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1.If you need some help, just call me______998-1263.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. to
  • D. for
2.Helen, stop talking with Peter. ______mom is waiting for him to go home.
  • A. My
  • B. Your
  • C. His
  • D. Her
3.We have to say goodbye, but I ______ to see you again.
  • A. come
  • B. came
  • C. will come
  • D. was coming
4.Mary is very clever and she ______ speak 4 languages.
  • A. can
  • B. may
  • C. need
  • D. must
5.Believe in yourself and you are sure to make a _______.
  • A. mess
  • B. face
  • C. mistake
  • D. difference
6.Put on your coat when going out. Today is the ______ day of the week.
  • A. colder
  • B. coldest
  • C. warmer
  • D. warmest
7.Just as we know, most of the rice______in the south of our country.
  • A. grew
  • B. is grown
  • C. was grown
  • D. has grown
8.Tom drove to the airport to______Susan yesterday. It gave her a great surprise.
  • A. raise up
  • B. call up
  • C. pick up
  • D. dress up
9.Lily, we don't need to go back. I ______ off all the lights.
  • A. turn
  • B. will turn
  • C. am turning
  • D. have turned
10.The match was over in our school yesterday. Do you know ______?
  • A. who won the match at last
  • B. what was over yesterday
  • C. where the match was held
  • D. when the match was over
11.  Do you know anything about World Food Day?
  World Food Day is on October 16. Every year on this day, governments around the world have (1)       that mainly focus on agriculture (农业) and the development of food production. And World Food Day is set up to call on people all over the world to (2)       food.
  In recent years, people live a wealthy and (3)       life. Many young people don't realize how (4)       the food is and how hard the farmers have to work to make it. They think less about food, sometimes the waste of food can be seen here and there, even in schools. (5)       all of my friends care about food. We often (6)       our own ways of saving food with each other.
  As I see it, saving food is not a (7)       thing to do at all. In the school dining hall, we should (8)       order more food than we need. When we eat out in restaurants, we should (9)       the food that we couldn't eat up.
  As a student we should treat every single day as World Food Day. Form a good (10)       of saving food, and we will have a wonderful world.
12.  In an English class, students are talking about a problem in groups.
  Gao Bokun: Parents worry about their children when there is no one at home.
  Through home cameras, parents can not only keep their kids from the danger, but also encourage them to develop good study habits.
  Zhang Keqi: When I was in middle school, my mom set up a camera. I wanted to play computer games now and then. But after playing games, I couldn't go back to my study immediately. So I think my mom help me a lot in this special way.
  Veronica Shirokon Kids: who are older shouldn't be monitored (监控), but parents can limit (限制) the time their children spend on apps.It would be much better to help students learn how to make full use of their time. Meanwhile, parents also need to trust their children and give them enough freedom.
  Rena Chen: How to control themselves is one of the important skills kids will need in the future. But using cameras won't help kids get the skill, and they will always find ways to avoid the cameras. What's more, having a camera might also do bad for parents' work, too.
13.  On the morning of November 6, I went to work as a volunteer (志愿者) guide along with some of my schoolmates. I had never volunteered at an art museum before.
  Our group was sent to the show called"Time-Space Post Office". This show made up of many letters from the visitors who had attended it before. The letters about people's understanding of the arts or their wishes.
  Soon, we welcomed a group of visitors. I was afraid to speak to them. Instead, I just stood by. But slowly, I became less nervous. I tried to speak to an old man. "Hello, I am a volunteer guide for the show. You are now looking at Mr. Ding Yi's Time-Space Post Office. I'd like to introduce this show to you. ""Here, we can see many letters written by our old visitors, "I continued. "In fact, everybody can become a part of this show. You, too, can write about the future-your thoughts, dreams and hopes. " The old man smiled at me and said, "Thank you, boy! You just did a wonderful job! "After hearing those words, I was so proud.
  This volunteer activity helped me to become more confident (自信的). I am now looking forward to taking part in a similar activity in the near future!
14.  Welcome to Stuart's Fruit Farm! This is a family﹣run farm in New York. Here you can pick fresh fruits along with your friends and families!
Seasonal directionsMid-June-July
In mid-June, the fruit picking begins. Over nine acres (英亩) of cherries (樱桃) provide plenty of picking chances for everyone! Someone will take you from the parking lot up the hill to the cherries.
We grow three different kinds of sweet cherries. Our dark cherries are large and very sweet. The light cherries are large with golden yellow skin.
Yellow and white peaches (桃) come from about the last weekend of July and into August. We grow many types of peaches. Our white peaches are very sweet and loved by everyone. We have 12 acres of peaches, so there is enough for everyone to pick as many as they want!
As warm summer days give way to cool fall days, apples begin to appear. There are 15 acres of apples at Stuart's Fruit Farm. With modern technology, we make apple trees grow short enough. This means that even the youngest children can reach for and pick their own apples. We have recently added Asian pears to our farm. This popular fruit comes at the end of September. And through a visit to the pumpkin (南瓜)area, you can try to find the"perfect"pumpkin for your Halloween party.
Stuart's Fruit Farm
62 Granite Springs Road
Granite Springs, New York, 10527
15.  Suppose that you have some free time to kill. There is an enjoyable short video to watch and an interesting 1, 000﹣word article to read. You can only choose one of the two. Which one will you pick?
  Perhaps the video will be your choice. Over the past few years, watching videos online has become a part of many people's daily lives. The number of people patient reading long articles, meanwhile, has been cut down. Some people fear that video will one day replace (代替) text. But in my opinion, this isn't going to happen.
  Videos can in fact help us learn new information more quickly. However, can they help us fully learn about the ancient world? Many historical stories were recorded using only texts. Only through the reading of these texts can we truly and fully learn about what happened during the ancient world and the knowledge people had got.
  Short videos are a type of "instant culture". They come into and leave our minds like flying cars. Oftentimes, we can't help but look for the second video immediately after we've finished watching one. But can we always remember and understand the contents (内容) of these videos? When we read a long article patiently, we often pay close attention to the contents. What's more, texts allow us to use our imagination, while videos don't.
  In a word, video might change the way people learn about the world and the way they make themselves happy, but texts will never be replaced. Texts are like immortal (不朽的) stars which shine from the past to the future.
16.  As a middle school student, you are sure to know the name"Oxford". After all, many of you use Oxford English textbooks. But do you know about the English city. Don't worry. Here are some facts about Oxford — the city in England.
  You probably wondered if the name"Oxford"really has something to do with oxen (公牛). The answer is"Yes"!" Oxford" comes from the old term" Oxanforda". It meant a ford (浅滩) where oxen could cross safely.
  The English city has lent its name to many things. Oxford grey is a very dark grey. Oxford shoes are a popular style of shoes for men. Oxford bags, be careful, are not bags. In fact, they are a type of wide baggy trousers. The expression"shoes, bags, and hats" is written with an Oxford comma (牛津逗号). Some people don't use the Oxford comma. They would write, "shoes, bags and hats".
  And in fact, you can also find the name Oxford"outside of England. There is an Oxford in New Zealand and an Oxford in Canada. In the United States, there are 21 Oxfords, in addition to a mountain and two lakes which are also called"Oxford"!
  Oxford, England, itself is an interesting place. If you have a chance to walk around it, be sure to look up from time to time . All over Oxford's buildings, you will find gargoyles (怪兽状的滴水嘴). Some of them show human faces, and some show animals. Visitors with a very careful eye will find the most interesting ones-the one picking his teeth, for example!

(1)Oxanforda is a place where oxen could            .
(2)How can people write"dogs, cats and pigs"with an Oxford comma?
(3)Which country has a mountain named Oxford?
17.  I used to be very shy. (1)       I was in Grade 7, our Chinese teacher asked everyone in our class to give a speech in front of the class. What should I do? "I (2)            (feel) afraid.
  The day to give our speeches finally arrived. Although I had all the information I needed, I was still (3)            (worry). At that moment, my friend Christina came over and told me to relax. She said she was sure I could give (4)             excellent speech. This made me feel much(5)            (good).
  Finally, it was my turn. I stood (6)             and began my speech. But I was so nervous that I forgot the (7)            (one) sentence! Then, I saw Christina's eyes. She was smiling at me.
  I remembered what she said and got more relaxed. At last, I finished my speech (8)            (successful). Everyone thought the speech was great and I was proud of (9)            (my).
  Sometimes, our simple (10)            (word) can mean a lot. Try to encourage others.
  Both of you will feel happy.
18.we, now, shall, go fishing
19.woman, is, that, who
20.hands, go, your, and, wash
21.be, tomorrow, will, a party, there
22.cousin, a bike, me, lent, my
23.假设学校正在进行"运动月"系列活动, 请你以" Exercise and me"为主题, 结合以下提示, 用英语写一篇短文

注意:(1)短文须包含提示中的所有内容, 可适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;(3)词数80左右. 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
Do you usually do some exercise?      
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