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1.Tom wants _______ how far ________ from the school to the hospital.
  • A. know; it is
  • B. to know; it is
  • C. knowing; is it
  • D. to know; is it
2.I like to listen to _______ music, because it can help me _______.
  • A. relax; relax
  • B. relax; relaxing
  • C. relaxing; relax
  • D. relaxing; relaxed
3.My father is very strict ______ me ______ my study.
  • A. in; with
  • B. with; in
  • C. with; for
  • D. for; in
4.The King's family often ______ dinner at 6:30. It's six o'clock now. The King's family ______ dinner and they look happy.
  • A. eat; is eating
  • B. eats; are eating
  • C. eats; is eating
  • D. eat; are eating
5.It's snowing outside. Why not ______ TV? Let's make a snowman!
  • A. to stop to watch
  • B. to stop watching
  • C. stop watching
  • D. stop to watch
6.Next to the hotel ______ a small house ______ an interesting garden.
  • A. is; has
  • B. are; with
  • C. is; with
  • D. are; has
7.—Do you believe that paper is made ______ wood?
—Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made ______ paper.
  • A. from; from
  • B. from; of
  • C. of; from
  • D. of; of
8.Tom always _______ for an hour every day, but he never does math ______.
  • A. exercise; exercises
  • B. exercise; exercise
  • C. exercises; exercise
  • D. exercises; exercises
9.—She doesn't like playing basketball, does she?
—_______. She plays it every day.
  • A. Yes, she doesn't
  • B. No, she does
  • C. No, she doesn't
  • D. Yes, she does
10.We must do everything we can _______ our earth cleaner and safer.
  • A. made
  • B. to making
  • C. make
  • D. to make
11.  There is a farmer. Although (尽管) he is poor, he decides to (1)       the king a roast goose (烤鹅). He is (2)       that day, so he eats one of its legs.
  When he gives the king the goose, the king sees that it has only (3)       leg.
  The king himself is born with one bad leg, so he can't (4)       properly (正常地).
  When he sees the goose with only one leg, he (5)       the farmer wants to laugh at (取笑) him. Of course he is (6)      . He tells the farmer that if anybody laughs at him, he will (7)       the man at once.
  "Where is (8)       leg of the goose?" the king asks.
  "(9)       the geese here only have one leg. " the farmer answers.
  "Do you think I'm a fool (傻子)?" the king (10)      . "Certainly not, " says the farmer. "If (如果) you look out of the window, you will see geese with one leg by the (11)      . "
  The king looks, and there the geese are (12)       on one leg. The king tells his men to hit (打) them with a stick, and of course, they put down their other legs and (13)       into the water.
  "You are lying. The geese here have two legs, " says the king.
  "But it doesn't (14)       anything, " answers the farmer. "If your men (15)       me like that, I would grow two more legs to help me to run away faster (更快). "
12.  How do you go to school? By car or by bike? For the students who live far away from school, most of them take the bus. It's quick and students can do many things with their classmates on the bus. But the buses are often crowded and they don't run very late at night. Now a school in Panzhihua, Sichuan has a new kind of buses. They start from February 25th, 2019, and they are just for students. Students can take them after school, even in the late evening.
  Parents and students welcome this new kind of buses a lot. Cao Yangrui, a student in Grade Eight, now takes the new kind of buses home every day. "There is no bus after 9:00, so we have to walk home after school. Most of us are afraid, so we always go with one or more friends. For me, it takes me 20 or 25 minutes every night," he says. "It's not safe." Now things are different. Every day at school and after school, there are buses going into the schools on time. The buses run over 20 kilometers. Most students can take them home. It's convenient and safe. A father says when he is free, he has to drive his daughter home. It usually takes him twenty or thirty minutes. But now he only needs to wait at the bus stop. It saves parents' time and much money for gas (汽油) a month.
13.  We all know that every class has its own rules, like "No smoking!", "No eating!" and "No sleeping!". Our class used to be noisy, because some students were talking when a student was answering the teacher's questions. So our head teacher made some class rules. In class, we should obey the rules. Now, I list some rules in our class:
  1. No talking when someone is speaking.
  2. No sleeping in class.
  3. No eating in class.
  4. Students can't arrive late for school. Be always on time.
  5. No playing in class.
  6. No laughing when someone makes a mistake.
  7. No smoking or drinking.
  8. Students can't dye (染) hair. Boys can't let their hair grow too long.
  9. In the schoolyard (校园), students can't ride bikes.
  10. Students can't fight with each other.
  Maybe some students don't obey some of the rules. They may smoke, fight and dye hair. But most students think the rules are fine and say they will obey the rules. I think because our class has such rules, we will study better and better.
14.  This year's hot chat slang.
  "AWSL! It's so cute!" "AWSL! He is really dreamy!"
  What are these people saying? "AWSL" is not a new English word you need to remember. It stands for "Ah wo si le" in Chinese, or "Ah I'm dead" in English.
  If you watch videos on Bilibili, you might see words like this flying across the screen like bullets (子弹). "AWSL" is so popular with young people that it was named "2019 Bilibili Bullet Comments of the Year". People use this word to show how happy and excited they are, especially (尤其是) when they are watching videos of their favorite idols.
  Bullet comments refer to real-time (实时的) comments on video-sharing websites such as Bilibili. While watching videos, people can send comments at any time. These comments show up one after another on top of the screen (屏幕), just like flying bullets. It's a fun way for young people to express (表达) themselves and share their feelings.
  The number of bullet comment messages people sent on Bilibili grew from 1 billion (十亿) in 2018 to 1.4 billion in 2019. Among them, "AWSL" was sent 3.3 million times, according to Bilibili.
15. Michelle Wie is from America. She is a good student. (1)       drawing, and computers. However, she doesn't spend much time going out with friends or shopping or going to parties. She's very busy practicing golf.
  She is the best woman golfer for her age in the world. (2)       In 1999, at the age of 10, she began to win matches against women twice her age. (3)       At 14, she could hit the ball further than most men of the same age.
  (4)       When she grew older, she played for about four hours a day on weekdays and seven hours a day on weekends. Another thing that helped her was that she was tall. When she was 13, Wie was six feet tall. (5)       She has the flexibility (灵活) of a dancer and is also very strong. And it's clear that she loves the game.
A. She began playing golf at the age of four.
B. And she likes reading,
C. She has a joy to watch (喜欢观察),
D. She was born in 1989,
E. At 13, she could hit the ball further than most of the women in LPGA, 
and but friend interest play we for party health keep 

Drinks of America
  When summer arrives, everyone wants to drink more to (1)             us cool. Let's see what drinks are popular in the US.
  Sports drinks and fruit drinks are quite popular. (2)             there are two main drinks that Americans enjoy most: water and soda (苏打). People drank around 10.9 billion gallons (加仑) of water and 12.8 billion gallons of soda last year. Soda is the most popular drink. It's fizzy (冒泡的). Perhaps it is the drink of choice (选择) for (3)            . We can enjoy it with (4)            .
  However, if we (5)             sports, soda is not a good drink. The fizzy and sweet drinks may make (6)             uncomfortable (不舒服的) while exercising. The perfect drink (7)             sports is water. That's because it has no calories (卡路里) and keeps you fresh during sports (运动时保持精力充沛). Besides, doctors tell us that it is (8)             to drink water each day.
  For many kids, juice or milk is their favorites. These drinks are healthy and provide (提供) children with vitamins and energy (能量) during the day. Adults (成人) usually choose between tea (9)             coffee. What kind of drinks are you (10)             in?
17.  It's Sunday today. Jin asks his friends to go to the zoo (1)             him. They go to the zoo at 8:00. Half an hour later, they (2)             to the zoo. They see monkeys and some (3)             animals in the zoo. The Monkey Show is very funny. Tom likes tigers very much. His friends' favorite animals (4)             pandas and lions. At about 5:00 PM, they go home (5)             dinner.
  They have a good time.
18.A: Hello! Who's that speaking?
B: Hello, Peter. (1)      
A: Hi, Mike. (2)      
B: Not bad, thanks. (3)      
A: I'm watching TV. What about you?
B: Not much. Do you want to visit the zoo with me?
A: I'm afraid I can't. (4)      
B: What about tomorrow?
A: That sounds good. (5)      
B: It's sunny and warm tomorrow.
A: Can't we go there tomorrow morning?
B: OK. See you then.
参考词汇:a boarding school; have meals at school; fifteen kilometers; it takes...
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