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1.This is the room in ____ Uncle Tom once lived.
  • A. which
  • B. that
  • C. where
  • D. what
2.—What's wrong with you, Eric?You look tired.
—I____to prepare for the final exam last night.
  • A. picked up
  • B. woke up
  • C. put up
  • D. stayed up
3.—I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake!
—Oh, dear, you must be very ____ at the ball!
  • A. embarrassed
  • B. satisfied
  • C. tired
  • D. surprised
4.After half an hour, other students began to____ in the schoolyard.
  • A. take off
  • B. get out of
  • C. come out of
  • D. show up
5.—I haven't seen Bob for a week. Where has he gone?
—The boss____ him____ because he was late for work many times.
  • A. kicked; off
  • B. got; off
  • C. saw;off
  • D. took;off
6.—Is reading good for me to learn English?
—Yes. ______ you read, ______ you can understand English.
  • A. More; better
  • B. The more; the best
  • C. The most; the best
  • D. The more; the better
7.—Barcelona lost the match last night.
— ____ It is unbelievable. They always win.
  • A. How come?
  • B. Never mind.
  • C. I can't agree more.
  • D. That's common.
8.—Did you and your parents join in the trip?
—Yes. ____ us, the Greens also went to the amusement park.
  • A. Except
  • B. Except for
  • C. Beside
  • D. Besides
9.—My parents are crazy about Super Brain. How about your parents?
—____my dad ____my mom likes it. They prefer Nothing Gold Can Stay(那年花开月正圆).
  • A. Not only; but also
  • B. Both; and
  • C. Neither; nor
  • D. Either; or
10.—I'll drive to the office
—Well, could you give me a____ , please?
  • A. walk
  • B. way
  • C. lift
  • D. direction
11.—Driving less, walking more is good for our health.
—So I'd rather____ an hour's walk to work than consider ____ a car.
  • A. take, drive
  • B. take, to drive
  • C. take, driving
  • D. taking, driving
12.—What do you think of his speech?
—Oh, very good. It's worth____ .
  • A. to listen to
  • B. listening
  • C. listen to
  • D. listening to
13.I don't know when he ____. When he ____, please tell me.
  • A. comes; comes
  • B. comes; will come
  • C. will come; comes
  • D. will come; will come
14.—I'm afraid the boy can't deal with the problem.
—Me, too. ____, he is only 8 years old.
  • A. In general
  • B. So far
  • C. After all
  • D. For example
15.I am sorry for being late for the party, James. ____ We have just started.
  • A. What a pity!
  • B. How come?
  • C. You're welcome.
  • D. It's no big deal.
16. Yesterday was my friend Kyra's birthday. He invited me to his house for his birthday party. Another friend Guy had offered to take me to the party by car.
Well, I was getting dressed(31)       Guy called and said he was ill. So I decided to go by train. Unluckily, while I was talking(32)       the phone, the cat walked over my shirt, so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was(33)       leaving.
As I was walking to the station, it started snowing and I got very cold. I just(34)       a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train finally arrived I was frozen!I was so cold and tired that during the journey I(35)       and I missed my station.
Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk(36)       to Kyra's. I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was(37)      . Luckily I found a(38)       and telephoned for a taxi. When I finally arrived at Kyra's house, it was(39)       midnight and people had left. What (40)       evening!
17. I think April Fool's Day is a very unusual holiday. On April Fool's Day, you have to watch out for practical(1)      . You also can not trust everything you (2)      on April 1st. Even some main newspapers will put fake (假的)articles into their papers to fool people. I heard a story about how (3)      April Fool's Day, a London newspaper printed an article about how aliens landed in England. This(4)       many people to panic and the local police were not very(5)      the newspaper.
It can be(6)       sometimes to play tricks, but you have to be careful not to go too far. On April Fool's Day, I called my mother from the university I attended. I told her that I was failing all of my classes and because of this, I wasn't able to(7)      . She was so upset that she started to cry. I felt really bad about making her sad and tried to tell her it was just a joke. (8)      I told her it was only an April Fool's Day's joke, she got(9)       angry with me that she hung up the phone. I had to call her back and apologize before she would talk to me again.
April Fool's Day's jokes can be funny but you should be careful not to hurt people's feelings by embarrassing them(10)      . Before you act, you should always make sure to put yourself in someone else's shoes and think about how they might feel.
18.A. I bought it at a higher price.
B. How do you feel about ads?
C. Well, not all ads tell the truth.
D. It's true that some ads can be useful.
E. I saw this kind of computer in an ad.
F. My computer broke down in the morning
G. I must be careful when I shop in the future.
A:You don't look very happy, Betty. What happened?
B: (1)      
A:When did you buy it?
B:Just half a year ago.
A:It must be very cheap, right?
B:No. (2)      
A:Why did you buy this one?
B:(3)      The words in the ad sounded good, so I decided to buy one.
A: (4)       Some are misleading. They just lead you to buy the products, but they don't tell you anything about the quality of them.
B:You are right. We can't believe them all the time. (5)      
A:Sure. You should compare more products and choose the best one.
19. If you have time, if you love sunshine and swimming, why not come to Australia to have a lovely holiday?You will enjoy every minute of being here. Of course, there is still some information that you have to know before you come.
The sun
In Australia, you can see many kinds of plants and animals and many beautiful views. However, you should be careful. Our sunlight is very strong and you may get sunburn, If you want to go out, you had better wear a hat and a shirt with collar and long sleeves and don't forget to take your sunglasses and sun cream, Don't look at the sun directly.
We have so many beautiful places to swim beaches, lakes, rivers and creeks. Most of our public beaches here lifesaving service. Yellow and red flags tell you the area that you are advised to swim in. If there are no flags or lifeguards on the beach, you'd better ask the local people before you go into the water.
Banks and money
Banks are usually open between 9:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. on Monday to Thursday and 9:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. on Friday. Travellers can change money at all the banks and some of the larger hotels.
20. Jed couldn't keep the tears running down his face. His friend, Rob, wanted to help, but the more he talked about it, the worse Jed felt.
"I know how terrible you must feel," Rob said. "Everyone on the team thought the coach would choose you. He must be crazy to let Tom swim the breaststroke (蛙泳) !"
When the coach told him about the date and place of the state swimming meeting for boys of 15 and under, Jed was sure he would be swimming the breaststroke. He even told his family that the team couldn't win the event without him. When the coach chose Tom Timmon's, the new boy from Spring-field, to swim the breaststroke, Jed could hardly believe it. Coach Robertson told Jed he could swim on the relay team, but that offered little consolation.
"I may leave the team" he told Rob. "I'd rather not swim at all than be on the relay team."
"I don' t know whether you should do that or not," Rob said. "We need you on the relay team. Of course, if you say you won't swim at all, the coach may change his mind and let you swim the breaststroke."
Jed left Rob and headed towards home. He knew it would be embarrassing to have to tell his family and his friends that someone else would take his place. He wondered if he should make up a story and tell his mom and dad that he asked the coach to put the new boy in. Jed didn't know what to do.
21. Calling All Photographers (摄影者)!
Enter the TFK photo competition, and show us: Why is Earth Day important to our planet?
Last year's winner, Amelia Rehrman took this photo of her younger sister in their backyard in West Grove, Pennsylvania. "Earth Day makes the world better for people younger than me," she said.
Is a picture worth (值得的) a thousand words? We think so! Take a photo that answers this question: Why is Earth Day important to our planet?
The winning photographer will receive a camera, and the photo will be published (出版) in the TFK magazine. The following are the rules of the competition.
• The competition is open to students ages 8 to 13.
• Students should visit time for kids. com/2015 earthdaycontest and send a photo.
• Students must include their first name, their e-mail address, a parent's e﹣mail address (very important), an introduction to the photo, the location in the photo, and the date when it was taken (must be between August 1, 2014, and March 23, 2015).
• Competition deadline (最后期限): March 23, 2015.
22. Thomas burped(打嗝) loudly at the table. Dad laughed. Grandma shook her head. "Thomas!" Mom shouted, looking at her husband angrily as well. "Unless you want to start eating food from a dog bowl, I suggest you find some manners. "
"Like what?" Thomas asked, putting his elbows on the table, "You shouldn't put your elbows on the table."
Thomas didn't know where to put his napkin. "The napkin goes on your lap, " Mom ordered. Thomas did what his mother said. But then he started throwing food into his month. Speed eating was fun. He liked to see how much he could get into his mouth at once.
Mom laughed, "Stop. Try using a fork, sitting up, and closing your mouth when you chew (咀嚼)."
"Then it takes forever to eat, and I want to go and watch TV, " Thomas said.
"You should stay and have a discussion with us until we are all done with our meals. Eat slowly and neatly(整洁地), and then help me clean the dishes."
"But. . . " Thomas began to protest (抗议).
"Do you want to use a dog bowl?" Mom said.
"No, thank you," Thomas said softly, which made Grandma smile.
Mom smiled as he lifted his food carefully to his lips and chewed with his mouth closed. "Excellent. You might still make someone a good husband."
Dad cleared his throat and ate neatly, too. But he wasn't praised.
23. My father used to work in the city and seldom stayed at home. But he would come back and help to harvest (收割) rice every year.
One autumn, he promised to help our neighbor, who lost his arms in a traffic accident in 1999, to harvest his rice. After father harvested our own, his little rice picker broke. What's worse, he had to return to work the next day because his partner was ill in hospital. It meant that father wouldn't be back in a few days. It now seemed impossible to help out the neighbor.
Father told us that he wouldn't let the neighbor's rice rot (腐烂) in the field. He decided to harvest it by hand without a machine. "If tonight's weather is clear, I think I can do it. " added my father. In fact, he was rather tired after a day's harvest work.
After dinner, father had a short rest and made his way to the field. A full moon was glowing (发光) in the sky and the weather was cold but clear. He spent the whole night keeping his word.
I would never forget the image (画面): father was cutting rice in the light of the harvest moon. Behind him, row after row of rice stocks (秸秆) stood at attention, showing respect for a man who kept his word.
24.As a gentleman, you should learn how to b      (表现)at the dinner table.
25.Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four b      (基础的)skills of English leaning.
26.The banker had a lot of w      (财富), but he was always worried about losing his money.
27.I forgot to set the alarm clock and o      (睡过头)this morning.
28.Life is peaceful every day; Nothing       (出平意料的) has ever happened here.
29.假如你是来自伦敦的彼得 (Peter), 你在中国留学五年后返回英国. 请你根据下面表格中的提示, 给你的中国同学李勇 (Li Yong) 写一封邮件, 说一说在中国学习的收获和对友谊的看法.
About China Long history;southern China is different from northern China;learned more about Chinese historical famous persons and historic events;interested in Chinese festivals 
Entertainment Favorite TV shows: Chinese Culture;Around China 
Favorite painter Zhang Daqian 
Favorite writer Mo Yan 
Friendship Thanks for help;hope friendship will last forever 

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2. 80~120词, 邮件开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Li Yong,
  I arrived in London the day before yesterday. In the past five years. I've learned a lot in China. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  When we studied at school, you and other classmates helped me a lot. I am thankful to you all. I hope our friendship will last forever.
期末试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 滁州市试卷 2018年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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