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1.Mike is very tall and ______ likes playing basketball.
  • A. she
  • B. he
  • C. her
  • D. his
2.For boys, we have black trousers ______ only ﹩22.
  • A. for
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. at
3.I like sports, ______ I don't play them.
  • A. because
  • B. so
  • C. and
  • D. but
4.There is ______ egg on the table.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
5.My sister and I ______ in the same school.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. are
  • D. be
6.I like history because it is very ______ .
  • A. boring
  • B. busy
  • C. difficult
  • D. interesting
7.—______ is the hat?
— It's twenty yuan.
  • A. How many
  • B. How old
  • C. How much
  • D. How long
8.Let's ______ fishing next Sunday.
  • A. go
  • B. goes
  • C. going
  • D. to go
9.My father often ______ sports programs on TV.
  • A. watch
  • B. watches
  • C. watching
  • D. to watch
10.—Can I help you?
—______. I need a sweater for school.
  • A. Not at all
  • B. You're welcome
  • C. See you
  • D. Yes, please
11.  Once there was a little girl Lily, who was very friendly and popular in her class. She was friends with everyone in her class. There was no one in class who didn't (1)______ her.
  She was very (2)______ and would always be busy with her friends. She felt very happy that she had so many friends at school.
  On Friendship Day, their class organized an event, in which everyone had to prepare three (3)______ and give them to their best friends. Lily was very happy for the coming Friendship Day and was expecting gifts from her (4)______.
  However, when all gifts were shared in class, she was the only one who didn't receive any gifts! She felt (5)______ and cried a lot. She thought to herself how it was possible. She had made so much effort (努力) to be friends with everyone but in the end no one thought of her as one of their best friends.
  Everyone came and tried to comfort (安慰) her but each one only stayed for a short time before (6)______. This was exactly what Lily had done so many times to others.
  When she got home, seeing her sad face, her mother asked her why she looked so down. She questioned, "Where can I (7)______ true friends?"
  Her mother was surprised at her question. Then Lily told her about the day in school. Her mother comforted her and said, "You cannot get real friends with a smile or a few good words. If you really want true friends, you will have to (8)______ them real time and love. For a true friend, you must always be there, in good times and bad. There just isn't enough (9)______ to be there for everyone, so it's only possible to have some true friends."
  With tears in her eyes, Lily got to know what makes (10)______ friends. She nodded and made up her mind to do something different.
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Notice Board
For recently formed band. Must have ability and experience. We play mostly rock. Do not need to write songs. Some performances in local pubs in Nov Dec. Send details and sound samples to: newband @ hotmail. com.

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13.  Many people love taking photographs. Some are good at taking pictures of people. Others focus more on sports or nature.
  Mr. Luo, a retired railroad worker, took up photography at age 60. He joined a photography club and became an active member of it. He often went on bike rides and took pictures. This summer he did something unusual but amazing with his camera.
  On that day, Mr. Luo got up at 5:00 am. He went to a pond in the countryside where there were always plenty of dragonflies. With great excitement, he set up his camera. First, he found a water bug in the muddy water. He waited until the bug climbed up a lily pad. There, it stopped to rest. Fifteen minutes later, the bug's body began to change. The skin split behind the head, and the adult dragonfly crawled out of its old skin. One hour later, the dragonfly started to separate its wings, which had been wet and folded at the beginning. Then, the dragonfly opened its wings for the first time. In another hour, the dragonfly moved with its wings and flew off for food.
  He took a series of pictures of a dragonfly that was changing from a nymph to an adult. Using his camera, he recorded (记录) the whole process, which took nearly five hours!
  People are amazed at the series of pictures. Whenever people praise (夸赞) him for his work, Mr. Luo says, "Don't give the credit to me. Give it to nature. I just use my camera to record moment and show it to the world."
14.  Are you a little shy when it comes to raising your hand in class? If so, that's totally normal. We've been there. With all attention on you, it can be so scary to speak up.
  However, if you can break through your fear, we promise you can benefit (受益) a lot. According to a government study, some students are falling behind because they're too shy to put their hands up when a teacher asks a question. So try to raise your hand!
  To start with, you'll realize the power of being wrong. Nobody is right all the time. Your teacher will be happy to see your participation and won't punish you for being wrong. He or she will explain why you're wrong. You'll learn something new. Chances are, other students think the same thing as you, but don't speak up. Not only do you help yourself, but you help your shy classmates, too.
  Besides, your teacher will know you're interested in learning. Participating in class shows that you are not falling asleep behind your textbook. This is beneficial to you and your teacher. Your teacher will appreciate your interaction (互动) during the lesson and will remember your enthusiasm (热情). The next time you're one point away from an A+.
  What's more, you'll have fun discussing with your classmates. When you and other classmates are raising hands to answer questions, it makes the class more interesting and allows you to actively engage with the lesson. Your teacher doesn't have to stand in the front of the room talking nonstop for a long time. Class time will fly by and your mind won't be wandering to the clock every 5 minutes.
  Most importantly, you'll know that you've actually learned the material. One of the best ways to prove that you actually know something is by talking about it. Speaking up in class shows that you are trying to understand or have understood what you've been taught.
  Don't be shy or afraid to raise your hand in class. Nobody is judging you. Seriously. It'll finally pay off?
15.A Chinese Class in Chicago High School
  Standing in front of the blackboard, Christina Xu starts the class as usual, which lasts 90 minutes. Sixteen students stand up, shout their greetings of "good morning" in Chinese, and start the class.
  This is a usual Chinese class at Walter Payton College Preparatory High School in downtown Chicago. The 16 students are divided (分成) into small groups, four in each group, to practice Chinese speaking and writing.
  The four different tones (声调) are one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning. To make it easier, Xu uses gestures, and asks the students to match gestures with the words she pronounces.
  Walter Payton is one of the 41 public schools in Chicago that offer Chinese classes. About 60 certified full-time Chinese teachers like Xu are offering Chinese courses in four levels to about 11,000 elementary and middle school students in Chicago Public Schools (CPS).
  "CPS offers 12 foreign languages for students to choose," said Jane Lu, CPS Chinese world language coordinator and director of the Confucius Institute in Chicago. "In 2018, Chinese replaced French to become the second most chosen foreign language." Lu thinks it is because of the rapid development and rising of China on the world's stage.
  Sixteen-year-old Steven Norinsky is a junior at Walter Payton. He has been learning Chinese since elementary school. He plans to learn it throughout high school. "I choose Chinese because I think it is the most important language to learn," Norinsky explained.

(1)What do the 16 students practice in small groups?
(2)Are the four different tones one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning?
(3)How many public schools offer Chinese classes in Chicago?
(4)When did Chinese become the second most chosen foreign language in Chicago?
(5)Why does Norinsky choose to learn Chinese?
16.Cindy Smith has good eating habits. She (1)             (like) to eat fruit for breakfast. Although she doesn't like bananas, she likes oranges and (2)             (apple) For lunch, she really likes salad. She doesn't like hamburgers for dinner because they're not (3)             (health). She likes chicken for dinner. She says she likes ice-cream, but she doesn't eat it, because she doesn't (4)             (want) to be fat.
17.  We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. (1)             September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon. October is a great (2)            . On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. (3)             (you) parents can come to our school. Next month, we have an art festival. It's on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library.
  This (4)             (be) a really busy term! Have a good time!
—What shall we have for dinner?
             chicken and salad?
—When is your birthday?
—My birthday is              .
       you              your help.
—You're welcome!
Breakfast is              7:00 am              8:00 am.
Tom's favorite sport is soccer. He often              it              his friends.
提示词语:math, history, sports meeting, English Day, exciting.
1. What subjects do you have at school?
2. What's your favorite school activity and why?
To Grace
From Li Hua
Subject School life
Dear Grace,
  I'm glad to introduce my school life to you. _______________________________________________________________________________.
  Looking forward to your reply.
Yours, Li Hua 
你们学校将举办 “成为更好的自己” 的英文演讲比赛。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇演讲稿,谈谈为了成为更好的自己,你是如何做的以及这样做的原因。
提示词语: eating habits, sports, strong, plan, work hard.
1. What do you do to become a better self?
2. Why do you do so?
To Be a Better Self
  Hello, everyone!
  My name is Li Hua and I am happy to talk about what I do to become a better self. ________________________________________________________________________________.
  Thanks for listening! 
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