees. In fact, the 65-year-old man has spent 15 years planting trees in the desert in inner Mongolia.
Tubbat was one of the first young people in his hometown to go to college in the 1970s. After he finished college, he got a job offer from a TV station in Beijing. But he turned it down and went back to his hometown. Many people didn't understand his decision. "If you take the offer, you'll live a great life in Beijing," they said. But Tubbat held to his decision. He wanted to do something for his hometown.
After working many years in his hometown, Tubbat retired (退休) and he went on to plant trees in the desert. "My children want me to live with them in the city. But I want to grow more trees," Tubbat said. So far he has planted more than 50, 000 trees, covering about the size of 133 football fields. "I'm happy about my decision. I know I did the right thing," he said.
20. "What's your favourite book? Elephant and Piggy? Yeah, I got it." If you think you are in the library, you are wrong. In fact, you've walked into the Storybook Barber (理发店).
Two years ago, Dubuque County in Iowa, US, started a learning programme. Children from poor families can use learning resources (资源) in Dubuque for free. Holmes is a barber. He decided to use it to help kids learn. "They can have free haircuts here by reading books to me," Holmes said.
The barber was popular with kids. On the first Tuesday of every month, kids would take their favourite books and read aloud to Holmes. If they didn't know the words, Holmes was there to help. "Some parents are very busy and they don't have time to read with their kids. So I ask them to bring their kids to the barber, and they can read to me," Holmes said.
Holmes said he learned a lot from the kids too. "There was a boy who couldn't read at first. When he came back days later, he could read the book with no problems. He must have worked very hard," said Holmes. "His story told me what to do when I meet difficulties in my life."
21. The future may become easier for the blind(盲的). To help them live a normal life, a company is developing smart glasses — Angel Eyes.
  Cai Dongyue was born blind. "I can walk with guide sticks, but I can only know the things near me," Cai said. So when he learned about the smart glasses, he went to try them. "At first, I worried that I might hit something on the street," Cai said. "But later I found the glasses were very useful. They have helped me walk farther on my own."
  Angel Eyes have small cameras. They can take pictures and send them to a minicomputer to be identified (辨认). After that, the glasses will tell users what to do.
  Now, the glasses can help the blind identify more than 30 types of things, like doors, stairs and cars. They can also read menus, books and names of stores. But they are not ready to identify animals yet.
What do you think of Angel Eyes? Very cool, right?
22.This is a story about true friendship.
  It is a 1.             (rain) day, and a famous guqin player, Boya, is sitting with his instrument by the riverside on the edge of a forest. Suddenly, he spots 2.             woodcutter called Zhong Ziqi in the forest and invites him to come and listen 3.             his music.
  Boya 4.             (play) the guqin and imagines tall, proud mountains. Zhong Ziqi listens for a short time, and then says, "When you play, I see Mount Tai reaching into the sky!" Boya is 5.             (surprise), but continues to play. Now, he thinks of rushing water. Again, Zhong Ziqi listens and shouts, "6.            (you) music sounds strong and beautiful, like flowing rivers!" Whatever Boya thinks about, Zhong Ziqi hears in his music. They both realize now that they are soulmates, and they 7.            (be) friends for life.
  Later, Boya hears that Zhong Ziqi has passed away. He's very sad, and visits his 8.             (friend) tomb (坟墓). Boya says, "We had such a deep connection with each other! I'll never be able 9.             (find) another person like you. . . . . . , so 10.             should I keep my gugin?" Boya plays one last song on his guqin and then breaks it in half. He never plays the instrument again.
23.在一年的这个时候去野餐, 是很不错的. (It's nice. .. )
24.如果你沿着外滩走, 你将看到许多老式建筑. (If. . .. )
25.也就是说, 我们必须停止污染空气和水. (. .. , stop. .. )
26.徐霞客花了他一生的很多时间旅行. (. .. spend much of. . . )
27.Collecting is more than just buying objects. (英译汉)
28.假如你是学校英语俱乐部的一员, 最近你们俱乐部要招募新成员. 请你根据下表中的要点提示写一篇英语短文介绍The Super English Club, 并谈谈你参加俱乐部的收获.
1. 表达清楚, 语句通顺, 语法正确:
2. 包含全部提示要点, 可适当发挥;
3. 80词左右, 开头己给出, 不计入总词数.
Come and Join the Super English Club!
The Super English Club wants some new members next term._______________________________________________________________________________________
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