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1.There is a famous Chinese saying: One is not ______ true man unless he climbs up ______ Great Wall.
  • A. a; /
  • B. the; /
  • C. a; the
  • D. /; the
2.—Jenny, is this ______ pet cat?
—No. ______ is white.
  • A. you; My
  • B. your; Mine
  • C. your; My
  • D. yours; Mine
3.More and more people in Huangshi choose to go to work ______ bike.
  • A. in
  • B. with
  • C. on
  • D. by
4.—The last satellite of BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (北斗卫星导航系统) was successfully launched on June 23rd, 2020.
—____ exciting news it is!
  • A. What
  • B. What an
  • C. How
  • D. How an
5.—______ will the first tramcar (有轨电车) line be finished in Huangshi?
—In two or three years.
  • A. How long
  • B. How soon
  • C. How often
  • D. How far
6.I think Jay Chou's Mojito is ____ than his last song.
  • A. more better
  • B. the best
  • C. much better
  • D. more good
7.He spent two hours ____ his mother with housework last Sunday.
  • A. helping
  • B. helped
  • C. to help
  • D. help
8.I ____ our English teacher in the supermarket yesterday.
  • A. meet
  • B. met
  • C. have met
  • D. has met
9.—Mom, ____ I watch TV tonight?
—Sure, but you ____ finish your homework first.
  • A. can; mustn't
  • B. may; could
  • C. may; can't
  • D. can; must
10.—Angela, I want to make Russian soup. Would you please tell me how?
—I'm glad to. First, you need to ______ the vegetables and beef.
  • A. cut up
  • B. cut down
  • C. cut off
  • D. cut out
11.—I'm planning a trip to the National Mining Park (国家矿山公园) tomorrow, but still can't decide ____.
—How about driving?
  • A. how I'm going
  • B. where I'm going
  • C. when I'm going
  • D. who I'm going with
12.—I hate sweeping the floor.
—Why not buy a sweeping robot? It ____ widely nowadays.
  • A. use
  • B. is used
  • C. was used
  • D. used
13.There are about eight hundred students in the school. ____ of them are boys.
  • A. Three fifth
  • B. Third fifth
  • C. Third five
  • D. Three fifths
14.—I heard a young fireman lost his life in the big fire.
—What a pity! ____ I don't know who he is, I know who he is for. He is our hero forever.
  • A. But
  • B. So
  • C. Although
  • D. Because
15.She runs around the Ci Lake every morning, ____?
  • A. does she
  • B. doesn't she
  • C. did she
  • D. didn't she
16.  Long long ago, there lived a teacher in a small village. He often (1)       his students in special ways. One day he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in (2)       seasons. The first student went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the last in autumn.
  After the four students (3)       back, the teacher called them together. They pictured (描述) their (4)       to the teacher. The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees. It made him feel very (5)      . The second student (6)      , "What are you talking about? My eyes were full of light green. It made me feel hopeful." The third one couldn't wait to say excitedly, "How pretty the trees were! I felt so relaxed. The sweet smell of the (7)       spread here and there, attracting (吸引) many bees and butterflies." Hearing these words, the last one shook his head. He said he got a strong feeling of satisfaction when he saw a lot of apples on the beautiful trees.
  The teacher smiled and told his students (8)       of them were wrong, but each just (9)       one season. He continued, "The trees are not the same in different seasons. You can't judge (判断) a tree by seeing only one season."
  Everything has different sides in our life. Don't try to make a conclusion (结论) (10)       before you see the whole of it.
17.  The giant panda is an animal popular with people all over the world.
  With their black and white fur and soft round bodies, they are loved by the old and young. Do you love them? If you do, why not join in a panda volunteer program? Here are some tips for you if you want to be a volunteer of the programs.
  Book (预定) Early
  If you don't book early, the programs may become fully booked. Some volunteer programs limit (限制) the number of the volunteers. We suggest booking at least one week in advance (提前).
  Follow the Instructions
  Giant pandas lead a very different life. Sometimes, it is very hard for them to stand outside influences. We'd better not disturb (打扰) their peaceful life, so some of the activities might be changed or canceled.
  ●Please do not make any noise or movements that might disturb the pandas.
  ●Please do not get close to the pandas or throw food to them, unless the panda keeper tells you to do so. It might disturb the pandas' eating habits and cause them to become sick.
  ●For your safety, do not get into the cage, touch the adult pandas, or let them touch you, unless the panda keeper tells you to do so.
  ●Do not take photos or videos unless it's allowed.
  Dress Code
  To protect yourself when carrying bamboo, please do not wear shorts or slippery (滑的) shoes. Also, pandas have a very keen (敏锐的) sense of smell. As you will get very close to them, please do not wear perfume (香水) or nail polish.
18.  In the last passage we've already talked about some dangerous plants, but we don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. The truth is that some plants can hurt you, but most are completely harmless. In fact, there are plenty of plants that are actually very useful to humans.
  That is why plants are so popular in Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has been using plants for at least 4,800 years. One of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine is ginseng (人参). Doctors of Chinese medicine believe that ginseng can help your lungs (肺), clean your blood and do many other things. Ginseng also provides energy for people. In fact, many modern energy drinks that you see in stores have ginseng.
  In some parts of USA, there is a plant called lady fern (蹄盖蕨). This is the plant you need if you've been stung by a bee, or if you've got a small burn or a cut. Lady ferns are great for making your skin feel better. All you have to do is roll one of its leaves and make it into pieces in your hands. The juice inside the leaf will help your skin feel better.
  If you're hiking in Europe, look for a flower called tansy (艾菊). This yellow flower is a natural insects' enemy. You just rub it on your skin, and insects will leave you alone.
  Sage (鼠尾草) is one of the most useful plants in the world. Because it has so many uses, it's also quite valuable. Human beings have been using sage for a very long time. In Europe, before fridges appeared, people used sage to keep food. Over the years, people have used sage to fight all kinds of health problems. Sage has been used to treat colds, stop muscle (肌肉) problems and reduce (减少) swelling. In fact, sage comes from the Latin word "salvere", which means "to be saved".
19.  There are countless myths (神话) to explain how the world came to have a moon to bring light to the night time. But now there is a plan for a man-made moon. It will give us far more light than the natural Moon.
  China is preparing to put a man-made moon in the sky above Chengdu by 2020. It will reflect sunlight back onto the Earth. If it succeeds, three more such objects will be sent out in 2022, according to Wu Chunfeng, a space scientist. Wu said it would be similar to how we get moonlight, but he predicted that the man-made moon would have eight times the brightness of the real one. "This is because the object will be about 500 kilometers above the Earth. That will make it a lot closer to us than the Moon, which is over 380,000 kilometers away," Wu added.
  If the plan works, the man-made moon will save a lot of power. Scientists predict that Chengdu could save around 1.2 billion yuan in electricity every year if a new moon lit up 50 square kilometers of the city. And in 2022, four man-made moons can take turns to work as they will not always be in the best position (位置) relative to the Sun. Together, they can give light to an area of up to 6,400 square kilometers on the Earth for 24 hours. That means its brightness will be seen in most areas in China, reducing the need for streetlights.
20.  Once upon a time, there was a farmer living in the State of Song. He grew crops (庄稼) in a big field very hard every day. There stood a big tree stump (树桩) in the field. One day, he was working in the field when he saw a rabbit run into the stump, break its neck and die accidentally (意外地). (1)       That night he thought: "There is no need for me to work so hard every day. All I have to do is wait by the tree stump and pick up the rabbit that runs into it." So from then on he stopped farming, and just sat by the tree stump waiting for another rabbit to come and run into it. (2)        Crops died and his field became waste gradually (逐渐地). But never did he see another rabbit run into the tree stump. (3)       They thought he took the accident for the inevitable (必然的).
  In the story, this farmer wanted to live a better life by hoping for having unexpected good luck, but he was too lazy and foolish. (4)       No one can gain anything if he doesn't work hard.
  Nowadays, people use the phrase "waiting for rabbits by a tree stump" to describe those who just wait and dream of reaping (收获) without sowing. (5)       We should also keep in mind that it is a waste of time waiting for something that only happens accidentally in our life. Just come down to earth.
A. Day in and day out, he waited and waited.
B. We should stop daydreaming and get to something practical.
C. People in the village laughed at him for his foolish behavior.
D. Happily, the farmer took the rabbit home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.
E. As the English saying goes, "No pains, no gains." 

21.  In order to get away from the busy life in the big city, two young men decided to spend a holiday in the countryside. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery and fresh air there. One day, while taking a walk together, they crossed a large field.
  "Look out!" one of the young men shouted, because a bull (公牛) appeared and began to chase (追赶) them. The bull looked like a monster and made a terrible roar (咆哮), rolling its big eyes. They were very scared. They ran as fast as they could, but the bull kept running after them.
  Finally, one of the men climbed up a tree. The other jumped into a hole, but soon he came out of it. And then the bull chased him back into the hole.
  "Stay there!" his friend shouted, but soon the man came out again, and again the bull chased him right back.
  The same thing went on another three times.
  At last, the man in the tree got angry and shouted to his friend, "How foolish you are! 1 have told you to stay in the hole for a while! Why are you always coming out?"
  "It's easy for you to say," the other man said more angrily. "But there is a bear in the hole!"
  So you see, sometimes things are not what they appear to be. We should always try to stand in others' shoes and look from there.
kind; as; stand; about; lose; remember; it; when; near; treat 

  Norman was a teacher of a middle school. He enjoyed running for exercise around the park when he was free.
  One Sunday afternoon, after running (1)             usual, Norman decided to go home and have a rest. Just then he noticed an old lady (2)             by the road. The old lady looked around worriedly.
  Norman went over and asked what he could do for her. After a short talk, Norman came to know that she forgot her way home and got (3)            . Norman called the old lady's son and then took her to the (4)             restaurant.
  In the restaurant, Norman ordered food for her politely. While eating, sometimes she carelessly sprinkled (撒) food and drink on the table and on her coat. Other customers (顾客) felt disgusted (厌恶) at the sight. But Norman didn't care (5)             it. He cleaned the table from time to time in silence and (6)             took the old lady some time to finish eating. After that, Norman paid the bill. They were ready to leave (7)             the old lady's son arrived. He held Norman's hand and said, "Thanks to your help, my mother was (8)             well."
  "You're welcome. She makes me (9)             my mom who lives in the countryside. I just did what a son should do," said Norman with a smile. All the customers around were moved by his (10)             and showed respect to him.
23.Mary: John, what's wrong with you? Are you OK?
John: (1)      
Mary: I'm sorry to hear that. Is it serious?
John: Yes, a little. (2)      
Mary: No, it doesn't sound like you have a fever. (3)      
John: I played computer games all weekend.
Mary: (4)       You need to take breaks away from the computer.
John: Yeah, I sat in the same way for too long without moving.
Mary: (5)       If your neck still hurts tomorrow, then go to a doctor.
John: OK. Thanks, Mary.
A. That's probably why.
B. I have a headache.
C. What did you do on the weekend?
D. What should I do?
E. I think you should lie down and rest.
F. I can't move my neck and it hurts.
G. Should I take my temperature? 

24.The poor boy hasn't eaten anything for a whole day. He is very h            .
25.There aren't enough books for each student. Some of them have to s             with one another.
26.What were you doing when the heavy rain             (突然地) came?
27.It is very noisy outside and we             (想知道) what has happened.
28.The more careful you are, the fewer             (错误) you'll make.
The twin brothers have one thing              ; they never              easily when they face difficulties.
The lights in your room are still on. Don't forget              before you leave.
I              taking a boat trip on the Xiandao Lake              swimming in it. I don't think              safe to swim in a lake.
The TV program Super Brain is              encouraging but also interesting. It is well             .
He is              his parents. Both of them volunteered to              in the battle against COVID-19 not long ago.
34.我市某英文杂志社正面向九年级毕业生征文,请从以下要点中选择两到三点,写一篇题为"How to keep healthy"的短文,参加此次活动。
1. 运动有益身心健康。多锻炼,如跑步、爬山、骑车等;
2. 养成健康的饮食习惯,如多喝水和牛奶,多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品和快餐;
3. 学习有计划,早睡早起不熬夜,劳逸结合;
4. 乐观、积极、友好,与同学和睦相处。
1. 可结合自身事例、适当发挥;语言通顺,意思连贯。
2. 80词左右。(无须写标题, 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数)
参考词汇:keep healthy physically and mentally 保持身心健康; regularly 有规律地; optimistic 乐观的
Keeping healthy plays an important role in our daily life. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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