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1.  All cultures have coming-of age ceremonies.However, they are usually quite different from each other. In the West, the legal (法律上的) age for adults is usually eighteen. This is about the age when person can drive car, drink alcohol (酒精), and vote. In Japan, people come of age at the age of twenty. Every year on the second Monday of January, large ceremonies are held. Young women and men dress up for the ceremonies. They listen to speeches from their elders and receive gifts on that day.
  Other parts of the world have much more unusual ceremonies for new adults. In some places in Africa, young men go into the forest together . There, their elders teach them how to become adults. There are some interesting coming—of—age traditions in Taiwan as well. The Atayal people used to get tattoos (文身) on their faces. Standing the pain was what made them adults. When you come of age, you will be free to do what you want. Also, you will be expected to make decisions for yourself. Being an adult, therefore, means having more freedom and more responsibility (职责).
2.  But they did not sleep. They waited and they listened. In the end Mr. White got up to get a candle because the dark made him more afraid. He began to go downstairs, but suddenly he heard a noise at the front door. He stopped, and he listened. He could not move. Then the noise came again. This time he ran. He ran upstairs, back into the bedroom and he closed the door behind him. But again the noise came.
  "What's that? "Mrs. White cried, and she sat up in bed.
  "Nothing! Go to sleep again! ''her husband answered.
  But Mrs. White listened — and the noise came again. ''It's Herbert! It's Herbert! she cried. ''I'm going to open the door for him. ''
  And she got out of bed and ran to the door of the bedroom. Mr. White got there first and stopped her.
  "No! "he cried. "Think! "
  "But it's my boy! It's Herbert, ''she answered.
  "No! Don't go! Don't…"her husband cried again.
  But Mrs. White did not listen to him. She opened the bed room door and ran from the room. "I'm coming, Herbert. I'm coming! "She called.
  Mr. White ran after her. "Stop! "he cried. "Remember, Herbert died in the machinery! You don't want to see him! "
  For a minute Mrs. White stopped and looked at her husband, but then the noise came again and she began to run downstairs.
  "Help me! Help me! '' she called to her husband.
  But Mr. White did not move. ''The paw! '' he thought. ""? "
  He ran back into the bedroom. ''Quick! ''he thought. ''Where is it? ''At first he could not find it in the dark. Ah! There it was! He had it!
  Just at that minute he heard his wife downstairs.
  "Wait! Wait, Herbert! I'm coming! "she cried. She began to open the front door.
  At the same time Mr. White took the monkey's paw in his right hand and he made his third wish.
  Mrs. White gave a long unhappy cry and her husband ran down to her. She stood by the open door. Very afraid, Old Mr. White looked out into the dark.
  The road was dark and quiet — and there was nobody there.
3.  ①Everyone experiences bad feelings. But help may be on the way. In recent studies scientists have found that music can improve people's feelings. One study organized by the University of Maryland showed that listening to classical music helped improve the feelings of doctors. It also helps them feel greater satisfaction with their work.
  ②But not only classical music helps people feel better. In fact, a Penn State University study of college students showed that any kind of music helped to make them feel happy.
  ③How can you help yourself with music? Try music—listening diary. Before you listen to music, write down how you are feeling. Then get your radio, CD player, or MP3 player and turn on your favorite kind of music. The college students usually listened to rock music, but you can choose any kind. Next, do whatever activity you would usually do while listening to music. For example, the college students studied and exercised. After listening to music, write down how long you listen and how you feel now. Keep the diary for several weeks, and find out if music really makes a difference.
4.Ancient and Modern Chinese Characters

  ①In the Beginning
  When people write in English, they use letters. People who write in Chinese, however, use characters that stand for words or ideas. Historians believe Chinese writing began as early as 1500 BC. The earliest forms were called "oracle bones. " These were animal bones marked with pictures and symbols. In addition to writing on bones, the Chinese also made marks on turtle shells. By 1400 BC, the Chinese writing system had become more difficult. It had more than 2, 500 characters. Around 200 BC, Chinese characters became standardized. This means that everyone used the same characters.
  ②Then and Now
  Many modern Chinese characters are similar to those from 2, 000 years ago. For example, the character that means man in the Lishu system from 200 BC is similar to the character that means man from the Jiantizi, or modern simplified system, of the twentieth century.
  ③A Simpler System
  People have made efforts to change Chinese characters over the centuries. The most important changes happened in the twentieth century. The Chinese government made many characters easier so that more people could learn to read. This simpler System is used in mainland China and Singapore. Traditional characters are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Even with these changes, Chinese writing from 2, 200 years ago is still understood today.
5.  Good manners are important things to have since they show that you're polite to other people. If you're having a meal with others, then make sure you use good manners while you're eating to show that you're respectful.
  (1)       Set your phone to silent or vibrate, and keep it in a pocket or bag throughout your meal. Don't answer it unless there is an emergency. If you need to take a phone call, excuse yourself from the table first by saying something like, "Excuse me, I need to take this. I'll be right back.
  (2)       Don't start eating immediately as you sit down since it's rude to start if people don't have their food. Instead, patiently wait in your seat before you take your first bite.
  (3)      When you need to cut something, hold the knife in your right hand and your fork in your left. Once you cut your food, you can either use your fork in your left hand or set your knife down so you can use your fork with your right hand.
  (4)      Chewing with your mouth open or talking while you're eating is usually considered rude since no one wants to see the food in your mouth. Take small bites of your food and chew them completely with your mouth closed.
  (5)      If you need to go to the bathroom during the meal, say "excuse me" before standing up so others know you need to go somewhere. You don't need to give the reason why you're leaving as long as you come back and sit down again. You may say , "Excuse me, I'll be right back"
A. Hold your fork and knife properly like you're holding a pencil
B. Avoid reaching across the table since you may get in other people's way
C. Don't chew with your mouth open.
D. Wait until everyone else has been served before you start eating.
E. Avoid setting your phone on the table while you're eating with other people
F. If you need to go somewhere, say "Excuse me" before leaving. 
6.  Stanley, as a son of a very poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great (1)      , he read everything he could, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his hometown. "There's so much to learn, " he'd say. "Though we're born stupid, only the stupid (2)       that way. " He decided that (3)       of his children would refuse an education.
  Therefore, Stanley insisted (坚持) that we should learn at least one new thing each day. (4)      , as children, we thought this was crazy, we'd still do that. And dinner time seemed perfect for (5)       what we learned. We would talk about the news of the day. Sometimes the news was unimportant, but it was always taken (6)      . Stanley would listen carefully and discuss it with us. Then came the moment — the time to share the day's new learning.
  "Felice, " he'd say. "Tell me what you learned today. "
  "I learned that the population of Denmark (丹麦) is…"
  Stanley was thinking about what we said. "The population of Denmark. Hmm. Well…" he'd say. "Get the map; let's see where Denmark is. " And the whole family went on a (7)       for Denmark.
  This same experience was repeated until each family member had a (8)      . Dinner ended only after we had a clear (9)       of at least half a dozen such facts.
  As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was (10)      together, sharing experiences and joining in one another's education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting (尊重) what we learned and our value, Stanley was surely our most (11)       teacher.
  Later during my training as a future teacher, I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting (传授) what Stanley knew all along — the (12)       of continual learning. His skills have (13)       me well all my life. Not a single day has been (14)      , though I can (15)       tell when knowing the population of Denmark might prove useful.
7.  Within five minutes of meeting Olivia Ports, I knew she was a special teenager.
  I knew before she pick up her guitar and performed a song.
  I knew before I found out how a condition she was born with changed her childhood.
  And I knew before her mother told me Olivia performed recently in front of 1, 200 people.
  In addition to her musical talents, Olivia is just so friendly, funny and grateful to those who made her (1)            (one) show such a success.
  Like all children fighting chronic (慢性的) illness, "the journey she has been on has made her stronger. " said Olivia's mother Leanne Ports.
  Olivia was born with (2)            unusual illness. When she realized she would have to give (3)             her favorite gymnastics(体操), she picked up her mom's old high school guitar and taught (4)            (her) to play.
  It was during a hospital visit that she met Classical Blast, a popular band that invited Olivia to join them as a guest (5)            (perform). They encouraged her (6)            (play) at public events in the area, and she was soon a regular (常客) on stage.
  It was yet another treatment that led to her most recent passion (激情). Getting well in her room for 15 days last Christmas, Olivia saw first—hand how sad it can be for children to be in hospital during the holidays. That's (7)             Olivia decided to do a benefit show (义演), asking guests to bring a toy that could (8)            (give) to young patients.
  When you fill your life (9)             things you love, " she said, "it makes every day more (10)            (meaning). "
8.The "b" in the word "climb" is not p            .
9.There's a t             in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve every year.
10.The train arrived at e             9 o'clock.
11.He was p             of himself for holding on to his dream.
12.—What m             is this dress made of ?
13.We should think how we could d             our time between studying and hobbies.
14.I r             that I am unable to accept your kind invitation.
15.Sitting in one position for a long p             of time is not healthy.
16.If you s             to the truth, you have nothing to fear.
17.This new restaurant has different kinds of live music every night e             Sundays.
18.假如你是Han Mei, 下面是你的笔友Alice发给你的一封e—mail, 请根据Alice的困惑给她提出一些合理的建议.
To: Han Mei 
From: Alice 
Hi Han Mei,
This term is drawing close. I have to read about a book report in front of my whole class. I'm so nervous I can hardly breathe! Has this happened to you?
What should I do? Could you please give me some advice? Thanks a lot !

注意:1. 字数在80词左右.
2. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名和校名.
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