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1. Once upon a time, there lived a mouse and his wife in a village. They had a beautiful daughter and they loved (1)       very much. As time went by, the daughter grew old enough to marry. The mouse and his wife decided to (2)       the strongest husband in the world for their daughter.
They thought that the strongest man in the world was (3)       so they went to the Sun in a hurry and asked the Sun to marry their daughter. (4)       the Sun smiled and said, "The Cloud is a lot stronger than me. (5)       the Cloud is covering me, I lose my power completely."
Then the mouse and his wife went to the Cloud and said, "You are the strongest man. Please marry our daughter. We will give you most of our wealth."
The Cloud said, "I am not that strong. When the Wind is (6)       hard, I am pushed away."
The mouse and his wife then went to the Wind, and asked him to marry their daughter. "There is the Wall who is much (7)       than me. I can not push him away no matter how hard I may blow," said the Wind.
The mouse and his wife went to the Wall quickly. They asked him to marry their daughter and be a strong husband. And they (8)       they would give the Wall most of their wealth.
"Thank you, but you don' t understand. No matter how big I may be, a mouse can easily dig under my feet and make me fall down," said the Wall.
"What? Then the strongest man in the world is a mouse?" The (9)       were surprised to know that they were strong in others' eyes.
(10)      , the mouse and his wife found a best mouse husband for their daughter. They lived happily ever after that.
2. People think different colors have different meanings. They think some colors can bring them good luck. In Chinese culture, there are some lucky colors. (1)      
Red — Hapiness, Success and Good Fortune (命运)
Red represents (代表) fire and is the most popular color in China. (2)      
Red is popular with Chinese people and it is widely used during festivals and important events.
Red things are common in our everyday life. We can sce red lanterns, red paper cuttings and on. (3)      
Red envelopes (信封) are filled with money and given as gifts during Chinese New Year.
Yellow — Hapiness, SRoyalty and Power of the Throne
In Chinese culture, yellow stands for royalty and is usually used for the emperor.
The first Emperor of China was known as Yellow Emperor. (4)      
Green — Hapiness, SMoney and Wealth
Green is a color which has many meanings such as wealth, hope and growth. Green also stands for pure and clean. (5)       Packaging for some produce is often in green in order to show that the food is not polluted.

A. Colors can influence people's feeling.
B. Here are the top three of them.
C. People wear red clothes during weddings, festivals and other ceremonies.
D. Banks and restaurants are often painted in green.
E. China was often regarded as "Yellow Earth", and its mother river is Yellow River.
F. It stands for happiness, beauty, good luck, success and good fortune. 
3. There are plenty of myths (神话) to explain how the world came to have a moon to bring light to the night time. But now there is a plan for a man-made moon. It will give us much more light than the natural Moon.
China is preparing to put a man-made moon in the sky above Chengdu by the end of 2020. It will reflect sunlight back onto the Earth. If it succeeds, three more such objects will be sent out in 2022, according to Wu Chunfeng, a space scientist. Wu said it would be similar to how we get moonlight, but he predicted (预言) that the manmade moon would have eight times the brightness of the real one.
This is because the object will be about 500 kilometers above the Earth. That will make it much closer to us than the moon, which is over 380, 000 kilometers away, Wu added.
If the plan works, the man-made moon will save a lot of power. Scientist predicted that Chengdu could save around 1. 2 billion yuan in electricity every year if a new moon lit up 50 square kilometers of the city. And in 2022, four man-made moons can take turns reflecting sunlight as they will not always be in the best position relative to the Sun. Together, they can give light to an area of up to 6 , 400 square kilometers on the Earth for 24 hours. That means its brightness will be seen in most areas in China, so reducing the need for streetlights.
4. Chen Lin is a doctor who is from Hengyang, After his graduation from Peking University, he works in an office for a large organization. And this job can sometimes be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.
Chen Lin works for MSF, an organization also known as Doctors Without Borders (无国界医生). MSF sends trained doctors all over the world to help people after a war or disaster(灾难). Chen Lin has traveled to many places to organize programs that help people in need.
At present, there are over 27, 000 trained medical staff taking part in MSF projects and tasks. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be prepared to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should expect difficult conditions. Doctors with experience in tropical (热带的) diseases are especially useful because most of MSF's work is in Africa. When MSF accepts a doctor for a task , he has to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks, they might be sent on an emergency task following a disaster, such as an earthquake.
But why would a doctor leave a comfortable life and a good salary to join MSF? According to Chen Lin, the experience you have is a great help in your career. Besides, just like the explorers of the past, you need to keep an open mind and learn to get along well with the people you meet. Most importantly, at the end of each task, you have made a real difference to people's lives.
5. Social media (媒体) is a big part of most people's lives. There are social apps and sites like WeChat and Sina Weibo, as well as video apps like Douyin and Kuaishou. How do you behave when you use these apps?
Recently researchers at the University of Sussex, UK, studied social media users ranging from 10to 15 years old. They found that they can be divided into four personality types.
Geeks (极客)
Geeks are active social media users, but they find it mush more difficult to deal with the life in the real world. Most of them are boys who like playing computer games and making music and videos. They often post creative works online, using fake (假的) names. In fact, they should avoid spending too much time on the Internet.
Internet celebrities
Internet celebrities like sharing as well , but they are much more visible (看得见的) than geeks. They might become well﹣known for their singing or dancing. But many of them, especially teenagers, share almost every side of their lives in order to own more fans. Being a teenage Internet celebrity can sometimes cause problems in the real world.
Lurkers (潜伏者)
The first two groups are lucky to find a place to show their talent. But most teenagers fall into the third type — "lurkers", or people who are neither too active nor visible. This group prefers WeChat over Sina Weibo, as WeChat has private groups. They can't express themselves well but at least they make sure to protect their personal information.
Victims (受害者)
Victims don't have enough knowledge to keep themselves safe online Their personal information can be made public and cause problems for them. To avoid being a victim, you should check your personal settings on social media. "Friends only" is a good choice for your posts. Don't share your personal information.
6. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Without them, it cannot breathe. It needs its forests to remove carbon dioxide from the air and to make oxygen. In many countries, such as New Zealand, Canada, and Brazil, forests were cut down to 1.             (提供) wood to build houses. Cutting down trees is h 2.             to human beings, animals and plants. Many young volunteers around the world are working in their holidays to plant new trees to replace them.
These young men and women f 3.             many difficulties when they plant new tees. The weather may be very hot and dry or may be very cold and wet. Tree 4.             (种植者) are changing the world. They plant different types of trees so that birds and animals can live in the forests. They b 5.             that in 50 years their little trees will become beautiful forests.
7.  West Lake is suitable for visiting all year round. The scenery is different according to the weather and season.
  Spring (from March to May) is the best season to visit West Lake. In Spring, green 1.             (leaf) and flowers make West Lake more beautiful. Lots of visitors choose to visit West Lake in March and April
  Summer (from 2.             to August) is the season of Lotus (莲花) flowers. The lotuses attract many people. "Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard" (曲院风荷) is one of the 3.             famous sights of West Lake. It is also the best place to visit in summer. It is an area by the 4.             (west) bank of the lake. Every summer, there 5.             (be) hundreds of kinds of beautiful lotuses 6.             are enjoyed by millions of visitors from home and abroad.
  Autumn( from September to November) is cool at West Lake. In Autumn, the enjoyable weather is right for 7.             (walk) round or going boating on the lake. West Lake is also a popular place for enjoying the 8.             moon in the sky at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
  Winter (from Decem ber to February) at West Lake is very cold and wet. Sometimes it snows. The snow makes West Lake white and beautiful. "Melting Snow at Broken Bridge" is beautiful scenery in winter. The bridge is famous not 9.             for its snowy scenery, but also for its romantic tale. It was on the Broken Bridge that Bai Suzhen first met her. 10.             ( love). Xu Xian.
8.Mrs. Wang: Hello, Dr. Liu. This is Mrs. Wang speaking.
Dr. Liu: Hello, Mrs. Wang. 1.            ?
Mrs. Wang: I' m worried, so I have some questions to ask you. As we know, these days many people have COVID-19. 2.            ?
Dr. Liu : First, we should exercise often to build us up. Second, 3.            . Third, we should wash hands often.
Mrs. Wang: 4.            ?
Dr Liu: We must keep away from crowded people. We'd better not go to public places.
Mrs. Wang: Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have COVID-19?
Dr. Liu: Yes, we must.
Mrs. Wang: 5.            . Thank you!
参考词汇:used to do/be..., try one's best to do.........,make progress in( doing...)
  I have made progress ________________________________________________________________________________________________
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