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1.—Tom, I can't find my dictionary!
—Don't worry. You can use ______.
  • A. I
  • B. me
  • C. my
  • D. mine
2.— Where is Mr. Brown?
— I think he's ______ the music hall.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. over
  • D. from
3.Many people think Erquanyingyue is too sad, ______ it's my favorite.
  • A. and
  • B. so
  • C. or
  • D. but
4.— ______ do you have a medical examination?
—Once a year.
  • A. How soon
  • B. How long
  • C. How often
  • D. How far
5.The notebook ______ be Linda's because it has her name on it.
  • A. must
  • B. may
  • C. can
  • D. might
6.We don't think teenagers should be allowed to drive because they are not ______ enough.
  • A. serious
  • B. more serious
  • C. most serious
  • D. the most serious
7.When I was young, my mother ______ by my side all the time.
  • A. stays
  • B. is staying
  • C. stayed
  • D. will stay
8.Look! All my classmates ______ on the playground.
  • A. are running
  • B. ran
  • C. were running
  • D. run
9.I like musicians ______ can write their own music.
  • A. which
  • B. who
  • C. where
  • D. when
10.My father is a teacher and he ______ in this school for about twenty years.
  • A. works
  • B. is working
  • C. was working
  • D. has worked
11.The first 5G mobile phone ______ by a Chinese company last year.
  • A. is produced
  • B. produces
  • C. was produced
  • D. produced
12.—Do you know ______?
—Next Wednesday.
  • A. when will the winter vacation start
  • B. when the winter vacation will start
  • C. when did the winter vacation start
  • D. when the winter vacation started
13.  I looked out at the smiling faces packed into the school gym. The applause filled my ears. I had done it. I had really done it! I found a new person inside me, a much more daring, outgoing person who had been hidden all along, just waiting for the (1)______ to emerge (出现).
  Just a few months earlier, it was impossible to (2)______ myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. But without my teacher, Mrs. Sather, I couldn't get that opportunity.
  In the first and second grade, I was extremely shy. But Mrs. Sather always (3)______ me.
  One day, she announced, "Our class was going to (4)______ a play. Anybody, want to try?"
  A few excited hands shot up — mine, of course, was not one of them.
  After school she stopped me and invited me for a talk. Puzzled, I followed her to her desk. She said, "I think you are (5)______ for the lead character. But I was surprised you didn't raise your hand."
  Me, the lead? Was she crazy?
  Mrs. Sather gazed into my eyes as if seeing my inner (6)______ locked away inside. "But I'd like you to give this a try for me," she continued. "If you reach for the stars, you might at least grab a piece of the moon."
  I realized it was time to throw off (7)______ and show the world who I really was. I looked Mrs. Sather right in her sparkling (闪亮的) blue eyes and said, "OK. I'll try."
  In the following months, in spite of fears, I did everything I could to (8)______ I could do it in practice.
  At the end of the play, when the audience applauded, I knew they were not just cheering for my performance that night, but for the performances they knew would come in later years because of my newfound confidence.
14.  On September 17, 2019, "Bing Dwen Dwen" and "Shuey Rhon Rhon" were chosen as the mascots (吉祥物) for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Paralympics (残奥会).
   It's a cartoon image of a panda wearing a spacesuit. It looks like a winter sports athlete from the future.
  "Bing" means "ice" in Chinese, which is a symbol of winter sports. "Dwen" suggests health. "Dwen Dwen" gives the image a more friendly feel. Altogether, "Bing Dwen Dwen" shows the spirit of the Olympics, including a strong mind and a healthy body. 
   It looks like a red lantern hanging on homes and streets to celebrate Chinese New Year. On its head are paper cuts of pigeons in the shape of the Temple of Heaven.
  "Shuey" means "snow" in Chinese. "Rhon Rhon" are two different Chinese characters with the same pronunciation. The mascot, "Shuey Rhon Rhon", symbolizes communication among different cultures. 

  The idea behind these two mascots is to connect traditional Chinese culture with the Games. The panda is designed with its modern appearance to show our great expectations for the Games and our welcome to the whole world. The vivid red image of "Rhon Rhon" reminds people of the celebration of China's Spring Festival.
15.  Years ago, we were asked to create a newspaper in groups about world culture in our history class.
  We first wrote the names of three friends we wanted in our group. Unluckily, Mrs. Bartlett, our teacher, didn't put me in the group with any of my friends. Instead, I was with Mauro, who never spoke English, Juliette, who always wore thick glasses and Rachel, who wore strange clothes. I had never talked to them. Oh, how badly I wanted to be with my friends!
  I was so sad that I walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. "I know what you want, Karina," she gently patted me on my shoulder, "but your group needs a leader. I need you to help them get a passing grade on this project. Only you can make it."
  I was shocked.
  "Will you help them?" she asked.
  "Yes," I replied. I couldn't believe it came out of my mouth, but it did.
  I bravely walked to my group and started our project. We had different tasks according to our interests. Gradually, I felt myself enjoying their company. I found out Mauro was struggling with English. Behind Juliette's thick glasses were her sparkling eyes. Rachel was so creative that she wanted to be a fashion designer. I realized that they were not strange; they were just people that no one cared enough for except Mrs. Bartlett. Her thoughtfulness brought out the best in the four of us.
  I learned something that week. I was given a chance to see other people in a new light. I learned that who we are is more important than what we are or seem to be.
  Mrs. Bartlett gave us an A on that project, but we thought we should have handed it right back, for she was the one who truly deserved it.
16.  A Johns Hopkins University researcher, Melville J. Wohlgemuth, noticed that the hats he worked with turned their heads to the side when hunting. "It's a lovely behavior, and I was curious about the purpose," he said. "I wanted to know when bats were doing this and why. It seemed to happen as hats were targeting prey (瞄准猎物), and that turned out to he the case."
  Wohigemuth's team found that a bat's head and ear movements went with the animal's sonar vocalizations (声纳发声) to help it hunt. The findings show how movements can strengthen signals used by senses like sight and hearing — not just in bats, but in dogs and cats, and even in humans.
  Bats' use of echo-location (回声定位) to find, locate and catch prey is well documented. But the lead author Wohlgemuth and his team are the first to show how the mysterious head and ear movements influence the hunt.
  The researchers used a novel method to study the head and ear movements of the big brown bat, a common bat species. First, researchers trained the bat to sit on a platform while tracking moving prey. After that, the researchers fixed markers to the top of the bat's head and both ears. The markers allowed the team to measure the head and ear positions as the bat tracked the prey moving in various directions.
  They found the head movements took place when the prey changed direction or moved unpredictably. The ear movements happened as the prey grew closer, which helped the bat hear the echoes it used to track and catch the prey. Most notably, these head and ear movements went with the bat's vocalizations, allowing the animal to locate where the prey exactly was.
  Co-author Cynthia F. Moss said other similar studies missed the importance of head and ear movements, because laboratories usually observed the subject with a fixed head position. That's not how animals operate in the real world, when their heads are free to move.
  Moss compared the bat's head and ear movements to those of other species that use active sensing to process important information. "By studying these movements," she said, "we as humans can get insight into how movements help animals sense their environment."
17.  Our brains believe information automatically (自动地) — even if it's false — because we can learn efficiently this way. "We're learning false information not because we're poor learners or not working hard," says David Rapp, a psychology and education professor at Northwestern University. "In many cases, it's a useful skill for us to accept what people tell us, because often what people tell us is true."
  When we hear new information, those fresh facts don't cover what we knew before. We'll draw on old or new information when the situation comes up. ________. Short-term memories are easier for our brains to access than facts we heard longer ago, because they're fresher in our minds — even if they're wrong. Since we have to think back further to remember old information, we will often ignore it in favour of new inaccurate (不准确的) information. New information is what we're currently thinking about or has been recently presented to us, while the old one isn't as readily available.
  We also buy into the facts that seem more reasonable. Often, this means they fit better with what we want to believe, which can explain why people quote different facts in political debates. Both candidates said something that was objectively true or not, but people would go with what they hope to be true.
  Things get even trickier when truth and falsehood coexist in the information. For instance, our brains aren't sure whether to believe the descriptions of London in Harry Potter. "Don't look for that train station to Hogwarts, but there might be streets mentioned that are real," says Dr. Rapp. In fact, our brains can keep track of what's true or false by mentally tagging (标记) facts as either true or false, but sorting all that information takes time. In many cases, we are unlikely to think critically to get information, especially when we are reading for pleasure.
  However, it's worth putting in the extra effort to have a second thought about the information that seems doubtful. "With the ease that we can look things up on the Internet," says Dr. Rapp, "there's no reason not to." "Seek out reliable sources," he adds.
18.  It is reported that tea has helped poor farmers in Yunnan find a way out of poverty (贫穷) thanks to the efforts of a man, who had a chance to come across some local farmers there.
  Ren Huaican was suffering mass mouth takers (溃疡) when he first visited the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er city in the spring of 2006. However, after picking off several leaves from the old tea trees and chewing them, he felt amazed to find the pain was gone the next morning. The fact that the green leaves worked magic for him made Ren begin to show great interest in the tea from Yunnan.
  During his search for tea production bases in the mountains across Yunnan, he found that the local tea business was scattered (分散的) and most of the tea farmers were living in extreme poverty. Ren realized what led to the tea industry problem was not only the underdeveloped tea market, but also the poverty of the local tea farmers. So he made up his mind to change things in the tea industry in order to help the local people get out of poverty.
  In September 2006, he established the Kunming Colorful Yunnan King-Shine Tea Industry Co. It hired poor peasants from neighboring areas to remove weeds and pick tea leaves. Professional technicians were invited to teach the peasants how to do their jobs scientifically. Besides, for the farmers who lived off the old tea trees, the company taught them how to scientifically manage their trees and produce the best tea. As a result, their tea quality has greatly improved, and the price has gone up. In this way, the tea company has helped many people get out of poverty.
  One manager in the company turned down higher incomes and job opportunities in Beijing. He found it hard to leave because of all the things they had done and all the people he had known. "We are a big family," he said.

(1)When did Ren Huaican first visit the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er city?
(2)How did Ren Huaican feel when he found the pain was gone?
(3)What led to the tea industry problem?
(4)What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
(5)Why did the manager turndown higher incomes and job opportunities in Beijing?
Hongxing Movie Theater (01/25/2020)
Leap (《中国女排》)Drama Lost in Russia (《囧妈》)Comedy Legend of Deification(《姜子牙》)Cartoon Vanguard(《急先锋》)Action Movie 
10:20/13:20 13:30/16:30 14:20/17:30 16:50/20:30 
Movie info: The Chinese Women's Volleyball Team is once again in the Olympie final...
Directed by: Chen Kexin
Cast: Gong Li/Wu Gang/Bai Lang... 
Movie info: Ivan, a Chinese businessman, accidentally takes a train to Russia with his mother...
Directed by: Xu Zheng
Cast: Xu Zheng/ShenTeng/Yuan Quan 
Movie info: After the war, JiangZiya loses his power. He starts his jourmeyback to Kunlun...
Directed by: ChengTeng/Li Wei 
Movie info: In England, a girl is in danger. The chief who leads the vanguard team carries out a thrilling rescue...
Directed by: Tang JiliCast: Jackie Chan/Yang Yang/Ai Lun/Xu Ruohan 

提示词语:be directed by, act in, cheer up, relaxing, faith (信念), brave
Which movie would you like to invite Peter to watch?
Why do you choose it?
When and where will you meet?
Dear Peter,
  I'd like to invite you to watch _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
某英文网站正在开展以 "越努力越幸福 (The Harder I Work, the Happier I Will Be)'' 为主题的征文活动。 请你用英文写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你在初中生活中的一个小目标是什么,你是如何努力去实现的,以及你从中学到了什么。
提示词语:strive for (奋斗),make a plan, stick to, satisfied, pleasure
What did you do to strive for your goal?
What have you learned from your experience?
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