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1.—Does John like playing ______volleyball?
—Yes, he can play it very______.
  • A. a; good
  • B. the; well
  • C. /; well
2.—Hello, Bob. ______these your sister's books?
— No, they aren't. ______are in the school bag.
  • A. Is; His
  • B. Are; Hers
  • C. Are; Mine
3.Alice is my aunt's daughter. She is my ______.
  • A. cousin
  • B. sister
  • C. brother
4.—______is Teachers' Day?
— It's on ______.
  • A. When; March 8th
  • B. What time; August 1st
  • C. When; September 10th
5.— Anna is not a(an)______girl.
—You're right. You can see her things everywhere.
  • A. fat
  • B. interesting
  • C. tidy
6.He has a good ______. He has two ______ every day.
  • A. habit; apples
  • B. lunch; oranges
  • C. dinner; bread
7.—Hey,Jerry.Have a good day!
  • A. Yes,please
  • B. Fine,thanks
  • C. Thank you
  • D. No,thanks
8.—______ Do you like this sweater?
— No, I don't. It's big for me. I want a ______ one.
  • A. small
  • B. long
  • C. old
9.—______Let's play volleyball.
—______What about playing soccer?
  • A. That sounds interesting.
  • B. That sounds boring.
  • C. OK. Let's go.
10.Tom, what do we have for dinner? Let's______it.
  • A. how about
  • B. come on
  • C. think about
11.(Frank is in a bookstore. )
Girl: Good afternoon. (1)      
Frank: Yes, please. (2)      Tomorrow is her birthday.
Girl: Here are some good books. (3)      
Frank: Oh, no. She is only ten years old. This book is difficult for her.
Girl: I see. Is this one OK?
Frank: Let me see. Oh. This one looks great. (4)      
Girl: Ten yuan.
Frank: (5)      
Girl: Thank you.
Frank: You're welcome.
A. How much is it?
B. Can I help you?
C. l'll take it.
D. How about this one?
E. I need a book for my sister.
F. Here you are. G. How much are they? 
12. Hello! My name is John. I (1)___ in No. 2 Middle School. My school is big. My teachers and classmates are nice to me. I like (2)___very much. We have seven classes a day. Our (3)___ class is at 8:00. We have seven subjects, English, Chinese, math, history, music, art and P. E. My (4)___ is English and I think it's (5)___. I don't like math (6)___ it's difficult for me.
I always have lunch (7)___my friends at school. Then we go to the classroom to have three classes in the afternoon. After school, we play (8)___ because we all like Lang Ping and Zhu Ting. We always play it for (9)___ hour
I (10)___ my school very much. I have a good time at school.
13.请阅读下面六个标题, 将下列五位同学的信息与标题进行匹配, 其中有一项为多余选项.
A. About
B. Found
C. A pair of sports
D. Lost
E. Tina's friend
F. Math 

(1)      I'm very good at English, but I can't do well in Chinese. I like swimming and playing
ping﹣pong. I like music, too.
(2)      Jenny is a fat girl. She is my sister, Tina's friend. She likes eating hamburgers. She doesn't like vegetables.
(3)      My brother is in Grade Seven this year. He needs some clothes for P. E. class. I want to go to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store to buy some clothes for him.
(4)      Sam likes numbers and he always thinks about them very much. It is his favorite subject.
(5)      I am Mary. A school bag is in the music classroom. Is it yours? Ask me for it. E﹣mail me at mary@qq. com.
14.Mr. Miller's Clothes Store
Clothes Color Price 
Hats Black , yellow ﹩6 
Sweater Red , white ﹩18 
T﹣shirts Green , purple ﹩12 
Trousers Black ﹩22 
Socks White , black ﹩4 

15.Dear Anna,
Thank you for your e-mail. I'm happy you like our school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have many things to do after class. On Monday afternoon, we have an art lesson. It's fun. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, we can play soccer. On Thursday morning, we have a handicraft lesson (手工课). I want to make a model plane this week. On Friday afternoon, we practice English. We like to talk (说) with our friends in English. It's great.
Your friend ,
Li Hua
16. Today is (the last day) of December. We have some good things (next month). Next month is a great month. We have our big test on the 10th and the 11th. Then we have an art festival from (the 13th to the 15th). We can ask (our fathers and mothers) to come to our festival. On the 16th we sell some books in our school library at very good prices. You can buy some good books there. After that, this term is over. We don't need to come to school and we can have a long holiday (假期). I think we'll have a good time.
Today is December (1)            . In (2)             the school has some good things. The art festival lasts (持续) for (3)             days. The students and their (4)             can come to the art festival.
17. Today is August 8th. It's my brother Paul's eleventh birthday. In the morning my father and mother take us to Longhua Clothes Store. There my mother buys a red jacket for Paul and then we go to Xinhua Bookstore. I buy some CDs for Paul. My father buys a book for him and its name is Harry Potter. He likes it very much.
In the afternoon, we have a birthday party for Paul at home. Paul's friends Bill and Jim come to the party. They give Paul a basketball because he likes playing it. Paul is very happy.
but lunch tomato breakfast I twelve health think and red sell she 

My name is Eric. I am a student in No. 1 Middle School. Next Tuesday is my (1)             birthday. I want to have a birthday party with my friends. I have a sister. (2)             name is Mary. Now we are in a big store. She helps (3)             to buy some things for my party. My sister (4)             a white T-shirt looks nice. (5)             I don't like it. I want a (6)             one. Here are some jackets at a great (7)            . I will take two. Oh, it's 12:00. We need to have (8)            . I like rice and (9)             for it. I think they are (10)            .
19.请根据表格中的信息, 以 My Friend 为题写一篇短文介绍你的朋友.
姓名 Eric Smith 年龄 13 
生日 11 月 8 日 班级 三班 
电话 643﹣8921 饮食习惯 喜欢蔬菜水果 
喜欢的科目及原因 地理, 有趣 爱好 足球 

要求: 1. 注意书写规范, 行文连贯, 卷面整洁.
2. 不少于 60 词, 表格内容必须全部包含, 可适当发挥.
My Friend
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