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1.—Look! Here comes Rubby! She is always full of ____.
—So she is, because she takes a lot of exercise every day.   
  • A. courage
  • B. pride
  • C. energy
  • D. knowledge
2.The children ____ computer games when their mother came home. It really made her angry.   
  • A. played
  • B. were playing
  • C. play
  • D. playing
3.The workers ____all the difficulties and finished the task fifteen days ahead of time.   
  • A. increased
  • B. created
  • C. mentioned
  • D. overcame
4.I need some ____information about the student, such as his name, age and address.   
  • A. spare
  • B. basic
  • C. local
  • D. difficult
5.—How much should I pay for the two magazines?
—This one is free _______ the other one costs only 5 yuan, sir.   
  • A. because
  • B. or
  • C. while
  • D. so
6.— Excuse me, could you tell me _______ the cinema is?
— Go along the street. It's on your right.   
  • A. how
  • B. where
  • C. what
  • D. why
7.I didn't sleep well last night because the rain beat heavily ____the windows of my room.   
  • A. against
  • B. at
  • C. over
  • D. under
8.—The meeting ______next Wednesday. I wonder if you can attend it.
—I'm not sure. It depends.   
  • A. held
  • B. will hold
  • C. was held
  • D. will be held
9.The Chinese teacher asked her students to ____the passage and find out its main idea.   
  • A. give away
  • B. look through
  • C. cut out
  • D. pick up
10.—Hey! Please wait! I still have a few e-mails to send.
—____. We still have a few minutes before we leave!  
  • A. Hurry up
  • B. Sounds difficult
  • C. Take your time
  • D. Sounds like fun
11. It was the happiest day in November last year. I was playing basketball with my friend Patrizio in the (1)      . At some point during our game, we noticed an old man sitting alone on a bench (长椅). He looked very (2)       and was holding his head in his hands.
"I wonder what's (3)      , "said Patrizio. He was always ready to (4)       others, so I knew what would happen next. He asked me to follow him, and (5)       went over to the old man. Patrizio asked, "What happened?"
The old man looked up at us and said that he went for a walk in the park and lost his (6)      . "It's not the money I'm worried about, "he continued. "I had a beautiful picture of my wife in it, and now I've lost that, too. "
Patrizio told the old man to (7)      . We spent the next hour searching every centimeter of the park, under trees, in garbage cans (垃圾桶), and in tall grass. (8)        we found the wallet in a bush (灌木).
I will never forget the look the old man gave us (9)       Patrizio handed the wallet to him. Happiness shone from his eyes, and a huge smile broke out (10)       his face as he looked at the picture of his wife.
12. Now more and more young people in China like to eat alone, whether at home or in restaurants. A survey was made among one hundred people. The result showed that (1)       half of them had an experience of eating alone.
However, eating alone can still be a challenge in China, (2)       Chinese culture is family﹣based(家庭式的). Eating together is considered to be very (3)       for family bond(纽带). Many people, especially old people, are influenced by this, so it is not easy for them to (4)       the idea of eating alone. Besides, usually children in China are (5)        to eat with their families.
Many people have done research into the (6)       of eating alone. Cal Yani is one of them. She used to work for a magazine. In 2012, she (7)       her job and began her research work. At the same time, she herself started to eat alone. She often enters restaurants and notices many young people eating alone (8)       her. She points out that young people are often very busy with their work. They have much stress from work. Eating alone is a good way for them to relieve stress and can bring them (9)       and make them feel comfortable. Cai said, "While you are eating alone, you can pay attention to the eating process(10)       and you don't have to think about other things. This is the best kind of rest. "
13.A: Victor, I'll always remember my college days. (1)       It was hard, but I made it.
B: Yes, Bert. We put in a lot of effort. Do you remember how you felt when you graduated?
A: Of course. It was a proud day for me. (2)       I was so nervous. I couldn't find my cap and gown (学位帽和学位服), but it all worked out in the end.
B: Haha... (3)      
A: I was planning to attend graduate school, but then I was offered a good job, so I changed my mind.
B: (4)      
A: Yes. So what about you? What did you do after graduation?
B: I attended graduate school and continued my study. (5)      
A: Wow! I hope you'll get a wonderful job.
B: I hope so too.
A. I'll graduate next year.
B. What are your plans for next year?
C. It was one of the best times of my life.
D. Then what did you do after graduation?
E. My family attended my graduation ceremony.
F. Sounds like you're happy with your decision.
G. I still remember how excited I felt on that day. 
14. Are you looking for something new to eat? Check out one of these hot new restaurants.
Cheesy BitesA restaurant that only serves cheese, but hundreds of cheeses from many countries and in lots of different forms. The lunches are reasonably (合理地) priced but dinner can be expensive. Lovely food and a very beautiful dining room, looking onto an amazing flower garden. 
Last Days of the RajAn Indian restaurant in the city center, perfect for eating before or after a movie or a show. her most popular dish is chicken cooked with mild (轻微的), medium or hot spices (辣的香料). For brave customers, there is super hot! 
The Chocolate BoxThe owner of this small restaurant used to cook all kinds of food, but then she realized she preferred desserts to anything else. If you want meat or fish, don't come here. They only do desserts! Chocolate lovers will be excited by so many kinds of chocolate cakes. 
Musical ChairsThis new restaurant has live music shows every night except Sundays, and excellent food to go with them. Great fish dishes, steak and pizza (牛排和比萨饼). Monday is classic rock night. See you there! 
15. It was 18:15. Rob waited outside the cinema impatiently. His friend, Steve, was supposed to meet him in five minutes.
Both of them really liked movies and tried to see one almost every week, but lately Steve had been arriving later and later. If he didn't arrive soon, they wouldn't have time to get popcorn and drinks before the movie started. They might even miss the previews (预告)!Rob grumbled (发牢骚)while he waited.
He watched cars arriving at the parking lot, trying to find Steve's blue car. However, watching cars made him more irritated (恼怒的). He was almost sure Steve would be late.
Rob checked his watch one more time. There was only one minute left. . . Then he heard a voice. "Rob, I made it!"
Rob turned around and saw his friend Steve. He looked at his watch again. Steve was on time.
"Well, let's go then, "Rob suggested. He reached for his wallet then, so he could buy a ticket. Where was his wallet? He looked around worriedly.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked.
"I don't have my wallet."
"Go and check in your car."
Rob ran across the parking lot. By the time he got his wallet from his car and bought a ticket, he'd already missed the previews and he didn't have time to get popcorn or a drink. Steve shared his popcorn, but Rob could hardly eat it.
When the movie was over, Rob said to Steve, "I'm sorry, Steve. I was grumbling about you being late, but then I was the one who was late. "
"Don' t worry. It happens to all of us."
"I see now. Thanks for understanding."
"That's what friends are for," Steve said.
16. Do you like running, biking or swimming? They are all forms of aerobic exercise (有氧运动). Aerobic exercise has lots of benefits (益处). For example, people who often get aerobic exercise normally live three to four years longer than those who do not.
Nowadays, people get less aerobic exercise than ever before. One of the problems is television. In the United States, for example, the average (普通的) person watches four hours of TV a day, but only spends 27 minutes doing physical activities!A lot of doctors are worried about that and they say people who do not exercise are more likely to be tired, unhappy or sick.
Schools are trying to solve this problem by teaching kids to exercise when they are young. P. E. is a subject that is required in schools. It teaches students how to play, eat and exercise properly. Through the subject, teachers and parents hope that their kids can learn good exercise habits when they are young, and continue them when they get older.
Aerobic exercise is now being promoted at work. A lot of companies have found that people are more quick﹣minded and creative in their jobs if they often get aerobic exercise. For this reason, many companies are now organizing sports programs, providing exercise rooms, etc.
How do you exercise? There are many fun and exciting forms of aerobic exercise. Finding one that you like will give you the best chance of having a long and healthy life.
17. George didn't want to recall (回忆起) one of his trips a few months ago. He had two sets of meetings to go to over two days. The first set of meetings was in Birmingham. About half way there, he stopped at a roadside restaurant to get some breakfast. He ordered a hamburger and a cup of coffee. But as he was drinking his coffee, he carelessly dropped some down the front of his shirt. He went to the washroom to clean it off, but the stain (污渍) was still there. He didn't have time to stop at a shop to get a new shirt, so he just had to go to the meetings in the dirty one.
The meetings went well. After lunch, George drove up to Manchester for the next set of meetings. But after he drove for 30 minutes, the car suddenly stopped. He had run out of the petrol (汽油). Luckily, there was a petrol station about 100 meters away.
George finally got to Manchester and found his hotel. The following day, he went to two meetings and then had lunch. In the afternoon, he went to three more meetings, which all went well. Later, that evening, he met up with some friends in the city center, and they went to a music pub. He put his bag beside the chair where he was sitting and he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, when it was time to go, the bag was missing. Someone had stolen it.
18. There was once a fairy. She was the kindest and cleverest of all fairies. However, she was also very ugly. No matter how kind she was to others, they all thought that the most important thing about a fairy was her beauty.
She was always laughed at in the fairy country. When she tried to help a child or anyone else in trouble, they always shouted at her, "Ugly! Get out of here!"
She studied very hard. Her magic was very powerful. And more than once she considered using her magic to make herself beautiful. But then she remembered what her mother had always told her, "You are what you are, so just be yourself. You are this way for a very special reason. "
Then, one day, some bad witches(女巫)came and took away all the fairies except the ugly fairy. They didn't think she was a fairy. She was helped by her ugly face. She followed the witches back to their home. There she used her magic to save all the fairies. Then they worked together and beat the witches.
From then on, everyone remembered the clever and brave fairy.
In our life, we can't judge(判断)a person by his looks.
19.I like the movie that can t      (触动)my heart.
20.The children are playing happily in the s      (沙子)now.
21.Mary often says Mike is an h      (诚实的)boy.
22.The little girl couldn't find her mother and she c      (哭)sadly.
23.The doctors and nurses who are fighting the virus are h      (英雄)in my heart.
24.在一节英语口语课上, 英语老师让你们每个人结合自己或身边人的经历, 谈谈对"Where
there's a will, there's a way. (有志者事竟成. )"这句话的理解. 请你结合自身的经历, 用英语
写一篇文章, 谈谈你对这句话的见解.
要求:l. 短文内容要紧扣主题, 语言表达要准确, 语意要通顺、连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、地名及校名;
3. 词数不少于100, 短文的开头已给出, 但不计人总词数.
  The saying "Where there's a will, there's a way. " shows that if one decides to do something, he can find a way to achieve what he wants, even if it is very difficult. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
期末试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 六安市试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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