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1.—Alex, are you getting on well with your new classmates?
—Yes. In fact, they are always giving me so much ______.
  • A. spirit
  • B. care
  • C. effort
  • D. trouble
2.John is such a(n) ______ boy that he tells his ideas and opinions to his parents all the time.
  • A. serious
  • B. lonely
  • C. open
  • D. strict
3.It's reported that 2022 Winter Olympic Games will______ in both Beijing and Shijiazhuang.
  • A. put up
  • B. take place
  • C. build up
  • D. take over
4.—David, can you tell me something about the new film HI, MOM《你好, 李焕英》?
—Oh, sorry. I know little about it because I ______ it yet.
  • A. won't watch
  • B. didn't watch
  • C. don't watch
  • D. haven't watched
5.—Who is taking with our math teacher Mr. Zhang?
—It ______ be our math monitor Li Lei. But I am not sure.
  • A. must
  • B. can
  • C. need
  • D. may
6.—I wonder ______ I can arrive in Tianjin in two hours.
—Of course, you can. The high-speed train is very fast.
  • A. that
  • B. when
  • C. whether
  • D. where
7.—I tried several jackets, but ______ of them looked good on me.
—No worries. We've got some new ones in the next room.
  • A. all
  • B. each
  • C. none
  • D. neither
8.You should ______ the customers some tea or water before they enjoy their favorite here.
  • A. serve
  • B. invite
  • C. provide
  • D. protect
9.—Jimmy, we looked for you everywhere the whole morning.
—Oh, I ______ to a square dance.
  • A. was invited
  • B. have invited
  • C. will invite
  • D. am invited
10.—Could you show me the way to No. 1 People's Hospital?
  • A. It doesn't matter
  • B. Take it easy
  • C. Of course
  • D. You are welcome
11.  It was a beautiful, sunny summer morning. Meghan (1)      and looked out of the window. "What great weather for the beach!" she said. She called all her friends and told them her plan. Then she got all the things they would (2)      . In her bag, she got beach towels, beach toys and other things. "Oh, Meghan, you've got new (3)      !" said Julie. "Can I try them on?" "Of course," said Meghan and (4)       the glasses to Julie. She decided to play beach tennis (5)      the others went for a swim in the sea. After a while, Meghan (6)       that the waves were getting bigger and stronger. "Hey!You'd better come out of the (7)      !" She shouted to her friends. But nobody heard her. Just at that moment, a big wave swept Julie up and carried her onto the beach. "Are you all right?" Meghan asked (8)      . "I'm fine, but your sunglasses are (9)      ! I am so sorry," answered Julie. "Oh, well, I will just have to get a new pair," said Meghan kindly. "The only thing that really (10)       is that you are OK. Let's find out what's happening to others."
12.  When I was in middle school, our soccer club went on a trip to San Diego. After we arrived at the hotel, we (1)       to have lunch at a local restaurant in Old Town.
  The hotel offered one micro-bus to guests. However, because of the (2)       of group, two trips were needed. I was in the first group. When we were dropped off near the restaurant, a teacher said, "We must stay here for about ten minutes, please don't (3)      ". The nearby store had interesting handicrafts (手工艺) for sale, so I went to have a look while we were (4)       the second group
  I spent very little time at the store, however, when I returned I (5)       that everyone was gone. Later, I was told that the micro-bus could drop guests off at the restaurant. So the second group got there (6)      while the first group walked over, without me.
   Thankfully, I remembered the name of the restaurant, I quickly found my way there. As I was walking up to the door, one of the teachers was walking out with her phone. She looked so (7)       seeing me, she said, "Where did you go?"I was just going to (8)       you. I told her that I didn't have a phone with me.
  "Then what's this number?"
  I checked her phone and sure enough. It was my (9)       number I might give my parents a heart attack(make someone feel (10)      ) from 2000 miles away, thank goodness.
13.A: Kitty, you don't look happy. (1)      
B: Oh, I had some terrible experiences this morning.
A: That sounds kind of bad. (2)      
B: In the morning, I had to run all the way to school because I missed the bus.
A: (3)      What was next?
B: By the time I got into the classroom and sat down, I suddenly realized I had left my English book at home. (4)      
A: That's good. Then did you feel better later?
B: Not really. We had a math test, but I failed because I didn't prepare for it.
A: Well, you are supposed to plan well next time. Oh, I nearly forgot. (5)      
B: Amazing!That's the only good news for me today.

A. How did everything begin?
B. But luckily, my desk mate Susan happened to have one more book for me.
C. What happened to you?
D. I was punished by my English teacher because of that.
E. Someone said that you had done well in the test.
F. I was told that you'd won first prize in the singing competition.
G. I used to have such a similar experience. 
14.  The weather is used to describe the atmosphere from the aspects (方面) such as heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness, wind or fog. There is a weekly weather report for three cities. You can know the weather report of them from it.
Beijing Maximum temperature: 37℃ at around 2 pm on Saturday, 24th AugustMinimum temperature: 22'℃ at around 5 am on Tuesday, 20th August
Wettest day: Tuesday, 20th AugustAround 3. 00 mm of rainfall (降雨量). Make sure to take an umbrella if you are out.
Windiest day: At around 8 pm on Monday, 19th AugustUp to 13 mph 
London Maximum temperature: 30℃ at around 3 pm on Sunday, 25th August
Minimum temperature: 15℃ at around 6 am on Wednesday, 21st August
Wettest day: Sunday, 25th AugustAround 0. 30 mm of rainfall. Make sure to take an umbrella if you are out.
Windiest day: At around 8 pm on Monday, 19th AugustUp to 12 mph 
Seabrook Maximum temperature: 33'C at around 1 pm on Thursday, 22nd August
Minimum temperature: 26℃ at around 7 am on Wednesday, 21st August
Wettest day: Wednesday, 21st AugustAround 12. 20 mm of rainfall.
Make sure to take an umbrella if you are out. Windiest day:At around 9 pm on Wednesday 21st August. Up to 11 mph 
15.  Mobile phones are now very popular among middle school students. However, different people have different opinions about whether or not middle school students should have mobile phones.
  "The great thing about my kids having mobile phones is that I can keep in touch with them. The worst thing about teenagers having phones is that some young people use them to send offensive (无礼的) messages to each other," said William, a parent of two teenagers.
  "A teenager feels lost without a phone. If my daughters behave badly, I confiscate their phones and their behavior quickly improves," said Kiera, the mother of 15-year-old twins.
  "My mom is afraid that I am going to lose my phone or that someone is going to steal it. She won't buy me the really cool phone that I want. I've got this rubbish one that doesn't do much. I suppose that makes sense but it's not fair that everyone else has a smart phone while I don't,"said Sam, a 14-year-old boy.
  Mobile phones are allowed at school in the UK but pupils are not allowed to use them in class and they must be silent during lessons. Teachers can take away phones if these rules are broken. School students can use their phones at break time and at lunchtime. Some teachers in British schools complain that pupils don't always follow the rules and that lessons are interrupted (打断) by students using mobile phones in class.
16.  As the epidemic (疫情) keeps improving, life in China is slowly returning to normal (正常的), and people have once again started travelling.
  From Shanghai to Anhui Province, main places of interest in China welcomed thousands of visitors last weekend. At the end of March, a travel survey found that 16%of 15, 000 people across 100 cities in China would be ready to travel in May. However, most of the people, about 90%, would only choose to travel across the country.
  According to the survey, about 61%of the people said that they were going to travel again by August. Another small survey of 1, 000 people got some similar results to the first survey. In this survey, about 77%of those people said that they'd choose to stay in China for their trip after epidemic.
  Since the epidemic is getting worse and worse in the US, the UK and some other countries, International air travel has nearly stopped. It's hardly surprising that many Chinese travelers would choose to travel at home because China has successfully got the epidemic under control.
  Also, the two surveys showed that most travelers were pretty serious about safety and comfort on their trips. "Travelers always want to feel safe and hope there is no virus (病毒) at each touching point along the journey," a survey leader said.
17.  For a blind person, seeing again is his or her biggest dream. There have been some possible solutions to blindness, although most of them aren't so perfect.
  However, with the birth of a 3 D man-made eyeball, the blind seem to have more hope. Around the world, there has never been a type of man-made eyeball like this before. According to the researchers, this kind of special eyeball may help thousands of people who are partially fully blind to see again in five years. It's reported that in some ways, the 3 D man-made eye-all is even better than the human eye. The researchers from Hong Kong University of Science d Technology have developed this 3 D man-made eyeball whose structure(结构) and performance (表现) are quite the same as the human eye.
  "It is highly similar to what a human eye is like. We have used some micro sensors (微型传感器) to feel the light. The 'eye' can feel a lot of light or some even in a dark place," the researchers of HKUST wrote in their article from the science magazine Nature.
  Fan Zhiyong, one of the researchers of the project, said to The Sun, "If everything goes well, the technology will become true in five years." According to Fan, the technology may also offer help to people in some other ways.
18.  Each astronaut has a special job to do as part of the team. Some astronauts learn how to put things together so they become good at fixing things. This is important because if something on a spaceship breaks, the astronauts must be able to fix it themselves. Some astronauts are pilots who know how to fly airplanes. These astronauts have to study how to fly a spaceship. Other astronauts learn mostly about science. Their job is to learn how living things change when they are in space.
  Although each astronaut has a special job, each of them has to learn how to work where there is no gravity (地球引力). When they are in a spaceship that is moving around the Earth, they can feel as if they didn't weigh anything. They are able to float (漂浮).
  This sounds like fun, but it's not that fun. People are used to being on the Earth, but some people stay out in space for months. A lot of strange things happen to the body when it floats for that long.
  Astronauts sometimes feel sick in space. It takes them a few days to get used to not weighing anything and being able to float.
  Being in space also makes the astronauts' legs weak. They call this "bird legs". To help keep their legs strong, astronauts have to do exercise when they are in space.
19.  Joy, Samantha and Maggie were walking around the own. The weather was nice and everyone seemed happy. The girls had great fun walking and singing together. Just when everything seemed perfect, the girls heard a scream.
  "That man just took my bag!" an old lady shouted hopelessly. Joy ran after the man without thinking, She used to be a professional runner, so she was fast. She caught up with the man easily.
  "Hey, give that bag back!"Joy shouted. The man tried to run away, but Joy snatched (抓取) the bag away from him before he could. A police officer witnessed the whole thing. "I can take him from here," he told Joy. Joy thanked him. "Next time, don't run after a criminal (罪犯). You may get hurt," said the police officer.
  "Joy gave the bag to the old lady. The old lady was so happy and thankful. She called Joy a hero. She took out her wallet and gave Joy $ 100, but Joy refused." How can I accept your money? I just do something that I should do," Joy said when Samantha and Maggie came later. Joy's face turned red. She didn't feel like being a hero.

1. What were the girls doing when the old lady shouted for help? (不超过10个词)
2. What did the police office advise Joy not to do? (不超过10个词)
3. How do you like Joy in the passage? (不超过5个词)
20.If you don't tidy up your bedroom, your mom will get m             (生气的).
21.My aging mom is losing her m             (记忆) nowadays.
22.This serious illness usually s             (传播) from man to man through breathing.
23.He pushed her away and she fell back on the w             (木制的) chair.
24.In this photo competition, we have many s             (主题) to choose.

Dear Peter,
I'm glad to hear from you._______
Li Hua
中考模拟试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 铜陵市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 九年级试卷 英语试卷
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