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1. Mr. Black is a teacher in Southwark School. He (1)       Class 3. His students are thirteen or fourteen years old. His students learn all (2)       with him. He knows his students well and his students knows (3)       well, too!
This year, Mr. Black and his wife (妻子) have (4)       new baby. They are very busy. He (5)       have time to make a big breakfast. So he always has a quick one—some bread and a glass of milk. (6)       does he go to work then? He takes a bus and he is never late (7)       work.
Math is his favorite subject to teach. Some students think math is difficult. He likes to help them and feels happy when they (8)       do well in math. Mrs. Lewis, the teacher of Class 2, is good at telling stories. Sometimes she tells Mr. Black's class stories (9)       Mr. Black does math with her class.
Mr. Black (10)       likes teaching. He says children like learning new things.
2. My grandparents don't work now. My grandfather is 68 and my (1)       is 67, but they are not too (2)       to have fun. They play tennis, (3)       sports games on TV and go out for (4)       to enjoy good food. Sometimes they take (5)       out too. We have a good time. They often take a (6)      . Last year, they went to China and walked along the Great Wall.
My grandparents always (7)       children today have an easy life. They don't think I study hard. Sometimes they don't understand (理解) many things about my life. They tell me life was very (8)       when they were young. They had to start work when they were 16. They also think that I (9)       too many "toys", like smart phones, computers and iPads. But I (10)       it would be very strange (奇怪的) if I only had the same "toys" as theirs! We live in different times, don't we?
3. Good study habits are important (重要的) for all students. If you have good study habits, you'll learn faster and do well in study.
Do you usually study in the living room? It is not a good place for study. There you may find the TV interesting. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom or the library. A quiet place will help you learn well.
Please clean your desk before you study. It helps you study well, too. Light is important, too.
Of all the good study habits, asking questions is the most important. No one knows everything, but we can always learn from each other by asking questions. You can ask your classmates, teachers or parents for help.
What are you studying for? Put your dream grades (分数) on the wall next to your bed or computer, and you'll see and think about it every day.
When do you work best? Are you an early bird, a night owl (猫头鹰)? Find your most productive time, and then try to study hard at this time.
(1)        Frank is getting fat and he wants to go running in the morning. He needs a new pair of sports shoes.
(2)       Joe is taller this year. His sweaters and trousers are too short for him. It's getting cold. His mom wants to buy him new ones.
(3)        Mary is a hard-working middle school student. She wants to buy an Oxford English-Chinese dictionary.
(4)        Helen and her sister like reading. They like to have a big bookcase and reading chairs.
(5)        Geography is difficult for Cindy. To help her learn it well, her mom is thinking about buying a globe (地球仪). 
A. Come and buy warm clothes at our great sale! For boys, we have trousers at good prices. For girls, we have beautiful skirts in different colors.
B. Our chairs, tables, bookcases are at good prices! If you buy two reading chairs, you can take a bookcase at half price.
C. We have all kinds of school things. Do you need any maps, globes and tape players?They're right for middle schoolstudents.
D. Do you want to keep healthy? We can help you eat well ifyou don't want to be fat. You can also do sports with our coach here.
E. Welcome to our sports store! We have many different kinds of sports things, like volleyballs, ping-pong bats and balls. We also have cool sports shoes for running.
F. Our bookstore opens today! There're many different kindsof books on sale, like English picture books, history booksand dictionaries.
G. Winter clothes for women are at a great price now! Thecolorful sweaters are really nice. Please come to our storeand have a look! 
5.December is the t             month of the year.
6.—Are these your notebooks?
—No, they're not m             .
7.If you feel angry, take a deep breath and count f             one to ten.
8.My aunt l             her ring and she can't find it everywhere.
9.W             Day is March 8th.
10.There is a s             of beautiful tea cups on the table.
11.In these photos are Ms. Miller and her              ['dɔːtə(r)]. They look happy.
12.Let's buy              [ˈstrɔˌbəriz], pears and burgers for the New Year's party.
13.             [ˈpəːp(ə)l] is my favorite and I like clothes in that color.
14.He is good at math and always              [ˈfiniʃiz] a math test in half an hour.
             is the big blue hat?
—It's 6 dollars.
16.我想自己做好这个工作, 努力不向别人求助.
I'd like to do the work well by myself, and try not to              others              help.
             letting me relax.
18.对孩子来说, 读百科全书很有用.
             children,              useful to read encyclopedias.
19.— 成功来自努力.
— 的确如此.
—Success comes from hard work.
—That's              .
20. Bill is my best friend. We studied in the 1.             primary school and now we are classmates, too. His birthday is 2.             January 20th. It's usually on our winter vacation. Our 3.             are in the same month, so sometimes we have a birthday party together. This year we want to ask our good friends to 4.             to our birthday dinner and play games. Mom says she'll buy us 5.             big birthday cake, 6.             we want to make one by ourselves(我们自己). Bill's mom is good at baking (烘焙) and 7.             can help us. We also 8.             about some games for our party. Oh, I get a new computer 9.             from my uncle and we can play it. Our friend Dale says he'll bring his guitar and sing songs for us. That 10.             great! I'm sure we'll have a relaxing and happy birthday party!
21.Dear Li Min,
Let me tell you about my lunch at school. In the UK, most children have their lunches at school. They can have hot food, of course. But some children don't like school lunches. They take a box of food for lunch in their schoolbags to school. That is usually cold food like bread or a hamburger. My mother thinks I can get healthier food at school than one or two burgers she makes for me. So she asks me to have school lunch. My school gives us chicken or fish with vegetables. Sometimes, I can have a glass of hot milk or an apple after lunch.
How about your lunch? And do you have any interesting and fun things at school?
Your friend,

1. Who is this letter to?
2. Why do some children take a box of food for lunch to school?
3. Does Anna take lunch to school?
4. What can Anna have for lunch at school?
5. When can Anna have hot milk or apples at school?
22.请你就上文信中的问题写一封回信. 内容包括:
1. 说说你午餐的情况(在哪里吃, 常吃什么, 是否吃得健康)
2. 说说这学期你最喜欢的两项学校活动(如秋游、开放日、艺术节、球赛等) 并说明理由.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称.
2. 行文连贯, 词数60个左右. 文章开头已经给出, 不计入总词数, 也不必抄写到答题卡上.
Dear Anna,
You ask me about my lunch in your letter.      
Li Min
期末试卷 最新试卷 广东试卷 汕头市试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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