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1.What a good restaurant! It has ____ best service.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
2.______ the clock is really old, it still works well.
  • A. Although
  • B. Because
  • C. If
3.—Did you watch the movie Shadow?
—Yes. Because there is ______ in it.
  • A. nothing interesting
  • B. something interesting
  • C. interesting something
4.I don't ____ where to eat. It's up to you.
  • A. mind
  • B. stand
  • C. want
5.—What did Mr. Green say?
—She promised ______ all she can to help us.
  • A. did
  • B. doing
  • C. to do
6.—Who do you like better, Mike or Jack?
—It's hard to say. They are ____ my good friends.
  • A. both
  • B. none
  • C. all
7.—____ will your father get back from Shanghai?
—I'm not sure. Maybe in two weeks.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How soon
8.My parents always encourage me and help to ____ the best in me.
  • A. take out
  • B. bring out
  • C. care about
9.—How do you feel about your best friend, Lucy?
—She is similar to me, but not as ______ as me.
  • A. quiet
  • B. quieter
  • C. quietest
10.—What ______ if you ______ late for school again tomorrow, Tom?
—My teacher will be very angry and call my parents.
  • A. happens, are
  • B. will happen, will be
  • C. will happen, are
11. Three meals are important for everyone. (1)       a middle school student, the most important meal is (2)      . In America, eggs, sausages, toast and orange juice are the main food for breakfast. (3)       mothers make us pancakes, which are (4)       good. Lunch in America is different from that in China. We have to have (5)       at school. We usually have sandwiches with potato chips or fresh (6)       because vegetables are healthy. Of course, we can also have hot lunch. Dinner is always a little (7)       because parents have time to cook. What your dinner is depend on where your family comes from. When our parents are (8)       and don't have time to cook, they will take us out and have some Chinese dishes. (9)       to restaurants in America is very expensive, (10)       people usually eat at home.
You are invited to Olivia's 7th birthday tea party! Sunday, 2:30 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. , October 18, 2018. 2701 Custer Parkway, Suite B10 Richardson, TX75080. Join us to celebrate it with afternoon tea and sweets.  You are invited! Join us for a sleepover at Amy's house to celebrate her 12th birthday!
Time: From 8:00 p. m. , November 24, 2018. 241 Sea Street, ST253AB. Don't forget your sleeping bag. 
Pizza Party!You' re invited to Dylan's 8th birthday celebration! Thursday, November 24th, 2017. 1:00 p. m. — 4:00 p. m. 580 George Street, Alpharetta. Lots of cheese pizza and fruit pizza. 
13. Many people are getting flu these days The flu season usually runs from October to March. These years has been especially bad.
Those who get the flu most easily are children and old people. This is because they have less stronger immune systems. As of Feb 24, 2018, 114 kids in the US had died from the flu during the last season, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and prevention. (美国疾病与控制中心, CDC)
In China, an old man in Beijing died from the flu earlier last year. It became a hot topic online. The man's family didn't understand how bad the flu was and why it got worse later.
In fact, many people don't know much about the flu. What is it?The influenza virus brings the flu. It can start very suddenly and go from person to person. The virus can get on your hands. If you then touch your nose or mouth, you can get the flu.
Remember, if anyone around you has the flu, take it seriously and make sure they should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.
14. Once upon a time, there lived a kind king. But the king was also very lazy. He would not do anything other than eat and sleep. He became fatter and fatter, and finally found it difficult to move his body — even his feet. The king invited doctors from different parts of his country to make him healthy. But no one could help the king lose weight.
One day, an old man visited the country. He heard about the king's problem. He volunteered to help the king lose some weight. The king decided to let him have a try.
The old man lived far away. He said that the king had to come to him and asked the king to come for treatment the next day. But the king would have to walk there, the old man added.
The king came the next day. However, the old man was not there. His son asked the king to come and meet his father the next day.
The king came every day for two weeks, but he never once saw the old man. But he did notice that he felt a lot lighter. He had lost some weight. He finally realized why the old man had asked him to walk so many times.
15. Test taking is a skill you can learn. Do you freeze up (冻住) when a teacher says it's time for a test? Do you get so worried that you make stupid mistakes? (1)      
This way you will prepare for the test well and there will not be any reasons for you to be afraid.
After you study for the test in the afternoon, you should relax in the evening and have a good sleep at night. You need to be strong and refreshed to do your best.
Read the questions well before you answer, at least twice.
When you feel yourself start to get anxious, put your pencil down on the table, out of your hand, close your eyes, and count to 10. If you think you don't have time, remember that if you're anxious, you can't think well and will make stupid mistakes. (5)      
A. Relax and have a good rest.
B. Only when you're relaxed can you do your best.
C. Read the instructions in the paper twice.
D. Listen to your teachers carefully in class and practice more.
E. Study the following steps and you will do better in your tests. 
after; in; thing; talk; something; go; never; buy; we; real 

I first met the boy last year. He talks to me every day. He has a problem (1)             stuttering (口吃) when he tries to talk. It's (2)             hard to understand what he is saying.
Well, this morning. I was (3)             with some teachers. They were working in the school shop. He stopped by and said hello to all of (4)            . After he left, they told me that he stopped every day and said hello. But of course, he never had the money to buy (5)            .
I decided to get him something. I (6)             a pencil, an eraser and a small notebook. The kids were all out (7)             class. When I saw him, I asked him to come to me.
I couldn't tell the look on his face when I gave him just the three little (8)            . Then, without a stutter, he loudly said, "Thank you so much. " He gave me a big hug before (9)             back to class.
I have to say that I have (10)             spent one dollar that would mean so much to me.
17.My sister never surfs the internet. (对划线部分提问)
             does your sister surf the internet?
18.He put the key on the desk. (改为一般疑问句)
             he             the key on the desk?
19.She agrees with what I said. (改为否定句)
She              what I said.
20.The old woman fell down because it was raining heavily. (改为同义句)
The old woman fell down              the heavy rain.
21.She's going to write an article this week. (对划线部分提问)
             is she going to             this week?
I think this movie is        than that one.
23.她今晚很可能要开会, 所以她拒绝了我的邀请.
She'll        have a meeting tonight, so she        my invitation.
How many       of        do you need to make a soup?
I       an English book just now.
My mother is cooking        food for two        now.
27.假如你是李露, 学校将组织一场主题为"My dream job"的英语演讲比赛. 请根据以下提示写一篇70词左右的英语演讲稿. 开头已给出不计入总词数.
要点提示:1. 你梦想的职业是什么?2. 你为什么喜欢这一职业?3. 为了实现你的梦想, 你将如何行动.
写作要求:1. 表达清楚, 语法正确, 上下文连贯. 2. 必须包括所有相关信息, 并作适当发挥. 3. 不得出现真实姓名及学校.
My dream job
  Good morning everyone, I am Li lu. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  Thank you for listening.
期末试卷 最新试卷 四川试卷 自贡市试卷 2018年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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