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1.What's this ______ English? It's______ eraser.
  • A. in, an
  • B. on , a
  • C. in, a
  • D. about, an
2.There is ______ in the word “model”.
  • A. an “d”
  • B. an “m”
  • C. a“o”
  • D. a“l”
3.—Nice to meet you.May I have your name.
—Yes.My name is Mary Brown.Mary is my______.
  • A. last name
  • B. middle name
  • C. given name
  • D. family name
4.— Can I use your bike for a while?
—Yes.You may use ______ bike.Tom's bike is here and I can use ______.
  • A. my; mine
  • B. mine; his
  • C. my; his
  • D. her; hers
5.—The movie Nezha is very interesting.
—Yes. I like ______ very much.
  • A. one
  • B. this
  • C. that
  • D. it
6.— Who are those over there?
—______.We often go shopping together.
  • A. They are my friends
  • B. She is my friends
  • C. Those are my friends
  • D. Those are my friend
7.—Where is my ______ skirt?
—Oh, it is ______ the chair.
  • A. sisters'; under
  • B. sister; in
  • C. sisters; under
  • D. sister's; on
— It's purple.
  • A. What's color?
  • B. What's this in English?
  • C. What color is it?
  • D. What's her name?
9.—______do you spell “ring”?
  • A. What; It is a ring
  • B. How; Yes, r﹣i﹣n﹣g
  • C. How; R﹣I﹣N﹣G
  • D. What; A ring
10.—______ going to the park?
  • A. What about, sounds
  • B. Let's, sounds
  • C. How about, looks
  • D. What about, hears
11.— Does he have a ping﹣pong ball?
—______.And he has a ping﹣pong bat.
  • A. Yes, he is
  • B. Yes, he have
  • C. Yes, he does
  • D. Yes, he has
12.—What do you often do after school?
—We often play volleyball ______school______ our friends.
  • A. for; to
  • B. at; with
  • C. in; or
  • D. to; with
13.—Let's play a game﹣﹣ Guess.It can tell the time.
  • A. A radio
  • B. A player
  • C. A tape
  • D. A clock
14.James ______ sports. He only ______ them on TV.
  • A. isn't play; watch
  • B. doesn't play; watch
  • C. not plays; watches
  • D. doesn't play; watches
15.—Thanks for helping me so much!
  • A. Don't say so
  • B. Don't thank me
  • C. You are welcome
  • D. You are right
16. I am good at English. My classmates always ask me how to (1)        English. Let me tell you.
If you want to speak English well, you should read fast and(2)        . If you do this for a long time, you can speak English like a(3)        .
Also, you should (4)        listening. When you talk with others, you should (5)        them carefully. If you don't pay attention to (注意)the dialogue, you may(6)        a lot of things.
Writing is (7)        too. When you learn a(n) (8)        word, you'd better make a sentence or more. In this(9)        , you can remember more vocabulary.
English is not very difficult. Only if you are interested in it(10)        work hard, you can learn it well.
Invitation Letter 
Dear parents, We will hold an Open Day next Friday afternoon, 24th November. We hope you can come to visit our school. The following is about the details for the day. TimeActivityPlace13:20 p. m. Meet in each classClassroom13:40 p. m. ﹣ 14. 25 p. mWatch a Chinese lessonClassroom14:35 p. m. ﹣ 15:20 p. m. Watch an English lessonClassroomHalf an hour laterWatch the students playing all kinds of sports(outdoor activity class)Playground16:10 p. m. Have a meetingSchool HallYours sincerelyLi Ming, Principal of Starlight Middle School 
18. A farmer wants to sell some little dogs. He colours a sign(指示牌) and puts it in his garden. A boy sees the sign and come to the garden.
"Sir, I want to buy a dog. Can I have a look?" asks the boy.
"Sure, " says the farmer. He opens the door and four little dogs run out of the doghouse. The boy is happy to see them.
Then, the little boy looks at the last(最后) dog. This one is very small and thin. It can't run fast. But it tries to run with the others.
"I want that one, " the boy says, pointing(指着) to the last dog.
The farmer says, "Boy, you don't want that dog. He can't run and play with you like the other dogs. "
The little boy shows one of his foot to the farmer. He says, " You see, sir. I can't run fast. He needs a boy like me to understand him. "
19. Finbo is a little blue whale (鲸). He lives in the deep blue ocean (海洋) with his mother. We call him "little", but he is not little at all. Finbo is much bigger than all of his friends.
Finbo's favourite game is playing "hide﹣and﹣seek (捉迷藏)"with his friends. They often play this game in the ocean. But one thing makes Finbo feel unhappy all the time. When they play this game, Finbo always loses the game. His friends can find him at once (立刻, 马上). But he cannot find his friends easily. Finbo is too big, it is very easy for his friends to find him. Finbo feels very sad. He wants to be small like his friends. At last he doesn't want to play the game and goes to his mother.
       Kathy likes English very much. She wants to learn English on TV.
       Mark is interested in animals. He wants to know everything about animals.
       Tim likes sports. He likes watching sports matches very much. But he only has time after 7 :00 p. m.
       Jennifer likes watching talk shows. She thinks it is very interesting and helpful.
       Kate likes traveling, so the weather is very important to her. 
A. Channel (频道) 2
Program: Sports News
Time: 18:30
B. Channel 1
Program: Weather Report
Time: 19:30
Program: Let's Speak English Together
Time: 18:00
D. Sports Channel
Program: Basketball Match
Time: 20:00
Program: Animal World
F. Channel 9
Program:Talk Show
Time: 20:00
G. Channel 3
Program: Popular Music
Time: 21:15 
21. My desk mate is Song Jiayang. We like to call him Song. Song is              11-year-old lovely boy. Let me tell you              about him.
Song is very handsome. He is tall with big bright eyes, but he is a little shy and quiet              sometimes he doesn't dare (敢) to speak in public. Song has two             . One is playing basketball, and the other is reading. He says playing basketball can make him             . He has lots of books              his bookcase. In his free time, he often              books. He says he can              a lot by reading. He often tells us, "Books are              good friends. " He is always helpful after school, such as helping the old cross the street and helping his parents do chores. What a good             !
22. John and his parents are now in China. He is studying in a middle school in Beijing. In his new school, he has to obey some school rules that are different from those in the USA.
He has to be at school at 7:30 in the morning. Classes begin at 8:00. They have a break (课间休息) between two classes. It's about ten minutes. During the break, they can eat and play games. He has to have lunch at school. He has to wear a school uniform on school days. He also has to wear sports shoes for P. E. classes. School is over at 5:30 in the afternoon. He has to go home for dinner. After dinner, he has to do his homework. He can watch TV if he finishes his homework.
Information Card
The country John comes from                
The time for the first class in the morning                
The place where John has lunch                
The clothes John wears on school days                
The activities John does after dinner                
23.写作提示:同学们, 初中生活已经两个月了, 你肯定结交了很多好朋友, 其中一个是Bob Green. 请以My friend 为题, 根据以下内容, 介绍一下你的新朋友.
1. 来自中山;他家里有四个人, 爸爸妈妈, 还有一个妹妹.
2. 他喜欢运动, 有大量的运动收藏(至少两样).
3. 他的房间整洁, 如书放在书柜里, 电脑放在桌子上等.
4. 其它内容可自由发挥.
1. 语句通顺, 语意连贯
2. 80词以上
3. 字迹端正, 书写正确.
期中试卷 最新试卷 广东试卷 中山市试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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