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1.—________. Thank you for helping me!
—If you need more help, just call me.
  • A. So nice of you
  • B. No problem
  • C. You're right
  • D. Just be yourself
2.Worry about his job and his mother's health put him under great ________.
  • A. danger
  • B. control
  • C. pressure
  • D. surprise
3.I remember putting the English book in my schoolbag, but it's not there. That's ________.
  • A. strange
  • B. common
  • C. unfair
  • D. typical
4.—Sorry, we have no coffee. Would you like tea ________?
—No, thanks.
  • A. anyway
  • B. instead
  • C. either
  • D. anymore
5.—Do you remember the rainstorm last month?
—Yes. I _______ Bus No. 88 at that time.
  • A. am waiting for
  • B. waited for
  • C. will wait for
  • D. was waiting for
6.You can't ________ how excited we were when Miss Black agreed to take a trip with us.
  • A. imagine
  • B. expect
  • C. choose
  • D. notice
7.—What's the matter?
—________ of my friends got hurt in a car accident. I'm going to visit them.
  • A. Every
  • B. Each
  • C. One
  • D. Several
8.Jane was reading in the room ________ her parents were cooking in the kitchen.
  • A. until
  • B. since
  • C. while
  • D. unless
9.When the fire alarm ________, all the people ran out of the restaurant as quickly as possible.
  • A. went out
  • B. went off
  • C. put off
  • D. took out
10.Dad, could you tell me ________? I can't find it anywhere.
  • A. where is the umbrella
  • B. where the umbrella is
  • C. what's the umbrella
  • D. what the umbrella is
11.  Hello, I'm Alice. I became a (1)       several years ago. When I first started teaching, I had a lot to learn. The biggest (2)       was what to say to my students and their parents. The best I could think of was "Logan, you're doing great!"or "Madeline, you need to hand in (上交) your homework on time." I wanted to improve (3)       with my students, but I couldn't find the words to (4)       with them. Later, I found making friends with students was a (5)       way. Soon they liked to talk and play with me.
  Communicating with the students' parents was another (6)       to me. At first, when I talked with the parents, I often felt (7)      . Sometimes, although I started a talk, I didn't know how to (8)       the talk. So I asked a teacher with experience for help. He told me to try (9)       or emailing the students' parents. That could help to reduce (减少) my (10)       of talking with them. I tried and it worked. Now I'm confident (自信的) enough to talk to them face to face.
12.  I had a very bad experience when I was at primary school. It was an accident that happened at home.
  On the first school day, I was (1)       because my new teachers and classmates were nice and friendly. After school, I got home (2)      . I was running around while my mom was sweeping the floor. Suddenly, I (3)       down and broke my right arm. My arm (4)       so badly that I cried loudly. My mom was worried about me and she (5)       me to the hospital right away.
  In the hospital, the doctor bandaged my arm. He said I didn't have to stay at the hospital. But I had to stay at home and my mom (6)       me for a week. During the week, I was upset because I had (7)       using my arm to do many things. I also felt (8)       all by myself at home. I missed my new classmates and teachers.
  It was really a terrible experience. I have learnt a (9)       from the accident: I should be more careful when the floor is still (10)      . And I shouldn't run around in a small place.
13.A:Hi, Jimmy! What a heavy rain yesterday afternoon!
B: So it was, Mario.
A: (1)      
B: I was at school.
A: Er… What were you doing?
B: I was having a P.E. class on the playground. Guess what? (2)      
A: I'm sorry to hear that. Then how did you get home from school? By bike?
B: (3)       What about you? What were you doing?
A: (4)       I was on my way to Rick's birthday party.
B: Really? That was too bad! Were you wearing your raincoat?
A: Of course. I rode quickly but I was still 20 minutes late for the party. (5)      
B: How lucky you were!
A. We all got wet.
B. Where were you at that time?
C. No, my father drove me home.
D. I was waiting for the No. 15 bus.
E. Oh, I was riding my bike at that time.
F. He was helping his mom in the kitchen.
G. When I got there, they were cutting the birthday cake. 

14.  We all know that students don't have enough money to buy expensive gifts. So what should you do if you want to give gifts to the important people in your life? Here are some good ideas for you to try.
To your teachers
  Sometimes students put their pocket money (零花钱) together to buy the teacher a holiday gift. If you want to give a special gift made by yourself, you can send a nice card with the words of thanks inside. You can even write down your favorite things in the teacher's class this year. It will make the teacher feel happy.
To the kids who need a friend
  The holiday is a good time to think of lonely people. Maybe someone in your class doesn't seem to have many friends. Try to do something for this person. It could be a Christmas card or just a chat with him or her. It's a small thing, but it could mean a lot to him or her. 
15.  One day, Mr. Smith gave us the result of a math exam. I did badly in the exam. I felt so upset that I didn't want to talk to anyone. At lunchtime, I still stayed in the classroom alone. Suddenly I heard Cathy's voice, "Linda, you look sad. What's wrong?" I had a look at her but said nothing. I knew Cathy got good grades in the exam, so I thought she was laughing at me. She kept asking me some questions, "Is it because of the exam? Do you want me to help you?" I kept silent all the time. Then Cathy went out. After a while, I looked for my math paper here and there, but I couldn't find it.
In the afternoon, Cathy came up to my desk and returned my paper to me. I looked at it and got a big surprise. Cathy wrote down how to work out each problem on my paper. How kind she was! My face turned red at once. At that time, I wanted to hug (拥抱) her, but all I did was to hold her hands and said, "Thank you!"
  Cathy and I are still best friends now. I believe our friendship (友谊) will last long.
16.  I'm not ready to write everything about the accident, but the lesson I learned can help other people. Driving carelessly is dangerous. One day, I was driving on the road. A car across from me seemed to be turning right, but the driver changed his mind and kept going. I didn't notice that, because I was trying to get my phone. Then I heard a big noise. The accident happened.
  Some people saw the accident and came to ask me something, but I was in panic and couldn't think of anything. I wanted to call someone for help. However, I couldn't find my phone and I didn't remember anyone's phone number. Finally, the police found my bag in the car and my iPad was in it. They sent a message to my family.
  From the accident, I hope people can learn that: be careful when driving. It's dangerous to use phones when driving. Don't drive quickly. It's necessary to keep your family's phone numbers in mind. With a phone today, almost nobody tries to remember phone numbers any more. But sometimes, your mind works better than your phone.
17.  Ethan is 21 years old now. His classmates often laughed at his build before. "People always laughed at my build when I was really young. It started in primary school, and went all the way through middle school, high school and into college," Ethan said. He reached his top weight (体重) of 378 pounds (磅) when he was 19.
  Ethan knew he had to make a change, so he started eating less and exercising. He was able to lose 30 pounds by himself before joining Anytime Fitness, a 24-hour gym (健身房). He exercised hard there every day. Just 18 months later, Ethan lost about half of his body weight.
  Ethan is now telling others to live in more active (积极的) and healthier ways. He goes to a local walking group twice a week to help others get out of heavy weight. "I want people to know that they have to keep doing it." he said. "You can't make it in one night. It's going to take time."
  He ran in the Chicago Marathon on October 13. He also raised money for a group called Action for Healthy Kids. It helps to make schools healthier places for kids to grow up.
18.  I was reading my favorite book on the train. The book was so interesting that I completely lost myself in it. When it was time to get off the train, I jumped out of my seat and ran off the train. I had the book in my hand. I didn't realize it was raining hard until I got off the train.
  I was so worried about my book that I ran to the closest office. It was empty (空的). I felt a little nervous about running into the room in such a rude (无礼的) way.
  Later, a man came in. To my surprise, he didn't feel angry about a stranger getting into his office and started talking to me in a friendly way. "No umbrella, right?" he asked. "Mom told me to bring an umbrella this morning, but I didn't listen to her, " I answered. "That's not good, young man. I'm sorry to say that I have only one," he said. Hearing this, I felt very sad. There was no way for me to go home in such heavy rain. Then the man continued, "But I'll finish my work in 10 minutes. If you don't mind, I can drive you home." You can guess how excited I was. I kept saying thanks.
Finally, I arrived home safely. I felt really thankful for the man's kind act.
19.阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题 (请注意每小题后面的词数要求)
  On a street in Nanjing, many people stopped in front of a chalk (粉笔) drawing of Dr. Zhong Nanshan. They felt surprised. Cong Langui, the artist, looked at his painting and smiled happily.
  For more than twenty years, Cong has been drawing on city streets. But this artist is special. When he was 16 years old, Cong lost his left leg because of an illness. With only one leg, life is hard for Cong, but he always tries his best. He taught himself to draw by reading books and watching videos (视频).
  Cong draws art pieces (作品) on the streets of many different cities. It takes him about six hours to finish a street drawing. Sometimes Cong stands far away to check his paintings. Cong says he wants to make the city more beautiful in his way.
  We often hear people say that life is hard. But Cong, a one-legged artist, tries his best and never gives up. So next time when you want to complain (抱怨), think of Cong.
20.I don't think parents should p            (督促) their children so hard.
21.Maria likes to go to the party in her u            (通常的) red dress.
22.He c            (抄袭) others' homework before, but now he gets rid of the bad habit.
23.Can you tell me what the d            (日期) is today?
24.Look at the s             (标志) over there. It says "No Skating".
(1)When did the event happen?
(2)What were you doing when it happened?
(3)Why was it unforgettable?
(1)语句通顺、语法正确, 可适当发挥;
An unforgettable event
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