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1.   A young man went for a job interview in a big company. The employer (雇主) found that the young man's college grades were excellent. Then he asked the young man who paid for his (1)      . The young man told the employer that his parents did and they (2)       as laundry (洗衣店) workers.
  The employer noticed that the young man's hands were (3)       and perfect. He asked, "Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes?"
  "No. My parents always make me study. (4)      , they wash clothes faster than I do." The employer asked the young man to go back home and wash his parents' (5)      .
  When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands. His parents felt surprised but (6)      . Then the young man began to wash their hands slowly.
  He was in tears. He (7)       his parents' hands were so rough (粗糙的) and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water. There were also many injuries (伤口) in their hands. (8)       washing his parents' hands, the young man quietly washed all the (9)       clothes.
  The next morning, the young man went to the employer's office. The employer noticed the young man's (10)       hands. He told the young man that he was employed.
2.   What a shiny scooter (踏板车)! Sophie couldn't keep her eyes off it. Her dad noticed.
  "Sophie, you have a scooter already, a really nice one!"
  "I know, but this one is so shiny and new," Sophie said.
  "It is great, but we have to go," said her dad.
  They left the store. Sophie knew her scooter was nice, and it still worked. She just couldn't stop thinking of that new scooter!
  A few weeks later, Sophie and her dad were back in the store. The scooter was just there, with a big sale sign on it! The girl ran right over to it. Her dad looked at the price.
  "I know you've been thinking about this scooter a lot, Sophie. The sale price is pretty good, though it's still a lot of money. I can't just buy this for you. But what if I pay for part of it, then lend you the money for the rest, and you promise to pay me back?" her dad asked.
  "Really?" Sophie said excitedly. "I promise I will pay you back!"
  As they were walking towards the cashier desk (收银台), her dad asked Sophie if she knew what it meant to borrow money.
  "Yes. It means that I have to give it back to you," Sophie answered.
  Her dad responded, "You're right, but you can give it back to me a little at a time. Now you get five dollars a week for your allowance (零用钱). You could pay it back to me once a week until you pay off your part of the scooter. It will take several months."
  "Thank you, Dad! I will pay you back with my allowance until I return all the money."
California Tower
Location (位置): 1350 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Telephone: (619)720-8188
Website: https://museum of us.org/exhibits/california-tower
Timken Museum of Art
Location: 1500 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: Closed until further notice
Telephone: (619)239-5548
Website: http://www.timkenmuseum.org
House of Pacific Relations International Cottages
Open Houses: noon—5:00 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday, showcase the national traditions from many lands.
Lawn (草坪) programs: 2:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. on Sundays from March through October
Telephone: (619)234-0739
Website: http://www.sdhpr.org
Spreckels Organ Pavilion
Location: Pavilion-Pan American Place, San Diego, CA 92101
●Sunday concerts at 2:00 p.m.
●International Organ Festival concerts, Monday nights, 7:30 p.m.
Telephone: (619)702-8138
Website: https://spreckelsorgan.org
4.   When Wang Haiyan was young, her favorite toys weren't Barbie dolls. Instead, she started learning to make shadow puppets (皮影) from her father at 13. Now 43, Wang has spent 30 years practicing and spreading the art.
  Shadow puppetry is a form of theater that uses puppets made from leather (皮) or paper, accompanied (伴奏) by music and singing. It was invented during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC—AD 24). It tells us about folk tales and historical stories, passing down culture and customs over thousands of years.
  Shadow puppetry is all about creating the puppets and performing with them. Wang's hometown of Hua county, Shaanxi, is known as the birthplace of the folk art. Puppet-makers must follow 24 steps to make the puppets including washing the leather, carving (雕刻) and painting, according to Wang. Carving is the most difficult part.
  "We have a special carving skill—moving the leather under the knife," Wang said. It took Wang three years to master this skill. She used a brick (砖块) to strengthen her left hand while practicing. It takes about 3,000 carves to make a shadow puppet, "The complex (复杂的) steps make it hard to hand down the folk art," she said.
  But Wang has found a way to do so. In recent years, she has made shadow puppets based on some cartoon series and given a live-streaming performance. She used colors like blue and purple that were hardly seen in shadow puppetry and added more sticks to the puppets to make the performance more lively. "I hope more and more young people enjoy shadow puppetry and pass it down," she said.
5.   Scientists say they've developed a new system (系统). It can use "machine learning" to predict when and where lightning (闪电) will strike (闪击). The research was led by engineers from Switzerland.
  European researchers have estimated (估算) between 6,000 and 24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year. The strikes can also cause power cuts, destroy houses and start forest fires. For these reasons, some climate scientists have studied to develop methods to predict and control lightning. But no system has been created to effectively predict lightning.
  The new system is being tested in the experiments (实验). It used a combination of data (数据资料) from weather stations and machine learning methods. The researchers developed a prediction model. It was trained to tell weather conditions that were possible to cause lightning.
  The model was created with some data. The data was collected over a 12-year period from 12 Swiss weather stations in cities and mountain areas. The data related to (与……有关) four main surface conditions: air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity (相对湿度) and wind speed.
  The atmospheric (大气的) data was put into a machine learning algorithm (计算程序), which compared it to records of lightning strikes. Researchers say the algorithm was then able to learn the conditions under which lightning happens.
  Amirhossein Mostajabi is a PhD student who led the development of the new system. He said, "Common systems for collecting such data are slow and complex, and they require expensive collection equipment (设备) like radar or satellites (卫星)."
  "Our system uses data that can be gotten from any weather station," Mostajabi said. "This will improve data collection in the areas which are not covered by radar and satellites or in places where communication systems have been cut," he added.
6.   During the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived a great musician named Yu Boya. He played guqin very well. (1)             Zhong Ziqi was one of them.
  One day, Yu Boya came back from a trip to the mountains. He played guqin to express his love for the mountains. (2)             Zhong said, "How beautifully you're playing guqin! When I listen to you playing guqin, I can almost see the mountains in front of my eyes." (3)             Then he played another tune (调子). Zhong clapped his hands and cheered again, "What a beautiful tune it is! When I listen to it, I seem to imagine hundreds of boats are sailing down big rivers."
  Boya was surprised at Zhong's comments (评论). (4)             Whenever he played a new tune, Zhong could tell what Boya was thinking about when he played the tune. "You appreciate (欣赏) my music and understand my mind. You know me like a true friend," Boya said excitedly.
  After that, Boya and Zhong became close friends. After Zhong's death, Boya was so sad that he broke his guqin and decided never to play it again.
  This is the story about Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. We can learn a lesson from the story. (5)             If you find your true friends, love them and cherish (珍惜) real friendships.
A. Boya was pleased to hear Zhong's words.
B. It is hard to find a true friend.
C. Many people enjoyed his music.
D. He decided to play more tunes for Zhong.
E. Zhong Ziqi stood beside Yu Boya as he was playing guqin. 

7.You can spread joy and happiness with a bright s            . It's one of the best gifts that you can give to others.
8.The students will put on a new play about f             against COVID-19 tomorrow evening.
9.China has passed a law to              (保护) the Yangtze River, which is the longest river in our country.
10.You must be              (小心的) when a stranger asks about your personal information.
11.To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, our school plans to have some educational              (活动).
more, thing, for, clean, plastic, amaze, face, save, make, and 

  Between the Sea and Shore is a three-part documentary that calls for quick action to (1)             sea turtles from dying out. Around the world, sea turtles are known (2)             their beauty and as one of the Earth's oldest creatures (生物). However, their beauty, (3)             pollution and coastal development have threatened (威胁) their lives.
  To help bring this message to (4)             people of the world, the WildAid ambassador (大使) Eddie starts a long (5)             difficult adventure (冒险) to learn about many problems sea turtles face around the world.
  Eddie has long used his voice to raise awareness (意识) of environmental problems. "This is my chance to learn about the problems sea turtles face and be a voice for these (6)             animals," says Eddie.
In recent years, the number of sea turtles has reduced (减少) greatly because of pollution, and the illegal (非法的) trade in their eggs, meat and shells. Parts of the shell and whole bodies of the endangered turtles are (7)             into artworks.
  The oceans are (8)             very serious challenges to stay healthy. Eddie asks people to save sea turtles by starting with simple (9)             such as saying no to sea turtle products and reducing our use of plastics.
  "Keep the oceans (10)            . This natural beauty only belongs in the ocean," says Eddie.
13.   [1]During meal times, more and more young people take out their phones, choose a favorite show, eat while watching and burst into laughter now and then.
  [2]Liu, a 19-year-old student studying in Beijing, is one of them. A foodie and a video lover, she is happy to eat while watching food programs on her smartphone. A show she has been recently watching is about two Chinese girls traveling around Japan to find delicious food, and the show has been viewed more than 26,000 times on China's top microblog platform. "The food in the show looks really attractive," Liu explains. Besides this show, she also watches many other online food programs.
  [3]"It's not unexpected," said Adrien from France, who is a huge fan of Chinese food. "China and France are both keen on (热衷于) cooking and eating. As for me, I love Chinese food programs very much."
  [4]Irina from Russia also loves Chinese food programs very much. She watched a reality show (4)① her friends. In the show, some Chinese stars cooked seafood and crabs. "(5)They cooked the seafood differently from us, but the dish they made looked very delicious." said Irina and her friends.
  [5]Beautiful pictures, delicious food, special skills of (4)② and the famous stars—all these things can make food programs a perfect meal companion (陪伴) for younger Chinese people, even when they are far away from home.
  [6]"After I (4)③ China and started my study life in Germany, I found myself always watching A bite of China during supper," said Manling. She added that she had only been living there for only two months and she had already missed the home flavor (味道) of China. "Chinese flavors are like the comfort zone (区域) that gives me a sense of safety," Manling said.

(1) What kind of programs does Liu like watching? (No more than 10 words)
(2) Why do the two Chinese girls travel around Japan according to Paragraph 2? (No more than 10 words)
(3) According to Adrien, in what way is China similar to France? (No more than 10 words)
(4) Fill in each blank in the passage with one proper word.
(5) Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.
(6) In Manling's opinion, what are Chinese flavors like? How do you understand "Chinese flavors"?
14.暑假将近,很多人已经开始计划外出旅游了。假定你是李华,请根据以下图示,以"To Be a Good Traveler"为题,给校报专栏写一篇英语短文,倡导“绿色旅游”和“公益旅游”, 呼吁同学们做有环保意识和社会责任感的旅行者。
To Be a Good Traveler

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