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Impressions of Yongzhou
Yongzhou, whose neighbours are Guangdong and Guangxi, lies in the south of Hunan Province. It covers an area of 22, 441 km2. There are 620 million people living here. If you want to come and take a trip. Mount Jiuyi and Liuzi Temple are two of the must-see places of interest. Don't miss the delicious food: Daozhou Grey Goose, Dong' an Chicken, and Yongzhou Blood Duck. Welcome to Yongzhou!
The proper ways to save the drowning (溺水)student. Dos •Shout loudly and ask adults for help. At the same time, dial 110.
•Find the objects which can float such as wood and bags filled with empty plastic bottles and throw them to him or her.
•Look for branches and bamboo poles and reach for him or her, but lower the body to make sure not to be pulled into the water. 
Don'ts •Don't jump into the water for rescue (营救).
•Don't try to save him or her hand in hand. 
The time during which the drowning often happens •After school in the afternoon.
•On weekends.
•On holidays.
•On summer vacation. 
The possible causes •Play near the water or pick up things from the water.
•Swim in a pool or river without adults.
•Swim in groups on a hot day. 
3. Malala was born in Pakistan on July 12, 1997. When she was young, Taliban fighters took over her hometown. Taliban is an extremist (极端主义) group that does not believe in a girl's right to education. They said girls should not be allowed to go to school. Malala thought that girls have the right to an education. In 2008, she spoke out against the Taliban. The Taliban tried to slience her.
In 2012, Taliban fighters shot Malala on her way home from school. She had to fly to England for medical treatment (治疗). She stayed in England to continue her education. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, when she was 17. This makes her the youngest Nobel winner in history.
Malala started attending Oxford in 2017. At the age of 22, she graduated from Oxford University, in England. Malala posted photos of her celebration on Twitter. One showed her with her family. The other was taken after her "trashing". Trashing is an Oxford tradition after students complete their final exams.
"Hard to express my joy and thanks right now as I completed my degree at Oxford," she wrote. Congratulatory messages poured in from around the world. One was an American astronaut Anne McClain. "Congratulations on your graduation," McClain said. "For so many, higher education is the start of great things. For you, great things happened before it and I can only imagine the even greater ones to follow."
She has written books for both children and adults. She also raises money through the Malala Fund. This is nonprofit (非盈利的) group that fights for girls' education.
4. Karachi, Pakistan, is one of the hottest cities on Earth. In June 2015, more than 1, 000 people died there during heat wave (热浪). "It was a terrible time," Shahzad Qureshi said. "We needed to do something about it." After the heat wave, Qureshi took action. He started Urban (都市的) Forest. The group plants trees in cities in Pakistan.
Trees help cool the air by providing shade (阴凉) and moisture (水分) through their leaves. Trees can help lower summer temperatures in cities by 2 to 5℃. Trees also provide a place for all kinds of animals. And they create a shady place where people can relax.
Urban Forest planted about 1, 300 trees in a park in Karachi. The group uses a method that helps them grow quickly. In just three years, the trees were 30 feet tall. Qureshi hopes that one day, this park will become a forest of 50, 000 trees. Since 2015, Qureshi and his team have helped cool the air by planting 14 urban forests in Pakistan. Twelve are in Karachi.
In 2017, Qureshi helped plant an urban forest at Karachi Grammar School. First, he met with students there. He taught them about how trees help the environment. Then the students planted trees in the schoolyard. "They were excited about the project," Muneeza Shaikhali says. She's a headteacher at Karachi Grammar School. "They themselves had been experiencing the high temperatures in the summer months."
There are many birds and colorful butterflies in the school. Students go outside during science class to study the forest. "It's like a library of trees in front of the kids," Qureshi says. "They can learn the species (物种) and insects that are around. It's a beautiful thing to see."
5. Seventy percent of our planet is covered by one huge body of seawater — the ocean. In 2008, the United Nations recognized (确立) June 8 as World Oceans Day. It's a day to think about the important role that the oceans play in our lives, the dangers that our oceans are facing and the action we can take to protect them.
The ocean is home to the most of plants and animals on Earth. Plants in the sea provide us with 70 percent of O2 we breathe. The ocean controls our climate (气候), providing heat in winter and cool air in summer. It also provides us with food and medicine. No matter where you live on the planet, no matter how far from the sea, your life is dependent on the ocean.
The biggest problem facing the ocean at the moment is plastic pollution. Reducing single-use plastic, including plastic bags and plastic bottles, has been an important theme for World Oceans Day for a number of years.
Climate change and rising sea temperatures are also a huge problem. Rising sea temperatures have a direct influence on weather patterns and are seen as partly responsible for an increase in extreme (极端的) weather.
The day is celebrated in all kinds of ways, including special events on the beach, river clean-ups, school activities, art contests and film festivals. You can join in to remind people about the importance of our oceans and to make a difference.
6. Colors and moods (情绪)
Some people believe that colors can influence our moods. (1)      . In fact, colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic (充满活力的) or sleepy. This article explains what colors can do and what characteristics (特点) they represent (代表).
Energetic colors
When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colors like green. (2)      , as it is the color of nature and represents new life.
Strong colors
If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. Red is the color of heat. It represents power and strong feelings. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action. (3)      .
Calm colors
Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm color. It brings peace to our mind and body. (4)      , so you may say "I'm feeling blue" when you feeling sad.
Some colors, such as orange and yellow, can make you feel warm. People in cold areas prefer warm colors in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange represents joy. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the color of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day. Yellow is also the color of wisdom (智慧). Some people prefer this color when they hope for success.

A. Warm colors
B. Green can give you energy
C. Blue can also represent sadness
D. You may wonder whether it is true
E. Others think that colors can change people's moods
F. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision 

7. Lin Tao is 20 years old. He was brave enough to (1)       his neighbour from a fire.
On 10 May, Lin Tao was at home. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting "Fire Fire! Help!" He (2)       outside and saw a lot of smoke from next door. He went in and found his (3)       , the 79-year-old Mrs. Sun, in the kitchen. Her legs were (4)       hurt and she could not stand up and get out.
Lin Tao quickly ran to Mrs. Sun's bathroom. He (5)       water over his clothes to protect himself. Then he rushed into the kitchen again. There was heavy smoke and the fire was very hot. He put a (6)       quilt over Mrs. Sun and helped her out. Later some firemen came and (7)       the fire.
The fire burnt Lin Tao's arms, neck and face. He was in (8)       for two weeks. Many people visited him and gave him flowers and presents. "How brave you are!" they said. "Were you afraid at that moment?" "Yes, little," Lin Tao nodded, "but I didn't have (9)       to think about it. Mrs. Sun needed my help."
"Fire is very dangerous. We should be(10)        with it," he also said.
8.Qu Dongyu is              official (官员) of the United Nations, who is from Yongzhou.
9.—How much is the watch?
—It's ten              (dollar).
10.The birthday of the People's Republic of China falls              October 1th.
11.The size of each class in Yongzhou now is              (small) than that in 2017.
12.Touched by doctors and nurses in Wuhan, Li Ming wants              (be) a doctor when he grows up.
13.The Yangtze is the longest river in China,              the Amazon is longer than it.
14.—How does your English teacher go to school?
—She usually              (drive) to school.
15.With the              (develop) of 5G, Huawei makes people's life more convenient.
16.My family              (go) to Yongzhou botanical garden (植物园) last weekend.
17.—My parents work in Yongzhou. What about              (you)?
—They work in Guangzhou. I'm going to visit them this summer holiday.
18. In China, the 12th month of the lunar calendar (阴历) is called Layue. The month is full of interesting festivals and customs.
Laba Festival, which is on the 8th day of Layue, is the first festival in this month. From this day on, people begin to get ready for the Chinese New Year.
On Laba Festival, people eat hot Laba porridge. There are usually eight things in the porridge: rice, red beans, peas, dried lotus seeds, dates, and three different kinds of fruits and nuts. The porridge is not just good for your health, but a blessing for the coming of Chinese New Year.
Laba porridge is not the only tasty food in Layue. Laba garlic (腊八蒜) is popular in the north. People begin to soak garlic in vinegar from that day on, and eat it with dumplings during the Chinese New Year. While in the south, people like making sausages.
Another major celebration before Spring Festival is Xiaonian. It is usually on the 23rd or 24th day of the last lunar month. Traditionally it is an important day when people offer sacrifices to the Kitchen God who looks after the family.
Don't forget to clean your home. This is also an important thing to do to prepare for the Chinese New Year. It means sweeping away the dust of the old year and welcoming a fresh start. Now, the last thing for you to do is to wait for the coming Spring Festival.
19.Dear Mr. Friend,
My name is Simon, and I am in Grade Nine. 1. 我非常喜欢足球. I love watching football, reading about football, and, of course, playing football. However, my love of football has become the cause of my problem.
I always play football with my friends after school. We often play for hours and sometimes we ever forget when we should stop. 2. If there is a football match, we will sit watching it. Now I get into trouble because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p. m. Watching football match is also impossible, do not understand why they are so strict with me. 3. 我有时候感觉很生气. I believe it is important to develop our hobbies. They help us relax and make our lives more interesting.
Is it bad to stay out late to play football?Should I spend less time on it? 4. I wonder how I can deal with my trouble. I look forward to your valuable advice.
Best wishes!
Simon Luo
Dear Linda,
How's it going? I'll study in senior high school. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
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