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1. Last Sunday, Mark invited me to help serve; dinner at Tent City. A number of (1)       had been set up for the homeless in the area.
My husband was not available to (2)       our two sons, so I took 9-year-old Tony and 5-year-old Toby with me. Many of the people we (3)       had missing teeth or wore dirty clothes. My sons had a lot of questions as what they saw challenged their (4)       ideas about how people lived in the world.
"Why don't they buy food (5)       us?" "Why don't they have homes?". ..
We talked about the (6)       people ended up in that type of situation. And I mentioned the importance of creating a safety net for them. "Sometimes the safety net is other people who can share some of their time and resources (资源)," I (7)       .
I was (8)       that my boys would make too much noise. But to my (9)      , the people we served were quite thankful that I had brought them. Many said how fun it was to have (10)        children around.
After dinner, I saw Tony sit together with several elderly men. He was (11)       them talk about sports. To be honest, I had (12)       realized that he was such a good listener. (13)        some people returned to their tents, I heard Tony say to them, "Thanks so much for having dinner with us." I could see that his simple words had (14)       them greatly. I hugged him a little tighter (更紧的) because what he said had touched me too. It was a great reminder that treating people with (15)       can lift all of us up.
2.To improve children's fitness, Freestyle 360 has introduced some fun fitness classes for children between nine and thirteen years old. We want to encourage children to turn energy into sports and have social fun in a caring and professional environment.
Kids Karate (Mondays)
Time: 16:30 — 17:30
Coach: Brett Ukich
It is a fun karate class for children to
increase skills. They will also learn some of
the Japanese terminology (术语). 
Fitness Fun (Wednesdays)
Time: 16:30 — 17:15
Coach: Lynsey McDonald
This class offers fun lessons including
body-weight exercises. Its purpose is to help
children get stronger. 
Team Games (Thursdays)
Time: 17:00—18:15
Coach: Lorraine Clayton
This class teaches children to work as a
team. We offer fun fitness games so there is
something for everyone. 
Physical Activity=Better Health
By exercising, children will become
happier and fitter. 
Price: £ 7. 5/lesson or £ 28/month
Tel: 01386 700039 or 07818 033629
Email: info@freestyle360. co. uk
Address: Draycott Road, Blockley, GL569DY 
3. In 1981, the Chinese women's volleyball team first stood on the top at the World Cup. And in 2019, it defended (保住) its World Cup crown with a record of 11 wins. The women's volleyball team has been the pride of the Chinese people. To honor it, a film named Zhongguo Nvpai or Leap in English has been made.
Based on the volleyball team's stories, the film shows the struggles (奋斗) and achievements of the Chinese women's volleyball team over the past 40 years. Gong Li, a world-famous Chinese actress, plays the role of Lang Ping, who has won the world championships many times with the team and is now the team's head coach. In order to play the role well, Gong came to the training site of the team, observing Lang s words and deeds carefully.
Zhu Ting, captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, also plays a part in the film. It is the first time that she has taken part in a film shooting and she says it's a little bit difficult. However, her playing volleyball is more difficult than being an actress. It took her at least 10 years to rise to fame in the field but playing herself in the film could be realized in a short time.
The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women' s volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.
4. Do you know about Psephurus gladius? It's a Chinese paddlefish known as "king of all national freshwater fish". However, it is announced that the Chinese paddlefish living in the Yangtze River has become extinct (灭绝的).
A paper from Science of the Total Environment shows that the largest freshwater fish in China might have gone extinct between 2005 and 2010. Wei Qiwei, author of the paper, said in September, 2019, some experts supposed that the first-class protected fish had been extinct already.
The Chinese paddlefish was about 2 to 3 meters long and could grow longer than 7 meters. The fish had lived on the earth for 15 million years. The latest discovery of the fish was made in 03. Scientists helped the fish to return and tried to track (追踪) it. Unluckily, a boat accident caused the tracking efforts to fail. Since then, no discovery has been reported and no such fish has been kept in captivity (圈养).
"The Chinese paddlefish was so big that it was hard to raise in captivity," Wei said. Between 1984 and 1993, he once tried to save four fish, but only one stayed alive and returned to the river.
The extinction of the fish has called public attention as people expressed sadness over the death, hoping such animals would be better protected so that future generations could see them. From Jan 1, 2020, China began a 10-year fishing ban (禁令) on important areas of the Yangtze River to protect Biodiversity (生态多样性) in China's longest river.
5. Scientists around the world are racing to create and test vaccines (疫苗) to help protect people against the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒). They are making progress, but it will be quite a while before any vaccines are ready.
There are many different ways to make vaccines. At least 115 different vaccines for the novel coronavirus are being developed around the world right now. Many of them may not work or may have side effects that can be dangerous. That is why testing is very important.
Before a vaccine is ever tested on humans, it's first tested on animals to make sure it seems safe. Testing the vaccine on humans is done in several different phases (阶段). In Phase 1, a small group of people are given small amounts of the vaccine to see if it has any bad effects. Phase 2 still tests the vaccine's safety, but it's mainly a test to see if the vaccine seems to work. If Phase 2 goes well, the vaccine can begin Phase 3. During Phase 3, the vaccine is tried on a much larger group of people to see how well it works.
Because of the serious and worldwide impact (影响) of the novel coronavirus, there is huge pressure to develop a working vaccine quickly. It normally takes seven or more years to develop a safe vaccine that works well. Now drug companies are hoping to create working vaccines in 12 or 18 months.
But health experts also warn that rushing too much could be dangerous. A vaccine with harmful effects could cause more problems than it solves.
6. If you're a kid who likes to have fun and chat with friends online, here's how you can stay safe and avoid problems.
Stick to safer sites. Your parents and teachers can guide you to the best sites for you. Some sites have age restrictions (限制), so you might want to lie about your age. 1.      
Guard your passwords. If someone can sign in (登录) as you, you will have no control over what they do or say. 2.       So don't share your passwords with anyone except your parents.
Limit what you share. 3.       If you're not sure if you should share something, ask a parent. Remember that anything you put online or post on a site is there forever, even if you try to delete it. If you wouldn't want your class to know or see something, you shouldn't share it with anyone online, not even your best friends. 4.       Tell an adult right away if someone says something to you that makes you uncomfortable. Also tell an adult if you see anyone bullying (欺凌) or saying strange things to other kids.
Be choosy about your online friends. Some sites let kids make friends with people they don't know. 5.       Never agree to meet an online friend in person or give out personal information about yourself.
A. Always tell if you see strange or bad online behavior.
B. But online friends are not the same as the friends in real life.
C. It's safer to tell the truth and avoid those sites until you're older.
D. We should be hard on other people online.
E. And everyone will think it's you!
F. Communicate more with your friends.
G. Never tell a stranger where you live or your phone number. 

7.青少年是祖国的未来. 在创建全国文明城市的过程中, 你市举办了" 美德少年"评选活动. 请根据以下提示, 以"Be a Virtue Teenager" 为题, 用英语写一篇倡议书, 号召大家积极争做"美德少年".
要点: 1. 在学校:努力学习知识, 养成良好的学习习惯, 爱运动;
2. 在家里:经常与家人交流, 感恩父母, 分担家务, 知错就改;
3. 在社会:遵守规则, 在公共场合不要大声喧哗, 注意安全;
4. 发表你的观点.
1. 文中不得出现真实的人名或地名;
2. 语言通顺, 条理清楚, 书写规范;
3. 要点齐全, 内容可适当发挥;
4. 词数: 80﹣100 (开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
Be a Virtue Teenager
  Teenagers are the future of our motherland, and also the symbol of our city. What should we do to become a virtue teenager of our city? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
8.  For many people around the world, the third Sunday in June is a day to respect their fathers. It is Father's Day and 1.             (celebrate) Father's important role in the family.
  Father is just 2.             important to a child as Mother is. For daughters, Father is the first man they admire, while for sons, Father is an idol (偶像) and the 3.             (strong) man in their life.
  The idea of celebrating Father's Day was 4.             (give) by Sonora Smart Dodd of Washington in 1909. She wanted a special day to honor (纪念) her father William Smart; his wife died 5.             she was giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left 6.             (raise) the newborn and his other five children only by himself. After Sonora became an adult, she understood the strength and selflessness (无私) her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. The first Father's Day was celebrated 7.             June 19, 1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that the USA President Lyndon Johnson officially made the third Sunday of June Father's Day, In 1972, the USA President Richard Nixon made 8.             a national holiday.
  Over the years, the idea of celebrating Father's Day on the third Sunday of June 9.             (spread) across the world. Celebrating the day gives people a chance to express their love and thanks to their fathers. Celebrating the day also makes fathers feel that their contributions arc acknowledged (认可) by their children and 10.             (social).
9.Doing outdoor              (activity) can help students improve their abilities and skills.
10.So far, no              (科学的) studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.
11.Learning is a lifelong j              because every day brings something new.
12.We should treat everyone with kindness and              (warm), spreading love and joy everywhere we go.
13.The summer vacation is coming. Have you              (选择) a date for your travelling?
14.W              you like India food, Western food or Japanese food, you'll find it all in Singapore!
15.Jack finally              ( fall) asleep when the wind was dying down at midnight.
16.Miss Zhou often stays up late. She s              goes to bed before 11 p. m.
17.We can't              (承担得起) to wait any longer to take action in order to improve our environment.
18.Although his parents didn't want him to work abroad, Li Yang              (stick) to his own decision.
19.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文. 文中共有5处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处. 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
增加:在缺词处加一一个漏字符号, 并在其下面写出该加的词.
修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词.
1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改5处, 多者(从第6处起)不计分.
Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you something about the Water Festival of the Dai people. The Water Festival is one of most important traditional festivals of the Dai people and it is popular among them. It lasted about three days from April 13 to 15 every year. During this festival, people clean their houses and put on traditional clothes. People celebrate this festival by throw water at each other to wash away from bad things and bring good luck in the new year. People have great fun in this festival. I hope he will come to China to experience it at your convenience.
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