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1.Zhao Liying, who played in Legend of Chu Qiao, says: "As an actress, you ______ be hard-working. "
  • A. can
  • B. may
  • C. must
2.Oh, ______, if you see Lucy, tell her that I enjoy her Chinese paintings.
  • A. in fact
  • B. by the way
  • C. in other words
3.—According to the timetable, the train ______ at 8:27.
—Don't worry. We can catch it.
  • A. leaves
  • B. is leaving
  • C. is going to leave
4.The tickets for The Wandering Earth ______ well, and they will ______ soon.
  • A. are sold; sell out
  • B. are sold; sold out
  • C. sell; be sold out
5.In the face of difficulty, never ______ and you will succeed sooner or later.
  • A. give back
  • B. give in
  • C. give away
6.-Have you heard of the Huawei Company?
-Sure, it's one of the ____ companies ____ make us Chinese proud.
  • A. great;which
  • B. greater;which
  • C. greatest;that
7._______ of them felt tired but quite happy after _______ sports meeting.
  • A. Every one; the two-day
  • B. None; two-day
  • C. Everyone; two days
8.Birds can't fly without wings. ____ , human beings can't walk without legs.
  • A. Fortunately
  • B. Similarly
  • C. Generally
9.She is so pleased with ____ he has done ____ she keeps praising him.
  • A. what;that
  • B. that;what
  • C. that;that
10.-Excuse me, sir. Is the swimming pool open all day?
- ____ . Only from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
  • A. That's right
  • B. Yes,of course
  • C. Sorry,I'm afraid not
11. One evening, I was cooking the evening meal. When I (1)       , I nearly knocked down my daughter behind me. "Move out of the way!" I said (2)       . She walked away without words, trying to control her tears.
After she left, I noticed some (3)        by the door. She bought them for me! I realized that she had stood quietly just to give me a (4)       .
Later while I lay awake in bed, a voice came to me, "You are polite to a stranger, (5)        to the kid you love, you seem not to be patient. " By this time, I felt (6)        and my tears began to fall.
I quickly walked toward her bed, saying: "I'm sorry for the way I (7)        today. " "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I (8)        you anyway. " said my daughter. I said, "Daughter, I love you too, and I like the flowers that you give me."
So what is behind the story? (9)        life with love and bravery and we shall live a life (10)        in the future.
12. Four Animation Studios (动画工作室)
(1)Pixar Animation Studio
Location: California, USA
Pixar was bought by Steve Jobs in 1986. Later in 2006 it was bought by Disney. The studio has produced many successful animated films including:
Toy Story Finding Nemo
(2)Walt Disney Animation Studios
Location: California, USA
Walt and Roy founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in 1923. After years, Disney Animation has become the most famous animation studio in the world. Its best-known films include:
The Lion King Big Hero 6
(3)DreamWorks Animation
Location: California, USA
In 1994, Steven, Jeffrey and David founded DreamWorks. It now belongs to Universal Pictures. It has made films like:
Shrek Kung Fu Panda
(4)Studio Ghibli
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Ghibli is one top animation studio in Japan. Eight in 15 top animated films produced in Japan are created by Ghibli. These works make it famous all over the world. You must have heard of the following films:
Castle in the Sky My Neighbor Totoro
13. "I will learn Chinese!" This idea jumped into my head. It was born of something deep inside. The idea has changed my life completely. When other people asked me why, I often joked that I was inspired by the nice tank of goldfish in the Chinese restaurant my family frequented(频繁光顾) when I was young. In fact, I started studying it because I was always attracted to Chinese culture, and learning the language is the key to achieving my dream of travelling around China.
I was lucky for many reasons. Back in 2010, Chinese was not as popular with foreigners as it is today. However, my family lent me strong support from my first year abroad in China. Even if they cannot see me often and miss me so much, I still have their support. I was also very fortunate that a Confucius Institute opened. I will always thank for its excellent staff and all the great people I met there.
Ni hao! The word "hello" in Chinese was the first word I learned in my first Chinese class. After class I was filled with enthusiasm and couldn't stop thinking about "ni hao" and all the new words yet to come. Not only were more words and phrases waiting, but also the experiences I never expected.
14. 5G networks have been considered as one big thing for this century. They allow people to get faster services. Downloading information takes only seconds, instead of minutes.
But no true 5G phones are able to be used now. It won't work with 5G until such services are built. Users will need an adapter to bring in 5G signals. There's completely no need for users to worry about the safety of 5G signals.
Where will we probably see 5G first? The answer is in our living rooms. The speeds, about 20 times faster than the standard home Internet connection, are very likely to do wonders in our living rooms. Many users are tired of spending 100 or more monthly in booking cable(有线的) TV. They no more choose cable TV and begin to use streaming (在线播放) services connected to their broadband (宽带) service instead.
Besides faster access, connectivity might get a little cheaper in future for users only if a complete 5G network is set up. However, the cost of programs and apps will go up. Meanwhile, users are in great need of ordering more monthly services. Comparatively speaking, users are likely to pay more for 5G services.
So far now, it's mainly used at home. . ..
15. Britain was once covered by thick forests, home to many animals which no longer live here. There were wolves, bears and wild cattle with less than four million people. They lived in small villages protected by wooden walls from the animals outside.
However, all this changed. Now Britain's population has increased to 65 million. Three-quarters of Britain consists of fields, towns or cities. Although 25% of land is countryside, new methods of farming mean that there are fewer birds and small animals than ever before. Britain is one of the few countries in the world without a large wild carnivore (食肉动物).
Some people want to change this. Some say that Britain needs to become more natural again and suggest trees and plants that once grew in Britain should be allowed to grow again. They even say that large wild animals which have not lived in Britain should be helped to return and live wild. They call this "rewilding".
Not everyone agrees. In the last twenty years, over one million trees have been planted and there are plans for more-but wild animals? Some people ask if wolves will attack sheep or even humans. They are also angry that rewilding might mean an end to walking in the hills many people enjoy. So far, there are no wolves or bears in Britain's forests — but soon there might be!
16. It is necessary to learn how to communicate with people from other cultures to build good relationships with them. Here are some rules.
Learn about the culture first.        Before meeting with someone from another culture, try to take time to learn the basic "dos and don'ts" of that culture.
       Each culture has its own values, beliefs and prejudices. You shouldn't judge people based on these differences. Instead, respect them for what they are. You may even learn something new.
Speak clearly and slowly. Don't shout at others. Raising your voice doesn't make you easier to understand.        Communication difficulties lie in cultural differences, not because of intelligence.
Understand rules about touching. Some cultures may expect more physical contact(接触) between people. For example, some cultures may shake or touch hands more readily than others.       
A. Do not treat other people as if they are silly.
B. A little knowledge can be helpful.
C. Show respect for the culture.
D. So don't take it as impolite. 
17. Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It lies on North Island        a population of a million people. This seaside city is considered as        important center for business and industry. It        (be) also the most exciting city in New Zealand. It also has people of many different cultures        (live) there.
Its history goes back over 650 years.        (Europe) settlement(定居) began in 1840 after the British's arrival. Auckland once became the        /'kæpɪtl/ of New Zealand for some time.        1945, Auckland has grown and it now has large modern suburbs.
Famous sights include Mt. Eden        Auckland Harbor Bridge. In the city, you can enjoy an        (amaze) view from the Sky Tower, which is the city's tallest tower. You can also see many traditional        (dance) at the Auckland Museum.
Surprisingly, some scientific discoveries were made
I'll make a card myself to be
     my mother for what she has done for me.
The Yangtze River, the mother river of China, is the
     river in the world.
     university, we finally got the chance to travel abroad.
Great changes have
     in China in the past forty years.
Dear Tom,
I am glad to hear from you and writing to tell you about my dream.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
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