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1.Write by ______ hand or type on a single sheet of paper. You may use both the front and back of ______ paper
  • A. /; a
  • B. /; the
  • C. a; the
  • D. the; a
2.Part of ______ was magic about UFO was ______ you knew little about it.
  • A. who; what
  • B. who; whether
  • C. what; that
  • D. how; that
3.It didn't take long before they walked ______ the front door carrying a big box.
  • A. up
  • B. across
  • C. down
  • D. through
4.On Wednesday, he ______ to work for the farmer. Jack worked very hard, and at the end, he got a beautiful black cat.
  • A. has been sent off
  • B. has sent off
  • C. was sent off
  • D. sent up
5.His visit, however, ended up ______ his girlfriend mad.
  • A. to drive
  • B. drove
  • C. driven
  • D. driving
6.His love ______ teaching made Miss Li return ______ school.
  • A. for; for
  • B. for; to
  • C. of; to
  • D. from; for
7.Nowadays many young mothers would rather ______ their well-paid jobs to look after the babies on their own.
  • A. to give up
  • B. give up
  • C. giving up
  • D. gave up
8.The smart express way is a ______ road which has six lanes, ______ a design speed of 80 to 100 km per hour.
  • A. two-direction; at
  • B. two-direction; with
  • C. two-directions; in
  • D. two-directions; at
9.After the students learnt the text Hot Tips for August 2040, the teacher kept them ______ what their life would be like in the future.
  • A. to imagine
  • B. imagining
  • C. imagine
  • D. imagined
10.A:Why not take an umbrella with you? It might rain in a while.
B: ______
  • A. Oh, my god!
  • B. You are welcome!
  • C. All right! Thanks!
  • D. See you later.
11.  Wang Lei's skills have won him millions of fans online — but (1)       among them so loved by the 12-year-old as his idol, Yao Ming.
  "I feel very happy, excited, joyful. My dream has been (2)      !" said Wang after meeting the former Houston Rockets star, now the president of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA).
  Pictures of Yao on Wang's bedroom wall inspire him (3)       a professional basketball player one day.
  Yao had learned of Wang's talents from the news . "It's (4)      . I had a teammate also named Wang Lei when I was in the national team, and we played in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games together," Yao said.
  Because of his talents, Wang (5)       received a basketball with Yao's signature.
  "To have a goal is of great (6)      . I hope you can know your goal when you study or play basketball," Yao told Wang. "You need to make (7)       clear what you want to be."
  Wang said: "I will study hard and enter an excellent high school, then a good (8)      , and become a professional basketball player after graduation."
  As a grade-A student in Yuanhe Middle School, Wang plays basketball for over two hours on weekdays and over 10 hours on weekends. He has worn out over a dozen of basketballs and more than 20 pairs of shoes.
  Although he has enjoyed all the recent (9)      , Wang is not satisfied. "My skills are still very poor," he said. "I have to practice harder, (10)      Yao has given me more strength."
12.  "It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen says the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh," the palace said.
  His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle.
  To meet COVID-19 rules, Prince Philip will not have a state funeral (葬礼) nor lie in state for the public to pay their respects before the funeral, the College of Arms said, "His Royal Highness's body will lie at rest in Windsor Castle ahead of the funeral in St. George's Chapel. This is in line with custom and with His Royal Highness's wishes," the College of Arms said on Friday.
  The Duke of Edinburgh left hospital last month after a month-long treatment.
  Prince Philip had been by his wife's side throughout her 69-year reign, the longest in British history.
  "He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years," Elizabeth said in a speech in their 50th wedding anniversary in 1997.
  The couple had four children: Charles, Prince of Wales (born in 1948), Princess Anne (1950), Prince Andrew (1960) and Prince Edward (1964), three of whose marriages ended in divorce. (离婚)
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14.  In 1987, a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen. After more than 30 years of development, the company has now beaten Apple and become the world's second largest maker of smartphones behind Korea's Samsung. It has also become the world's largest supplier (供应商) of 5 G.
  But one year ago, Huawei faced some difficulties. The US government ordered a ban (禁令) on its sales in America. American officials said Huawei gave information that it collected to the Chinese government. At the same time, the US government planned to stop selling parts and services to Huawei, which was believed that Huawei's business would be hurt.
  "We have never received such a request from the Chinese government and we have never tried to get into other systems to collect information." Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's founder and president said. "This ban from the US would have little effect on our company. Huawei has enough ability to deal with the problems." Ren added.
  In an interview several years ago, Ren Zhengfei said, "I started Huawei with only £4, 000 at the beginning,but now it has become a $100 billion company."
  Facing the ban of the US, Huawei is growing. Huawei's smartphone sales around the world rose 50 percent compared to a year earlier in the first three months of 2019. At the same time, sales from both Samsung and Apple fell. So far, Huawei has grown into the world's largest telecommunications equipment (电信设备) supplier, selling in 170 countries! It may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near future.
15.  The Internet is full of false information. It is important for us all to avoid being fooled by such information. Here are three examples of Internet hoaxes (恶作剧).
  On his website, a man by the name of Tony has asked for money to save the life of a pretty little rabbit named Toby that he saved from under his house. A cat must have attacked the rabbit, the man said, so he took it in. He gave Toby loving care and nursed him back to health. There is a very cruel point, however. If the man doesn't receive enough money, he will eat poor little Toby. (Don't worry, thought. Remember, it's just a hoax!)
  While the streets of New Orleans, the USA, were still flooded after a terrible hurricane (飓风), a frightening e-mail was sent around the Internet. It included a photograph of a large crocodile (鳄鱼) over five meters long. According to the message, it had been swimming around the flooded city eating people. It was later discovered that the photographs of the crocodile were of one that was caught in the Congo (刚果) years before.
  The following e-mail hoax takes in many people. It says that a large British company will pay you to send their e-mail to as many people as possible. For every person that you send the e-mail to, it promises you will receive 5. 00; for every person that you send it to that sends it to someone else, you'll get 3. 00; and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid 1. 00. To make it even more believable, the sender says that at first he thought it was a hoax, but the company soon sent him $800. 00.
16.  (1)       What exactly is it, where did it come from and what are the health benefits of doing yoga?
  Most people know yoga as a kind of exercise which aims. To practise yoga, you learn a series of 'postures', where you put your body into different positions. (2)       However, yoga is really about more than just exercise. In 2014, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, asked the United Nations to create an International Day of Yoga, saying that yoga 'is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature'. (3)       The United Nations agreed, and International Yoga Day is now celebrated on 21 June.
  The history of yoga goes back at least 5, 000 years, and some people claim it is nearer 10, 000 years ago. (4)      . In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, yoga was introduced to the Western world when Swami Vivekananda travelled to the United States to talk about yoga at a conference in Chicago in 1893. Others followed in the 1920s and 1930s, and by the 1960s yoga had become a very popular form of exercise in the United States and in Europe.
  Yoga is good for the mind and body. (5)       Although you won't really get out of breath, like you might playing football or running, it does help to keep your heart healthy and you can lose weight. It can also help with back pain.
A. Regular practice of yoga helps people to improve their balance and stamina.
B. The correct breathing is also important.
C. It was first developed in Northern India
D. Yoga is becoming more and more popular around the world.
E. He felt that yoga could also help connect people to nature. 
17.从方框中选择单词, 并用其正确形式填空, 然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上.每词限用一次.
do who against together introduce event be protection necessary light 

  Every year, in late March, people and institutions come together to turn off all (1)             lights for sixty minutes at 8. 30 p. m. local time. They do this to show their support for the fight (2)             the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity (生物多样性). Millions of people all around the world join in, as (3)             governments, businesses and institutions. By switching off their lights and measuring the reduction in the amount of energy that (4)             being used, people are showing that it is possible to make a difference.
  But Earth Hour is more than one hour without (5)            , once a year. It's part of a movement of people (6)             are working together all year round (7)             the environment. The World Wide Fund for Nature in Australia (8)             the idea in 2007. They wanted to find a way to raise awareness about climate change. And they wanted to show that when millions of individuals work (9)            , they can make a difference.
  The first Earth Hour was held on 31 March 2007 at 7. 30 p. m. in Sydney. The lights also went out on the famous Sydney Opera House. The people of the city of San Francisco were so inspired that they held their own 'Lights Out' (10)             in October of the same year. This was the beginning of the Earth Hour movement.
  A new wave of COVID-19 infections (新冠感染), together without enough hospital beds and vaccines (疫苗), is threatening countries across Asia.
  India locked down (封锁) its two largest cities, New Delhi and Mumbai, as the country passed 200, 000 daily infections for the first time.
  Avinash Gawande is an official at the Government Medical College and Hospital in Nagpur. "The situation is horrible," he said. "We are a 900-bed hospital, but there are about 60 patients waiting and we don't have space for them."
  In the past eight days, India has set seven new records for daily cases of infection (感染病例). There are 14. 1 million total cases in India, an amount second only to the United States.
  Rising infections are also threatening the medical care system in the Philippines and Thailand.
  In the Philippine capital of Manila, COVID-19 infections reached 266, 489, about 30 percent of the cases in the country.
  Families of COVID-19 patients noted the difficulty of finding hospital beds. And some travelled longer distances outside the city for healthcare needs.
  Thailand reported 1, 543 new coronavirus cases on Thursday. It is the biggest rise since the start of the pandemic (流行病) and the fourth record increase this week.
  Cambodia ordered a lockdown of the capital, Phnom Penh, and the surrounding area. In only two months, cases have increased by almost 10 times in the Southeast Asian country.
  Bangladesh also began a lockdown for one week starting Wednesday. The infection rate there has reached around 7, 000 cases a day in the last two weeks. There were only 300 a day in February.

1. What makes the COVID-19 infections worse across the Asian countries? (No more than 6 words)
2. Why did India close down New Delhi and Mumbai? (No more than 6 words)
3. Which country has the biggest number of infection cases? (No more than 3 words)
4. How many cases are there in the Philippine? (No more than 3 words)
5. Is Bangladesh the capital of Cambodia? (No more than 3 words)
19.假如你是阳光中学学生王芳, 学校将组织一次环境保护志愿活动, 你打算邀请交换生 Linda 参加. 请围绕下列问题用英语给她写一封电子邮件.
●When and where will Linda go?
●What will Linda do for the environment?
●What should Linda do to prepare for it?
1. 要点齐全, 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 语言通顺, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范;
3. 词数 80 左右, 邮件的开头与结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Linda,
I'm writing to invite you to take part in the school's voluntary activity to protect the environment.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Wang Fang
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