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1.Who is ______ woman with you?
  • A. the
  • B. a
  • C. an
  • D. /
2.Please go ______ this street and then turn left at the third crossing.
  • A. to
  • B. along
  • C. through
  • D. past
3.I don't know _______ to do next.
  • A. when
  • B. whether
  • C. how
  • D. what
4.Paula ______ says No to a request. She always likes to help others.
  • A. sometimes
  • B. seldom
  • C. never
  • D. often
5.The famous actress gets a lot of _______ everywhere she goes.
  • A. guard
  • B. attention
  • C. flower
  • D. wish
6.She _______ have short hair.
  • A. used to
  • B. is used to
  • C. uses to
  • D. not use to
7.The bridge _______ built in 1890.
  • A. has
  • B. is
  • C. was
  • D. have
8.Her car requires _______.
  • A. to repair
  • B. repaired
  • C. repairing
  • D. be repaired
9. Last night, I was preparing for the coming examination when I heard loud noise from my neighbor's house. The (1)        went on and on. It was (2)        loud that I could hardly pay attention to my study any longer. So I went to my neighbor's house and knocked at the door. The young man looked (3)        when he (4)        me standing outside his door.
I said to him:"(5)       , could you please turn down the TV? I'm preparing (6)        tomorrow's exam." (7)        he heard these words, his face turned red. And he said politely, "I'm sorry to have made so much noise. Just now, the football game was very wonderful. I was too excited to control (8)       . I won't bother (打扰) you again. (9)        in your coming exam." Then, he (10)        the TV and continued to watch the game. After that, I got down to my study.
10. In a small room, Jenny was lying in bed waiting for an operation(手术), nervous and worried. To her surprise, a new patient was sent into the room. After a kind greeting(打招呼), they began to talk. The 80﹣year﹣old newcomer was named Susan. She had two children. Her son was boss of a big company and her daughter worked in a TV station. As her children were too busy to take care of Susan, she lived in an old people's home. Susan was proud of her children who had wonderful jobs and made a lot of money. Jenny really envied(羡慕)Susan. Compared with Susan, Jenny was nothing but an ordinary(普通的) woman from the countryside. Her children were just ordinary workers.
Soon, it was supper time, Jenny's daughter cooked several dishes which were her favorite. Jenny invited Susan to share her supper, but she did not accept the invitation. Susan was expecting her daughter when she received a call. Unfortunately(不幸), her children couldn't come to visit her. Worse still, Susan had missed the mealtime in the hospital. She lay in bed, disappointed and silent. Jenny's daughter offered to buy her some food but she had no appetite(食欲)at all.
The next day, Jenny and Susan would go through a series of regular medical checks (一连串的常规检查) before the operation. Jenny's daughter took care of her carefully while Susan was still alone. Out of sympathy(出于同情) , Jenny's daughter helped to queue up(排队), fill in different forms and register (挂号)for Susan. For several days in hospital, even during her operation, Susan's children didn't come. Susan really envied Jenny as her daughter looked after her all the time until she recovered and moved out of hospital.
Care from the loved ones can really make one happy and encouraged, especially for old parents. So don't forget to look after your parents even while you are busy working.
11. We are often warned by our teacher not to waste precious (宝贵的) time, because time lost will never return. I think it quite true. What does time look like? (1)      . Time is abstract (抽象的), so we have to think about it.
Time passes very quickly. (2)      . It is because they don't know how to make use of their time. They waste it in going to theatres, cinemas and parks, and doing other things. Why do we study every day? Why do we work? Why do most people would rather take buses instead of walking? The answer is very simple. (3)      .
Today we are living in the 21st century. (4)      . When a person dies, his life ends. Since life is short, we must devote our time and energy to our study so that we may be able to serve the people well in the future. (5)      , for it does not only bring us failure but also does us other harm. If it is necessary for us to do our work today, let us do it today and not leave it until tomorrow.
Remember time is much more valuable (珍贵的) than money.

A. We look upon time as life
B. Nobody knows because we can't see it or touch it and we can't buy it with money
C. Some students say they don't have enough time to review all their lessons
D. Laziness is the thief of time
E. We wish to save time because time is precious 

12. All our dreams have something to do with (与... 有关)our feelings, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. But something on the "outside" may have              influence on              we dream.              a person is hungry or tired or cold, his dream may include a feeling of this kind. If the blanket on              body has slipped off (滑落) your bed, you may dream that you are              or resting on the ice and snow. The material for the dream you will have tonight is probably to come              the experiences you have today.
So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has an influence on you while you are sleeping (feeling of cold, a noise, a discomfort, etc. )              it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and interests you have now. This is why very young children are likely to              of fairies (仙女), older              of school examinations,              people of food, homesick (思乡的)soldiers of their families and prisoners (囚犯) of freedom.
13. Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.
In August, it is very hot and wet in the northern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.
The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a scientific report, IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the wind, their IQ was 10% below. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year(July and August).
Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer.
Low air pressure may make people forgetful. Research shows that people leave more bags on buses and in shops on low﹣pressure days. However, at about 18°C, people become healthier and stronger. People feel best at this temperature.
Are you feeling tired, forgetful or unhappy today? It may be the weather's problem.
1. 学生在校使用手机有哪些弊端?
要求:1. 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实名字.
  Our school sets up a rule that students are not allowed to take mobile phones into school. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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