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1.The city of music
  Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the center of Europe. It's the capital city of Austria and the center of European classical music. In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.
  In the Strauss family, there were two composers (作曲家) called Johann Strauss: the father and the son. The father, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. The son, was also very successful and popular. He wrote over 150 waltzes. In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danube waltz.
  Mozart was another very important composer. He was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote hundreds of pieces of music. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only thirty-five. Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.
2.Moderation (自我调节)
  Pay attention to how you lead your life most of the time. A healthy lifestyle is one that doesn't take extremes (极端) as a way of life. Be moderate in what you do.
  Eat well
  It is important to pay attention to both what you eat and how you eat. As Socrates said: "You should eat to live; not live to eat." A different diet (饮食) with vegetables and fresh fruits is good for the brain. Also take time off for meals.
  Students must know the value of exercise because it plays a necessary part in counterbalancing (抵消) the stress (压力) responses produced in our bodies by having to meet exams.
  Students are getting less and less of sleep which might lead to more stress. The hours of sleep before midnight are thought to be the most helpful. For this reason students must re-regulate their body clock and go to bed and get up at regular time.
  Express yourself
  The way students feel about their work and other issues in their life plays a huge part in how they deal with stress. It is advisable that students should be realistic whatever happens in their lives.
  To sum up, studies are really very important, but never at the expense (代价), if students feel well they will be ready to face the challenges (挑战) of exams alive and kicking.
3.  Usually I wouldn't cross the park at this time of night. But walking around the park would take more time, and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me. So I entered the park. And that was the first stupid thing I did tonight.
  Soon after I walked into the park. I saw a man under a tree up ahead. My heart fell. The stories I'd heard about the park were all coming into my head at this moment. Anyone with a clear mind would just turn back. But me? No. I did another stupid thing: I decided to hurry past him.
  Just when I was passing the man, he raised his head and gave me the strangest smile ever I got scared and started running. "Hey," the man shouted from behind. "Wait!" He was running after me!
  I ran like crazy. I had hoped the trees would keep some rain off. And they did. But they also made the park look even darker. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. Then, I ran into something. It was the man!
  "Don't kill me!" I cried.
   "What? I was trying to give back your bag! You dropped it." The man gave me my bag.
  Now, I felt saying that to the man was the stupidest thing I did tonight.
4.  In Darayya, a city in Syria, there's a library and it has 15,000 books on almost every subject you can think of. However, it is different from any libraries you know: It is a secret underground library, and only people in Darayya know where it is.
  Over the years, war has shaken Darayya badly. Stores are closed one after another, and so are schools. To help the kids in Darayya with their learning, Anas Ahmad, a 19-year-old student, and his friends decided to build a library. They built the library under the ground to keep it safe from bombing. But it is dangerous to collect books for the library. Often, Ahmad and his friends look for books in houses that were bombed. They need to be careful because they may be killed in another bombing.
  You may ask, "In a place like Darayya, would people be interested in books?" "Just like the body needs food, the mind needs books," says one library user. In the library, people enjoy their time of reading and forget about the terrible world above, so their life doesn't seem so hard. Through reading, they are able to dream of a better life after war.
5.  My name is Alice Black. I am thirteen years old, and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia. I have got two sisters — Jenifer is eleven and Lisa is seven. We are all pupils at the School of the Air.
  The School of the Air is a school for children who live far from the cities, and who are in a place which does not have a local school. So we have "air" lessons over the radio or on the computer. Our teachers are at Port Augusta, a city which is about 160 kilometers away.
  In the morning, we go to our school at 8:45. When we get there, we turn on the radio or computer and listen to what we should do. From then until twelve, we just do our usual lessons. In the afternoon, not homework, but more work around the house.
  We send our exercise "books" to our teachers by email on Friday night. They mark them on Monday and Tuesday, and then send them back. We get them on Wednesday.
  The Internet and the telephone help us get in touch with our teachers quickly and easily. We talk to our teachers once a week for about ten minutes. They tell us if we are making progress. Next year I will start at a new school in Port Augusta. I will spend the weekdays there and come home at weekends. It will be good to be with teenagers of my age, but I will miss my family. I hope I will be happy there.
6.  John was a poor but very smart kid and he always got top grades at school. He was (1)       so he didn't have any friends. His classmate, Kevin, was a mean kid, who bullied (欺负) almost everyone including John. He did well in most subjects, but (2)       failed math.
  The two kids couldn't be more different, but an act of (3)       connected them. One day, John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school. The lady didn't (4)       that. John caught up with her and handed the purse to her.
  The lady happened to be Kevin's (5)      . That evening, she told Kevin about the kind little boy who (6)       the purse to her. She said, "His name's John. I guess he goes to your school. "What?" Kevin said (7)      , "Did you mean poor John, my classmate?"
  To thank John, Kevin and his mom decided to invite him over for some (8)      . The next day, when John saw big Kevin running towards him, he got really scared. He thought Kevin was going to (9)       him. Unexpectedly, Kevin gave him a big hug, "Thank you (10)       returning my mom's purse yesterday!"
  "You mean that nice lady?" John asked.
   "Yes. She (11)       invite you over for some home-baked cookies." "Well, I have to get my mother's permission (允许) first."
  After school, they walked together to John's home. John's mom was more than happy to see his son with a friend for a (12)      . She agreed at once after asking Kevin if his parents were OK with that.
  The two kids (13)       the freshly baked cookies Kevin's mom served. Then, they did the homework together. Kevin was amazed (14)       John explained the usually very difficult math homework and made it look so easy.
  With John's help, Kevin passed math tests (15)      , and he seldom bullied anyone. They became best friends as well.
7.When I went past the bank yesterday, I saw              old man lying on the street.
8.—Is this Linda's watch?
—No, it isn't.             (she) is red. Red is her favorite color.
9.Lucy is hard-working and she hardly ever             (hang) out on school nights.
10.—I'm hungry, mum.
—There              some bread on the table. Remember to wash your hands.
11.Look, the             (child) are having a good time flying kites in the park.
12.We used             (have) a party to welcome our new friend on weekends.
13.Pay much attention to your handwriting. You need to write             (careful).
14.             clever the boy is! He just won the first prize in Super Brain.
15.To fight against COVID-19, the nurse didn't stop working,              she was tired.
16.—The dragon Boat Festival is coming, what are you going to do that day?
—I             (visit) my grandparents in my home village.
17.One of the most famous Marvel heroic character — Spiderman,             (create) in 1962.
18.—Why didn't you answer my Wechat phone at eight o'clock last night?
—Sorry, I             (take) a walk with my friend along the river.
19.Someday Changde will become as              (busy) as Shenzhen.
20.—Oh, my god!             is Wang Feng now? The football match is starting soon.
—He may be in the library. He often reads at this time.
21.Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, renowned for developing the first hybird rice strain, died of organ failure at 91              May 22th, 2021.
22.  Friday is here and most of us enjoy what the weekend brings. (1)Maybe you will spend some time on your hobby. (2)没有爱好就没有真正的快乐 Hobbies help our happiness. They give us purpose, meaning, a creative outlet, and they can even relieve stress.
  One of my blog entries, from May of 2016, tells us how hobbies can help us identify some of our passions and that in turn can give us interesting content to include in a life story or memoir.
  (3)Certainly, things like playing cards or other games, especially at family gatherings, can lead to some good memory. Or what about a day on the lake or the golf course?
  (4)You can get geography and history lessons from collecting stamps or coins from around the world.
  One of the things I enjoy is playing the guitar. It's a hobby — I am not nearly good enough for pubic performances. (5)但是我喜欢边弹吉他边唱歌, 以此来放松自己 Get me around a few friends, family members or even a classroom full of students and I might break into a song. I was doing that today with my 5th graders.
  If you want to start a new hobby or even search for new ideas, then check out A Full Guide On How To Start A New Hobby. It's posted on the Sewing Is Awesome.com website. Some of the takeaways for me from the article included how hobbies can introduce us to new people, widen or knowledge and skills, and improve our confidence and self-esteem. Win, win and win.

23.Betty: Good morning, Alan! You look pale. Are you all right?
Alan: I'm OK, but I saw an accident. A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road.
Daming: That's very dangerous.
Alan: I was waiting to cross the road. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner. It wasn't going fast, but it didn't stop.
Lingling: Did the boy stop?
Alan: No. And the driver was talking on his mobile phone.
Betty: So, did the car hit the boy?
Alan: No, I'm glad to say. The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.
Tony: That's too bad.
Alan: So when you're on your bike, think about the risk of an accident! Pay attention, stop at the red lights and... what else ?
Betty: Don't ride too fast.
Daming: Don't ride side by side with your friends.
Alan: Anything else?
All: Don't listen to music!

(1) Is Alan ill?
(2) When did the accident most probably happen?
(3) Was the car driver listening to music or talking on the mobile phone?
(4) How many people are talking in the conversation? Who are they?
(5) What would you say to your friend when he (she) is on the bike?
Betty: Good morning, Alan!You look pale, are you all right?
Alan: I'm OK, but I saw an accident. A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road.
Daming: That's very dangerous.
Alan: I was waiting to cross the road. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the comer. It wasn't going fast, but it didn't stop.
Lingling: Did the boy stop?
Alan: No. And the driver was talking on his mobile phone.
Betty: So, did the car hit the boy?
Alan: No, I'm glad to say. The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.
Tony: That's too bad. Alan:So when you're on your bike, think about the risk of an accident! Pay attention, stop at the red lights and... what else?
Betty: Don't ride too fast.
Daming: Don't ride side by side with your friends.
Alan: Anything else?
All: Don't listen to music! 

1. 要点包括时间、地点、人物、事情的经过和启示等;
2. 不得出现自己的姓名和校名等真实信息;
3. 请按以下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。

June 20th, 2021
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