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1.We should give______ hand to______ old when they cross the busy road.
  • A. a; a
  • B. a; the
  • C. the; a
  • D. the; an
2.I have two pencils. One is red and ______ is blue.
  • A. the other
  • B. others
  • C. another
  • D. the others
3.Hongkong is known ______its shopping centers.
  • A. with
  • B. of
  • C. as
  • D. for
4.You are not allowed to go into the supermarket _____ you wear face masks(口罩).
  • A. unless
  • B. if
  • C. since
  • D. because
5.—Some Chinese government officers have turn into livestreamers(网络主播).
—Yes. They're trying their best to help local farmers to_______ product sales.
  • A. compare
  • B. improve
  • C. manage
  • D. provide
6.—I failed in doing the experiment just now, Mr. Brown.
—Don't______! Try once more, ______you will find which step was wrong.
  • A. take up; but
  • B. make up; or
  • C. give up; and
  • D. put up; yet
7.The Two Sessions (两会) _______ in March every year. But because of the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒), they _______ last year.
  • A. hold; is put off
  • B. is held; had been put off
  • C. will be held; put off
  • D. are held; were put off
8.—Oh, someone is knocking on the door. Would you please go to see _______?
—No problem.
  • A. who it is
  • B. who is it
  • C. where does he go
  • D. where he goes
9.—Celia, join us in the Super Summer Camp if it _____ this weekend.
—I'd love to. But nobody knows if it ______.
  • A. is fine; rains
  • B. is fine; will rain
  • C. will be fine; will rain
  • D. will be fine; rains
10.—Hi, Trent! How is it going?
  • A. Not bad
  • B. Good idea
  • C. Of course
  • D. I think so
11.  Once upon a time, Dionysius, who was a king, ruled Syracuse. It was the richest country Dionysius lived in a palace. There were many beautiful and (1)      things. Because the king had so much power, there were many people in Syracuse (2)      envied (嫉妒) his good luck. Damocles was one of them. He was one of Dionysius' best friends, and he was always saying to him, "How (3)      you are! You have everything anyone could wish for. "Once after Damocles praised him for his power and abundance (富足), Dionysius turned to him and said, "Perhaps you'd like to (4)       the place of me?" "Oh, I would never (5)       that, " said Damocles. "But if I could have your wealth and your pleasures for only one day, I should (6)       want any more happiness. "
  So the next day Damocles was treated as a (7)      and experienced what Dionysius' life was like.
  Then Damocles enjoyed himself until he noticed a sharp sword (剑)hung over his head and it was held to the ceiling (天花板) by only a single horsehair (马尾毛). He wanted to jump up and run, but he was so (8)       that he couldn't move. Dionysius laughed when he saw this. "I see it every day. It always hangs over my head, and there is always the chance someone or something may (9)      the slim (细的) horsehair. However, if you want to be a leader, you must be willing to take these risks. They come with the (10)      you see. "
  "Yes, now I do see, " said Damocles. From then on, Damocles never again wanted to be the king, even for a moment.
12.  Flowers are so beautiful that people use them to express their feelings. Flowers are usually sold at high prices. Here is a list of the most beautiful flowers which are needed in markets.
   Roses are considered as the king of the flowers. They have everything a beautiful flower needs to have. One can give a rose as a gift to his loved one. A red rose shows love, a white rose is a symbol of peace and good wishes, and yellow stands for friendship and so on. 
   Bleeding Hearts (荷包牡丹) appear similar to the heart shape. They are mostly red or dark pink in color. This flower has got its name from its shape. It is found in North Korea, Japan, northern China and some parts of Siberia. These beautiful flowers are often used to show love. 
   Sunflowers are bright yellow and have a dark head at the center. People can get oil from the seeds (种子) and the seeds can be eaten, too. The sunflowers represent (代表) cheerfulness, love and happiness. America was the country of origin (起源) for the sunflower, and then it was brought to Russia and other parts of the world. 
13.阅读短文, 选择最佳选项.
  Word Banker English﹣Chinese is a kind of software (软件) which allows users to practice their Chinese vocabulary in several different ways. Although the program isn't the most convenient one you've ever used, it can help improve your Chinese vocabulary.
  The program's interface (界面) isn′t very attractive so many people don't like it when they first see it. Also, it can sometimes be hard to operate (操作). Each function (功能) holds a window, but if you close the window, it will take you back to the main menu or close the program. But if you continue using the program, you will find there are several useful exercises in it. Users can read a word or phrase (词组) in English and then click (点击) on the matching word in Chinese, hear the Chinese word spoken and choose the matching English word, or see the English word written and then type (打字) the Chinese word. The program allows users to practice not only their vocabulary, but also their reading, listening and spelling skills. Once users know a word, they can save it so that it stops appearing in the exercises. The program also allows users to practice vocabulary by seeing the English and Chinese words and hearing the Chinese spoken. The "Help" provides good instructions for users to use.
  Nothing is perfect. Word Banker English﹣Chinese has many advantages and certain disadvantages as well. We can use it according to our needs.
14.根据短文内容, 从方框中选出适当的句子补全短文, 使短文意思通顺, 内容完整.
  Do you often drink fruit juice and think it is good for your health? However, a recent study published in a US medical journal (期刊) shows that drinking too much juice-even 100-percent natural fruit juice﹣will increase your risk of early death(1)      
  According to scientists, drinking too much fruit juice is just like drinking too much soda (汽水) — they both have a lot of sugar. Taking in too much sugar can cause many health problems, such as weight problems, heart disease (病) and so on. Some people might say there are also vitamins (维生素) in fruit juice. (2)      
  In the study. "sugary drinks" were defined (定义) to include both sugar﹣sweetened (添加糖的) drinks like soda and 100-percent natural fruit juice. Scientists found that if people get 10-percent or more of their energy from sugary drinks every day, they will be 44﹣percent more likely to die from heart disease (3)      
  As Jean Welsh, one of the researchers in the study, told CNN, "Sugary drinks, whether soft drinks or fruit juice, should be limited (限制). "(4)      In this way, fewer people will buy sugary drinks because of their higher prices.
  But how much is acceptable? Here are the suggestions from scientists. (5)      Adults and children older than 6 should not drink more than 230 ml every day.
A. Also, they are 14-percent more likely to die from other diseases.
B. That is why some cities in the US have increased prices of sugary drinks.
C. This is mainly because these drinks have a lot of sugar.
D. Kids between 1 and 6 years old should drink less than 170 ml of fruit juice every day.
E. But the amount is too small to make up for the harm that these drinks do. 
15.阅读短文, 回答问题.
  A local musician in Smithfield, North Carolina, is raising money to help people in need during the coronavirus pandemic.
  Nathan took his talents to Facebook Live, playing his guitar and asking for donations (捐赠) to help out someone in need.
  In one day, Nathan raised US$235, which he used to tip (给……小费)a local waitress. By chance, that person ended up being Jessica, a single mother of three who was seriously ill.
  "I cried. " Jessica told ABC 11. "I waited tables for quite a long time and nothing like that had ever happened, so I was very thankful. "
  But Nathan didn't stay around to see those tears (眼泪). "I wrote a note on the back of the check and left it in the book and walked out. I just wanted her to enjoy that moment. "
  "It wasn't about me. All the other people that donated are the real heroes. " he said. "I'm happy to know that maybe that was a little weight taken off her shoulders. "
  "It helps me a lot, " Jessica said. "Worrying about everyone being taken care of and my kids, it's just a relief. "
  Nathan said he hoped to continue doing acts of kindness like this one each week for as long as possible to help the community get through this together.
  "I was the rock that was thrown is the pool,"he said. "I want to create a ripple effect (涟漪效应). I would love to see other people doing this.
(1)What does Nathan do?
(2)What was Jessica's problem?
(3)What did Nathan do in the restaurant?
(4)What did Jessica think of the help Nathan gave her?
(5)What does the underlined sentence mean?
16.从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺. 每空只填一词.
afford interesting back visit whether find into drive teach kind 

  Disneyland is known as the first and most famous theme park. But what if you want to try some other themes? Here are some other(1)            of theme parks around the world.
  Universal Studios (环球影城) — the movie theme park
  If you are (2)            in movies, Universal Studios should be on your travel list. At Universal Studios, (3)            are in the world of Hollywood movies. The history of movies, the live shows and film tricks (特技) can all be (4)            there. Universal Studios has parks in the U. S, Japan and Singapore.
  Legoland﹣a world made of Lego bricks (乐高积木)
  Most of us may have created a world with Lego bricks in our childhood, But have you ever stepped (5)            a world made of Lego bricks? Legoland is such a place to send you (6)             to your childhood time. In Legoland, most buildings are made of Lego bricks﹣you may wonder(7)            you are still in the real world. There are seven Legoland parks around the world.
  Ferrari (法拉利)World-car lovers' paradise (天堂)
  Maybe you are not able to (8)            a Ferrari but you are able to buy the ticket to Ferrari World. There, you can experience the feeling of (9)            a Ferrari car and see how Ferrari's racing cars are produced. There is even a training class(10)            you how to drive racing cars.
17.根据对话内容, 从方框中A﹣G七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项(有两项多余).
A: Hello, Li Lei!
B: Hi, John. Can you come and play football with us on Sunday morning?
A: Sorry, I can't(1)      
B: A piano lesson? Well, how about afternoon?
A: (2)      You know, my uncle has a farm in the village. He asked me to help him.
B: Go to the farm? That sounds great. (3)      
A: Certainly. That's very good. My uncle must be very happy to see you.
B: (4)      
A: Nothing, but you have to put on your old clothes.
B: OK. (5)      
A: Let's meet at my house at 2:30 p. m.
B: OK. See you.
A. What should I take with me?
B. Can I go with you?
C. I'm not free in the morning.
D. I'll have a piano lesson.
E. Should I buy a gift for your uncle?
F. I have to help my uncle in the afternoon.
G. When and where shall we meet? 
18.多么遗憾啊, 他丢了自行车!
             a pity            he lost his bicycle.
             Mary             interested in playing football.
             a balanced diet can            healthy.
21.他学习越努力, 他父母就感到越开心.
            he studies,            his parents will feel.
Anna      by train       by plane.
23.实现有效的沟通, 建立良好的人际关系, 不仅要善于表达, 更要善于倾听.请你分别从父母、老师和学生三方的角度, 写一篇题为"Be a Good Listener"的英文演讲稿.
提示:(1)倾听是一种礼貌行为, 要耐心倾听.(2)倾听有利于增进相互理解, 拉近距离, 并建立良好关系.
要求:(1)语言表达准确, 短文连贯通顺;(2)词数80左右(文章开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数).
Be a Good Listener
Good afternoon, everyone!_______
Thank you for your listening!
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