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1.—______ do you learn English?
—By ______ vocabulary lists.
  • A. How, make
  • B. What, makes
  • C. How, making
  • D. Why, making
2.Catherine ______ eat much for dinner, but recently, in order to keep fit, she ______ eating less.
  • A. used to, is used to
  • B. was used to, is used to
  • C. used to, used to
  • D. was used to, used to
3.This pair of shoes      hand, and it      very comfortable.
  • A. is made with; is felt
  • B. are made from; is felt
  • C. are made of; feels
  • D. is made by; feels
4.Our class is ______ seven groups. And each group has eight students.
  • A. compared with
  • B. translated into
  • C. connected with
  • D. divided into
5.I wonder ______ it's similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.
  • A. that
  • B. which
  • C. if
  • D. when
6.Bad luck!Her car windows ______ while she was shopping.
  • A. broke
  • B. didn't break
  • C. were broken
  • D. weren't broken
7.Children under 12 years old ______ ride sharing bikes. It's too dangerous.
  • A. shouldn't allow to
  • B. shouldn't allow
  • C. shouldn't be allowed to
  • D. shouldn't be allowed
8.Everyone should avoid ______ loudly in public. It's impolite.
  • A. speaking
  • B. to speak
  • C. not speaking
  • D. not to speak
9.—Tom,why are you in such a hurry?
—Oh,my bike is broken.I'm going to have it ______.
  • A. repairing
  • B. repaired
  • C. to repair
  • D. repair
10.—Could you please tell me ______?
—I'm not sure. Maybe this weekend.
  • A. how I can get to a nearby restaurant
  • B. when did the bookstore close today
  • C. when we'll clean up the city park
  • D. where the restrooms are
11.阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.
  Kallie, Sommercorm, 19, is a college student in Utah, USA. She used to be (1)       when she was younger. "When I was in social situations, I never knew what to say, and I always felt others would (2)______ me, " she said. She was also afraid to speak in front of people or answer questions in class. When she finished high school, Kallie (3)______ to change this.
  So Kallie started to push herself to get into more (4)______. It was not easy for Kallie to start talking to others, but with (5)______ she was able to overcome (克服) most of her shyness. "It was a lot easier when I finally realized that people didn't think my words were silly. '
  (6)______ you find you're shy like Kallie was, the first step is to know that shyness doesn't belong ourselves and feel like change your worth (价值). Often we don't have a correct idea (7)      our worth comes from grades or beauty or what others think about us. Then we start to compare ourselves to others and it can affect our self﹣esteem(自尊). (8)______, we should remember comparing ourselves to others, and it is that everyone has their own strengths (优点). (9)______ to be easier to start friendships.
  All in all, in order to overcome your shyness, you need to have a strong wish to (10)       and do something. You won't go from being shy to outgoing overnight, but if you start today, you will be one step closer to becoming the person you want to be.
12.  The coldest months of winter have arrived. But a school in Merseyside, the UK, made a rule for pupils to stop wearing expensive designer coats after Christmas. This is to stop "poverty-shaming (贫因羞辱)"among its students, The Independent noted. Coat brands (品牌) like Moncler, Pyrenex or Canada Goose sell for 1, 000, and only the richest families are able to cover. Poor students feel left out (被冷落) when they see others wear these coats.
  "These coats cause a lot of inequality (不平等), " head teacher Rebekah Phillips told CNN. " Pupils and parents supported the move. "
  In fact, most parents are happy with the rule, saying that school shouldn't be a place where students' economic background keeps them away from learning. Small changes like this have led low-income students to become more confident in life, BBC noted.
  But some people don't agree with it. They question why children shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes that keep them warm in winter. "Each child should have the freedom to choose what he or she wants to wear, " Jillian Roberts, a professor at the University of Victoria in Canada, told Global News.
  But it isn't the first school to take such steps. In May, a UK primary school stopped pupils using expensive pencil cases, according to Daily Mail In 2017, the US state of New Mexico even passed a law saying that it is illegal (违法的) to single out or (羞辱) a child who can't pay for his or her lunch at school.
English Club
We're going to set up an English club. The members will practice spoken English in the school meeting room after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. If you want to Join the club, please get in touch with us at 38761258. 
English Speech Contest
Students in Grade Nine will have an English speech contest on Monday, November 30. It will takeplace in the square before the classroom buildings. Those who want to take part in the contest, pleasecall 78625319. 
Math Exam
We're going to have a math exam on Thursday. November 26. The top ten in the exam will have a chance to take part in this year's Chinese Southeast Mathematical Olympiad. Welcome all the studentsin Grade Nine to take part in it. Those who want to take part in it can call 98763521, or go toRoom 306. 
A Talk about How to Learn English Well
The famous English teacher Zhao Kai will give us a talk on how to learn English well on MondayNovember 23. The talk is in the school hall. It starts at 2:30 in the afternoon. All the students in ourschool must take part in. 
Did you know?-
★★China's women's volleyball team is known for itsfighting spirit. From Lang to later players, this spirit has been passed on and inspired people across the country. The players always bond (团结) together and fight until the end, no matter how difficult it is. In the 1980s, the team made history. But after that, it struggled (挣扎) for some time. In 2015, it won the World Cup and returned to the top. In 2019, it won the World Cup again. The nation was thrilled.
★★ The story of Lang and the Chinese women's volleyball team will be made into a movie. Chinese actress Gong Li will play Lang. The movie will come out on the first day of Spring Festival next year, according to Xinhua. 

  Lang Ping is a sport hero. She is 1. 84 meters tall. She plays so fiercely (厉害地) that people have nicknamed her "Iron hammer ". In China, she is to volleyball what Yao Ming is to basketball.
  Lang, now 58 years old, is the head coach of the Chinese woman's volleyball team. In 2016. she led the team to win a gold medal at the Rio Olympic Games.
  Back when she was playing the sport in the 1980, she was the symbol of Chinese volleyball. Much more than an athlete, she is the face of a generation of players.
  Before the 1980s, there were three world powers in volleyball: the former Soviet union (前苏联), Japan and Cuba. However, at the 1981 World Cup in Japan, a surprise team took home the title (冠军): China. The Chinese team did not play with speed, but they proved they had the best skills. The then 21-year-old Lang was the best player on the team.
  While playing on the team, Lang led the Chinese women's volleyball team to two World Cups, two World Championships and a gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984. The Chinese team became the first team in volleyball history to win five world titles in a row (连续).
  After that, Lang and her teammates became big names in China. It happened at a time when China was beginning to open up to the world. People knew little about China. The country's success in sports opened a window for the country. Volleyball became a symbol of the country's national pride, Xinhua noted. Lang is not just a "sport hero", but a historical figure , as US volleyball player Nicole Davis said.
15.阅读短文, 并按要求完成下列小题.
  Facial recognition (人脸识别):It's time for action
  The facial recognition era (时代) is coming, Let's act.
  Whether you're in New York or Beijing. getting into the subway usually requires taking out your transport card or smartphone, But in one Chinese city, subway riders can now completely set their hands free.
  Recently, one subway line in Jinan, Shandong Province has become the first in China to adopt 3D facial recognition technology (采用3D人脸识别技术). After downloading the required app — the Jinan Metro app, passengers can enter the station just by looking into a screen at the turnstile (旋转栅门). The process takes around two seconds. which is faster than scanning a QR code (扫描二维码).The new technology greatly speeds up entry (进入)times.According to a staff member at Jinan Rail Transit Group, about 30 to 40 passengers can pass through the turnstile every minute.
  Today facial recognition is more and more present in our lives. At KFC stores across China, customers can order their meals by scanning their faces in front of a self-serving screen, which has been around since 2017. With the ATMs of banks like the Agricultural Bank of China (中国农业银行). customers can withdraw cash (取现) by scanning their faces, without the need for a bank card or even a mobile phone. At some airports like Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, the security check (安检) process can be completed in about 12 seconds thanks to facial recognition technology.
  Soon we will say goodbye to QR codes and get ready to enter the facial recognition era.
(1)题完成句子;(2), (3)题简略回答问题;(4)题找出并写下第四段的主题句;(5)题将文中画线句子译成汉语.
(1)When we are in Beijing, getting into            , we need to take out our belongings for security check.
(2)Which city has become the first in China to adopt 3D facial recognition technology?
(3)How long is the security check time at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport?
16.  Have you ever skied (滑水) across a lake on a hot summer day?Do you know who (1)      (invent) the water skis (滑水橇)?
  One summer day, in 1922, eighteen-year-old Ralph Samuelson decided to go boating with (2)______(he) brother on Lake Pepin in Lake City, Minnesota, America. While they were enjoying (3)______(them), Samuelson had a question. He wondered why they couldn't ski on water just like on snow. (4)______ his brother's help, Samuelson tried out his ideas on Lake Pepin. Samuelson experimented with the snow skis before he (5)______ (successful) made the water skis. The water skis were made out of wood pieces with ropes to hold his (6)______(foot) on. After that he spent over 15 years performing ski shows and teaching people in the United States (7)______ to ski. In 1925, Samuelson became the world's (8)______(one) water ski jumper. In 1966, Samuelson was regarded (9)______ the first recorded water skier in history by the American Water Ski Association.
  Water skiing has (10)______(develop) over time. Water skiing games and competitions have been organized. As exhibition sport, water skiing was included in the 1972 Olympics.
17.it, used, widely, is
18.the, made, what, shirts, are, of
19.pretty, dragon, boats, how, the, were
20.tell, me, could, where, are, restrooms, you, the
21.should, allowed, drive, not, teenagers, be, to
22.同学们, 人总是会慢慢发生变化的. 你有没有发现你的家人或你身边的同学朋友也发生了变化?请你根据下面的要求, 以"How        has changed!"为题, 写一篇文章, 介绍你的一位家人或朋友(Mary)这几年来的变化.
要求:(1)可以从外貌、性格、爱好、生活方式等几个方面展开写作. (2)可适当发挥想象, 语句通顺、语意连贯. (3)词数:80词左右.
How Mary has changed!
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