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1.—What's this in English?
— It's ______ eraser.
  • A. /
  • B. a
  • C. an
2.— Good morning, Gina.
—______, Jenny.
  • A. How are you
  • B. Good morning
  • C. Nice to meet you
3.—What color is your bag?
  • A. This is a pen
  • B. It's black
  • C. 123﹣321
— J﹣A﹣C﹣K﹣E﹣T
  • A. What's your name?
  • B. Are you Jim?
  • C. How do you spell jacket?
5.— Is Alan your friend?
— Yes, ______.
  • A. she is
  • B. it is
  • C. he is
6.The girl's name is Gina Brown. Gina is her______.
  • A. family name
  • B. last name
  • C. first name
7.Is this a photo______ family?
  • A. in
  • B. of
  • C. on
8.If you find my dictionary, please call me______790-3215.
  • A. at
  • B. to
  • C. on
9.— Excuse me, Is this your schoolbag?
—No, it isn't.______ is in my desk.
  • A. Mine
  • B. His
  • C. Hers
10.—Is the man (男士) in the photo your ______?
—Yes, he is my father's brother.
  • A. father
  • B. uncle
  • C. brother
11.—______ your ID card?
—It's on my bed.
  • A. What
  • B. Where are
  • C. Where's
12.— Are those your brothers?
— ______. They are my cousins.
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. Yes, they are
  • C. No, they aren't
13.We can see girls in the classroom. They are Anna, Gina, Jenny and Mary.
  • A. three
  • B. five
  • C. four
14.______ is my pen. ______ are her rulers.
  • A. This; That
  • B. That; Those
  • C. These; This
15.—Oh, your room is very tidy!
—______.(  )
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. You're welcome
  • C. Thank you
16.  Good morning!Nice to (1)       you. (2)       name is Alice Miller and my (3)       name is Alice. My QQ number (4)       286685333.
  I have a good friend. (5)       name is Wang Xiaomei. Her (6)       name is Wang and her first name is Xiaomei, (7)       is a Chinese girl (中国女孩). She has a brother, (8)       name is Wang Xiaolong. (9)       is 12 years (岁) old. We are (10)      .
17. Hello, my name is Simon. I am in England with my family. My father's name is Steve. His hair (头发) is black. My mother is Julie and her hair is brown. I have a sister and a brother. My sister's name is Alice, she is 4. My brother's name is Tom and he is 6. I am 13.
My grandparents are in England, too. My grandpa is 70 and my grandma is 67. Their telephone number is 229﹣7601. My grandpa likes taking photos (拍照). He likes taking family photos, my grandma likes books.
18. Tim, Bob, Frank and Linda lost some things.
Tim: I lost my yellow pencil box this afternoon. There are three pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil box. 
Bob: I lost my schoolbag this afternoon. There is a Chinese dictionary, a computer book and two notebooks in my blue schoolbag. 
Frank: My bag is green. I can't find it this morning. There are two CDs and three picture books in it. My English book is in it, too. 
Linda:I can't find my schoolbag this afternoon. It is red. There is a pencil box, a map and a notebook in my schoolbag. Oh, a set of keys is in it, too. 
19. Hello! My name is Mark Twain. I am in Shanghai, China now. I am a student in a middle school. I like green and blue.
I have two friends. They are Luo Min and Tang Jun. Luo Min has a black jacket and she likes it. Tang Jun has no phone, he has a jacket, too. He likes white. He has a white hat and a white pen.
20. My name is Linda Brown. I'm in Bejing. Peter, Todd, Cathy and Dale are my friends. We are at the same(相同的) school. My friends are nice.
Name: Peter Green
Phone Number: 299﹣0022 
Name: Todd Smith
Phone Number: 266﹣8800 
Name: Cathy Brown
Phone Number: 255﹣9984 
Name: Dale Miller
Phone Number: 225﹣5773 

(1)Linda has(有) five friends.      
(2)Peter and Todd are in Beijing.      
(3)Todd's last name is Green.      
(4)Linda and Cathy have the same last name.      
(5)Dale's phone number is (225)﹣5773.      
(1)      Nice to meet you! A. You're welcome. 
(2)      Are you Anna? B. They are my grandparents. 
(3)      Thank you for your help! C. Nice to meet you too! 
(4)      What's your brother's name? D. Yes, I am. 
(5)      Who're they? E. Zhang Lin 
You can       Ms. Green       your English book.
23.The picture of my family is on the wall.(对画线部分提问)
      is the picture of       family?
24.Is that your pen?(作否定回答)
No,      .
25.Those are oranges. (改为单数句)
       is       orange.
Here       two       of his family.
in; be; help; he; friend; mine; on; English; color; it 

Hello, boys and girls. I am an (1)            girl. My name is Lily. I am 12 years old. Now I am (2)            Yi Bin. I can say "你好" in Chinese.
My teachers (3)            Ms. Zhang and Mr. Han. Ms. Zhang is our English teacher, she is 35years old. Mr. Han is our Chinese teacher, (4)             is tall (高), they are friendly (友好). I have a (5)            , Kate, we are in the same (相同的) class, thanks for her (6)            . This is (7)            schoolbag, What (8)            is it? Oh, (9)             is yellow. I have a clock, it is (10)            the wall (墙).
28.假如你是Tom, 你在学校图书馆拾到了一个蓝色的手表, 你的电话号码是495﹣3539. 请你代Tom写一则寻物启事, 寻找手表的主人.
要求:语句通顺答意, 注意格式, 要点写全. 格式2分, 每个要点2分.
期中试卷 最新试卷 四川试卷 泸州市试卷 2018年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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2019-2020学年四川省成都实验中学七年级(下) 期中英语试卷