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  • A. sale
  • B. table
  • C. David
  • D. vegetable
  • A. next
  • B. desk
  • C. let
  • D. hello
  • A. white
  • B. big
  • C. bike
  • D. ice
  • A. photo
  • B. long
  • C. lost
  • D. hot
  • A. useful
  • B. computer
  • C. excuse
  • D. blue
  • A. some
  • B. his
  • C. desks
  • D. sock
  • A. math
  • B. thing
  • C. thank
  • D. that
  • A. dollar
  • B. March
  • C. party
  • D. star
  • A. now
  • B. know
  • C. how
  • D. brown
  • A. chair
  • B. pear
  • C. dear
  • D. pair
11.  Cindy loves animals. Every day she (1)       to help Aunt Lee give food to her two chickens, Molly and Lulu.
  Today Aunt Lee says to Cindy, "I (2)       101 new pets (宠物). Do you want to have a look?" "Wow! Do you have 101 chickens like Molly and Lulu?" asks Cindy.
  Aunt Lee says, "No. My yard (院子) isn't (3)       for 101 chickens." Cindy looks everywhere. But she can't find them. "(4)       are your new pets, Aunt Lee?" "Haha! They are (5)       the apple tree," says Aunt Lee. Cindy runs fast to the tree. She (6)       a box under the apple tree. It is a small box. There (7)       some holes (洞) in the top (顶部) of the box. Cindy looks in a hole and says (8)       must be little.
  "Yes, they are." Then Aunt Lee opens the box. "They are worms (蠕虫)! (9)       you want to give food to them?"
  "No, no." Cindy quickly puts her hands behind her back. "(10)       call me when you get a cat."
12.  Itˈs Saturday evening. Lucy calls 9036730 and Uncle Tony gets the phone. She asks, "Uncle Tony, is Mike in?"
  Uncle Tony says yes and asks Mike to get the phone. Lucy says on the phone, "Mike, my mom and I are in the UK on vacation. We go to many interesting places such as Big Ben, the British Museum (大英博物馆) and so on. They are really beautiful. Now, we are in a store. It sells model planes at good prices. Do you want one?"
  Mike is very happy. "Yes, sure," he says. "That's very nice of you, Lucy."
  "Well, I can buy one for you, but can you let me have a look at your history homework (家庭作业)?" Lucy says. "I must finish it next week, but history is too difficult for me."
  Mike says, "Lucy, I love model planes. But I don't want you to get into a bad habit. I'm sorry."
  Lucy is not happy, but she knows Mike is right. She says, "Excuse me. Forget it. I will buy one for you. Bye Mike!"
14.  Hello, my name is Grace. Iˈm 13 years old and Iˈm a Grade 8 student. (1)       His name is Eric and heˈs in Grade 9.
  I live in a big house. (2)       So I walk to school every day. My favorite subjects are science and music. I donˈt like math. I think itˈs too boring. Eric likes math. Itˈs easy for him.
  (3)       I often play basketball and volleyball with my classmates after school. I love films and I watch a film with my brother on the computer every weekend (周末). (4)       I love animals too. I have two dogs. The black dog is named Bess and the white dog is named Snow. Bess likes sleeping (睡觉) on my sofa, but Snow doesnˈt. (5)       They are very cute. At night, I always play with them and I like them so much.

请你根据材料内容, 选择合适选项, 使短文内容完整正确.
A. I like sports very much.
B. Itˈs not far from my school.
C. It likes sleeping under my bed.
D. I have a good and lovely brother.
E. We always play games after we watch it. 
15.根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整.
A: Hey, Mike! (1)            ?
B: Iˈm fine. Thank you.
A:(2)            ?
B: Yes, it is my ping—pong bat.
A: Do you like to play ping—pong?
B: Yes, I do. (3)            ?
A: I donˈt like it very much.
B: You know it's popular (受欢迎的) in China.
A: I know. But I donˈt think itˈs interesting.
B: Thatˈs too bad. (4)            ?
A: I like soccer. Itˈs great.
B: Oh, (5)            . Is it difficult?
A: No, itˈs not. I can teach you.
16.阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整. 每空限填一词
parent but what be want they say buy on there 

  Tim and Tom are twin (双胞胎) brothers. (1)             birthday is in August and it is coming soon. Tim and Tom are talking about it now.
  Tim (2)            , "Every year we have a birthday party. We play games and eat birthday cake. It (3)             always the same. Sounds boring, doesnˈt it? This year I (4)             a different (不同的) one. "
  "What do you want to do (5)             that day?" Tom asks.
  "Do you know our classmate David? His mother is not healthy. She must see a doctor (医生), (6)             she doesnˈt have much money (钱). So I want to help her. (7)             do you think of it, Tom?"
  "Great!" says Tom. "I think a flea market (跳蚤市场) is good. We can put (放) many things(8)            — radios, clothes and books …"
  "Yes, youˈre right. People can (9)             them and we can get some money and help Davidˈs mother. Letˈs do it, " says Tim.
  When their (10)             know about this, they want to help Davidˈs mother, too. How nice Timˈs family is!
17.阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整. 每空限填一词.
  Mr. Hu is our P. E. teacher. My classmates and I all like him very much, (1)             he always makes his class interesting. He is our good friend, too. In his class, he always plays games (2)             us and makes us laugh. He teaches us to play sports, like ping—pong, basketball and so on. As (3)            P. E. teacher, he has a good eating habit. He likes vegetables and fruit for meals, but he (4)             like hamburgers or French fries. He says he wants to be healthy. His favorite saying (谚语)(5)            . " An apple a day keeps the doctor away. "
Those are English books. (改为单数形式)
             English book.
—Is her birthday in January? (补全否定答语)
—No,             .
My maths book is on the sofa. (对划线部分提问)
             maths book ?
My sister has vegetables for breakfast. (改为否定句)
My sister        vegetables for breakfast.
This is my cat's photo. (改为同义句)
This is a       my cat.
PARENT. (对划线部分提问)
             you spell "parent"?
Frank likes Chinese best. (改为同义句)
             is Chinese.
How much is the skirt? (改为同义句)
             the              of the skirt?
Johnˈs birthday party is at 6:00 this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)
             Johnˈs birthday party?
Sally likes Monday because she has P.E. on that day. (对划线部分提问)
             Sally like Monday?
28.假如你是李静, 你的美国笔友Susan听说你刚转到一所新学校上学, 很关心你在新学校的生活. 请给她写一封电子邮件
要求:(1)文中不要出现学校和学生真实名称;(2)词数不少于60, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Susan,
Thank you for your e—mail. Iˈm fine and I like my new school.
Li Jing
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