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1. An invitation to a job interview
To: Grace Yang 
Date September 6 
Subjedct: Invitation to a job interview 
Dear Grace,
Thank you for your application for the position of sales manager.
We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a. m. on Monday, September 21 at our offices at the Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.
You will meet with our head of sales, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.
Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.
If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555﹣1234 or email me by September 12.
I look forward to meeting you.
Best regards,
Anna green
Human Resources assistant 

Word Bank
application 申请
reception 接待
reschedule 重新安排 

2. Barditch High School decided to hold an All-School Reunion. Over 450 people came to the event. There were tours of the old school building and a picnic at Confederate Park. Several former teachers were on hands to tell stories about the old days. Ms. Mabel Yates, the English teacher for fifty years, was one of them.
Some people began to talk in a low voice when Ms. Yates was about to speak. Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to walk away. They wouldn't like to listen to an old woman who had few kind words for her students and just made them work hard.
Then Ms. Yates started to speak, "I cant tell you how happy I am to be here. I hahaven′t seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed you all the way. I havea large collection of newspaper photos of my students. Although I didn't show-up in person, I went to your college graduations, weddings and even the birth of your children, inmy imagination.
Ms. Yates stopped for a little while and started crying a bit. Then she continued, "I thought that if i pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed. There is nogreater comfort for a teacher than to see the result of his or her years of work. You haveall been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and i want you to know I love you alldeep in my heart."
There was a silence over the students for a few seconds and then someone staredclapping. The clapping then turned into cheering. Lawyers, truck drivers, bankers and models were crying because of the words from a long forgotten English teacher in their hometown.
Word Bank
source 来源
clap 鼓掌 

3. President Xi considers employment very important to people's happiness. He supports e-commerce and the new economy, which create jobs that never existed before.
Every day in China, about 16 500 new companies appear, and40, 000 people findnew jobs in towns and cities. In total, China has created more than 80 million new jobs over the past seven years, the same as the whole population of German, China now has theworld's largest courier delivery service market, employing mare than 3 million people, who send everything from meals to fridges around the country. Earlier this year, Xi paida surprise visit to a tiny delivery station in Beijing and chatted with a group of delivery-man.
This closeness to the people is not the only event. For the past seven years, Xi has spent time with common people before every Chinese New Year, giving them festivalgifts and asking about their lives.
"CPC members must wholeheartedly serve the people," Xi often reminds Party is connection with the people started when Xi lived and worked in a remote village in Shanxi province as a young adult for seven years.
He has said that he understands the difficulty of the people because he once lived in apoor corner of the country. He has been known to check the toilets and washrooms of ordinary homes, offer advice on garbage sorting, and show concern for students'poor eye-sight.
In 2013, Xi put forward a new plan and set a goal to cut down serious rural poverty by 2020, a deadline that is 10 years earlier than the goal set by the United Nations.
Over the past seven years, more than 82 million Chinese people left poverty behind. Xi said extreme poverty "would be historically solved in the hands of our generation"
Kishore Mahbubani, a professor at the National University of Singapore, said the most outstanding achievement of China in the last 70 years had been the dramatic improvement in the- living conditions of the people. Reviewing China's long history, Mahbuban said even at previous peaks of glory, the bottom 50 percent of the population had to struggle to make a living.But today even low-income people are able to get nutritious food. education, healthcare, housing, employmentand even the ability to travel." There is no doubt that, interms of the living conditions of the people, the past 70 years have been the best years in China's history, "he said.
Word Bank
employment 就业
Courier delivery 快递
rural poverty 农村贫困
deadline 最后期限 

4. Car makers are spending a lot of money on electric cars. In the future, electric cars will replace petrol cars. Environmentalists believe this will reduce the amount of CO, put into the air. (1)       Some batteries in today s electric cars can take up to 12 hours tocharge fully. However, a company says it has created a lithium﹣ion battery that peoplecan charge in just five minutes. This is the same time it takes to fill a tank of gas with petrol. (2)      They are being made by a Chinese company called Eve Energy.
(3)       They would mean electric cars would be able to travel as far as petrol cars. Many people with electric cars today experience "range anxiety". (4)       A StoreDotSpokesperso said: "You're either afraid that you′re going to get stuck on the highway , or that youre going to need to sit in a charging station for two hours. (5)       A Store Dot spokesperson said We're at the point of achieving a revolution in the electric car charging experience". He said it means the change from petrol to electric cars. will happenmuch faster.
根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺、内容完整.
A. This is stress caused by worrying about the bat-tery running out of electricity.
B. The new lithium-ion batteries were developed by the Israeli company StorcDot.
C. The new batteries would end this anxiety.
D. A big problem for electric cars is charging thebattery.
E. The new batteries could totally change driving.  

Word Bank
lithium-ion battery 锂电池
petrol 汽油
charge 充电 

5. What makes a hero? Most of us might not have the (1)      to fight bravely in a war, as we imagine many heroes do . (2)       facing the spread of COVID-19, many Chinese have shown their (3)       and dedication, just like heroes do.
"A hero is. (4)       who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the an swers, goes ahead and overcomes difficulty," said US actor Christopher Reeve who was best known for playing Superman. (5)       the, epidemie, everyone is afraid of the deadly disease. But out of (6)      , compassion or just simply wanting to do their jobs, some thoose to hold their (7)       down, stand out and fight the virus. They are known as" he roes in harm' sway".
Medical workers and scientists are always on the frontlines. Since the start of the epidemic, scientists have been busy doing research and looking for new (8)      . Experts Zhong Nanshan, 84, and Li Lanjuan, 73, for example, have worked day and night to treat serious patients. Doctor Zhang Wenhong from Shanghai tried to educate the public about the virus in a humorous way. Li Wenliang and some other medical workers. even (9)       their lives while fighting the epidemic." China is always well protected by (10)       of them, "Henry Kissinger once wrote. It is medical workers who are risking their lives in the battle.
(11)       these well-known names, many heroes remain (12)      , although they also take risks and play their own parts. Workers race (13)       time to build hospitals, and thousands of media workers make the public know about news and (14)       stories in time.
Chinese writer Lu xun said, "True heroes dare to look bravely to the sad life," The fight against an epidemic is hard, but (15)       there are heroes around us, we will win a victory without doubt.
bright little from night compare influence other between that so 

If you have trouble sleeping at certain times of the month, it could be because of a full moon. Scientists from the University of Washington say there is a connection (1)             the lunar cycle and sleeping patterns. They say that on (2)             when there is a full moon, people could experience more restless sleep. The reason for this could be the Moon′s changing (3)            . When there is a full moon, the extra brightness in the night sky could (4)             our sleep. The scientists said, "Moonlight is (5)             bright to the human eye that it plays an important role in human activity and sleep at night."
The scientists carried out a study of the sleep patterns of over 500 people. Each person wore a special wristband (6)             recorded their sleep. The study included 98 people (7)             a small village in Argentina. These people did not use electricity and (8)             artificial light. Their sleep patterns were (9)             to 464 people living in U. S. city of Seattle, which has lots of artificial light pollution. The scientists dis-covered that people in the small village and in the big city got (10)            sleep on the nights leading up to the full moon. The scientists said, "Lunar phases rather than the artificial light in cities seem to influence sleeping patterns."
7. Boncuk, a loving pet, spent days, waiting outside a hospital in Trabzon, Turkey. Her sick owner, Cemal Senturk, (1)             treated there.
According to local media, (2)             dog followed the ambulance that transported Sen turk to hospital and she made multiple visits to the front door. Senturk's daughter said hat the dog had been waiting at the hospital for several days, and (3)             she took Boncuk home, the dog kept going back. After six days, Boncuk and (4)             owner were reunited when he was allowed to leave from hospital.
Senturk believed that his dog was very used (5)             him and that he missed her all he time, too. He said that dogs provided friendly relationship just like humans, they brought joy, and made people happy.
8.A: I′m a bit hungry. But our parents are out. How will we have lunch?
B: I′ve got an idea. (1)            
A: Eat out? I don′t like to go out. (2)            
B: What? Have some bread for lunch? No, no way. (3)            
A: Some take-away food? (4)            . But we can try to cook a meal by ourselves.
B: Well, that′s great. I′d like to have some rice and meat.
A: I like them, too. You know, if you are very hungry now, having a bowl of beef noodles will be much better.
B: Sounds good. (5)            ?
A: No, I can't. But let' s search online and we' ll know. Just a second.
9.在生活中会遇到很多机遇和挑战,每一次不同的选择都是不同的人生态度,都会带来不同的结果。请以" A choice I made"为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。
A choice I made
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