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1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?
  • A. pity
  • B. ingredient
  • C. icing
  • D. if
2.Which of the following is the correct pronunciation of the word "balloon"?
  • A. /bʌˈlu:n/
  • B. / bəˈla:n/
  • C. /bəˈlu:n/
  • D. /bəˈlun/
3.My father used to have ____ walk in my neighborhood after ____ supper.
  • A. a, a
  • B. an, the
  • C. the, /
  • D. a, /
4.What happened ______ a cold winter morning?
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. at
  • D. for
5.Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower is one of ______ in the world.
  • A. tallest TV tower
  • B. the tallest TV tower
  • C. tallest TV towers
  • D. the tallest TV towers
6.It's raining hard outside, so I had better ______ at home.
  • A. stay
  • B. to stay
  • C. staying
  • D. stayed
7.I used not to like this book, but now I ______ it very much.
  • A. liked
  • B. like
  • C. was liking
  • D. have liked
8.John didn't come to school and ______.
  • A. so did his brother
  • B. so didn't his brother
  • C. neither did his brother
  • D. neither didn't his brother
9.— ______ will it take to get all the things ready?
—About half an hour.
  • A. How much
  • B. How soon
  • C. How fast
  • D. How long
10.They can go to the Century Park ______ underground.
  • A. take
  • B. by
  • C. in
  • D. on
11.The old man couldn't walk any more in the end. The underlined part means ______.
  • A. each other
  • B. at last
  • C. over there
  • D. just
12.Don't be late for school next time, ______?
  • A. shall we
  • B. will you
  • C. don't you
  • D. won't you
13.It is ______ to make such toys you can learn to make it soon.
  • A. difficult
  • B. easy
  • C. boring
  • D. impossible
14.The firemen ______ the fire and rescued the old woman.
  • A. put away
  • B. put off
  • C. put out
  • D. put up
15.The mother looks ______ at her child. The child is very beautiful.
  • A. happy
  • B. happily
  • C. angry
  • D. angrily
16.Teachers often tell us ______ in the street.
  • A. not play
  • B. not to play
  • C. to not play
  • D. don't play
17.—Let's have a food festival this weekend.
  • A. That's a good idea
  • B. Yes, I will
  • C. That's all right
  • D. No, thanks
18.—Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
  • A. Coffee, please
  • B. Yes. I like coffee
  • C. No, I don't like tea
  • D. Yes, please
A. throw; B. for example; C. collect; D. more; E. yourself; F. cooler 

We love to be popular. So we buy clothes to make us look brighter or (1)      . So you can find a problem: How to deal with(处理) those old clothes? Don't just (2)       them out. You can do something different!
Donate (捐赠) your old clothes to charities (慈善团体). Some charities (3)       old clothes for those who need them or send them to foreign countries.
Keep them. Fashion is a thing that goes around in cycles. So an out-of-date (过时的) coat may be the hottest thing on the market next year.
Do it (4)      . It's not too hard. But you have to think it over before you do. It's easy to find some tips online. If you are good at fashion designing (设计), you could even sell your creations (创作) to make some money.
Recycle (再利用) them. Some clothes like those made of denim (牛仔布) can be recycled. Denim can be used again, (5)      , to build houses for people who are made homeless by natural disaster. Keep clothes out of landfills (垃圾填埋场)! You can do it!
20.Our classroom is not as big as             , but it's cleaner. (they)
21.A              is someone who does well in baking bread and cakes. (bakery)
22.The house has many large rooms and there is a              garden. (love)
23.Let's put the              into the bottle. (mix)
24.Bright posters often              the streets during the holidays. (decoration)
25.I think I'm going to talk about              fish. (freeze)
26.We need another hour to finish the operation. (改一般疑问句)
             you             another hour to finish the operation?
27.Simon looks tall and thin. (对划线部分提问)
__________________ Simon look like?
28.Why not play basketball with us? (改为同义句)
__________________ you play basketball with us?
29.The young hunter (猎人) made a fire to drive away the wolves. (对划线部分提问)
__________________ the young hunter make a fire?
30.Lucy is not old enough to drive a car. (保持句意基本不变)
Lucy is             young             drive a car.
31.a plate of, I, two raisin scones, fish and chips, and, have (.)
32. For years, I fought with the "birds nest" on top of my head. My mother thought my hair was naturally beautiful, but my classmates didn't agree. They made fun of it, calling my hair "the mop" (拖把).
When I got to university, I decided to change my hairstyle. I had my curly (卷曲的) hair straightened (拉直). However, it cost me ﹩700 once every six months to do this. People said I was crazy to spend that much on my hair. But I would do anything to never again see that curly-haired girl in the mirror.
But when I had to rent my own apartment, the cost became too high. So I turned to Google. In the end, I found a "curly haired" salon, a place designed for girls with crazy hair. When I arrived there, the stylist, Jacquai, was waiting for me.
"Do you really think this will work?" I asked.
"No curly hair is hopeless," she replied. "You just haven't found a way to work with it. That's all."
After the hour was over, Jacquai had completed her task. She had fixed my hair using only her hands. I couldn't believe it: my hair looked beautiful.
Now my world has changed. I am more outgoing and confident than ever. People say that I'm looking better than ever but that they don't know what has changed. Hair is not just hair. I don't need to tell them my hair speaks for itself.
33. One of the most necessary things in the world is making friends. If you have a good friend, you are lucky. A good friend is more (1)       than money or anything else in the world. You don't have to be rich but you cannot have no friends. Sometimes your friend is the only one stands (2)       you.
How can we make friends in the (3)       way? First, you must know the person you want to make friends with. If you find he often tells (4)      , or he doesn't help others in trouble, you'd better not make friends with him. A good friend will be happy when you win. Also, he will be sad if you (5)      . If you have some questions about your studies, he will be quite willing to teach you (6)       you understand. If you want to have this kind of friend, you must try your best to be like this. If you do that, I'm sure you will have many good friends.
34.Have a good eating habit
A car needs gas to run and your body needs food to work. Eating right food is very i(1)            . It will help your body grow strong if you take care of what you eat.
There are usually four groups of food in our everyday life. The dairy group (乳制品) has food l(2)             milk and cheese. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetables group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one kind of food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will have e(3)             energy during the day.
It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your b(4)             in a hurry to get to chool on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to have a supper of fish and chips all the time, b(5)             you will find yourself tired in the day and you may not be able to think quickly.
Having good eating habits will help you keep your body healthy and strong. It is a(6)             good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.
35.An interesting tree house
Terry Meredith is 65 years old this year. He is from the UK. People call him "World's Greatest Grandpa". Because he built a super cool tree house for his family.
The tree house is in his back yard with two beds, ten seats and a BBQ. It is five metres above the ground. It can hold ten people and even have a party in it. It took the old man eight months to build and he did most of the work and he also got some help from his good friend.
Many people are interested in this tree house. They often ask if they can use the space for special activities and he's happy to do it. "I want to share the amazing views with my family and friends. It's a good place to watch the sunset, to hang out with family and have a laugh. I love it." Mr. Meredith says.

(1)Why is Terry Meredith called "World's Greatest Grandpa"?
(2)How high is the tree house?
(3)Who built the tree house?
(4)People can use the tree house for different activities, can't they?
(5)Would you like to live in the tree house? Why or Why not?
36.Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic"How to be a healthy kid".(以"怎样成为身体健康的孩子"为题写一篇不少于50字的短文,标点符号不占格):
Use the following points as a reference. (以下提示仅供参考)
*Is it important to be healthy? Why?
*What exercise do you do to keep yourself healthy?
*What do you eat to keep yourself healthy?
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