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【2020-2021学年北京市大兴区七年级(下)期末英语试卷 】-第6页

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am, some, on, can, play, to, have, ride 

1. —Can Tony swim in the pool, Grace?
—Yes, he             .
2. —How does Alice get to school?
—She              her bike.
3. —What are they doing?
—They're listening              a CD.
4. —Where were you last weekend?
—I             on a farm.
5. —Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
—Yes, there is. It's              Center Street.
6. —What does she look like?
—She              curly hair.
7. —May I take your order?
—Yes, I'd like              noodles, please.
8. —What did Carol do last Sunday?
—She             badminton.
2.A Soup Kitchen
  My friend Jack is doing math puzzles at the table with me. His grandma, Emma, is (1)       in the kitchen. The good smell comes to our noses. We can't wait (等待) to taste.
  Emma says, "We are very (2)      . We have quite a lot of food to eat and share (分享)."
  "We have a good luck, (3)       some people don't have that." Jack says. "Maybe we can do something to help." I say. "It's a big problem."
  After some discussion (讨论), we want to volunteer at a soup kitchen. Jack and I (4)       about it because we didn't do anything like this before.
  The day comes and we have different (5)      . Emma makes soup. Jack is in charge (负责) of the fruit salad, and I am on mashed-potato duty.
  A man puts his plate in front of me. "Those potatoes look delicious," he says. "They do smell good," I put some mashed-potatoes on (6)       plate and ask him, "What do you get when an elephant steps (踩) on a potato?"
  "Um, I am not sure." "Mashed potatoes."
  "That's funny!" he grins (笑)," "I'm David. Thank you (7)       brightening (照亮) up my day."
  On our way home, Jack, Emma and I share stories about the interesting things we learned and the great people we (8)      . We don't need a lot of money to make a difference. We can donate (贡献) our time, and we would like to go back and help again sometime.
3.Go on Vacations
I'm Jeff. I'm having the most exciting vacation ever! It's summer here in Antarctica (南极洲). Our ship is like a hotel. It has a restaurant and a swimming pool. There are cabins (船舱) for almost fifty people Antarctica is beautiful. I can see icebergs (冰山) in the water around our ship. 
My name is Lisa. I'm having a good time on our vacation in Egypt. I'm walking along the River Nile with my friends. We visit the valley (河谷) of the kings near Luxo and see the tombs (墓) on its bank. We find many old drawings on the wall. 
I am Clair. I'm having an amazing vacation in Turkey. I'm spending the last three days water rafting (筏 子) on the Zamanti River. I'm going down the river in a boat. The river is full of really big rocks. I can see big waterfalls (瀑布). they make me scream (尖叫)! 
My name is Julie. I'm having a vacation in Italy. I'm staying in Venice with my parents. It really is a beautiful city. The buildings (建筑) look very old and they are made of stone. There are no roads, but we can see canoes (独木舟) on the water. 
4.Big Jim
  Mike worked as a bus driver. He felt good when he helped people. And he liked driving very much. He was one of the best bus driver in the city.
  One day he started his bus and drove along his usual way. A few people got on the bus. Mike took their money and gave them their tickets (车票). When Mike got to the bus stop on Elm Road, a huge man was waiting (等) for the bus. The man was tall and his strong arms were full of muscles (肌肉). He got up onto the bus. He looked at Mike and said, "I'm Big Jim. Big Jim doesn't pay." Then he sat at the back of the bus. Mike was surprised about this. But he wasn't sure what to do.
  The next day, Big Jim was again waiting at the Elm Road stop. Again, he got on the bus and said, "Big Jim doesn't pay." It happened (发生) this way for a few days. Mike thought Jim could be dangerous. What would happen if Mike tried to make him pay? Then Mike had an idea. He started going to the gym. He lifted weights. He took a class in boxing (拳击). He started running for exercise. After a few weeks, Mike became very strong.
  One day, Mike drove along his usual way and he got to the bus stop on Elm Road, there was Big Jim, waiting for the bus as usual. The big man got on the bus and, as always, said, "Big Jim doesn't pay."
  Then Mike knew what to do. He stood up and looked Big Jim in the eye. He said, "Why doesn't Big Jim pay?"
  Big Jim had a surprised look on his face. Then he reached in his pocket (衣兜), pulled out a small card, and said, "Because Big Jim has got a six-month bus pass."
5.Daisy and Sheila's Trip
  The two friends, Daisy and Sheila, were on a trip in northern Australia. They loved Darwin and became very interested in Aboriginal art. They spent days in museums looking at the pictures of the spirits (精英) creating the land in the Dreamtime. They then went to see older rock art in caves in the hills. They also saw brightly colored birds and groups of kangaroos that were not scared of them, but allowed them to come quite close.
  They decided (决定) to go camping in Kakadu National Park. It was October, near the end of the dry season, so there was some cloud but also a lot of hot sunshine. They walked, watched the animals, climbed up to the tops of fantastic waterfalls and looked down on the pools below. Sometimes they met other bush walkers and enjoyed talking to them about the things to see in the area. As the sun went down, they put up their tents on the bank of the river, went swimming and then cooked their dinner.
  It was on the third night that, after a meal of hamburger and potatoes, Sheila went down to the pool to wash the dishes. Suddenly a huge crocodile jumped out of the water towards Sheila. She shouted as loudly as she could and Daisy came, running. Daisy jumped on the crocodile's back and started hitting (击打) it. The crocodile turned, threw Daisy off its back and went back into the water. The girls quickly climbed up a tree by their tent and called for help on their mobile phone. About fifteen minutes later, they were very happy to see a helicopter (直升机) above in the sky. After the helicopter landed on the ground, men jumped out and came running to see if the girls were safe. They turned some big lights on the pool. They knew the crocodile would not like that and go away.
  Daisy and Sheila were saved and they were happy to go and stay in a hotel for the night.
6.  We all know that animals are better at some things and we can usually explain (解释) why animals can do them better than us. One of the skills which many animals have is homing instinct (本能). These animals such as pigeons, bees, salmons, frogs and cats can find their way home, sometimes making trips of hundreds of kilometers back home. In our daily life, we can make use of an animal's homing instinct. Pigeons, for examples have been used to carry messages or letters in times of war. Nowadays some people join in the Pigeon Association (协会) with the pigeons they have trained because they look on pigeon racing as a hobby.
  There are many interesting stories of the homing instinct at work. In the USA a cat travelled (旅行) 1, 360 kilometers back to its old home after the owners moved, taking nearly a year over the trip. When we lose our kitten, we usually find her again near the house where she was born. We have a pond (水塘) in the garden where the frogs come back every year. I even heard a dog which was injured (受伤) by a car managed (设法) to take itself to the vet (兽医)! There are other wonderful stories about the homing instinct. But how do these animals find their way home?They don't have satellite navigation (导航) with them, they can't read maps and , as far as we know, they can't ask each other for directions. It seems (似乎) that some animals, such as salmons, use their sense of smell to take them back to the place where they were born. Other animals such as birds and bees may use the sun, the stars and the moon to help them find their way. There is a theory (理论) that some animals have magnetic cells (磁细胞) in their brains (大脑) which help them to find their way. As far as cats are concerned, nobody really knows how their homing instinct works and I am sure cats are never going to give away their secrets (秘密).
7.Lost in the Mountains
  It is a sunny day in Scottish mountains and the boys from the Dragon School in Oxford set off to go climbing. They have done a lot of climbing before and their teacher tells them to bring their mobile phones, maps and compasses (指南针). They follow the path from the hotel towards the mountains. Tom and Bill fall behind. They are talking about a new computer game.
  "Keep up, you two," calls the teacher. "We must all stay together." Tom and Bill run to catch up. But, as the boys climb the mountain, Tom and Bill fall behind again. They are still talking about the game. They don't notice (注意到) that the clouds have got thicker , and that it is beginning to get foggy — It isn't until Bill says, "Isn't it time for a rest?" that they realize (意识到) that they are far behind others. All they have to do, if they have really lost the other boys, is to turn around and follow the path down. When the fog suddenly gets thick, the boys can only see the path. They turn round and begin to hurry (匆忙) down the mountain.
  But the fog gets thicker. They can't see the path clearly. Bill turn to Tom. "OK, we'd better use the compass," he says. "You are supposed (应该) to have the compass," says Tom. Neither of them has a compass or map. They haven't checked before they come out. Bill has his mobile, but the buttery (电池) has run out. Tom has left his mobile in the hotel.
  The two boys begin to shout out to each other, blaming (责备) each other for forgetting the map and compass. Then they hear another shout. It is the teacher coming to find them. The other boys, with compasses and a map, have caught up with Tom and Bill. The teacher is angry when he hear Bill and Tom have not had a map or compass. "At least you remember to shout for help," he says. The boys tell him that they have shouted to each other!

1. Do the boys from Dragon School go climbing?
2. What are Tom and Bill talking about?
3. How is the weather in the mountain?
4. What do Tom and Bill forget to bring?
5. How do the other boys find them at last?
8.根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
提示词语:robot,work,guide,speak,show,around,photo,gift ,learn
提示问题: ● What did you see in the Science Museum?
• What did you do there?
• How did you feel?
At the Science Museum

Last Friday ,we went to the Science Museum by bus.________
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