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1.—Do you enjoy your present job?
—____. I just do it for a living.
  • A. That's OK
  • B. No problem
  • C. That's for sure
  • D. Not really
2.—I think there will be more pollution in 100 years.
—____. There will be fewer trees and more cars.
  • A. I can't agree more
  • B. I don't think so
  • C. I'm afraid not
  • D. I hope so
3.—Do you often ____ your pen pal?
—Yes, quite often. We often talk about our school life in the letters.
  • A. agree with
  • B. hear from
  • C. hang out
  • D. look for
4.—Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?
—You are ____. We went on a 10-day tour to Paris.
  • A. funny
  • B. right
  • C. cool
  • D. close
5.—Is Mrs. Brown feeling better today?
—No. In fact she is feeling even ____.
  • A. bad
  • B. badly
  • C. worse
  • D. worst
6.—What a lovely cake!
—Yeah! It is in the ____ of a heart.
  • A. color
  • B. shape
  • C. size
  • D. look
7.—Which of the pens will you take?
I'll take ____, one for my son and the other for my daughter
  • A. none
  • B. all
  • C. both
  • D. either
8.—Hi, Cindy. The Old Man and the sea by Hemingway will be ____ this weekend.
—Thanks. I'll go and get it then.
  • A. educational
  • B. full
  • C. available
  • D. possible
9.—Why did she ____ your invitation?
—Because she had an important meeting to attend that day.
  • A. turn down
  • B. put away
  • C. dress up
  • D. pick up
10.—I didn't ____ him to become a successful businessman.
—People sure change!
  • A. try
  • B. hope
  • C. plan
  • D. expect
11.—You needn't take an umbrella. It isn't going to rain.
—Well, I don't know. It ______ do.
  • A. might
  • B. need
  • C. would
  • D. should
12.—Where are you going, Jack?
—I'm going to listen to Mr. Black's talk. His talk will ____ American history.
  • A. appear
  • B. cover
  • C. invite
  • D. solve
13.—They clapped and shouted ____ when they saw Yao Ming sitting in the hall.
—Sure, they are all basketball fans.
  • A. hardly
  • B. excitedly
  • C. quietly
  • D. friendly
14.—I'm afraid that I can't do it well.
—You should believe in yourself. You won't know what you can do ______ you try it.
  • A. until
  • B. if
  • C. when
  • D. although
15.—What did Max just say to you?
—He asked me _______.
  • A. if I would like to go skating
  • B. when did I buy this CD
  • C. where I will spend the weekend
  • D. that I had a good time
16. A jobless man wanted to apply (求职) for the position of "office boy" at Microsoft. The staff manager interviewed him and then gave him a (1)       : clean the floor. The man passed it, he cleaned the floor very well.
"You are hired (雇佣)" the manager told the man. "Give me your email address, and I'll send you the form(表格)to (2)      . I shall also send you the (3)       you should report for the work."
The man replied, "I don't have a (4)       , or an email!"
"I am sorry," said the manager. "If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist (存在). And we cannot (5)       persons who do not exist."
The man was very (6)      . He didn't know what to do. He only had 10 dollars with him. Once he (7)       that all, he wouldn't have any money to buy even food. He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars. He went from door to door and (8)       the tomatoes in small bags. He doubled his money.
He did the (9)       thing three times, and returned home with 60 dollars. He realized that he could make a living in this way. He started to go earlier every day, and returned later. He doubled or made even three times his money every day. Soon, he (10)       a cart (运货马车), then a truck. In a very short time, he had his many delivery (递送)trucks.
Five years later, the man became one of the biggest (11)       sellers in the country. He started to plan his family's future. He called an insurance (保险) broker, a man who sells insurance. At the end of the (12)      , the broker asked him for his email address. The man replied, "I don't have an email."
Hearing that, the broker felt very (13)      . "You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded in becoming so (14)       . Can you imagine (想象) what you could have been if you had email?"he said aloud. The man thought for a while, and replied, "an office (15)       at Microsoft"
  If you just lost your job or just failed an interview, don't worry, think of the positive (积极的). Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you.

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Donuts & Juice
on Friday, January 25th
9:50 a. m.
Thomas Garrett Plaza
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Note:philanthropy campaign 博爱活动
18. As an English, I can speak three languages-English, German and French, so do you think the British people are very good language learners? The fact is that they aren't.
Some statistics (数据) from the survey done by the European Commission (欧盟委员会) showed that 62% of the British people only speak English. 38% speak at least one foreign language and 18% speak two or more. Compared with the British people, 56% of the people in other European countries speak at least one foreign language and 28% speak two or more. From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe.
And the survey also showed that English is the most widely-poken foreign language. Many European people can have a conversation in English. That's why my people don't think it is necessary to learn a foreign language.
In Britain, students are not required (被要求) to learn a foreign language. That means learning a foreign language is only an option at school. In UK schools it is common for children to start learning a foreign language at 11 and many of them give it up at 14. So why don't students continue learning foreign languages at school? Because they think it is more difficult to get good marks in languages than in other subjects such as science or history.
To solve this situation, the British government (政府) is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One way is to start learning it at a much younger age. Another one is to give school children more choices.
Changing the British attitude (态度) to learning foreign languages may be a hard task but the government decides to try!
19.  My nine-year-old son Ben had been begging me to let him find his way home by subway, by himself. After all, we live in New York City, and getting around by public transportation (公共交通) is a basic part of life. It is also the first step toward feeling grown-up.
  So on that sunny Sunday, I gave him a subway map, a transportation card, 20 for emergencies, and a couple of coins so that he could call me if necessary. I didn't give him a cell phone because nine-year-olds could lose things easily.
  A few days later, I wrote about this experience for a newspaper. Little did I realize the idea that a kid could tour the city on his own, and that a mom would let him go, was big news.
  It turned out that many TV shows called me and asked for an interview. Bloggers were going crazy, so I started a blog, too, and letters came pouring in. Finally, I found out why this was such a big story: we have become fearful for our children. Fear is hardly a new thing for parents. But the fear of letting our children out of sight for even a second — that's new. How did this happen? How did it become too scary to let kids be kids? I asked the question when the reporter Trevor Butterworth came.
  "News reports!" he answered, "News reports scare the pants off you. What is scarier than a kid being kidnapped (诱拐)? Because there are so many such stories. People start to feel as if kidnappings are happening all the time. That's why the kid-on-the subway story surprises the whole world."
  Ben probably did a good job. He simply proved (证明) that kids could leave home alone and return home safely! But he didn't think it was a big deal. "It was fun." He said, "But I missed some classes because of the interviews."
  Sometimes, it really pays to be brave.
promises make up normal prepare without take up 

(1)Problems and worries are              in life.
(2)He only had a few days to              for the exam.
(3)They are going to              a hobby like playing the guitar.
(4)If we make              to other people, we must keep them.
(5)Jill left quietly              saying goodbye.
21.  France is well known for its fine art, tasty food and romantic scenery (风景). About 75 million 1.v             come here every year.
  France is the 2.l             country in Western Europe. It has a population of over 66 million. The country is home to many famous 3.p             of interest, like the River Seine (塞纳河) as well as the Eiffel Tower.
  Many visitors also come for the country's art. Sculptor (雕刻家) Auguste Rodin and painter Claude Monet once 4.c             their great works (作品) here. If you visit France today, it is not a 5.s             to meet street artists in the city or a singer in the subway.
  No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre (卢浮宫), one of the most famous museums in the world. Inside, there are 35, 000 works of art, such as the 6.p             Mona Lisa by Da Vinci and the statue (雕塑) David by Michelangelo. It would 7.t             nine months to enjoy all the pieces.
  Besides, French food is world famous. Bread is very important in France. The best known French bread is called a baguette (法式长棍面包). They are long, delicious and 8.t             salty. Snails (蜗牛) are also a must-have here. French people eat 40, 000 tons of snails every year!
  But France is not 9.a             good. Paris, the city of light, may also show its dark side to visitors. Chinese visitors feel sorry about the 10.c             subway in Paris.
22.二月十号是 Kevin的生日. 他想邀请好友Betty去他家参加生日派对. 根据以下信息, 给Betty写一封邀请函, 要求80词左右.
1. 请Betty来家里参加生日派对;
2. 住址:格林大街28号, 时间:二月十号, 周六下午三点;
3. 穿好看的衣服, 带家人和朋友;
4. 先唱歌跳舞, 晚饭后要玩游戏, 获胜者会有小礼物;
5. 派对结束时畅谈新年愿望, 周五前回复.
参考词汇: February n. 二月; resolution n. 愿望; smart clothes好看的衣服
Dear Betty,      .
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