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1.______ is Ms. Zhang. ______ father is a teacher.
  • A. He; His
  • B. She; Her
  • C. She; His
  • D. He; Her
2.—Who ______ you?
—I ______ Millie. Amy ______ my good friend.
  • A. am; is;are
  • B. are; am; is
  • C. is; am; is
  • D. are; is;are
3.— ______ is my skirt?
— ______ behind the door.
  • A. What; It
  • B. Where; It's
  • C. What; It's
  • D. Where; It
4.It's time ______ lunch.
  • A. over
  • B. to
  • C. for
  • D. at
5.My favorite ______ are math and English.
  • A. schools
  • B. subjects
  • C. sports
  • D. colours
6.—______ color is the ruler?
—It's ______ green.
  • A. How; /
  • B. What; a
  • C. What; /
  • D. How; a
7.—When do you usually have breakfast?
—I usually have breakfast ______ 6 o'clock.
  • A. at
  • B. in
  • C. on
  • D. with
8.My mother has three ______.
  • A. child
  • B. children
  • C. girl
  • D. boy
9.—What does your father do?
  • A. He is Mr. Green
  • B. He is from Japan
  • C. He often plays tennis
  • D. He is a teacher
10.—Excuse me, Sir. ______.
—Go straight and turn right. It's next to a white house.
  • A. How's the weather?
  • B. Whose bag is this?
  • C. What time is it?
  • D. Where's the factory?
11. There (1)       two new students in our class. Their (2)       are Lucy and Lily. They are twins (双胞胎). They look (3)      . They are Americans. They are (4)       the same row (排). This is a picture of (5)       classroom. This is (6)       desk and that is Lily's. Where are (7)       bags? They are behind the chairs. Look! (8)       that under the chair? Is it a hat? No, it's a cat.
Listen to ,look at , read, say , speak, spell, talk, tell , watch, write 

(1)             the new words on the blackboard.
(2)Don't              Chinese in English class.
(3)             your teacher in class.
(4)             me the answer, please.
(5)—              the word "mouth", please.
— M-O-U-T-H.
(6)I often              TV in the evening.
(7)             the dialogue on Page 23.
(8)Don't              to your friends in the cinema.
(9)       the blackboard, please.
(10)Please,              it in English next time.
Rose Green
I am a singer. My job is to sing for people on the stage (舞台). I want to sing well, so I often practice singing a lot. 
Tom Smith
My job is to give lessons to students. I love children and teach them math and how to be a useful person. 
Kate Brown
I can drive well. Every morning I take people to the work place and then back to their homes in the afternoon. 
Jim White
My job is to look after a building such as a school or an apartment. When I am working, I have to wear a uniform. 
14. My name is Wei Hua. I'm a Chinese girl. I live in China. I'm eleven years old. I'm a student. I study in a middle school. My favorite subject is Chinese. And I am good at English. My Chinese teacher is a woman. Her name is Gao Hui. Mr. Wu is our English teacher. They're good teachers. I have a friend. His name is Tom. He is from England. He is twelve years old. He is good at art. Tom and I are in Class 3, Grade 7. We are in the same class. There is a big library in our school. We often read books in it.
15. Bill is 13 years old. He is from Canada. He is in Guangming School. He's in classroom 7B. Bill has a friend. His name is Jack Black. Jack is 12. He's from the United States. He's in Guangming School, too. Is he in Classroom 7B? No, he's in Classroom 7C.
Ms. Brown is an English teacher in Guangming School. Her name is Lucy. She's from the United States, too. She's Jack and Bill's teacher. Who's she? Bill knows that she's Jack's mum. She's a nice teacher.
16. It's Sunday, October 12. It's Mike's birthday. He is 13 years old today. His father and mother give him a birthday party. Mike's friends and classmates come to the party.
Mike gets many presents at the party. His father gives him a new watch as a birthday present. Zhang Fang gives him a beautiful birthday card. Dave's present is in a small box. It's a small clock. Yang Lin's present is big. It's a model plane. Mike is happy with all the presents.
There is a beautiful birthday cake on the table with 13 candles on it. All the people stand around the table and sing Happy Birthday. Mike cuts the birthday cake. They all cheer. It's a happy birthday party.

(1)Is Mike's Birthday on October 12th ?
(2)Who gives him a birthday party?
(3)What's Dave's present?
(4)How many candles are there on the cake?
(5)What's the passage (文章) mainly (主要) about?
17.英语周报将举办以 "My happy family" 为题的演讲比赛,请你根据表格信息及英文提示写一篇符合逻辑的演讲稿。短文不少于40个词。
人物 father mother 
职业身份 teacher cook student 
年龄 38 37 14 
爱好 loves riding bikes likes reading like basketball 

  Hello, everyone. My name is Tim. I have a happy family. There are 3 people in it. They are my father, my mother and I. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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