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1.— Have you seen______TV play called In the Name of people?
— Yes. it's ______excellent play!
  • A. a; a
  • B. the; an
  • C. 不填; an
  • D. an; 不填
2.Jack planned ______ his problem of being too fat last year.
  • A. solving
  • B. solve
  • C. to solve
  • D. solved
3.My favourite colour is red. I think it is a(n) ______of China.
  • A. symbol
  • B. level
  • C. advantage
  • D. matter
4.There are ______ people and ______ traffic in the city center.
  • A. too much; too much
  • B. too many; too much
  • C. too many; too many
  • D. too much; too many
5.Today people wish to have______food than before because their life improves.
  • A. healthy
  • B. healthier
  • C. healthiest
  • D. the healthiest
6.The old man is badly hurt, but we can't ______. We should call 120 for help.
  • A. cheer him on
  • B. cheer on him
  • C. lift him up
  • D. lift up him
7.— Do you often write ______your parents?
— No. I often talk with them ______ the phone.
  • A. to; in
  • B. for; on
  • C. to; on
  • D. for; in
8.— I called you yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered. Where were you?
— I ______ football the whole afternoon.
  • A. play
  • B. will play
  • C. was playing
  • D. am playing
9.The classroom is ______ small ______hold (容纳) so many students.
  • A. enough; to
  • B. so; that
  • C. such; to
  • D. too; to
10.—Is that cap Bob's?
—No, it ______be his. His is blue.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. may not
11.We saw______ birds when we were climbing the mountain in my home town.
  • A. million of
  • B. millions of
  • C. millions
  • D. million
12.______ hard,and you will be ______.
  • A. To study; best
  • B. Study; best
  • C. Studying; the best
  • D. Study; the best
13.I ______ at the bus stop when I ______ my first teacher yesterday morning.
  • A. was waiting; met
  • B. waited; was meeting
  • C. was waiting; was meeting
  • D. waited; met
14.Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance,you ______keep moving.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. can't
  • D. mustn't
15.— Mum will take us to Japan for a holiday this summer.
  • A. Hang on a minute
  • B. Thanks for your help
  • C. You're welcome
  • D. You can't be serious
16. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a world-famous children's book. It came out (出版) in 1865, three years (1)       its writer Charles Lutwidge Dodgson rowed (划) in a (2)       with three young daughters of Henry Liddell. One of the daughters, (3)       was Alice Liddell. The other two were Lorina Liddell and Mary Liddell.
The (4)       began at Folly Bridge near Oxford and ended in the village of Godstow. During the trip Dodgson told the girls a story. It (5)       a bored little girl named Alice who goes looking for an adventure. The girls loved it, and Alice Liddell (6)       Dodgson to write it down for her. He (7)       to write the story the next day. A month later, the girls and Dodgson (8)       another boat trip. Then Dodgson added (添加) more information to the story like the episodes (片段) about the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Tea-Party. To make the story (9)      , he researched natural history for the animals in the story. After finishing the story, Dodgson let the three girls and some other children (10)       it. They all liked it very much.
17. Accidents often happen around us. So a first aid kit (急救药箱) is necessary (必须的). A first aid kit is one of the most important things in every family. Making your own first aid kit will help keep you and your family safe. You need do the following things.
•Find a box
To find a box is the first thing. The box is large and strong enough to hold all the medical supplies (医用物品). You will put all the supplies inside.
•Prepare the supplies
After finding the box, it's time to prepare all the medical supplies. Having a first aid kit will be useful during serious injuries (伤) and if you should take quick actions in time, it will be useful as well. So it is best to fill your kit with necessary things.
•Write important information
Once you have all the medical supplies, print first aid rules on how to stop bleeding (出血), how to call for help, and so on. You can also write down other helpful phone numbers beside 120 on your note.
•Pack (打包) your kit
Pack everything inside the box. Everything must be easy to find and reach at the same time.
18. If you go to a different country, you may get to know a different way of life. Here are stories of three young people when they first went to the US.
John:I still remember when I first went to the US three years ago, everything was new to me. When I met my host (主人) mum at the airport, she asked, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" I was not sure what she was asking. I thought bathroom meant shower room, so I answered, "No, I forgot to take the soap (肥皂)!" Later I knew "bathroom" meant "toilet".
Eric: Before I went to the US, I thought that everything in the US was large:tall people, big meals and large clothes. When I first got to my school, I was surprised by the size of the school:there was only one building with three floors. And there were fewer than 500 students in the school. Then I went into the dormitory (学生宿舍) and met my little 13-year-old roommate Jason. The room was also very small. However, in the small dormitory, in the small school, I made good friends with my roommate and my classmates.
Linda: Every country has different cultures. I, a girl from Thailand, didn't know much about American culture. All I knew was from books and movies. so when I first went to the US, I was surprised by something. For example, when I first met my host family, they hugged me. People in my country only hug when they know each other very well.
19. Last week a woman and a man came into Jane's travel agency (旅行社) to book a holiday for August. When Jane asked where they wanted to go, the woman said she would like to go somewhere warm.
Jane suggested that they should go to spain because it is very warm in August. She showed them a picture of a wonderful hotel. The man didn't want to go to spain. He said the food there made him uncomfortable. So Jane suggested Tunisia, and said it is always warm in North Africa. But the woman didn't like it. The next suggestion was Italy. But the woman said she didn't like the weather in Italy.
When Jane then suggested Greece, the man got a little upset and said no. He added (补充) that all hotels in Greece were terrible. His neighbor (邻居) went there and her hotel was only half-built.
Jane found out that flying to Florida was not a good idea because the woman didn't like being on planes for a long time. After two hours of talking, Jane suggested that they should just stay at home. They thought it was a great idea and left the travel agency.
20. Are you the only child in your family? Have you heard of "the two-child policy(政策)"? Everyone knows the one-child policy. It is a pulation control (控制) method in our country. Chinese government wanted to control the increasing population at that time. Many Chinese couples understood that and followed this policy or nearly 40 years.
However, as time goes by, some problems appear in our society. At present, these problems are mainly about:
•The number of workers changed from about 960 million in 2010 to 940 million in 2012. The number changed to 930 million in 2014 and will possibly fall by 29 million by 2020.
•China is now getting into an aging (老龄化) society. There will be more old people in the following years. But the society will be short of doctors and nurses to take care of them.
•The population of China will become smaller and smaller if one-child policy continues (继续). It's the main reason that leads to the two problems above.
That's why Chinese government began the two-child policy on January 1st, 2016. It allows each family to have two children. The government hopes it can help solve those social problems gradually (逐渐地). This policy will help offer enough workers in the future. It is reported that there will be around 2. 5 million newly-born babies each year.
A. A car hit me and a man.
B. Where did it happen?
C. What's the matter?
D. That' s a good idea.
E. I' m sorry to hear that.
F. Who took you to hospital?
G. What about the man? 

A: Jenny, you look unhappy. (1)      
B: Oh. I had an accident on my way home yesterday.
A: (2)       How did it happen?
B: (3)      
A: Were you hurt badly?
B: Yes, my leg still hurts now.
A: (4)      
B: He hurt his arm but he is much better now.
A: (5)      
B: The car driver.
A: I hope you will be OK soon.
B: Thank you.
I am              it.
My sister              the bike yesterday.
Jack is              of losing his job.
25.事实上, 昨天他没去上学.
He didn't go to school yesterday,            .
The government              the newspaper.
27.  Living in a foreign country is fun but it isn't always easy.There are many differences between traditions,and sometimes they can (1)c             a lot of embarrassment (尴尬).
  When I first arrived in San Francisco,I had a (2)h             time understanding some of the American ways of doing things.Once I went to (3)v             an American friend with a.pngt.To my surprise,when I (4)p             the.pngt to her, she accepted it with just one hand and opened it (5)i            . But in China we accept a.pngt with both hands and we open it later! What's worse, after a nice evening, I finished my cola and got ready to (6)l            . As soon as we (7)s             goodbye,my friend went back to her room closing the door behind her. It made me (8)f             that I was not really welcome.
  Later, I came to learn about the differences. I think differences in traditions may be a way of making life (9)i            . If we all did everything in the same way, how boring life would be! So learning to understand and respect (尊重) (10)d             is what life is all about.
天气 春季
你的建议 最佳旅游季节…… 
推荐理由 1.……

Dear Mike,
You asked me about the best time to travel in Tianjin._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes,
Li jie
期末试卷 最新试卷 天津试卷 南开区试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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