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1. In China, very few children make pocket money. However, in western countries, most kids make pocket money by themselves. They make money in many different (1)      . When kids are very young, their parents help them sell the fruits of their own trees to neighbors. Kids may also help (2)      do housework to make money at home. When they reach sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants, (3)      during the summer holidays.
There are many (4)      of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the (5)      of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn to (6)      money to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to (7)      the daily life problems by helping their parents or others. Making pocket money is (8)      for children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage their kids to make pocket money.
2. Dumplings are traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year's Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, we can follow these easy steps.
The first step is to mix the flour (面粉) with water. When the dough (面团) is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers (薄皮). We roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they can be easy to cook. Then it's time to prepare the filling (馅). Usually, we use meat such as beef or pork, and some vegetables for filling. Remember to cut these things into small pieces, put some salt and oil into it and mix them.
When all these are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrappers. Then stick (粘) the two opposite sides together. The best shape of dumplings is like a ship. When they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.
3. We were going to have a big Christmas dinner. I was very happy because I like eating outside. Having nothing the whole day, I was hungry but only saw my mother and my aunt talking and talking. That made me angry.
"Mom, what happened to the food? " I asked. "Be patient, my dear, "she answered.
Finally, the dishes came. The first dish was"puchero". It has chicken, rice, vegetables and pork. It is a very hot dish, so usually you need to wait at least half an hour before eating it. As soon as I saw it, I started to eat it. So I burned my tongue(烫了舌头).
"Mom, help me! I think my tongue is going to fall off! "I shouted.
"Do not worry, my child. Your father is going to drive you to the hospital, "said my mother.
After we got to the hospital, the doctor looked over my tongue. "Don't worry. Your tongue will not fall off, " the doctor laughed. Hearing this, my father also laughed.
I was embarrassed( 尴尬的). But I have learned one important thing since that day ﹣patience is a great virtue(品行).
4. If you live far from school, you may have to use lunch boxes to take lunch to school. Do you want to know what the early lunch boxes looked like? 1.      
From the 19th century, people used baskets to take meals. 2.       Tins were large enough for a piece of meat, some bread and some cheese. Walt Disney made the first "character" lunch box in 1935 by putting Mickey Mouse on the box. 3.       In 1950, TV cowboy, Hopalong Cassidy, agreed to put his picture on the outside of the blue and red lunch boxes. Over the next 30 years, different popular characters controlled the market, such as Aladdin, Miss America, and the Flying Nun. The Florida government said that the metal boxes could be used as weapons(武器) and they were dangerous for children. 4.      
In 1986, people began to use lunch boxes which were made of plastic. 5.       Now we can see many plastic lunch boxes with beautiful pictures on them.
A. By the 1860s, people started making tins to take meals.
B. The plastic lunch boxes weren't used by people.
C. Let's see the history of lunch boxes.
D. Children liked this kind of lunch box very much.
E. The plastic lunch boxes have been using since then.
F. The last metal lunch box was made in 1985. 

5. The worst tourist in the world may be Mr. Smith in San Francisco.
Once he flew to his hometown in Italy from America to visit his family. The plane made a one﹣hour stop to get something at the airport in New York. But Mr. Smith mistook New York for Rome, so he got off the plane.
When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Smith thought perhaps they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for his address, Mr. Smith found that the old "Rome" had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones. He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian.
Mr. Smith knew very little English, so he asked a policeman for help. Luckily, the policeman was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language.
After six﹣hour traveling around on a bus, the driver had to take him to a police station. Mr. Smith didn't believe he was still in New York when he was told so. In order to catch a plane back to San Francisco, a policeman drove very fast with siren(警笛) on to send Mr. Smith to the airport. "Look", said Smith to himself, "I know I'm in Italy. That's how the policeman drives. "

(1)Why Mr. Smith mistook New York for Rome?
(2)What did Mr. Smith find while looking for his address?
(3)Where was the policeman born?
(4)Did Mr. Smith believe he was still in New York?
(5)Where was the policeman taking Mr. Smith to?
6. Tea is a kind of 1.             (传统的) drink in China, like coffee in western countries. There are 2.             (不同的) kinds of tea. One of the most 3.p             kinds is black tea. It's 4.d             in color and strong in taste. Many people in Europe like black tea. Many of them drink it 5.w             milk and sugar. Green tea is also very popular. It is not as strong as black tea. Many people in China and Japan like green tea very much.
7. Elsa is my best friend. We met at a summer camp when we were 14 years old. At first, I didn't like her 1.             all. It seemed she never stopped 2.            (talk)! I remember how I wished she would just shut up.
Soon we found that we lived in 3.            same neighbourhood and we began to know each other. She is from Canada. She is polite to everyone and always 4.             (wear) a smiling face. She can sing very well 5.             she has a good voice.
I choose 6.             (make) her my best friend because Elsa has a great personality. She has a strong sense of humour. She often tells me jokes and I never get 7.            (bore) when we are together. Elsa is very patient. She always takes her time and is never in a hurry. What's 8.            (many), Elsa and I have the same hobbies﹣ We both like eating, playing tennis and 9.            (read) fashion magazines.
We enjoy each other's company. I'm 10.            (luck) enough to have a friend like her in my life.
8.A: Good morning, what can I do for you?
B: We'd like to make a trip for a weekend holiday.
A: There are many travel routes. (1) ________________________?
B: We like to choose Dalian.
A: It's really beautiful. I'm sure you will enjoy yourselves there.
B: (2) ________________________?
A: By airplane.
B: (3) ________________________?
A: About one hour, how long will you stay there.
B: About two days. (4) ________________________?
A: 1500 yuan.
B: Thank you very much.
A: (5) ________________________. Have a wonderful trip.
9.假如你是林晓华, 你的美国朋友Sandy将去中国的朋友家里做客, 她发邮件向你询问有关习俗. 请你回复邮件.
(1)不迟到, 可以提早到达;
(1)词数80个左右. 邮件的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数;
(2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯.
Dear Sandy,
How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about how to be a polite guest in a Chinese friend's home. Now, I am writing to tell you something about it.
Best wishes!
Lin Xiaohua
期末试卷 最新试卷 湖南试卷 衡阳市试卷 2020年试卷 初中试卷 八年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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