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1.______ 32nd Olympic Games will be put off because of the outbreak of ______ COVID-19.
  • A. A, the
  • B. The, a
  • C. The, /
  • D. / , /
2.Our country will become stronger and no one has any        on this point .
  • A. doubt
  • B. belief
  • C. question
  • D. problem
3.—What do you think of your English teacher?
—I like him very much. He is        kind        hard-working.
  • A. either; or
  • B. neither; nor
  • C. not; or
  • D. not only; but also
4.It's said that tea was discovered by Shennong ____ long time ago.
  • A. by mistake
  • B. by accident
  • C. by far
  • D. by hand
5.Great changes ______ in China in the last ten years.
  • A. took place
  • B. have taken place
  • C. have been taken place
  • D. happened
6.As students in Grade 9, we should ______ to study hard.
  • A. get in the way
  • B. go out of our way
  • C. get out of our way
  • D. get on the way
7.-Excuse me,would you like mind helping me with the math problem?
-I'm sorry. ____ ,I'm in a hurry.
  • A. In general
  • B. In fact
  • C. By the way
  • D. Of course
8.—Is that boy Eric?
—It ____ be Eric. He has gone to his hometown to visit his grandparents.
  • A. shouldn't
  • B. can't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. may not
9.To be a better man is the best soap opera ______ I have ever seen.
  • A. that
  • B. what
  • C. who
  • D. when
10.—Bob, don't _____ to your mother like that.
—I'm sorry. I won't do that again.
  • A. talk about
  • B. talk of
  • C. talk back
  • D. talk with
11.In China, tennis remains a sport, running far behind basketball, soccer and others in       .
  • A. popularity
  • B. profession
  • C. custom
  • D. value
12.-I'm worried about ____ I can get good grades in this mid-exam or not.
-Whatever the result is , don't be too hard ____ yourself.
  • A. if, on
  • B. if , at
  • C. whether , on
  • D. whether, to
13.The words on the paper are ______ small for me _____ see to read without glasses.
  • A. so; that
  • B. such; that
  • C. too; to
  • D. enough; to
14.Lin Meng said that nothing could stop her ____ her dream.
  • A. to achieve
  • B. to avoid
  • C. from achieving
  • D. from avoiding
15.Now more and more teenagers prefer ____ at home rather than ____ out to play with their friends .
  • A. staying ,going
  • B. to saty , going
  • C. staying , to go
  • D. to stay, go
16.No matter how many difficulties we meet in our life , we are supposed to ____ to solve them.
  • A. manage
  • B. prevent
  • C. attend
  • D. express
17.-Hurry up, or we will miss the dolphin show in the Ocean Park.
- ____ . We still have ten minutes before the show begins.
  • A. Good luck
  • B. Take care
  • C. Take it easy
  • D. I guess so
18.Look at the dog and the old man _______ crossing the street.
  • A. who is
  • B. who are
  • C. whose is
  • D. which are
19.- Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.
- ____ .
  • A. I'd love to
  • B. That's the case
  • C. It's my pleasure
  • D. Don't mention it
20.—The light in Kate's bedroom is still on. Do you know ____ ?
—In order to prepare for tomorrow's speech.
  • A. why is she so busy
  • B. why she stays up so late
  • C. what does she work for
  • D. when she will stop working
9:15 p. m. , June16 I work 50 hours a week as a taxi driver, so I talk to people all day. They understand me, but I know I make a lot of mistakes. My vocabulary is strong. Grammar is my problem. For example, I don't use the past tense. I always say, "I drive him to the office this morning" instead of "I drove him to the office this morning". I'm trying to change, I've found some websites for learning English grammar. I hope they will be useful George 
9:20 p. m. , June 16 I'm teaching myself English, and I'm good at grammar. However, it's really difficult for me to find chances to speak English. I live in an area where everyone speaks my language: Spanish. Can you give me some advice? Laura 
9:25 p. m. , June 16 I understand the grammar and the reading materials in my class and my writing is good. But I'm very nervous when I speak English. I don't want to make any mistakes because people will think that I'm stupid. Also, my pronunciation isn't good. When I speak , people often say, "What? Say that again. " Karen 
9:30 p. m. , June 16 I have been in the United States for one year. I'm studying hard and I'm good at grammar, but my vocabulary is a problem. When I listen, I don't understand many of the words. When I try to read, there are always three or four new words in every sentence. I feel down. Billy 
22.Zhang dingyu, the director of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, leads over 600 doctors and nurses fighting against the Novel coronavirus pneumonia(新型冠状病毒肺炎), which has caused hundreds of deaths in central China's Hubei Province.
As Zhang led over 600 doctors and nurses fighting the disease, his strange way of walking shocked his colleagues. He finally admitted that he had fallen ill with ALS (渐冻症) since October 2018 after constant researches. ALS is a disease that gradually blocks the connection between brain and body. People with ALS become partially paralyzed (瘫痪的)leading to respiratory (呼吸系统的) failure.
While working with handicapped (瘸的)legs, his wife was confirmed to get infected with the virus after working in another hospital. The bad news brought him to his knees, and he cried for the first time after the virus broke out. Zhang could only find time to visit his wife until three days after she got admitted to the hospital. Even then he could only stay for 30 minutes. Fortunately, the good news came that his wife had recovered ten days after treatment.
Zhang, 57, has offered medical services along with Chinese medical teams to Algeria and Pakistan. Three days after the earthquake hit central Sichuan Province in 2008, Zhang entered the city with his medical team members to offer help.
"Life is always short. I need to do more to finish the things that I might leave behind, then I would leave without too many regrets, " Zhang said. "We are at the center of a storm, so we need to give all we have to protect our city, and our Wuhan people, " Zhang said.
23.Faster fifth generation
If you look at the top of your phone, you'll usually see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G. The "G" stands for the "generation(代)" of your mobile network. But these symbols will become things of the past after 5G networks fully arrive.
On march 30, Shanghai vice-mayor((副市长) Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on a Huawei Mate X smartphone, CGTN reported. Shanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks.
About 100 times faster than 4G networks, 5G will let people download and upload data faster than ever before. But 5G won't just bring faster mobile Internet. People can use it for many other things as well.
For example, 5G will help to make self-driving cars safer. Today's self-driving test cars have one. When the car "sees" an obstacle (障碍物), it sends this information to a data center and receives instructions.
However, it takes time to send and receive this information. With this kind of lag, the cars might crash because they don't receive instructions in time. With 5G, this lag will be greatly lowered, making the cars safer, according to CNN. 5G could also be used to power the Internet of thing (IoT, 物联网). This refers to a large online network that connects all things and people. Fast Internet speeds will be the key to developing this technology.
The IoT could be used in a lot of ways. For example, with IoT, your refrigerator could automatically (自动地) place an order online for eggs when it finds that there are no eggs left inside. Who is building the network?
China is racing to build a nationwide 5G network. China's biggest telecom (电信) companies-China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom-are working on test runs of 5G systems in 17 cities across the country. China is set to become the world's largest 5G market, with 460 million users by 2025, China Daily reported.
24.Doctors recommend that kids spend most of their time being active outdoors and playing with their peers. However, that doesn't mean TV has to be taken out of the picture. There are several educational TV shows that help your children learn before and after they enter school. Take a look at these four TV shows that your kids should watch.
 1. Sesame StreetAs one of the longest children's hows on TV, Sesame Street is still a favorite with parents. It teaches kids about sharing, being a good friend, and other important values. Additionally, words and letters are introduced through fun scenes and songs with favorite characters like Elmo, Big Bird, Zoey, and Cookie Monster. You probably enjoy watching this show as a kid, and your children can too. Sesame Street has been aired on PBS since 1969. 
 2. Super Why!What kid doesn't like a superhero? Well, Super Why! has four of them: Alpha Pig with Alphabet Power; Princess Presto with Spelling Power; Wonder Red with Word Power; and Super Why with the Power to Read. This TV show teaches kids how to put letters together to make words and how to pronounce words when reading. It's great for kids- from the preschool to second grade. Super Why! has been aired on PBS and PBS Kids Sprout since 2008. 
 3. Thomas and FriendsBased on the railway series books by Reverend Wilbert Awdry. Thomas and Friends follows the story of locomotive(火车头) friends who live on Sodor Island. There are large engines and small engines. It teaches kids to accept others for who they are and always do their best in everything. After all, the popular word of the show is "I think I can. " Thomas and Friends has been aired since 1984. However, the show was totally redone in 2003 by ITV. 
 4. ArthurBased on a classic children's book series by Marc Brown. Arthur is about an eight-year-old boy from Elwood City. He has to deal with several situations that many children face today. For example, the show explore several health-related and social problems, such as cancer and other disabilities. The stories, along with the song " Believe in Yourself", teach kids how to deal with these problems and accept everyone. Arthur has been aired on PBS since 1996. 
25.Nowadays, more and more people have received all kinds of strange calls. Most of them took place while the people              (use) mobile phones. If you are not careful enough, you              (fall) into a telephone frand and even lose your life.
What is a telephone frand? It is a kind of frand conducted over the phone. The cheaters manage              (communicate) with you on the phone. Then they advise you to buy something cheap or ask you something about your personal information. When you meet such a case, perhaps you              (face) a frand.
Generally speaking, there are some typical ways of frand such as pretending to be your families, friends and other familiar people in order              (get) your information; asking you to transfer some money to get a prize or advising you to buy something cheap online. Some cheaters may even force you to offer them some money to avoid              (be) hurt.
It is reported that about 438 million people              (suffer) from telephone frauds last year. Three university students' lives              (lose) in the fraud.
In most cases, we can recognize the fraud if we pay attend to it. But if you fall into such a fraud, please keep calm and call the police to ask for help at once.
Usually the traps (陷阱)              (leave) for the greedy (贪婪的) cat. If you don't long for the cheap things and think twice before you act, such cases              (not happen) to you!
26.Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and u             each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine (设想) you will hold a m             at four o'clock, what time should you e             your foreign business friends to come? If they are German, they will a             on time. If they are American, they'll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, they'll be fifteen minutes late.
The British seemed to think since the English l             was widely used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they f             they were completely (完全地) wrong. For e             , the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese p             not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know e             other, and they don't drink at lunch. The Germans like to talk about business b             dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.
27.In early spring, the changing temperature usually makes a number of Chinese people uncomfortable. Cold air, bringing rain or even snow, easily tears up (破坏) the warmth of the spring within a night (一夜之间). However, with the coming of Guyu-the Grain (谷物) Rain, the blue sky and gentle winds would finally stay. Falling usually on or around April 20 every year, Guyu is the sixth of the 24 solar terms (节气). It means the beginning of a lively summer and people get busy from now on. Sow (播种) grains. This is an important period of the growth of grains. (3) The ancient Chinese already knew that as Guyu comes, the weather enough for sowing. The farmers usually catch the chance to plant rice, corn and beans. Hope for safety and harvest. For those living near the sea, they will hold some ceremonies(仪式) on Guyu, hoping for safety as well as harvest during the coming fishing season. Watch the peony. It's also a great time to see the peony (牡丹), which is known as "the Queen of All Flowers" in Chinese culture. (4) As a result, watching peonies becomes one of the most enjoyable activities for many.The flower is said to be the favorite of Empress (女皇) Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, who was the only woman ruler in Chinese history. Pick tea leaves. Tea leaves picked before Guyu are among the best tea leaves. People believe that the tea leaves picked on the day of Guyu can make eyes clear and drive away bad luck. So the habit of drinking tea at this time of year has become a tradition in some places of China.

A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题.
1. When does Guyu usually come every year?
2. Why is Guyu an important time for sowing grains?
B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语.
C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题.
28.2020年新型冠状病毒 (COVID-9) 引发的具有传染性的病毒性肺炎影响了人们的健康. 使我们明白身体健康的重要性, 身体健康才能更好地学习生活, 请你根据以下几个方面说说如何保养身体.
(2)多喝水, 不吃不健康的食品.
(4)心情好, 少烦恼.
注意: (1)词数: 80词左右;
(2)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息, 否则不予评分.
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