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1.There are only big trees on one side of the street,different flowers lie on ____ .
  • A. other
  • B. another
  • C. the other
2.____ October 1,we will celebrate the seventieth birthday of the People's Republic of China.
  • A. On
  • B. In
  • C. At
3.Every one of us ____ always breathe the same breath and share the same future as the people.
  • A. might
  • B. should
  • C. could
4.____ lucky they are,I thought,to have each other.
  • A. What a
  • B. What
  • C. How
5.The world is changing with every second;and China, ____ too,with every second.
  • A. is changing
  • B. had changed
  • C. changed
6.Brown draws a picture of the criminal,and the police put ____ on the Internet to find him.
  • A. him
  • B. her
  • C. it
7.We have decided to sell five things ____ we no longer use.
  • A. that
  • B. where
  • C. who
8."Actions speak ____ than words,"as the saying goes.
  • A. loud
  • B. louder
  • C. loudest
9.The students in this school ____ to choose their own school uniforms.
  • A. are allowed
  • B. allowed
  • C. are allowing
10.She will ____ the silk dress and go out.
  • A. put away
  • B. put up
  • C. put on
11. In the morning, everything's slippery with ice outside. I hold the trees to keep from falling, and my fuzzy gloves (毛茸茸的手套) sick. How silly!Shoes slip (滑) , but gloves stick to ice. Wait, that gives me an (1)        .
I go inside and get a pair of Dad's old socks. I pull them on over (2)        shoes and step outside again. Yay!No more slipping.
In the afternoon, Grandpa's (3)        me to my swimming class. He's brought me a cup of tea. Yum!I slip off my shoes to relax my feet when I drink. Yikes!The tea is (4)        , I want to put it down to cool, (5)        Grandpa's car is old and doesn't have cup holders.
I put my shoe on the floor. And, look, the (6)        where my foot goes in is kind of. . . cup-shaped!
Grandpa (7)        my shoe-cup holder, but he says, "I think I'd better keep my shoes on while I'm driving. "
In the evening, Mom says, "Go away, dog!"She's making a sweater for Dad, and the silly dog is running after the yarn (毛线) all over.
"When I'm an inventor, I'll (8)        you a dog-proof yarn holder, "I tell her.
"Great!"she says. "Will it be done soon?"
"Well, it's a new idea, "I say. "I'll have to think about it. "
As I (9)        , I play with a big plastic bottle on the table. Hmm, I cut the bottom of the bottle, then put the ball of yam in, with the yarn coming out of the mouth. It fits. I hang the bottle on the wall, away from the dog.
"Maybe this will work until I finish my invention, "I tell Mom.
"Perfect, "she says. "And, Xiao Wei, (10)        don't have to be new things. Using old stuff in clever, new ways is inventing. "
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14. Protecting the earth is like protecting our eyes. People's attention to recycling is increasing. From recycling plastic bags to using environment friendly products, there are many developments to be seen in almost every comer of the world.
Sweden is a worldwide leader in recycling. They open world's first mall for repaired and recycled goods, It's called ReTuna, a two-story building in Eskilstuna, Sweden, about 70 miles west of Stockholm. The clever thing about this mall is its position. It's right next to the city's recycling centre. So a stream of cars is already coming to drop off unwanted household things. This produces a supply of things for the shops. There are 14 special shops. When goods arrive, a team sorts everything into categories(类别). The mall only sells goods that are recycled or"upcycled", meaning unwanted things broken down and reinvented as something new. By doing so, 50 new jobs were created in repair and retail(零售)
"You can come and just do sustainable shopping and Sweden loves it. And the world loves it, "said Anna Bergstrom, the manager of the ReTuna Mall. "I think it's fun to find something that people have used, and we can use further, " said Cato Limas, a ReTuna customer(顾客). "If you look at the things they're selling here, they're almost new. So actually, why do you need to buy new things?"
These unwanted things found new homes. In 2018, the mall sold second-hand goods worth 1. 3million.
15. The United Kingdom, officially known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is a state located at north-west Europe. The United Kingdom has four countries:England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
It is one of the most powerful, and richest countries in the world. It is an amazing piece of land that is rich in history and facts, some of which are yet to be discovered. From the natural beauty to the people, technological advancement(科技进步) and sports, no one can ever have enough of the UK. To learn more about the country, you should read the facts below.
The English drink the most tea in the world. They drink over 163 million cups of tea daily, about 20 times the number of cups drunk by Americans.
Although Britain has been involved in many wars lasting for many years, it has also been involved in the shortest war. The Anglo-Zanzibar War fought in 1896 lasted only 45 minutes, just the time for a class.
The UK has the highest rate(比率) of being very fat in the world. Almost 25% of the British duets are very fat.
The UK has the third-highest rate of heart disease in Europe. It ranks(排位) just below Ireland and Finland.
Of all countries that celebrate Independence Day, 58 are independent of the UK, the highest by any country.
Almost 25% of all women in the UK were named Mary in 1811.
According to history, the London Bridge had indeed fallen down according to the old rhyme, when the Saxons had tom it down using ropes and boats. The Thames has over 200 bridges and tunnels along its course.
16. The 2030 Agenda says that ending poverty in all its forms, including extreme poverty(极度贫困), is the greatest task. Because 1. 4 billion people in developing countries live on less than ﹩1. 25 a day. Another 842 million people, or one in eight people, do not have enough to eat, today.
The good news is that there are ways to end poverty.
Creating jobs, both in the United States and abroad, is a great way to deal with poverty. When people have jobs, they have money, and when people have money, they can more easily get themselves out of poverty. The U. N. says that "For the poor, labour is often the only thing they can use to improve their well-being. "
The education of girls and women impacts(影响) the rest of the societies. A woman's degree of education is linked to the age at which she marries and has children, to her health and diseases. Educating girls and women can end poverty in developing nations, as well as in the United States.
The United States hasn't raised the lowest pay since 2007. Because of this, right now, "A full-time worker with two children getting the lowest pay will still raise his or her family in poverty. "And this is a problem in almost every other country, especially in developing nations. Raising the lowest pay could possibly increase the health and well-being of millions.
The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, says that he believes "health care covering in all countries can help achieve a goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. " He says that health care could end poverty. Because about 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty every year by having to spend money on health problems, and health problems push about another 150 million into very serious hardship.
These ways to end poverty show that while there is a difficult road ahead, there is a practical path forward.
17. Since its reform and opening up began in the late 1970s, China has made great achievements in many fields.
(1) Beijing's new airport saw four passenger planes complete test flights Monday morning. At 9 am, on May 13, 2019, the A 380 from China Southern Airlines made the first flight (飞行), taking off from Beijing Capital International Airport in the northern part of the city. At 9:30 am, the plane landed smoothly on the western runway at Beijing Daxing International Airport.
China's first science fiction (科幻) film The Wandering Earth interests moviegoers around the world. (2) 中国的科幻电影行业前途光明. Science fiction is really taking the central stage in China. Let's just see more of it.
A study from NASA said that the Earth is a greener place than it was 20 years ago. (3) China is leading the world's greening effort. The result comes mostly from tree-planting programs and intensive agriculture in China.
Another research scientist and co-author of the study Rama Nemani said, "(4) Once people realize there is a problem, they begin to fix it. In the 1970s and 80s in China, the greening situation was not good. In the 1990s, people realized it. And today things have improved. "
So many achievements make us feel proud of our motherland. (5) "我最亲爱的祖国, 你像大海永不干涸. " We want to sing sincerely for her.

18. Sometimes we throw apple remains into forests, hoping small animals around may find them. But what if they are never noticed?People believe they would rot(腐烂)one day. So it doesn't matter. Is that true?
Sure they will. But it won't happen overnight.
Marjorie Woodruff, works in the Grand Canyon, set up a small experiment. She put a banana peel(皮), orange peels in a box, wide enough to allow small animals to go in and out. After six months, the orange peels had dried out, the banana had turned black. Nothing had been eaten or had rotted.
She buried the same things in sand and soil and six months later everything could still be seen.
In fact, it takes two months for apple remains to rot and an orange peel can take up to one year.
"Do we eat orange peels? We do not. So why would a squirrel(松鼠)eat? "Woodruff writes in High Country News. "The animals do just fine on nuts and berries. They do not need us. "There's another point to think about.
When animals start to get food from people. they may stop looking for their own food in nature. This is dangerous because it may weaken their hunting ability. Besides, they need different food.
Food waste also attracts animals to areas where there are a lot of people, says the Leave No Trace organization. This may put their life in danger as they may get used to looking for food alongside busy roads. Many of them are too small to be noticed by drivers.
When you're throwing fruit remains, you may be fined(罚款). Fines are different. Some states might only fine people 100, but a few states fine people more than 6, 000 for a first time.

1. Where does Marjorie Woodruff work?
2. How long does it take for apple remains to rot?
3. Which animal is mentioned?
4. How much might you be fined at least if you throw fruit remains?
5. Why can't we give food waste to animals?
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